Clay County, Tennessee

Map Resources

A detailed map of Clay County, showing the locations of cemeteries and other significant landmarks in Jackson County is available, a low-resolution JPEG version of which is available here (396 KB).

Printed full color copies, approcimately 17"x24" in size, are available for $20 plus $4.00 s/h from:

Charles Reeves, Jr.
10812 Dineen Drive
Knoxville, TN 37922-1809

The map comes with an index of cemeteries as given on the map, available here.

Charles also has some reproductions available of old maps of Tennessee, Kentucky, and the Southeast U.S., (showing the county borders), which are displayed on his web site.

Copies of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Maps of the area impounded by Dale Hollow Lake when the dam was constructed, including full name indexes of property owners, are available here.

You can also search for landmarks anywhere in the U.S. using the USGS GNIS server. For searches in Tennessee, enter the name of the Feature you are looking for and select Tennessee from the pop-down list. You can narrow the search by entering Jackson in the county name field, but this search won't turn up any listings outside the county. If you're not sure of the county, leave this field blank. You can also try alternative spellings, or searches on just part of the name. A good example: If you are looking for something called "canebreak," just enter "cane" (w/o the quotes). You will get a fairly long list, but at the bottom you will see listings for "canebrake." In this case, the initial spelling was incorrect and would not have returned any (or incorrect) listings.

In the listing that comes up, you can click on the underlined names to pull up more detailed infromation, including a map of the location of the landmark..

Information on routes our ancestors followed when emigrating into the state is available here.

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The contents of these pages are property of the TNGenNet Inc. and/or private contributors. Any reproductions and/or use of this material for profit is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the contributors and/or the State Coordinator of the TNGenWeb (TNGenNet Inc.).
Jane Hembree Crowley
Charles Reeves, Jr.,

Clay County Coordinators