Pension Records

Page 31

(unreadable) or bleeding. He is poorly nourished and (unreadable).

He is, in our opinion, entitled to a 8/18 rating for the disability caused by chronic diarrhea 2/18 for that caused by piles

E. B. Hale, Pres.
J.B.A. Dice, Sec’y
J.A. Loving, Treas.

Page 32


STATE OF Tennessee, COUNTY OF Washington, SS:

ON THIS 20 day of July A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine personally appeared before me, a County Court Clk within and for the County and State aforesaid, John S. Nelson aged about 48 years, a resident of Clover Bottom County of Sullivan State of Tennessee, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the Untied States, enrolled at the Knoxville Pension Agency at the rate of Four dollars per month, Certificate No. 436947; by reason of disability from Chronic Diarrhea and resulting piles and scurvy incurred in the military service of the Untied States, while serving as a Private Co "K" 2nd Reg’t United States Vol Infantry. That he believes himself to be entitled to an increase of pension on account of the fact that he

.....believes his present rating extremely inadequate in amount compared with the nature and extent of his said disabilities. That he hereby makes application for the further consideration of his original claim relating to the disease "Scurvy" which it seems has been ..... ..... in his original allowance recently made and amends that there is abundant proof on file to establish his claim on account of said disability and requests that a careful review of the papers be made with a view to this allegation and amends that he should be entitled to a Re-issue and re-rating when duly considered that he hereby appoints with full power of substitution and revocation, E. A. Shipley of Jonesboro, Tenn his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his claim. His Post Office address is Clover Bottom, Sullivan Co., Tenn

J.R. Taylor
W. M. Taylor
John S. (his mark) Nelson
(Two witnesses who can write, sign here.)

Page 33

Also personally appeared W. M. Taylor residing at Jonesboro, Tenn and J.R. Taylor residing at Jonesboro, Tenn persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw John S. Nelson, the claimant make his mark to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.


J.R. Taylor
W.M. Taylor


Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20 day of July 1889 an I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c, were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing and I have no interest, direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim.


Jacob Leab
County Court Clerk


Page 34

Note: On September 25, 1889, John S. Nelson had an increase of $8.00 a month. The examiner was Silas Boyce who signed the increase form December 31, 1889. The Legal Reviewer was C. S. Montogue, who signed the form December 25, 1889.


The Certificate of Examination was completed on September 24, 1890. In this form it is listed he receives a pension of "eight dollars". John stated he based his claim on:

1. Chro. (Chronic) Diarrhea, Diarrhea and Constipation

2. Piles, harr piles, badly at times

3. Dis (Distended) Stomach full con & tender

4. Dis Heart, fluttering smothering & pain

5. Dis Chest, & Cough almost constantly


His respiration, 22
Temperature 98 1/2
Height 5 feet 7 inches
Weight 109 pounds
Age 53 years


The examiners found

1. Chr (Chronic) Diarrhea, tongue very red and fissured slight increase are of liver dullness distention and apparent tenderness of stomach. One small internal pile rectum irritated

2. Piles. See Chr. Diarrhea

3. Dis (Distended) Stomach. See Chr. Diarrhea

4. Dis Heart pulsation diffused and intermit and mitral regurgitate murmur

5. Dis Chest chest measure 28 1/2, 30 and 31 dry raler over both lungs, no change on percussion


It was in their opinion he was entitled to:
8/18 rating for disability caused by Chr. Diarrhea
2/18 rating for piles
8/18 for dis Heart
2/18 for Dis Chest


It was signed by:
J.M.C.A., Pres.
J.H. Alexander, Sec’y
J.S. Stuart, Treas.

Their Post Office was Johnson City, Washington, Tennessee

On the form submitted March 20, 1891, John’s rate was increased to $10.00 per month commencing September 24, 1890.


Page 35

Again, on August 12, 1891 in Rogersville, Tennessee a Examination Board met. The Board consisted of:


L.F. Brown, Pres.
J.B. Mitchell, Sec’y
G.H. Morgan, Treas.


John S. Nelson is receiving $10.00 per month and is requesting more. He states:

My legs and back of neck hurt me which are effects of scurvy. I also have piles results of diarrhea.


The Board examined John and found:
Pulse rate, 90
Respiration, 30
Temperature, 98 4/5
Height, 5 feet 8 inches
Weight, 132 pounds
Age, 53 years



They indicated: No piles tumors no congestion but relaxation of walls of rectum and considerable relaxation sphincter muscle. He is pale badly nourished sallow and lean liver slightly enlarged and tender lungs and heart normal limbs region tender with considerable nervousness. The teeth are all gone except two cicatrization of gums. Pain in legs soreness of and along check of tibra. Pains an stiffness of neck. No other disability found. He is entitled to a 4/18 rating for effects of diarrhea, 6/18 for scurvy, 2/18 for nervousness.


Page 36


STATE OF Tennessee, COUNTY OF Washington, SS:

ON THIS 7 day of May A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninty one personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid John S. Nelson, aged 53 years, a resident of Clover Bottom County of Sullivan, State of Tennessee, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the United States by certificate number 436.947, and duly enrolled at the Knoxville Pension Agency, at the rate of ten ($10.00) dollare per month, by reason of disability incurred in the service of the United States while serving as Pr. in Co. "K" 2nd Regt U.S. Infy. that his present physical condition is such that he believes himself entitled to receive and increased pension.

Application is also herby made for increase of pension on account of a new disability, to wit: At Rock Island, in the State of Ill, on or about the Feb, 1865 he contracted scurvy, said disability was alleged in his original declaration for pension but was not admitted when he claim was settled upoin diarrhea. He asks taht the claim for pension on scurvy be completed then take up the claim on same and if further testomony on same is necessary let it be called for and an effort will be made to furnish it. He doed not asks in this declaration for any increase on diarrhe, but on scury, only. That he hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation M. L. Peoples of Jonesboro, Tenn his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his claim for scurvy. His Post Office is Clover Bottom, Tenn.

J.C. Smith
Jerry Edwards
John S. (his mark) Nelson
(two witnesses who write)


Note: J.H. Peoples, Notary Public swore to J.C. Smith and Jerry Edwards crediability.

Page 37


STATE OF Tennessee, COUNTY OF Washinton, SS:

In the matter of John S. Nelson Co. "K" 2nd US Infy.

ON THIS 25 day of Sept. A.D., 1891; personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths, Joseph H. Crouch aged 48 years, a resident of Keeblers X (Cross) Roads in the County of Washington and State of Tennessee well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:


Affiant was a member of C. "G" 29 Regt CSA and said John S. Nelson was a member of the same Co. and Regt. We were well acquainted during our service in the same service. I lost a leg at the fight of Chickamauga about the 19 of Sept. 1863. said Nelson was free from scurvy or any other disability while he was in the Confederate services. If he had suffered from said scurvey while in said service I certainly would have known it. The facts above stated are from personal knowledge and ......


His Post-Office address is Keeblers X Roads, Tenn.


Jas. H. Crouch
Co. G. 29th Tenn
....C. Smith


Note: J. H. Peoples, Notary Public, swore to Mr. Crouch’s crediablity.

Page 38




STATE OF Tennessee, COUNTY OF Washington SS:

In the matter of John S. Nelson, Priv. Co. "K" 2nd US Infy

ON THIS 26 day of Sept. A.D., 1891; personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths, John P. Riggs aged 45 years, a resident of Jonesboro, in the County of Washington and State of Tenn. well know to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

Affiant and John S. Nelson were personally acquainted before, during and since the war. About the 19 of Jany, 1864, I went to Rock Island, Ill as a Confederate prisioner of 1st Tenn H Co. Arty. CSA. I met John Nelson in said prison and we remained there together until about fall of said year (1864) and were together all the time and very intimate as we have been old acquaintances before the war. Said Nelson did not have or suffer from any scurvy while in said prison. If he had had anything of the kind I would have known it. Said Nelson volunteered in 2nd US Infy about Oct 1864 and I volunteered in Co "E" 3rd US Infy about Nov. 17th 1864. Said Nelson was suffering from scurvy when he was discharged from service. Have made an affidavit in this case here to fore. His Post-Office address is Jonesboro, Tennessee.


John P. Riggs


Note: E.J. Baxter, Notary Public swore to John P. Riggs’s creditability.


Page 39


STATE OF Tennessee, COUNTY OF Washington

In the matter of John S. Nelson Co K 2nd U.S. Infty.


ON THIS 29 day of Sept A.D., 1891; personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths, Isaac E. Pecay (Note: Pesay ?, but he signs this form as Isaac E. Burns) aged 49 years, a resident of Jonesboro, in the County of Washington and State of Tenn. well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:


I was in the service of the Confederate States as Lieutenant in Co. G 29th Tennessee Infantry from the Summer of 1861 to sometime in the year 1863, when I was promoted to the Captaincy of said Company which position I continued to hold until about the close of the war in 1865. The above named John S. Nelson was a private in said Company serving in such from the organization of the Co. until about November 1863 when he was captured at the battle of Mission Ridge near Chattanooga, Tenn. During the period of said Nelson’s service in the C.S.A., I was with him continuously in the service with the exception as I now remember of a few weeks when he was in the hospital for medical treatment having as well as I now remember, fever which he contracted in..... I never knew or heard of him having scurvy or any kindred troubles when he was in said service. I think he had an attack of the mumps during said service which disabled him from duty for a few days and with the exception stated he was a soldier in good health when in active duty.


His Post-Office address is Jonesboro, Tenn.


He further declares that he has no interest in said case and is not concerned in its prosecution.

Isaac E. Burns


Page 40






Washington, D.C. Jan 18, 1892





1. Are you a married man, and if so, what is your wife’s full name, and what was her maiden name: ANS. I am married. Wife’s name, Lucinda. Her maiden name was Taylor.

2. When and where were you married? ANS. Married at Haws Cross Roads, Tenn. July 25th 1866.

3. What record of marriage exists? ANS. Record in the County Court Clerk’s Office in Jonesboro, Tenn.

4. If you had been previously married state the name of your former wife and the date of her death or divorce. ANS. Married in 1861 to Mary A. Gate she died in 1862.

5. If you have any children living state their names and ages, ANS. 1st child Sarah C. 21 years of age, 2nd Margaret C. 18 years of age, 3rd Wm F. 17 years of age.


This information is desired for use in the pension claim above referred to.


Very respectfully,
      Goconir B. Rawn

Clover Bottom, Tenn


Page 41


ACT OF JUNE 27, 1890

Note------This can be executed before any officer authorized to administer oaths for general purposes. If such officer has a seal certificate of Clerk of Court is not necessary. If no seal is used, then such certificate must be attached.

STATE OF Tennessee, COUNTY OF Washington

ON THIS 26 day of March, A.D., one-thousand eight hundred and ninety two personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the county and state aforesaid John S. Nelson aged 53 years, a resident of the P.O. of Butter-fly County of Sullivan State of Tennessee who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical John S. Nelson who was ENROLLED the 13 day of Oct., 1864 in Co. K 2nd U.S. Regt. Infty. in the war of the rebellion and served at least ninety days and was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Ft. Leavenworth Kansas on the 7 day of November, 1865, that he is wholly unable to earn a support by manual labor by reason of Chronic diarrhea and resulting piles. Scurvy and varicocele (naricocele ?). Said varicocele (naricocele?) was incurred at Ft. Gera in Kansas. Just a short time before his discharged while lifting and hauling rock to build a garrison commissary. That said disabilities are not due to vicious habits and are to the best of his knowledge and belief permanent. That he has......applied for pension under application No. 615616. that he is a pensioner under Certificate No. 436.947 at $10 1/2 per month under old law for "Cr. Diarrhea and resulting piles". that he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension-roll of the United States under the provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890. He hereby appoints M. L. PEOPLES of Jonesboro, Tenn., his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim and directs that the sum of ten dollars be paid him for his services.


That his POST OFFICE ADDRESS is Butter-fly

County of Sullivan Sate of Tennessee

James W. Stowe
J.C. Smith
John (his mark) S. Nelson
(two witnesses who can write sigh here.)

Page 42

Note: On June 1, 1892, John (S. Nelson) went again for a physical asking for an increase of his pension.

His statements of his disabilities:
1. Chr. Diarrhea
2. Piles
3. Dis. Stomach
4. Dis. Heart
5. Dis Chest
6. Nervous Detutily (?)
7. Scurvy
8. Vonicucile (?)


The examining board consisted of:

J. H. Alexander, Pres.
J. Miller, Secy.
J. S. Stuart, Treas.
Their post office was Johnson City, Tenn

The board found:
Pulse rate, 80
Respiration, 20
Temperature, 98 1/2
Height, 5 feet 7 inches
weight, 127 1/2 pounds
Age, 54 years

1. Chr. Diarrhea. Tongue-fissuned and red. Stomach distended org. of dullness extents 3 in below ribs on rt side. Bowels protrutaus and distended-no jaundice-no piles-but rectum highly engorged.....? .....? Chr. Diarrhea.
2. Piles see above
3. Dis stomach see above
4. Dis Heart=mummurs prominent all and ...?. Cystulic and mitral very marked. area of cardiac dullness increase 2 1/2 in radius from ....? Normal apr=pulsatiaries diffused no other change found due to .....? in circulation. Six eighteenths
5. Dis Chest 31 1/2 33 1/2-no change in lungs
6. Nervous Disability. No evidence of such.
7. Scurvy every evidence is absence of all his teeth except 2 lower incisors, gums all right-cause loss of teeth ....? ....?

Page 43

8. Vonicocil. No vonicocele but hrocile is large as double fist, no complications four eighteenths=Not other disability is found to ....?


Board indicated John Nelson was:
10/18 rating for disability of Chr. Diarrhea
6/18 for Dis Heart
2/18 for Hydrocile

John was denied an increase on April 22, 1893.

On November 17, 1896, John S. Nelson died.

Page 44


STATE OF Tennessee, COUNTY OF Sullivan, SS:

ON THIS 2 day of December (1896) A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety six, personally appeared before me a Notary Public, a Court of Record within and for the County and State aforesaid Lucinda Nelson, aged 56 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the Pension provided by Acts of Congress granting pension to widows: That she is the widow of John S. Nelson, who enlisted under the name of John S. Nelson in Co. "K" of the 2nd. Regt. of United States Vol. (War of 1861-65) who was a pensioner under the general law, on Certificate, No. 436.947 for disability called in Cert. "Chronic Diarrhea and resulting piles". Said soldier (Nelson) died at his home at Clover Bottom, Tenn. on November 17, 1896 who bore at the time of his death the rank of a pri. in the aforesaid Co. and Regt. that she was married under the name of Lucinda Taylor, to said John S. Nelson, on or about July 1866 A.D. in Washington, Co Tenn. by Jesse Riggs, M.G. there being no legal barrier to such marriage; She was not previously married, but the soldier was, and his former spouse died before he and Claimant were married. Soldier has no children by his first wife, and none under the ages of sixteen (16) years by the Claimant. Hence no children to claim pension on account of claimant has not remarried since the death of the soldier (John S. Nelson). In addition to asking for a Widow’s Pension under the general law, she asks to be paid the accrued money in her own right, that was due the soldier on his Current Pension, from August, 4th 1896 up to Nov. 17" 1896, date of his death.

Soldier was not in any prior nor subsequent service of the U.S. other than the aforesaid service. Co. "K" 2nd Regt. No prior application has been filed by Claimant that she hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, M.L. Peeples of Jonesboro, Tennessee her attorney to prosecute the above claim; that her Post Office address in Clover Bottom, Sulliven Co. Tennessee.

George A. Fields
John N. Dolen
Lucinda (her mark) Nelson
(Two witnesses who can write, sign here.)

Note: A.K. Mullenix, Notary Public swore to the credibility of John N. Dolen and George A. Fields both residing at Butter-fly, Tennessee.

Page 45


STATE OF Tennessee, COUNTY OF Washington, SS:

In the matter of Pension of Lucinda Widow of John S. Nelson, Co. "K" 2nd Regiment United States Vol.

On this 5" day of Dec. A.D., 1896, personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths James I. Taylor, aged 53 years (Note: this would make him being born ca 1843), a resident of Harmony in the County of Washington and State of Tennessee, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

I am a brother of Lucinda Nelson the above named Claimant. John S. Nelson married my above mentioned sister about July 1866. The Claimant in this case was not previously married before her marriage to said Nelson. said Nelson had been married before this time to one Ann Gate, and she only lived a few months and did while residing in Sullivan co. Tenn. She the first wife (Ann) had no children. Said John S. Nelson died at his home Clover Bottom Tennessee Nov. 17" 1896. I was there and attended his funeral and burial and know that he died at that time. Said Nelson leaves no children under the age of sixteen years. Claimant and soldier (Nelson) were never divorced from each other and they lived together until his death. The Claimant has not remarried since his death. Said Nelson left the Wid. no personal property to amount to any thing. He left her a small piece of land that he paid about fifty ($50) dollars for and I think it is assessed at about the same price. Claimant has no property other than this. She is really very poor, and is dependent upon her daily labor for a support and has no one that is legally bound to support her since the soldier John S. Nelson died. I make this statement orally to M. L. Peoples who has recorded it to writing for me in my presence in Jonesboro, Tenn date given in appropriate page. I make this afft. from my personal knowledge of the facts in this case and I make it without the aid of any written or printed statement or direction from any one.

His Post office address is Harmoney, Tennessee. He further declares that he has no interest in said case, and is not concerned in its prosecution.

James I. Taylor

Introduction | Index | Pages 1- 15 | Pages 16 - 30 | Pages 31 - 45 | Pages 46 - 62 |