Hardin County, Tennessee

Guardian Settlement Book D

Last updated 29 May 2008


Page 153-455 - Daniel B. Beasley Guardian Report

Page 153 - Daniel B. Beasley Guardian Report 
State of Tennessee} Hardin County} County Clerks office 2 May 1845 By virtue of the Authority in me by law vested I William H. Cherry Clerk of the County Court of said County have this day met with Daniel B. Beasley guardian of the minor orphans of Henry Garner Sen. Deceased to make settlement with him as such guardian and find the sum to be as follows Said guardian chargeable this amount including Interest to date ----$138.94 ½ Continues as follows For Joshua Garner ----------------------$45.99 ½ Cr For books & schooling this sum --------- $2.11 Said guardian charges for his services-- $2.00 Paid Clerk fees for present settlement-- $0.75 Total=$4.86 For Joshua Garner Dr.------------------ $41.13 ½ Page 154~~Settlement Continued For James Garner----------------------- $72.97 Cr. For spelling Book ------------------------$.18 ¼ Paid Clerk fees for present Settlement----$.75 total $0.93 Dr -------------------------------------$72.03 ¼ Which show that there is remaining in the hands of said Guardian at this date the sum of One Hundred & Thirty three dollars sixteen & ¾ cents all of which is respectfully submitted to the Worshipful County Court of Hardin County for Confirmation By William H. Cherry Clerk Page 174 ~~ Daniel B. Beasley Guardian of minor heirs Henry Garner Deceased annual Report for 1838. The neat pin come for Joshua Garner and James Garner for the year 1839—is --------- $9.46 paid out for Joshua Garner for a book and for schooling. This amount -------$5.83 ¾ Daniel B. Beasley Guardian Page 265~~ Daniel B. Beasley Guar. Settlement. County court Clerks office 1st Oct., 1840-By virtue of the authority in me vested by Law. I Wesley Covey clerk of the County Court of Said Hardin County have this day met with Daniel B. Beasley Guardian of Joshua and James Garner minor heirs of Henry Garner Deceased to make Settlement with him as such and find the same to be as follows to wit~ To this amount chargeable as pr Return for the years of 1836 & 1837 this Sum-------------------------------------------------------$44.95 Interest on the Same to this date ------------------------------$8.09 To this amount for 1838 ------------------------------------- -$83.46 Interest on the same to this date------------------------------$10.00 To this amount for 1839 Interest Included-----------------------$3.84 Received this sum for the year 1840-----------------------------$1.75--$152.09 Carried over to page 266. Page 266~ Amount of charge brought forward------------------------------$152.09 Cr. As follows Paid for Joshua Garner in 1840 this sum ------------------------$3.00 Said Guardian charges for four years services) In attending to the said Estate this sum)----------------------$25.00 Paid Clerk fee for 1839-----------------------------------------$0.37 ½ Paid Clerk fee for making present Settlement----------$1.50----$29.87 ½ Which shows that there is ----Dr. ---------------------------$122.21 ½ Remaining in the hands of the Guardian at this date above the Sum of one hundred and twenty two dollars and 21 ½ cents. All of which is Respectfuly Submitted to the Worshipful the County Court of Hardin County for their confirmation. By Wesley Covey Clk. Page 352~~ Daniel B. Beasley Guardian Settlement State of Tennessee} Hardin County} County Court Clerks Office 1st Oct. 1841 By virtue of the authority in me vested by law. I Wesley Covey clerk of the County Court of Said Hardin County have this day met with Daniel B. Beasley Guardian of the minor orphans of Henry Garner Deceased to make Settlement with him as such and find the Same to be as follows To Wit ~~ To this amount chargeable Interest Included --$129.54 ½ Present Return this amount---------------------$01.35 Whole Amount –Cr. ------------Dr.-------------$130.89 ½ Cr. By the following vouchers produced And allowed Paid Clerks fees for present Settlement ------- $1.50 Page 353~~ ------------------------------------------Dr. $129.39 ½ Which show that there is remaining in the hands of said Guardian at this date the Sum of One hundred and twenty nine –39 ½ Dollars $129.39 ½ All of which is Respectfully Submitted to the Worshipful the County court of said Hardin County for their confirmation… By Wesley Covey clerk. Page 454 ~~ Daniel B. Beasley Guardian Settlement State of Tennessee} Hardin County} County Court Clerks office 1st Oct. 1842 By virtue of the Authority in me vested by Law I Wesley covey clerk of the county Court of Said Hardin Cunty have this day met with Daniel B. Beasley Guardian for the minor Orphans of Henry G. Garner Sr. Deceased to make Settlement with him as Such and find the Same to be as follow To Wit~~ Said Guardian Chargeable to this amount}--------- $137.14 ¼ Interest Included up to this date} Credit as follows To Wit-----------------------Dr. $68.57 ½ Paid for Joshua Garner as follows Paid for leather---------------------------------------- $1.00 Paid for Hat----------------------- ---------------------$1.25 Paid for schooling ---------------------------$2.00 Said Guardian charges for his Services ------------------$2.00 Paid Clerks fee for present Settlement-------------------$0.75—Cr. $7.00 ----------------------------------------------------Dr. $61.57 ½ ----------------------------------------------------Dr. $68.57 ½ For James Garner Paid for Leather this Sum -------------------------------$1.00 Paid for Hat --------------------------------------------$1.25 Said Guardian Charges for his Services-------- $2.00-----$5.00 Paid Clerks fees for present Settlement--------- $0.75--$63.57 ½ Whole amount----------------Dr. $125.15 Page 455~~ All of which Show that there is Remaining in the hands of Said Guardian at the date above the Sum of One hundred and Twenty five 15/100 Dollars $125.15. All of which is Respectfully Submitted to the Worshipful county Court of Hardin County for confirmation by Wesley Covey Clerk.
Submitted by Donnie Pickard

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