Cocke County, Tennessee
Slate Creek Baptist Church Minutes - 1827 to 1838

Minutes Pages 20 to 30

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Saturday the 20 of January 1827
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress of William Smith against bro. John Phillips and him from under the watch care of this church, signing a writing for a negro against Lucy Evans.

Saturday the 17 of Februray 1817
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Sally Kelly brought in an allegation against sister Rody Phillips for drinking too much spiritous liquors. And has dismissed sister Phillips for drinking too much for allegation from under the watch care of this church.

Saturday the 17 of March 1827
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. We received the minutes of the 1816 and read them and with them and coccur with them.
3rd. Appointed bro. Thomas Smith to go and talk with bro Asa Holt and site him in meeting in course.

Saturday the 21 of April 1827
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the case of bro. Asa Holt and wife and appointed bro Joel Mason to go and talk to them and site them to the next meeting in course.

Saturday the 19 of May 1827
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the case against bro Asa Holt for not attending church meeting when sited and excluded him for same.
3rd. Took up the distress against sister Susannah Holt for saying that she might have come if she would but did not want to come and for not coming to church meeting when sited to meeting and excluded her for same.
4th. Sister Polly Smith came forward and confessed that she done wrong in going away from her husband and other language.

Saturday the 16 of June, 1827
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.

Saturday the ___ day of June, 1827
The church met at their meeting, and after worship proceeded to business, and on Saturday received bro William Colyer and sister Nancy Colyer his wife.

Saturday the 21 of July 1827
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received sister Lydda Henerson by letter.
3rd. Received sister Nancy Williams by experience

Saturday the 15 of September 1827
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Appointed bro Shadrick Williams and bro William Smith to site sister Brazendine to church meeting in course. And John Smith and Simon Smith to site Betsy Freshour to attend at church meeting in course for them not attending.


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October 1827.
The church met and after worship.

Saturday the 15 of December 1827
The church met and after worship.

Satuday 19 of January 1828.
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Sister Polly Williams requested her letter of dismission which was granted.

Saturday the 15 of March 1828
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Signed a petition to have the association divided.

Saturday the 17 of May 1828.
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Appointed brother William Colour and William Smith to go to the union meeting.
2nd. Received a letter from the arm of Long Creek for the ministers to constitute the church at Clay Creek, which was granted.

The 3 Saturday in June 1828.
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.

The 3 Saturday in July 1828
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Read the association letter and it was received.

Saturday the 16 of August 1828.
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Appointed bro. Simon Smith and bro William Smith to site bro Peter Wise to meet at our next meeting in course.

Saturday the 20 of September 1828
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Appoined bro Simon Smith and bro Jesse Driskill to site bro Peter Wise to appear at our next meeting in course.
3rd. Altered our meeting to be the fourth Saturday.
4th Sister Smith applied for a letter of dismission which was granted.
5th. That the members of this church agrees to find wine for the sacrement in rotation as they stand on record.
6th. The church appointed brethren Simon Smith, Thomas Smith, William Smith, Joel Mason and Jesse Driskell to go to the association at Bent Creek.

Saturday the 25 of October 1828
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Read the letter to the church, the organization and the church received it.


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2nd. Postponed the matter against bro. Peter Wise till next meeting in course.
3rd. The church said not sister Patsy Brazendine her letter.
4th. Took up the distress against Shadrick Williams for William Kelly and wife, and agreed to send a letter to said Shadrick Williams.

Saturday 21 of December 1828
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the charge against bro. Peter Wise, for not attending church meeting when cited and excluded him.
3rd. Took up matter against sister Patsy Brazendine and put it off till next meeting in course.

Saturday the 24 of January 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Put off the matter against sister Patsy Brazendine and put it off till next meeting in course.

Saturday the 28 of February 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress aginst Patsy Brazendine for the miss using of orphan children and striking her husband and excluded her for the same.

Saturday the 21 of March 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Appointed Simon Smith and Thomas Smith to attend county line meeting on Wednesday the ____ of April to settle a distress.

Saturday the 25 day of May 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Appoined bretheren Simon Smith and William Smith to go to the union meeting at Concord meeting house on the first Saturday in June.

Saturday the 27 of June 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.

Saturday the 22 of August, 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Read the association letter and the church received.

Fourth Saturday in July 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Ridy Mason was received by experience.
3rd. Apponted members to the associaiton to be held at Blachwells Branch meeting house on the fourth Friday in September and the following days.
4th. Appointed Simon Smith, Isaac Smith and Bro. Thomas Driskill.
5th. Appointed John Smith to write the association letter.

Friday the 22 of August, 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.


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2nd. Read the association letter and the church received it.

Saturday the 25 of September 1819.
The church met.

Saturday the 24 of October 1829
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Agreed to write a letter to Thomas Kelly.
2nd. Appointed Simon Smith, Jesse Driskell and Isaac Smith to settle a distress between brethren out of the church if they can.

Saturday the 28 of November 1829
The church met

Saturday the 25 of December 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.

Fourth Saturday in January, 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.

Saturday the 27 of Feburary 1839
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.

Friday the 27 of March 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Sister Mason requested a letter and it was laid over till next meeting in course

Satuday 24 of April 1830
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Received sister Polly Smith by letter.
2nd. Took up the case of sister Mason and laid it over till next meeting in course.

Saturday the 22 day of May 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Sister Biddy Mason applied for her letter of dismission, and the church saith not give her one.

Satuday the 26 of June 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.

Saturday 17 of July 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2. Appointed John Smith to write the accosition letter to be held at Slate Creek.

Saturday the 28 of August 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Read the association letter and received it.

Saturday September 18, 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for members.


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Saturday October 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Invite brother Elder Thomas Smith to take the pastorial care of Slate Creek and he accepted the request.

Saturday the 27 of November 1830
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Thomas Driskell came and relate to the church what he had against Sally Tally. 1st. Telling a falsehood about a hand of cotton. 2nd for giving her sister the lie, and saying she would sware also. 3rd for using abrupt language.

Saturday the 25 of December 1830
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the allegation against Sally Tally and excluded her for same.

January the 22, 1831
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.

February 26, 1831
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.

The fourth Saturday in March 1831
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Bro. John Phillips came forward and made satisfaction to the church and the church received him.
3rd. Received bro. George Miller by letter.
4th. Restored sister Rhonda Phillips to this church and rec’d her.

The fourth Saturday in April 1931
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Brother Miller given the liberty to exercse his gift in the sister churches.

The fourth Saturday in May 1831
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received sister Jestine Smith by experience.
3rd. John Buckner by letter.

The church of Christ on Slate Creek met the fourth Saturday in July 1831. To worship God in order, first by singing, prayer and preaching and by setting in order in the church. 3rd. The church to write a letter to the association.
Thomas Smith, Mod. And John Smith, clerk.

The fourth Saturday in August 1831
and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Received the Association letter.

The third Saturday in September, 1831
The church of Christ on Slate Creek Cocke county moved to worship God. First by singing and prayer and preaching.
2nd. Opened a door for the reception of members.


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The fourth Saturday in October 1831
The church met in order to worship God by singing and prayer and preaching, and worship services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members and received Polly Anderson and Nancy Buckner by experience.

The fourth Saturday in March 1832
The church met according to appointment.
1st. Proceeded to worship hy singing, prayer and preaching, secondly to set in a church way.
3rd. Bro. George Miller requested a letter of dismission which was granted.

Saturday 25 of May 1832
The church met at Slate Creet meeting house accourding to appointement to worship by singing and prayer and preaching. And to set in order the thing is the Lord’s house. Nothing came before us but aproved to be in fellowship. Sabbath met according to appointment on the 27 of May 1832 to worship God proceeded singing and praying and praching. After opened a door for the reception of members and received Elizabeth Smith by letter.

June 23, 1832
The church met and a door opened for the reception of members.

The third Saturday in August, 1832
The church met and after singing and praying and preaching and set together to do business in the house of God.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received bro. Abner Harroson by experience.
3rd. Read the association letter and received it as our letter.

Fourth Saturday in January 1833
Met according to appointment to worship God.
First by singing, praying and preaching.
2nd. Set in a church way, to set in order the things belonging to the house of God.
3rd. Took up the case of Biddy Mason and Thomas Brazendine appointed John Smith and Simon Smith to site them to meeting.

September the 3, 1832
Met at Slate Creek meeting house to worship God.
1st. By singing, praying and preaching.
2nd. To set in order the things belonging to God’s house.
3rd. Opened a door for the reception of members.
4th. Thomas Driskell and wife request letters of dismission which was granted.
5th. Jestine Sith requested a letter which was granted.
6th. William Collan and wife requested letters which was granted.
7th That Jesse Driskell have his letter of dismission.

Saturday the 25 1833
Met according to appointment to worship God by singing, and praying and preaching.
2nd. To set the things in order belonging to the house of God.
3rd. Took up the case of Thomas Brazendine, Bedence Mason and excluded them from us for going and joining Clay Creek church which is consider to be in disorder.


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March the fourth Saturday 1833
Met according to appointment to worship God by singing and praying and preaching and to set in order the things belong to the house of God. Nothing came before us.

April the fourth Saturday 1833
Met according to appointment to worship God after worship proceeded to business.
2nd. Opened a door for the reception to business.
3rd. We appoint our church meeting day to be on the second Saturday in the month.

Saturday the 11 day of May 1833
Met according to appointment of worship proceeded to business nothing came before us.

Saturday the eighth of June 1833
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

July the 13, 1833
The church met and after preaching proceeded to business.

August the 10, 1833
The church met and preaching services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. This church thinks it not expedient to raise a fund for the establishment of a seminary to educate preachers.
3rd. Appointed bro. John Smith to write our letter to the associaiton. We appoint our brothers Thomas Smith and Simon Smith to bear our letter.

Second Saturday in November, 1833
Met according to appointment, after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Sister Elizabeth Freshour came forward and requested a letter of dismission which was granted.
2nd. Brother Peter Wise came forward and made acknowledgements satisfactory to the church was received into fellowship.

Feb. 8th 1834

March 8 1834
The church met according to appointement and after preaching proceeded to business.
1st. Opened the door for the reception of members.

The Second Saturday in March 1834
The church met and after worship, then to set in order. Nothing came before us.

The Second Saturday in April 1834.
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

May 10th, 1834
The church met according to appointment and proceeded to business. Nothing came before us. Sunday met according to appointment the 11 day after worship.
Opened a door for the reception of members.
Received Nancy Smith, Hetty, Smith, Simon Smith, and Elizabeth Brazentine by experience.

On the second Saturday in June
The church met and after prayer and worship proceeded to business. Nothing came before us but seemed to be at peace.


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July the 12
The church met and after worship proceeded to business nothing came before us.

August the 2nd Saturday, 1834
The church met according to appointment and after preaching proceeded to business.
1st. Appointed bro. John Smith to write our letter to the Association and bro. Thomas Smith to help him.
2nd. Appointed Thomas Smith, John Buckner and Simon Smith delegates to the association.
3rd. The church agrees that next meeting to be the time of communion.

On the second Saturday of October, the church met and after worship proceeded to business. Nothing came before us. But seemed to be in peace.

On the second Saturday in December 1834
The church on slate Creek met and after worship proceeded to business. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday of January 1835.
The church met and after worship the church set for the reception of members. Simon Peter Miller and Elizabeth Miller his wife was received by experience by the church.

On the second Saturday of February 1835
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house after worship proceeded to business. None came before us.

On the second Saturday of March 1835
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Inquiry was made if anything was on reference on our church book. Found none. But all seemed to be at peace.
2nd. Brother Jeams Ellason came forward with a letter from our sister church at Long Creek, praying us to give up brother Thomas Smith a part of his time as a supply and a pastor as we are destitute of any. Which we agreed to and he accepted the call.

On the second Saturday in April 1835
The church at Slate Creek met according to appointment after worship.
1st. Inquiry was made if there was any reference and found none.
2nd. Appointed brother Simon Smith church clerk.

On the Second Saturday in May 1835
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house after worship proceeded to business. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday in June 1835
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against Elizabeth Brazendine for stealing as report say. And repaired it till next meeting in course.

July the second Saturday 11th day, 1835
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st Took up the distress against Elizabeth Brazendine for stealing as report say and repaired it till next meeting in course.


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On the second Saturday in August 1835
The church met and after worship porceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against Elizabeth Brazendine and after altercating, we believe it to be the truth and excommunicated her for the same.
2nd. Choose brethren Thomas Smith and Joel Mason, delegates to our next association.
Third. Agreed to give sister Susannah Jester, sister Nancy Williams, and Polly Anderson letters of dismission.

On the second Satuday in Sept. 12, 1835
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members. None came forwards.
2nd. Brother Willam Smith and his wife, Simon Smith and his wife and Sarah Tally all came forward and requested letters of dismission which was granted.

The second Saturday in October 10, 1935
The church met and after worship porceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received bro. Daniel Hurley by recantation also received sister Agnes Hurley by recantation.

On the second Saturday in November 1835
The church met and after worship proceeded to business. Nothing came before us.

On the Second Saturday in January 1836
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. chose brother John Buckner to site brother Peter Wise to meeting for not attending church meeting.

On the second Saturday in February 13, 1936
The church met and after worship, proceeded to business. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday in March 12, 1936
The church met and after singing and prayer proceeded to business. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday in April 9, 1936
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Sister Hetty Smith came forward, a letter of dismission was granted.

On the second Satuday in May 1836
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received Simon Smith and Mary Smith in to our fellowship by letter.

On the second Saturday in June 11, 1836
The church met and after worship porceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received brother Zachariah Dalton and sister Mary Dalton, his wife into our fellowship by letter.


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3rd. Agreed to give bro Abner Harroson a letter of dismission.

On the second Saturday in July 9, 1836
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Agreed to give sister Nancy Hall a letter of dismission.

On the second Saturday in August 18th, 1836
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Took up the case against sister Hetty Smith for non truth and for joining a church not our faith and order, and excommunicated her for the same.
3rd. Chose bro. Thomas Smith, Joel Mason, Daniel A. Hurley and Simon Smith delegates to the associations.

On the second Saturday of September 10, 1836
The church met and after worship proceeded to business. Nothing came before us.

Second Saturday in October 8, 1836
The church met and after prayer proceeded to business. Nothing came before us.

Second Saturday in November 12, 1836
The church met and after worship proceeded to business. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday in January 15, 1837
The church met and after worship proceeded to business, nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday in February 11, 1837
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the case against brother Joel Mason for having the slite of hand showed at his house, and he acknowledged that he had done wrong and the church forgave him.
Second: Brother Dalton came forward and acknowledged that he had done wrong in going to see the slite of hand and the church forgave him.
Third: Took up the case against brother Thomas Kelly for absconding from us, without a letter and excommunicated him for the same.
4th Took up the case against brother Peter Wise for absconding from us without a letter and execommunicated him for the same.

On the second Saturday in March 11, 1837
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
Took up the case against brother Simon Smith for going to see the slite of hand and he acknowledged he had done wrong, the church forgave him.

On the second Saturday in April 8, 1837
The church met and after worship porceeded to business.
Chose bro. Simon Smith to go and see sister Ramsey to know what is the reason she don’t attend church meetings.

On the second Saturday in May 13, 1837
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Chose bro. Thomas Smith and brother Hurley to go and talk with sister Ramsey to give a reason for not attending meeting and report at our next meeting in course.


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2nd. The church agrees to meet at Slate Creek meeting house fourth Saturday in every month, to sing and pray to all mighty God for his aid and blessings.

The second Saturday in June 10, 1837
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house, after worship so in a church way to do the things that is wontain in God’s house.
1st. Took up the case again sister Ramsey and bro Thomas Smith being one of the church appointed to site her to the church. Came forward and reported that she had communed with a people not of our faith and order, and that she didn’t intend to come to meeting at all. And we excommunicated her for the same.
Done by order of the church, Simon Smith, clerk.

On the second Saturday in July 8th, 1837
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a church way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house. Nothing came before us.

On the second Satuday in August the 12, 1837
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a church way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house.
1st. Choose Brethren Thomas Smith, Simon Smith, Zachariah Dalton delegates to the associaiton on Sunday the thirteenth opened a door for the reception of members. Received sister Elizabeth Reddiz by letter.

On the second Saturday in September 9, 1837
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a church way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house. Nothing came before us.

On the seond Saturday in October 15th, 1837
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house.
1st. Brother Zackariah Dalton came forward and requested a letter of dismission for him and his wife which was granted.

On the second Saturday in November 11, 1837
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a church way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday in January 1838
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a church way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday in March 10 of 1838
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a church way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday April 14 day 1838
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a church way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house. Nothing came before us.

On the second Saturday in May 12 day 1838
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house to set in a church way to do the things that is wanting in God’s house. Nothing came before us.