Campbell County Tennessee Cemeteries
Carroll-Adkins Cemetery

  Submitted by Karen Martin


Carroll-Adkins Cemetery
This cemetery is located 9/10 of a mile down an old railroad track that runs in front of the Fellowship Church in Shea. When going down the railroad bed, if you look over the edge you will come upon three huge culverts that run underneath it and that's where the cemetery is. It is very overgrown and we had to go back in late winter/early spring before everything got grown up in order to find it. Special thanks to my Dad, Glenn Byrge, my Uncle, Jay Byrge, and their Uncle, Raymond Farmer, who went for me (twice, as the first time it was too overgrown and they had to go back knocking on doors before finding it) and photographed all the stones so I could transcribe. An added thanks to Oscar Phillips who, before his death, graciously allowed me to include four stones that he had transcribed in 1987 which we did not find in March of 1999. I have enclosed all the information from Oscar between [BRACKETS] in my transcription, and any added information that I had in (parenthesis). The cemetery has been mostly overgrown with trees, etc. now and many of the stones are hand carved. I have recorded the names exactly and some were obviously misspelled at the time of death. BURGE, Robbin, Co. I, 7 Tenn. Mtd. Inf. (b. about 1825 d. Aug. 5, 1895, son of Wm. "Billy" Burge) [BYRGE, Lilly, 1700 (uncertain)] BYRGE, Michael, Co. G, 7 Tenn. Mtd. Inf. (b. about 1837 d. July 24, 1896, son of Wm. "Billy" Burge) CARROLL, Andy, D.C. April 1881, [1859-1881, son of Byrd Carroll] [CARROLL, Columbus, 1870-1881, son of King and 2nd wife, Louisa Carroll] CARROLL, Drewry, D.C. December 31, 1874 (b. 1800), [believed to be the son of Drewry Carroll of Smokey Creek, Scott County, Tn] CARROLL, King, D.C. Sep 20 1902, [1841-Sept 20, 1902, son of Drury (1800) of Beechfork] CARROLL, Noah, 1887 D.C. Decemb th 26, [1862-Dec 26, 1887, son of King and Sarah] CARROLL, Sampson, Co. H., 2nd Inf. /Footstone- D.C. July 28, 1877 (b. 1845, son of Drury (1800) and Celia) CARROLL, Samson, dates unreadable, [Feb. 10, 1857-Feb 24, 1879, son of King and Sarah] CARROLL, Saboar (probally Sarah), D.C. July 9, 1870, [1837-July 9, 1870, first wife of King Carroll, maiden name Darity] DARTY, Mary, April 26, 1866-Dec. 1895 [daughter of Bird and Elizabeth Carroll, wife of Reuben Daugherty] KENNEDY, Martin, died June 30, 1849 [father of Goldman, Sterling, Lorenzy, and Martin Kennedy; he married Rachael Ward in 1841] [PHILLIPS, Luisey, died Oct. 29, 1876] TACKET, John, D.C. 1856 [married Rachael Ward Kennedy in 1849 or 50, He was the father of Mike and Ike, grandfather of Wm. "Billy"] [TACKETT, Susannah, 1877-1879] Tompson, Rachel Kennedy Tackett Tompson, died May 18, 1870, [mother of Eli Ward, born in N.C.]




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