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A certain amount, an established ingredient measurement used commonly in the South. 

Candystew, the making of candy, most often a gathering where family and friends come together. 

Dinner, the mid-day meal. Do not confuse this with supper. 

Granny doadler, a large irregular biscuit. This was submitted by Renea Burkholder, TNGenWeb’s Perry County Co-host: My grandmother Lillie Greener who was born in 1895, made biscuits everyday until she was quite old. When you have cut out y our biscuits (with a glass of course!) and re-roll and cut out, you still have a bit of dough left which is not big enough to roll out and cut biscuits from, but will make one biscuit which is larger and not shaped as well as the others which were cut out. This biscuit was always called “the granny doadler.” Of course I've never seen this written word, only heard it, but “doadler” was how it was pronounced! 
Lillie Greener was born and raised in Henderson Co, TN and died in neighbor county of Decatur Co, TN.

Hoe cake, a cornmeal cake made on a simple griddle. An old, worn smooth, weeding-hoe blade would act as the griddle. Mix up a certain amount of cornmeal, water, and salt. Put the dough on the blade. Put the hoe blade on live coals. Take a pocket full with you, the next time you go out. (Make sure they are cool before you stuff your pockets.) 

Johnny cake, like hoe cake, a small cornmeal biscuit. It gets its name from “journey cake.” 

Long oven, a moderately heated oven. Takes a while to cook. You can keep your arm in the long oven longer than in a short oven. 

Middling, the middle of a side of meat, especially salt pork or bacon, some times called middling bacon or side meat. 

Short oven, a very hot oven. A short oven cooks in a short time. Some say you can not keep you arm in a short oven for a long time. Why would anyone put their arm in an oven? Maybe to check the temperature? Don’t you just love folk stories. 

Slow oven, same as “long oven.” 

Sourwood honey, an Appalachian delicacy . This is honey that gets its flavor from the blossom of the sourwood tree. 

Supper, the evening meal. 

This, that and t’other, a shorthand recipe ingredient list. When you ask your cousin, just what goes in that delight she is preparing, she will answer back, “this, that and t’other.” This is especially true in Tennessee. Of course, there, all the ladies know exactly what it means, and would not need to ask the question in the first place.

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