Stewart County Court Minutes


TSLA Archives, Stewart Co. Roll 38, Minutes Vol. 1, Nov. 1819 – May 1821

Note:  page numbers included by transcriber – original pages not numbered


1              Monday, 1 Nov. 1819 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, William Curl, David Hogan, William Randle, Robert Walker

                - Court issues Reed Luton & Temperance Brown letters of administrator in the estate of John Brown, deceased, with David McNatt & Hugh Sparkman as bondsmen

                - Court apprentices Elijah Sanders & Enoch Sanders, children of Rebecca Sanders, to Martin Bingham, to learn farming until age 21

2              - Court appoints Thomas W. Lewis as tea? Inspector at Bowling Green

                - Court issues Polly Gibbs & Charles R. Wilcox letters of administration in the estate of Stephen Gibbs, deceased, with William Howard & Richard Cooley as bondsmen

                - Court exonerates John Mathewson from paying for a grey mare he found on 22 Nov 1818, valued at $27

                - Court appoints John Studdart guardian to Patsey Studdart, with Thomas Gray & William Randle as securities

                - Court allows Jesse Watkins to exempt 2536 acres of land from paying double tax

3              - Court exonerates Philip Hornberger from paying for a bay mare he found on 3 Jun 1818, valued at $60

                - Court allows William B. Nelson to keep a ferry across Tennessee River at the mouth of Short Creek

                - Joseph Gray resigns his appointment as Ranger of the county

                - Court allows Cave Johnson, Solicitor, $50 for his ex officio services to the court

                - Court orders Lemuel Boyt to work under road overseer Willis Whitford instead of under Thomas Ward

                - Court orders Jabin Geurin as road overseer in place of Ephraim Gatlin

4              - Court orders Zachariah Wyatt, Thomas Wyatt, John Phillips, James Wilson & Lemuel Bell to mark a road from the boat landing on Tennessee River, above the mouth of Cane Creek, up to the head of the creek and then intersecting a road being laid out from the mouth of Hurricane Creek to Hornberger’s & Wells Creek

                - Court appoints George Bell overseer in place of Thomas Wyatt

                - John Bailey resigns his commission as a Justice of the Peace

                - Court appoints David Rainey overseer instead of Samuel French

                - Court orders James H. Russell, John Ferrill & Emanuel James to settle with former county Trustee Ephraim B. Davidson

5              - Court appoints Isaac McKinney overseer of the road from Haywood’s quarter to the mouth of Saline Creek, with Moses Fletcher, Elijah Fletcher, Joseph Miller & son Samuel Miller, Cornelius Anderson & son Timothy Anderson, and Stokely Vinson to work under him

                - Court orders Elizabeth Bonds’ hands to work under John Hinging

                - Court orders Christopher Brandon to work under Nathan Skinner

                - Court appoints James Anderson overseer of the road from Beach fork of Saline Creek to a fork of the road to Dover, with Axom G. Wallace, John McAdams, Harmon Ross, Henry Bragg & Nathan Ross to work under him

                - Court orders John House, James Fletcher, Charles Ross, James Reynolds & William Rascoe to mark a road from Levi Wimberly’s towards Col. R. Searcy’s, so far as the county line

6              - Court orders John Barnes, John Jackson, William Alsup, Philip Hornberger, Robert Lowry & James Cook to mark a road from Philip Hornberger’s to what is called Chambers Mill

                - deed from Reuben Elliott to Martin Bingham for 80 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Isaac Lanier to Zachariah Wyatt for 30 acres, previously proven by oath of Abraham Wyatt, now proven by the oath of Robert Cooper

                - deed from Stokely Vinson to James Winchester & William Cage for 8 acres acknowledged

                - bill of sale from Stokely Vinson to Winchester & Cage acknowledged

7              - deed from James H. Russell to John Manly for 30 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Richard Manly to Elias Lunsford for 338 acres acknowledged

                - bill of sale from Sally Allen to James Mallory for a Negro boy proven by oaths of John Bailey & James Miller

                - deed from William Palmer to William Frasier for 89 acres

                - deed of gift from Jordan Champion to John Jones for Negro proven by oaths of William C. Jones & James Vinson

                - Court orders James Mallory to summon a jury of 12 free-holders to examine John Churchill’s sanity

8              - deed from James H. Russell to John Scarborough & John Allen for 2 town lots in Dover acknowledged

                - deed from James H. Russell to John Scarborough for 400 acres acknowledged

                - Court orders James Williams, William Williams & Charles R. Wilcox to lay off years’ provisions for Polly Gibbs, widow of Stephen Gibbs

                - deed from Richard Cooley to Caleb Ellison for 150 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Bayliss E. Prince to Edwards & Fentress for 134 acres proven by oath of Reuben Elliott

                - list of sales of the estate of John Bond returned to the Court

9              - deed from Benjamin Williams to Levin Rumbley proven by oaths of William Randle & Philip Hornberger

                - deed from Ephraim B. Davidson & Blackfan to John Crane for 124 acres proven by oaths of Cullen Bayliss & Drury Outlaw

                - deed from Nathaniel Parker to Levin Rumbley for 150 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Hosea H. League to Richard Gatlin acknowledged

10           - deed from Thomas Callender, by attorney, to Jesse Watkins for 2536 acres proven by oaths of Robert McCorkle & William McElrath

                - deed from Elisha Holyfield to William Tomlinson for 20 acres proven by oaths of William Bayliss & Uriah Tomlinson

                - deed from Elisabeth Nelson to John Barnes for 420 acres proven by oath of William B. Nelson

                - two deeds from Philip Hornberger to Elisha Holyfield for 20 acres each acknowledged

                - deed from Thomas Ward to David Andrews acknowledged

11           - deed from Isaac H. Ward to David Andrews acknowledged

                - deed from Joseph Taylor to Nathaniel Rogers for 432 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Burwell C. Lanier to David Brigham for 640 acres proven by oaths of James Trousdale & James H. Brigham Jr.

                - deed from Ephraim B. Davidson & Blackfan to Lewis B. Crane for 72 acres proven by oaths of Cullen Bayliss & Drury Outlaw

12           - Tuesday, 2 November 1819 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, William Curl, Joseph Smith

                - Sheriff returned list of jurors summoned to current term:  Jesse Morris (foreman), Axom Wallace, Willis Manning, James McGee, William Campbell, Asa Morris, Bryant Oneal, Benjamin Davis, William Hendon, Wiley Ward, Harmon Ross, Robert Jones, John King

13           - Samuel Yarborough summoned to attend as constable for the grand jury

                - Court fines David Sommers, Martin Bingham & Kenneth Reddick $2.50 for failing to appear as jurors

                - John W. Lumpkins vs. Lawrence Lancaster:  appeal; jurors Jesse Acree, Charles Roper, David McNatt, Benjamin Weaks, Richard Cooley, William Tayloe, William Rushing, James Reese, Thomas Childress, John Scarborough, Reed Luton, Josiah Clark find for plaintiff in the amount of $21.85

                - Court orders Joseph Gray, John _____ & William Curl to settle with Nancy Free, administratrix of Mathew Free, deceased

                - Court appointed Gladden Gorin guardian to his grandson John Bailey, with William Cooley & Christopher Reater as securities

                - deed from James H. Russell to John Allen for two 20-acre tracts acknowledged

14           - Reuben Elliott vs. William Smith:  judgment against Reuben Elliott set aside and case continued to next term

                - Joel Gilbert vs. Charles B. Wilcox:  jurors Jesse Acree, Charles Roper, David McNatt, Benjamin Weaks, Richard Cooley, William Tayloe, William Rushing, James Reese, Thomas Childress, John Scarborough, Reed Luton, Josiah Clark cannot agree on a verdict; case continued

                - Charles B. Wilcox presented a wolf scalp and was awarded a bounty

15           - Wednesday, 3 November 1819 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Joseph Smith & David Hogan

                - Court orders John Bailey, Joseph Smith, William Curl to settle with James Tagert, administrator of William Outlaw and of Tapley Maddux

                - The State vs. Seth P’Poole:  defendant discharged from further attendance on this Court

                - Court appoints William _______, William Dunbar, William Yarborough to settle with Lemmy Williams & Peggy Williams, executor and executrix of William Williams

                - James Gray vs. Ephraim B. Davidson:  plaintiff allowed leave to take depositions of John French of Humphreys County, and of William Cowhoon? in Alabama

16           - State vs. John Bailey (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $5.00 and court costs

                - State vs. Lewis Downs (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $3.00 and court costs

                - State vs. William Jones (riot):  defendant pleads guilty, fined 33 1/3 cents and court costs

                - State vs. Lewis Green (riot):  defendant pleads guilty, fined 33 1/3 cents and court costs

                - State vs. James Vinson (riot):  defendant pleads guilty, fined 33 1/3 cents and court costs

17           - State vs. Henry Bailey Jr. (riot):  defendant makes bond, with securities Henry Bailey Sr. & Ephraim B. Davidson; case continued to next term

                - Nicholas Bailey makes bond on case against him, with securities Henry Bailey & Ephraim B. Davidson; case continued to next term

18           - William Bailey makes bond on case against him, with securities Henry Bailey & Ephraim B. Davidson; case continued to next term

                - State vs. Inman Rogers (riot):  defendant makes bond, with securities Samuel Ross & Thomas Ross

19           - State vs. Harmon Ross (riot):  defendant make bond, with securities Samuel Ross & Thomas Ross

                - State vs. James Dunn (gaming):  jurors David McNatt, Charles Roper, Jesse Acree, Richard Cooley, Lewis Bond, John Randle, Sampson Sikes, David Wilson, George McDaniel, David Warnick, Benjamin Weaks & John Malone find the defendant guilty; defendant fined $10 plus costs

20           - State vs. William Rascoe (gaming):  Solicitor General withdraws his prosecution

                - State vs. Hardy Measles (malicious mischief):  Solicitor General withdraws his prosecution

                - State vs. William Barnes (an affray):  John House & Abram Whited failed to bring the defendant into Court; case continued

                - State vs. William W. Gift (an affray):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $25 plus costs

21           - State vs. Mark Cooper:  defendant makes bond, with securities Isaac Lowry & John Turner; defendant put on probation for one year, required to keep the peace, “particulary to the said Ruth Cunningham”

                - State vs. Sally Cooper:  defendant makes bond, with securities Isaac Lowry & John Turner; defendant put on probation for one year, required to keep the peace, “particulary to the said Ruth Cunningham”

22           - Thursday, 4 November 1819 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Joseph Smith, David Hogan

                - County Trustee vs. Isaac H. Ward:  jurors Benjamin Weaks, Jesse Acree, Richard Cooley, Charles Roper, Murrell Elkins, Samuel Davis, Hosea H. League, William Howard, William A. Martin, Frederick Weston, Travers Moore & Thomas Boyt find for defendant; plaintiff ordered to pay costs

23           - Samuel Craft vs. Henry Wall (trespass):  jurors Axiom G. Wallace, Jesse Morris, Willis Manning, William Campbell, Asa Morris, Briant Oneal, Benjamin Davis, William Herndon, Wilie Ward, Harmon Ross, Robert Jones & John King; Axiom G. Wallace withdraws from the jury, and a mistrial is declared; case continued to next term

                - Alexander Brightwell, administrator of J. W. Lumpkins, vs. Lawrence Lancaster:  judgment of $21.85 also levied against Thomas Gray, security on the original bond

24           - Isaac Wycoff vs. Joseph Harrison (judicial attachment):  defendant not found in the county; judicial attachment levied against 1000 acres of land, granted to Lardner Clark & Isaac Wycoff on the south side of Cumberland River as grant #825 on 17 Jun 1785, in the amount of $1616.00

                - Court orders Lewis B. Crane to bring orphans Nathan Rushing & Philip Rushing to next term of Court

25           - Friday, 5 November 1819 Court:  justices William Curl, Joseph Smith, David Hogan, Nathan Ross

                - deed from David Gray to John King for 50 acres acknowledged

                - Allen B. King vs. James H. Russell:  jurors Jesse Morris, Axum Wallace, Willis Manning, William Campbell, Asa Morris, Bryant Oneal, Benjamin Davis, William Herndon, Wiley Ward, Harmon Ross, Robert Jones & David McNatt find for the plaintiff in the amount of $61.125

26           - Woolfolk & ?, administrators of Harvey Shelby, vs. John Bailey (debt):  defendant pleads guilty to debt in the amount of $379.7025

                - Joseph Smith & Etheldred Folks, executors of James Vinson, vs. John Blanton:  jurors Jesse Morris, Axum Wallace, Willis Manning, William Campbell, Asa Morris, Bryant Oneal, Benjamin Davis, William Herndon, Wiley Ward, Harmon Ross, Robert Jones & David McNatt find for the plaintiffs in the amount of $83.725

27           - Harvey Shelby, administrator of James Fort deceased vs. John Bailey & William Bailey:  jurors Jesse Morris, Axum Wallace, Willis Manning, William Campbell, Asa Morris, Bryant Oneal, Benjamin Davis, William Herndon, Wiley Ward, Harmon Ross, Robert Jones & David McNatt find for the plaintiff in the amount of $1928.47 plus $33.94 damages

28           - Thomas Herman & others vs. John Bailey:  jurors Jesse Morris, Axum Wallace, Willis Manning, William Campbell, Asa Morris, Bryant Oneal, Benjamin Davis, William Herndon, Wiley Ward, Harmon Ross, Robert Jones & David McNatt find for the plaintiff in the amount of $448.45 plus $29 damages

29           - Thomas Herman & others vs. John Bailey & William Bailey:  jurors Jesse Morris, Axum Wallace, Willis Manning, William Campbell, Asa Morris, Bryant Oneal, Benjamin Davis, William Herndon, Wiley Ward, Harmon Ross, Robert Jones & David McNatt find for the plaintiff in the amount of $249.43 plus $7.48 damages

29           - James H. Russell vs. Thomas Wynn:  jurors Benjamin Weaks, Charles Roper, Jesse Acree, Richard Cooley, Elijah Boyt, Hilkiah Bradford, James Reynolds, Thomas Childress, Joseph Reynolds, James Davidson, David Wilson & John Manning find for defendant

30           - John Bead vs. Bailey & Scarborough:  jurors Benjamin Weaks, Charles Roper, Jesse Acree, Richard Cooley, Elijah Boyt, Hilkiah Bradford, James Reynolds, Thomas Childress, Joseph Reynolds, James Davidson, David Wilson & John Manning find for plaintiff in the amount of $245 plus $6.005 damages

                - Court fines William Howard $5 for contempt, reduced to $1

31           - William Howard vs. James H. Russell:  defendant pleads guilty of $100 debt but cannot pay

                - Dickers vs. Pearce:  jurors Benjamin Weaks, Charles Roper, Jesse Acree, Richard Cooley, Elijah Boyt, Hilkiah Bradford, James Reynolds, Thomas Childress, Joseph Reynolds, James Davidson, David Wilson & John Manning find for plaintiff in the amount of $13.50 plus $2.27 damages

32           - Watson vs. Cooper, Allen & Co.:  jurors Benjamin Weaks, Charles Roper, Jesse Acree, Richard Cooley, Elijah Boyt, Hilkiah Bradford, James Reynolds, Thomas Childress, Joseph Reynolds, James Davidson, David Wilson & John Manning find for plaintiff in the amount of $1700 plus $170 damages

                - Willoughby Mainor vs. Sampson Sykes (appeal):  continued 10 days to allow deposition of Samuel Smith in Clarksville to be taken

33           - Sheriff to summons jurors for next term of Circuit Court:  William Dunbar, Abner Stokes, Randle Hine, Nathan Parker, John Lee, Caleb G. Williams, George W. Atkins, Henry Atkins, Abner Pearce, John Lee of Dicks Fork, Daniel Lewis, George Petty, John Polk, Thomas Buckingham, Thomas Boyt, Anderson Andrews, Drury Bird, John Milam, William Andrews, George Cathey, Adam McGee, Thomas Brigham, Philip Hornberger, Hosea H. League, William Green & John Wofford

                - Sheriff to summons jurors for next term of County Court:  Elisha Williams, John Williams, Francis Frizzle, John Morgan, John Leggett, Joel Biggs, Jesse Jolly, Moses Vinson, Rowland W. Wells, Eldridge Green, John Clark, Thomas Townsend Jr., James Cook, William Brigham, Christopher Reater, Norman McLeod, Elisha Jackson, Thomas Gibbs, Anthony Lee, Thomas Stone, Bartlett McGregor, John Jackson, Thomas Rumbley, Gideon French, John H. Colson & Thomas McGee

34           - Saturday, 6 November 1819 Court:  justices Joseph Smith, David Hogan, Nathan Ross, William Curl

                - Pearce vs. Howard:  appeal dismissed

35           - deed from Ephraim B. Davidson to Nathan Ross for 20 acres acknowledged

                - commissioners settlement with the administrator of William Rumbley returned to Court

                - William L. Allen vs. Thomas Buckingham:  find for plaintiff in the amount of $13, plus interest from 8 May 1816

                - Allen & Peoples vs. Thomas Buckingham:  find for plaintiff in the amount of $23.23, plus interest from 8 May 1816

36           - James H. Russell vs. Thomas Wynn:  plaintiff successfully petitions for a new trial

                - Watson vs. Cooper, Allen & Co.:  defendants appeal to the Circuit Court

                - Court orders William W. Cherry, John Leggitt & John Morgan to work under Etheldred Wallace

                - William L. Allen vs. Thomas Buckingham:  defendants successfully appeal for a new trial

37           - Allen & Peoples vs. Thomas Buckingham:  defendants appeal to the Circuit Court

                - on 31 Sept. 1819, John Bailey, Justice of the Peace, issued an execution in favor of John Milam against James H. Russell for $21.0625; Constable William Cherry levied the judgment amount against a house & lot in Dover

39           - Monday, 7 February 1820 Court:  justices Joseph Smith, William Curl, David Hogan

                - Court orders David Hogan, Hamlin Manly & Peter Kendall to settle with the administrator of Henry Randle, and to make allowance for the widow & children

                - deed from Henlee Acree to Nathan Skinner for 150 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Ezekiel Cox to Jesse Acree for 70 acres proved by oaths of Henlee Acree & William Currie

                - Robert Turner resigns as constable

                - Justices of the Peace Robert Lowry, Charles Polk, Henry Wynns & John Turner sworn in

40           - Court grants Rhaford Rutland a ferry across Tennessee River at Rutland’s Cow Landing, with Thomas Ward & John Polk his securities

                - deed from Lewis Brock to Samuel Kelly for 50 acres proved by oaths of Edmond R. Kelly & Benjamin Kelly

                - Justices of the Peace Gladen Gorin, Benjamin Kelly & William Bayliss sworn in

                - Court grants Rhaford Rutland license to keep an ordinary, with John Polk & William Polk as securities

                - Court grants letters of administration to Lucy Edwards, William Randle & George Randle in the estate of Benjamin Edwards, with Abner Pearce & George Atkins securities

41           - Court grants letters of administration to Polly Pearce, Abner Pearce & George Weaks in the estate of William Pearce, with William M. Cooley & William Cherry securities

                - Court appoints Mark Murphy overseer of the road to Reynoldsburg from the Humphreys Co. line, one mile on the north side of White Oak Creek, in place of Jesse Lankford

                - Court grants Kenneth Reddick a ferry across Tennessee River at the boat landing below the mouth of White Oak Creek, with Nicholas Brewer & Lewis Brewer securities

42           - Court grants Alexander Brightwell a ferry across Tennessee River at his house, about 2 miles below the mouth of Sandy River, with John Polk & John Allen securities

                - Court elects Nathan Skinner as constable in Capt. Skinner’s company, who makes bond with Thomas Gray, William Campbell & David McNatt securities

                - Court elects John Philips as constable in Capt. Jackson’s company, who makes bond with David McNatt & John Allen securities

43           - Court elects Eldridge Green as constable in Capt. Rushing’s company, who makes bond with David McNatt, John Allen & James _____ securities

                - Court elects Nathan Ross, David Hogan, William Curl, Robert Walker & Joseph Smith as quorum constables for the present term

                - Court exonerates William Tubb from paying for a stray horse he found, appraised at $15

                - Court orders Daniel Lewis, Peter Kendall & John Davidson to settle with the executor of William Hubbard

44           - deed from James H. Russell to Hosea H. League for 7 town lots acknowledged

                - deed from James H. Russell to Hosea H. League for 74 acres & 2 town lots acknowledged

                - deed from Richard Manly to Daniel Lewis for 12 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Robert Cooper to William Hicks for 200 acres acknowledged

                - deed of gift from Ann King to David Andrews proven by oaths of Isaac H. Ward & Thomas Ward

                - deed from Drury Brinson to James H. Brigham for 267 acres

45           - bill of sale from Henry Gibson to William Curl proven by oath of James Williams

                - deed from Wilson Lightfoot to Drury Bird for 32 acres proven by oaths of Henry L. Wall & Ephraim B. Davidson

                - deed from Mathias R. Murfree to Benjamin Williams for 640 acres proven by oath of Ephraim B. Davidson & Isaac H. Ward

                - deed from Ephraim B. Davidson to Charles Hooks for 18 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Jacob Crossnoe to James Andrews Jr. for 25 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Richard Manly to Daniel Lewis for 200 acres acknowledged

                - deed from R. Cooper to Nathaniel Parker for 200 acres acknowledged

46           - deed from Jacob Crossnoe to Jamaes Andrews for 25 acres acknowledged

                - deed from William Largent to James Andrews for 30 acres acknowledged

                - Needham Whitfield relinquishes his interest to John Lee in a grant for 17.5 acres, proven by oath of John Yarborough

                - deed from Humphrey Yarborough to John Weatherford for 2 acres proven by oaths of John Lee & John Yarborough

                - deed from Ezekiel Cox to John Fletcher for 71 acres acknowledged

                - deed from John McAdams to Jesse Jolly for 52 acres acknowledged

                - deed of gift from Susannah King to David Andrews for 5 Negroes proven by oaths of Isaac H. Ward & Thomas Ward

                - deed from Hilkiah Weatherford to Randal Stone for 90 acres proven by oaths of William Curl & Boswell Nelson

47           - deed from Seth P’Pool to Robert W. P’Pool for 196 acres proven by oaths of Amstead P’Pool & Henry R. Bailey

                - deed from Seth P’Pool to Robert W. P’Pool for 150 acres proven by oaths of Amstead P’Pool & Henry R. Bailey

                - deed from William Haggard to Seth P’Pool for 66 acres proven by oaths of John Allen & Ephraim Gatlin

                - deed from James Haggard to Seth P’Pool for 196 acres proven by oaths of John Allen & Ephraim Gatlin

                - deed from Isaac Williams to James Haggard for 196 acres proven by oaths of Ephraim B. Davidson & Henry L. Wall

                - deed of gift from William Lyons to Guthridge B. Lyons and Lewis W. Lyons for 320 acres proven by oaths of John Allen & Robert Cooper

48           - deed from Samuel Vance to Thomas Lewis for 200 acres proven by oaths of Frederick W. Huling & Cave Johnson

                - deed from Prescott Crisp to William Bennett for 212.5 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Joshua Cates to David Moore for 50 acres proven by oath of Henry Pugh, who also stated that he saw Edward Bradshaw, a resident of Kentucky, subscribe to the same

                - deed from Nathan Parker to the Baptist Church for 1.5 acres acknowledged

                - deed from William Rasco to Robert Walker and David Grant for 247 acres proven by oaths of William H. Henderson & George Wimberly

                - bond from Alsey H. Bradford to Robert McCorkle for 150 acres proven by oath of Jesse Watkins

                - commissioners appointed to settle with the public officers returned their settlement with James Miller, Trustee

49           - Court appoints Jacob Chester overseer of the road from near John Perry’s to the state line near Charles Ross’, and Jesse Gilbert, John Chester, Levy Chester, Moses Oldham, William Whitford Jr., William Verhaines, Wesley Verhaines, William Chester & William R. Threatt to work under him

                - list of sales of the estate of John Brown returned to the Court

                - additional return of the estate of Maryan McRae returned by the Guardian

                - Court orders John Turner, Elijah Lowry & Alexander Brown to settle with the administrator of John Lowry

                - Court orders Stephen English, George Boyd, Moses Oliver, John Gardner, Jacob Hovers, William S. Coleman & James Caldwell to mark a road from George Boyd’s to James Caldwell’s ferry on Tennessee River

                - commissioners appointed to settle with the public officers returned their settlement with Ephraim B. Davidson, former Trustee, and with James Mallory, Sheriff

50           - Mary Oneal, administratrix of  Zachariah Oneal, returned a list of sales of the estate

                - Court appoints John Lee overseer in place of Charles Hooks

                - commissioners appointed to lay off years’ provisions to Charlotte Oldham make return

                - return of the hire of the Negroes of the estate of George Oldham returned

                - additional sales of the estate of George Oldham returned by the administrator

                - Court appoints William M. Cooley, William Webster & Thomas French to lay off years’ provisions to the widow of William Pearce

                - Court appoints David Hogan, Caleb Williams & William R. Atkins to lay off years’ provisions to the widow of Benjamin Edwards

51           - Thomas Turner produced two wolf scalps in Court, before at least 5 justices, and received a bounty

                - Court orders Zachariah Wyatt, Thomas Wyatt, John Phillips, James Wilson & Lemuel Bell to mark a road from the boat landing above the mouth of Cane Creek to intersect the Hornberger road on the head of Hurricane Creek

                - Court allows $30 each to James H. Russell, John Ferrill & Emanuel James for their services in settling the county business; Ferrill also allowed 7 ferriages

52           - David Rushing produced a wolf scalp in Court, before at least 5 justices, and received a bounty

                - Lewis Brewer produced a wolf scalp in Court, before at least 5 justices, and received a bounty

                - Court allows County Clerk Robert Cooper $25 for his services to the county for the last year

53           - Court allows Solicitor General Cave Johnson $30 for his services to the county for the last year

                - Court orders John Allen, Abner Pearce & John Lee to settle with William Cherry, administrator of Cornelius Cooley

                - Court appoints John Lee overseer in place of Nathan Carter

                - Court appoints James Brigham overseer in place of John Wolf

                - Court allows pauper Nancy Freeman $25 for her support for the present year, and orders William Bayliss to care for her

                - Court allows Martin Bingham $47.50 for maintaining Nancy Freeman for one year, and for burying Mr. Freeman

54           - Court appoints Luke Biggs overseer in place of Miles Sexton

                - Court appoints William Largent overseer of the road from the mouth of Leatherwood to Dover, as far as the foot of the Meeting House Path

                - Court appoints David Hardeman overseer of the road from the mouth of Leatherwood to Dover, from the foot of the Meeting House Path to Dover

                - Court orders Nathan Ross to take the list of taxable property for Capt. Skinner’s company, David Hogan for Capt. Wilcox’ company & Capt. Williams’ company, John Davidson for Capt. Lewis’ company, Gladen Gorin for Capt. Rushing’s company, William Bayliss for Capt. Ogwin’s company, James Patterson for Capt. Jackson’s company, Robert Lowry for Capt. Daniels’ company, Samuel Wynns for Capt. Bailey’s company, Joseph Smith for Capt. John P. Rushing’s company, and Charles Polk, John Studdart & John Marberry to take the list in the south side of the Tennessee River

55           - Court orders county taxes for the present year to be set at:  12.5 cents per hundred acres for jury tax, 6.25 cents for each white poll & black poll, 25 cents for each town lot, 18.75 cents per hundred acres, 37.5 cents for each town lot, 6.75 cents for each white poll, 12.5 cents for each black poll; jurors to be allowed 75 cents per day if the jury tax is sufficient

                - Court orders that Friday, the 5th day of the term, be set aside for county business

                - Return of the hire of the Negroes of the estate of Henry Randle returned by the administrator

56           Tuesday, 8 February 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, William Curl, Joseph Smith

                - Grand Jurors:  William Brigham (foreman), Rowland W. Wells, Jesse Jolly, John Morgan, John Clark, Thomas Rumbley, John K, Colson, Bartlett McGregor, James Cook, Christopher Beaton, Elisha Williams, Thomas Townsend, Norman McLeod

                - deed from Nathan Peeples to William Cherry for 60 acres proven by oaths of John Scarborough & John Richards

                - settlement with administrator of Henry Randle returned

57           - James H. Russell petitions the division of a tract of land adjoining Dover, held in joint tenancy between himself and the legal heirs of Duncan McRae; Court orders Ephraim B. Davidson, John Scarborough, Thomas Ward, William Bailey & H. H. League to divide the land and make return to the Court

                - Reuben Elliott vs. William Smith:  John Dunn summoned to give evidence for the plaintiff, but failed to attend; jurors Thomas McGee, Gideon French, Anthony Lee, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Thomas Stone, Moses Brunson, David McNatt, Henry Wall, Willis Whitford, Richard Faucett, Asa Morris; Thomas McGee is discharged from the jury, and the case is transferred to Circuit Court

58           - John Marberry and John Davidson sworn in as Justices of the Peace

                - William Cherry vs. Owen Dailey:  jurors Elisha Jackson, Joel Biggs, Thomas McGee, Gideon French, Anthony Lee, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Thomas Stone, Moses Brunson, David McNatt, Henry Wall, Richard Faucett find for the defendant

59           - George Nixon vs. Harriet Hauls:  Josiah Alderson summoned to witness for the plaintiff but failed to attend; jury finds for defendant

60           - Joel Gilbert vs. Charles B. Wilcox:  jurors Elisha Jackson, Joel Biggs, Thomas McGee, Robert S. Coleman, Anthony Lee, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Thomas Stone, Moses Brunson, Isaac McKinney, Henry Wall, Richard Faucett cannot agree on a verdict and are dismissed until the next day

                - deed from Harbert Taylor to John Moore acknowledged

                - deed from Jesse Morris to Nathan Ross for 18 acres acknowledged

61           Wednesday, 9 February 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Robert Walker, David Hogan, William Curl

                - State of Tennessee, Chickasaw Bluff, mouth of Wolf River:  Anderson B. Carr and brother Thomas D. Carr, residing at the Chickasaw Bluff, took deposition of Judge Benjamin Fooy, age 59, who resides on the west side of the Mississippi River, nearly opposite the mouth of Wolf River:

Deposition was taken at the home of Patrick Meagher on the Chickasaw Bluff near the mouth of Wolf River on 17 May 1819; Fooy attests that he first came to the Chickasaw Bluff near the mouth of Wolf River in April 1795 and lived there for 2-3 years, then moved to the opposite bank of the river, about ¾ of a mile from the mouth of the river; Fooy states that the mouth of Wolf River used to be about 300 yards lower down the Mississippi, near to where Patrick Meagher now lives

Question #1, asked by Abner Pillow, regarding precise location of principal channel of the river in 1795:  Fooy states that the principal channel in low water was nearly northwest from the house where Patrick Meagher now lives, about 150 yards from the lower saw pit

Question #2, asked by Abner Pillow, whether any part of the Bluff has been formed since Fooy came to the area; Fooy replied No

Question #3, asked by Abner Pillow, whether there was timber that obstructed the view up the mouth of Wolf River from the Spanish Garrison, on the sand beach or island between the fort and the mouth of Wolf River; Fooy states that willows and large timber on the island and under the bluff did obstruct a full view up the mouth of Wolf River

Question #4, asked by Abner Pillow, whether the Bluff has eroded since Fooy came to the area; Fooy states that none of the bluff above Meagher’s Landing, a little below where Meagher’s house stands, which was the landing of the Spanish Garrison below its lower gate, has eroded; Fooy states, however, that erosion has occurred below the Garrison’s lower landing to where the mouth of Wolf River used to be, but not until nearly opposite A. B. Carr’s, and that much erosion has occurred opposite and a little below where Mr. Irvin’s store is, down to Fort Pickering

Question #5, asked by Abner Pillow, whether erosion of the mouth of a secondary river, such as the Wolf, into a principal, such as the Mississippi, is natural; Fooy states that erosion has occurred upstream of the mouth of Wolf River, not downstream, and that he doesn’t know how erosion occurs with other rivers

Question #6, asked by Judge Watson, whether the mouth of Wolf River in 1795 was above or below Meagher’s Landing; Fooy replies that it was above the landing, nearly due west from the lower sand pit, about 150 yards across the bottom from the saw pit, nearly perpendicular above the bottom

Question #7, asked by Abner Pillow, whether he had any other means by which he formed his idea of the course and distance from Meagher’s house to the mouth of Wolf River, other than his recollections; Fooy replied No

Question #8, asked by Thomas Love, whether the Wolf River in 1795 emptied into the Mississippi in the same direction and course as it does now; Fooy replies that the mouth empties a little more west than it used to

Question #9, asked by Thomas Love, as to how far the mouth of Wolf River has moved; Fooy replied about 300 yards below where it is now

Question #10, asked by Thomas Love, whether when Fooy first came to the area in 1795, he saw any evidence of the mouth of Wolf River having been in a different place; Fooy replied that when the Mississippi was full, it overran the mouth of Wolf River and may have, over time, altered the location of the mouth of the river

Question #11, asked by Judge Overton, as to where Fooy thinks the mouth of Wolf River was in 1786; Fooy replied that he could make no guess

Question #12, asked by Judge Overton, whether Fooy doesn’t agree that the mouth of Wolf River must have been lower in 1786 than Fooy first saw it in 1795; Fooy replied that it might be possible, but he doesn’t know

Question #13, asked by Abner Pillow, whether Fooy thinks he could have seen a difference in the mouth of Wolf River in 1795, if it had been lower in 1786; Fooy replied that he couldn’t form an idea, and that the ill health of his family didn’t permit him to continue the deposition any longer

Deposition was taken in the presence of Judge Overton (claiming under J. Rice’s grant), Genl. Thomas Love, Major Abner Pillow (holding part of John Raimey’s entry adjoining Rice)

67           - State of Tennessee, Chickasaw Bluff, mouth of Wolf River:  Anderson B. Carr and brother Thomas D. Carr, residing at the Chickasaw Bluff, took deposition of William McKinney, age about 40, at the house of Patrick Meagher; McKinney states that he came to the Chickasaw Bluffs about 2 years after Judge Fooy, when he was about 15 years old:

McKinney thinks that the mouth of the Wolf River was about 50 yards higher up than where Judge Fooy showed it to the company at the lower saw pit.  He does not know about the slough where the Wolf River is now spoken of by Judge Fooy.  He knows that the mouth of Wolf River is higher up than it was when he first came to the area, but doesn’t know by how much.

Question #1 by Abner Pillow, as to how far McKinney thinks the mouth of Wolf River was from the saw pit; McKinney replies that he doesn’t know

Question #2 by Abner Pillow, as to how wide McKinney thinks the bottom between the saw pit and the mouth of the river was; McKinney replies that he doesn’t know

Question #3 by Abner Pillow, as to whether McKinney has any knowledge of a slough on the side of Wolf River; McKinney replies No

Deposition taken 15 May 1819, in presence of Abner Pillow and Marcus B. Winchester

69           - State of Tennessee, Chickasaw Bluff, mouth of Wolf River:  Anderson B. Carr and brother Thomas D. Carr, residing at the Chickasaw Bluff, took deposition of Patrick Meagher, age about 45, at his own house; Meagher states that he came to the Chickasaw Bluffs at the mouth of Wolf River in 1797 and has lived there since then; he thinks that the mouth of Wolf River at that time was North 67.5 degrees West from its present location, and about 200 feet across the saw ground, and that he has considered cultivating a field under the bluff below the river

Question #1 by Abner Pillow, as to how much bottom land would have been available for cultivating a field when McKinney first settled there, and how wide the bottom was from east to west; McKinney replied that “it was a good smart piece farther upward than down”

Question #2 by Abner Pillow:  “Do you or do you  not believe it was wide as the distance from your cart down to the middle of the ridge in front of said door?”  McKinney replied No.

Deposition taken 15 May 1819, in presence of Abner Pillow and Marcus B. Winchester

70           - Court orders Sheriff James Mallory to bring to next term of court Hiram Caplinor, Samuel Caplinor & Pleasant Caplinor, orphan children, for the purpose of being bound

71           - State vs. Thomas Taylor:  defendant is not to be found in the county; Solicitor General drops his suit

                - State vs. John Edwards (indictment for false imprisonment):  defendant is not to be found in the county; Solicitor General drops his suit

                - State vs. William Cherry (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $4 plus costs

                - State vs. Henry Bailey Jr. (riot):  defendant and Henry Bailey Sr. appear and make bond; case continued to next term

72           - William Bailey and Henry Bailey make bond on an indictment of inciting a riot; case continued to next term

                - Nicholas Bailey and Henry Bailey make bond on an indictment of inciting a riot; case continued to next term

73           - State vs. Inman Rogers (assault & battery): defendant pleads not guilty; jurors William Brigham, Rowland W. Wells, Jesse Jolly, John Clark, Thomas Rumbley, John K. Colson, Bartlett McGregor, James Cook, Christopher Beaton, Elisha Williams, Thomas Townsend & Norman McLeod find the defendant not guilty

74           - State vs. Harmon Ross (assault & battery):  defendant pleads not guilty; jurors Thomas McGee, Gideon French, Anthony Lee, Joel Biggs, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Elisha Jackson, James Turpin, Enoch Jones, Ephraim Gatlin, Henry Bailey & Henry Pugh find the defendant not guilty

                - State vs. Moses Fletcher (gaming):  defendant had made bond with Elijah Fletcher and Simon Fletcher, but failed to appear in court and forfeits the bond

75           - State vs. William West (Sir Fa.):  forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

                - State vs. James West (Sir Fa.):    forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

76           - State vs. Abram Whitehead (Sir Fa.):  forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

                - State vs. William L. Allen (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $3 and costs

77           - State vs. William L. Allen (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $2 and costs

                - State vs. Aaron Fletcher (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $2 and costs

                - Lewis Thomas vs. John Smith:  defendant admits non-performance of their covenant, plaintiff to recover $255.60

78           - State vs. James West (riot):  Thomas McGee, Gideon French, Anthony Lee, Joel Biggs, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Elisha Jackson, James Turpin, Enoch Jones, Henry Bailey, Henry Pugh & Moses Brunson find the defendant guilty, who is fined $25 plus costs

                - State vs. William West (riot):  Thomas McGee, Gideon French, Anthony Lee, Joel Biggs, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Elisha Jackson, James Turpin, Enoch Jones, Henry Bailey, Henry Pugh & Moses Brunson find the defendant guilty, who is fined $25 plus costs

79           - deed from John Weatherspoon and Elizabeth Weatherspoon, of Williamson County, to Stephen Cowan for 389.75 acres proven by oaths of Ephraim B. Davidson and Thomas Buckingham

80           - bill of sale from George Neville to Joseph Neville for a Negro girl named Grace proven by oath of Thomas French

                - deed from Henry Gibson to the heirs of Alexander Walker for 49 acres proven by oaths of Reed Luton and Thomas Ross

                - Thursday, 10 February 1820 Court:  justices William Curl, Joseph Smith, Nathan Ross, Robert Walker

                - State vs. Moses Fletcher (Sir Fa.):  forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

81           - State vs. John Kirksey (assault & battery):  Thomas Roberts posts recognizance bond for defendant appearing at Court next term to answer the charges

82           - State vs. Thomas Taylor  (Sir Fa.):  forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

                - State vs. William L. King  (Sir Fa.):  forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

                - State vs. Henry King  (Sir Fa.):  forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

                - State vs. William H. Henderson  (Sir Fa.):  forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

83           - State vs. William H. Henderson  (Sir Fa.):  forfeiture rendered at last term set aside; defendant ordered to pay costs

                - State vs. James G. Jenkins (an affray):  defendant posts bond, with William Webster as security; case continued

                - State vs. Isaac Brunson (not keeping his ferry in good order):  defendant fined $10 plus costs

84           - State vs. William Webster (assault & battery):  jurors Thomas McGee, Gideon French, Joel Biggs, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Elisha Jackson, Prescott Crisp, Reed Luton, Hugh H. Sparkman, Adam Jones, John Garner, Anthony Lee find the defendant guilty, who is fined $5 plus costs

                - State vs. Hugh Sparkman:  jurors William Brigham, Rowland W. B. Wells, Jesse Jolly, John Morgan, John Clark, Thomas Rumbley, John K. Colson, Bartlett McGregor, James Cook, Christopher Beaton, Elisha Williams, Thomas Townsend find the defendant guilty, who is fined $1 dollar plus costs

85           - State vs. Richard Sullivan (assault & battery):  defendant makes bond, with William H. Henderson, William McGee, Seth P’Pool and Joseph Taylor as securities; case continued

86           - State vs. Benjamin Ogle (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $20 plus costs

87           - George Williamson vs. Thomas Roberts:  jurors Thomas McGee, Gideon French, Anthony Lee, Joel Biggs, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Elisha Jackson, Moses Brunson, Adam Jones, Thomas Childress, Thomas Ward, Seth P’Pool find for the plaintiff in the amount of $99

                - Sheriff James Mallory reports the jail to be no longer sufficient for confining prisoners, and states that he is no longer bound for any escapes from the jail

88           - Edwards & Fentress vs. Frederick Weston (Ejectment):  jurors William Brigham, Rowland W. Wells, Jesse Jolly, John Morgan, John Clark, Thomas Rumbley, John K. Colson, Bartlett McGregor, James Cook, Christopher Beaton, Elisha Williams, Thomas Townsend find for the plaintiff in the amount of 1 cent

                - bill of sale from William Wallace to Prescott Crisp acknowledged

                - deed from Sheriff James Mallory to John Overton for 250 acres acknowledged

89           - Cooper, Allen & Co. vs. James H. Russell:  defendant admits debt to plaintiff of $165.15

                - John Doe vs. Richard Roe (Ejectment):  case transferred to Circuit Court

                - On 2 November 1819, Justice of the Peace Henry Edwards ruled in favor of John Pritchett against Samuel Chapman, in the amount of $28 with interest from 1 October 1818; Constable Jesse Pully levied the fine on 25 acres of land on Guices Creek, which is ordered to be sold

90           - William Barnes vs. Drury Milam:  defendant ordered to pay $48.9375 plus costs

                - Jesse A. Brunson vs. Drury Milam:  defendant ordered to pay $34.0625

91           - Friday, 11 February 1820 Court:  justices David Hogan, Robert Walker, Joseph Smith

                - George Williamson vs. Thomas Roberts:  defendant appeals verdict to the Circuit Court

                - Court orders Joseph Smith, William Curl & William Williams to settle with the administrator of William Outlaw

92           - William Bufford and wife Patsey, executrix of the estate of Yancey Thornton, petition for a settlement of the estate; Court orders Joseph Smith, Emanuel James & William Williams to make the settlement

                - On 2 November 1819, Justice of the Peace Henry Edwards ruled against Henry Webb and Sarey Ramey in favor of John L. Hagler, in the amount of $65 plus $2.12 interest and $1.375 costs; Constable Jesse Pully levied the fine on 11 acres on Elk Creek where Webb lives, which is ordered to be sold

93           - Samuel Craft vs. Henry Wall:  jurors Gideon French, Joel Biggs, Francis Frizzle, John Leggett, Elisha Jackson, Moses Brunson, John Scarborough, William H. Henderson, Thomas Ward, Levi Wimberly, John Garner, Hosea H. League find for the plaintiff in the amount of $30 plus costs

94           - Edwards & Fentress vs. Frederick Weston (Ejectment):  defendant appeals to the Circuit Court

                - John P. Erwin & Co. vs. E. B. Davidson (demurrer):  demurrer is overruled; Court orders a writ of enquiry returned to next term

                - Court orders John Scarborough, William Williams, John Allen, John James & William Cherry to mark a road from the Cross Street near Scarborough’s to William Cherry’s

95           - W. H. Henderson vs. Walker’s administrators (debt):  defendant to recover costs from the plaintiff

                - Hugh Sparkman vs. Jesse Jolly (trespass):  plaintiff to recover costs from the defendant

                - Court appoints John Green overseer in place of Wright Manning

96           - deed from Rowland Milam to James Wyatt for 100 acres acknowledged

                - Sheriff James Mallory allowed $60 for his services for the last 2 years

                - Court appoints James Symmons overseer in place of Thomas Ward

                - Court orders Isham Sills, William Sills, Joseph B. Neville, Henry Bell, Josiah Outland, Lewis Outland & Enos Outland to mark a road from Jethro Bass’ new ground to intersect the Eddyville road at the state line

97           - Court allows $35 instead of previously-allowed $25 to the Court Clerk

                - On motion of William James, Court appoints Thomas Rumbley guardian for Madison Rumbley, with John Allen and John James as securities

                - W. Minor vs. A. Sikes:  defendant allowed leave to take deposition of Malikia Sikes, Gideon Bass and John Tean(?) of North Carolina

                - Cullen Bayliss & Co. vs. James H. Russell (debt):  defendant acknowledges $112.30 debt

98           - Sheriff James Mallory reports tracts of land omitted in the assessment of 1819 taxes, all of which are subject to double tax, and whose owners have no property in the county on which to levy the unpaid taxes:

- William Alston’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant #107 (10 Jul 1788, entered 27 Oct 1783) on Loosahatchie River

- Martin Armstrong’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant #96 (10 Jul 1788, entered 29 Oct 1783) on Obion River

- Martin Armstrong’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant #384 (10 Dec 1793, entered 24 Jul 1784) on Mississippi River

- Martin Armstrong’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant #383 (10 Dec 1793, entered 24 Jun 1784) on Mississippi River

- Martin Armstrong’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 25 May 1784) on the North fork of Forked Deer River

- John Rice’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 24 Jun 1784) on the North side of Chickasaw Bluff at the mouth of Wolf River

- Landon Carter’s 640-acre North Carolina grant #310 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- Benjamin Shepherd’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entry #2318) on the north side of Tennessee River on Indian Creek, 600 acres of which is unsold

- Benjamin Shepherd’s North Carolina grant #673 (8 Dec 1787, entry #2302) on the north side of Tennessee River on Hayes Creek

- Thomas Polk’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 30 Oct 1783) on Loosahatchie River

- Landon Carter’s 640-acre North Carolina grant #321 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- James Robertson’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 25 Oct 1783) on Loosahatchie River

- Landon Carter’s 4000-acre North Carolina grant #319 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- Landon Carter’s 640-acre North Carolina grant #322 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- Landon Carter’s 300-acre North Carolina grant #320 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- Alexander McKee’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 27 Oct 1783) on Grove Creek of Obion River

- Landon Carter’s 400-acre North Carolina grant #317 on the north side of the North fork of Obion River

- Landon Carter’s 640-acre North Carolina grant #318 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- George Doherty’s 3530-acre North Carolina grant (entered 30 Oct 1783) on Cowan Run of Wolf River

- Landon Carter’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant #315 on the North fork of Obion River

- Landon Carter’s 300-acre North Carolina grant #316 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- George Doherty’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant #310 (entered 30 Oct 1783) on Loosahatchie River

- Landon Carter’s 500-acre North Carolina grant #313 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- William Alston’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 27 Oct 1783) on south side of Loosahatchie River

- Landon Carter’s 300-acre North Carolina grant #314 on Harris’ fork of Obion River

- Landon Carters’ 200-acre North Carolina grant #311 on North fork of Obion River

- Edward Harris’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 15 Oct 1783) on the north side of Obion River

- Landon Carter’s 300-acre North Carolina grant #312 on the north fork of Obion River

- William Dobbins’ 250-acre North Carolina grant #392 on the south side of Tennessee River

- Robert Martin’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 25 Oct 1783) on Obion River

- William Dobbins’ 5000-acre North Carolina grant #397 on the Mississippi River

- Joseph Potterfield’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 20 Jun 1784) on Yellow Bluff of Mississippi River

- William Dobbins’ North Carolina grant #394 on Tennessee River

- John Carter’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 27 Oct 1783) on the Forked Deer River

- Jesse Stead’s 1035-acre North Carolina grant (entered 12 Jan 1785) on the Big Hatchie River

- Robert Holmes’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant #370 on Rutherford Fork

- James Templeton’s 920-acre North Carolina grant on Rutherford Fork

- Thomas Davidson’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #634) on Obion River

- James Dougan’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #578) on the south side of Obion River

- John Right’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #690, entered 28 Oct 1783) on Housers Creek

- Shadrick Hargress’ 2110-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #636, entered 25 Oct 1783) on Loosahatchie River

- John Johnson and J. M. Lewis’ 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1713, entered 10 Apr 1784), 14 miles from the Mississippi River

- Isaac Roberts’ 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1705) on the south side of Obion River

- Richard Blackledge’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1162, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Wolf River

- Shederic Miller’s 4000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #633, entered 28 Oct 1783) on Reelfoot River

- James Robertson’s North Carolina grant (warrant #1646, entered 16 Apr 1784) on Obion River

- George Doherty’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1201, entered 3 Nov 1783) on Reelfoot River below the mouth of the 2nd bayou

- Augustus Harvey’s 2500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1148, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Reelfoot River, including the mouth of Cane Creek

- James Dever’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1574, entered Apr 1784) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- Phelomel Hawkins’ 4000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1752, entered 17 Apr 1784) on Indian Creek of Big Hatchie River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1153, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Obion River

- Thomas Talbot’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1440, entered 27 Jan 1784) on Loosahatchie River

- Henry Bowyer’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1680, entered 16 Oct 1784) on Reelfoot River

- David Shelton’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #678, entered 28 Oct 1783) on the north side of the South fork of the Forked Deer River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2437, entered 25 May 1784) on Indian Creek of Big Richland Creek, on the south side about 2 miles above the mouth of the creek

- Edward Harris’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2368, entered 25 Aug 1784) on Lick Creek of Obion River

- Edward Harris’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2369, entered 25 Aug 1784)

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 25 May 1784) on a south branch of Indian Creek

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2377, entered 25 May 1784) on Lick fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2377, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2378, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s North Carolina grant (warrant #2379, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2445, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2385, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2440, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Loosahatchie River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2434, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Obion River

- Mathew Ramsey’s 3300-acre North Carolina grant (warrants #2432, 2435, 2436, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Obion River

- Benjamin Smith’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2409, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of the south fork of Forked Deer River

- Benjamin Smith’s 200-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2412, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of the Forked Deer River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2447, entered 25 May 1784) on the north side of Clear River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2448, entered 25 May 1784) on the west side of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2392, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Obion River

- Thomas Dillon’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2441, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Tennessee River below the mouth of Duck River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2380, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2383, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Obion River

- Thomas Dillon’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #706, entered 28 Oct 1783) on the west side of Tennessee River opposite the mouth of Duck River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2384, entered 25 May 1784) on Obion River

- Benjamin Smith’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2407, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Forked Deer

- Benjamin Smith’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2414, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Forked Deer

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2389, entered 25 May 1784) on the north side of the north fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2390, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2394, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2396, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2468, entered 25 May 1784) on the north side of the north fork of Obion River

- Benjamin Smith’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2408, entered 25 May 1784) on the south waters of the south fork of Forked Deer

- Benjamin Smith’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2406, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Forked Deer

- Benjamin Smith’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2410, entered 25 May 1784) on the south waters of the south fork of Forked Deer

- Edward Harris’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2371, entered 25 May 1784) on Lick Creek of Obion River

- John Stokes’ 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2650, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- Charles Galloway’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2531, entered 12 Jan 1785) on Mississippi River

- William T. Lewis’ 1490-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2635, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Forked Deer

- Benjamin Smith’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2638, entered 25 May 1784) on Forked Deer River

- John Bayliss’ 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #423, entered 1783) on the south side of Obion River

- James Cox’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2516, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- Hardy Murfrey’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2652, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Obion River on the waters of Forked Deer River

- Thomas Cox’1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2519, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- Thomas Cox’1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2521, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- Thomas Cox’1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2518, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- Thomas Cox’1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2526, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- William T. Lewis’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2632, entered 25 May 1784) on the Forked Deer

- William Polk’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2524, entered 25 May 1784) on Indian Creek of Big Hatchie River

- Augustus Harvey’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1149, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Reelfoot branch of Obion River

- William Sharp’s North Carolina grant (warrant #1565, entered 28 Mar 1784) on the south side of Obion River

- George Doherty’s 2500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1200, entered 3 Nov 1783) on the north side of Loosahatchie River

- Jane Davidson’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #725, entered 28 Oct 1783) on Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1158, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- Richard Blackledge’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1163, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Cane Creek

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #976, entered 29 Oct 1783) on the south side of Big Hatchie River

- Thomas Talbot’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1441, entered 27 Jan 1784) on Loosahatchie River

- Samuel Harris’ 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1566, entered 20 Mar 1784) on the north fork of Loosahatchie River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1152, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1157, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2376, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Obion River

- (120) Benjamin Smith’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2415, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of the south fork of Forked Deer River

- Benjamin Smith’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2416, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of the south fork of Forked Deer River

- Benjamin Smith’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2413, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of the south fork of Forked Deer River

- Micajah G. Lewis’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2636, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Forked Deer River

- William T. Lewis’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2633, entered 25 May 1784) on north fork of the Forked Deer River

- Thomas C. Lewis’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2517, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- Thomas C. Lewis’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2515, entered 25 May 1784) on Long Fork

- Thomas Rice Sharp’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2656) on Long Fork

- Alexander McKee’s 1500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2631, entered 25 May 1784)

- William Polk’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2525, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Forked Deer River

- Amelia Johnson’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2522) on Big Hatchie River

- William Price’s North Carolina grant (warrant #2662, entered 1 Jan 1787) on Chickahoma River

- William T. Lewis’ 1500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2637, entered 25 May 1784) on a fork of the Forked Deer River

- William T. Lewis’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 25 May 1784) on north fork of the Forked Deer River

- William T. Lewis’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2639, entered 25 May 1784) on Reelfoot River

- Abner Nash’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2526, entered 25 May 1784) on the north side of Loosahatchie River

- William Polk’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2526, entered 25 May 1784) on the Mississippi River below the mouth of the Forked Deer River

- Benjamin Smith’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2627, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Forked Deer River

- John Stokes’ 2500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2651, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- Sprue McCoy’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- William Alston’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Forked Deer River

- William Alston’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2668, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Obion River

- James Petterson’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2632, entered 12 Jan 1784)

- James Hale’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2616, entered 25 May 1784) on the south side of Indian Creek

- Thomas R. Sharp’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2657, entered 25 May 1784) on Long Fork

- Jacob Blount’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1253, entered 24 Jun 1784)

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 3000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1150, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Mississippi River

- Telaphon Lewis’ 2500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #631, entered 27 Oct 1783) on Tennessee River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1147, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Obion River

- John Childers’ 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1512, entered 20 Feb 1784) on the third creek above the mouth of Duck River

- George Doherty’s 1130-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1570, entered 1 Apr 1784) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s North Carolina grant (warrant #1150, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- John Dougan’s 2165-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #686, entered 28 Oct 1783) on Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1151, entered 31 Oct 1783)

- George Doherty’s 2500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1198, entered 3 Nov 1783) on the north side of Loosahatchie River

- George Doherty’s North Carolina grant (warrant #1577, entered 1 Apr 1784) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- Minesion Hunt’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1841, entered 24 Apr 1784) on the second large creek that empties into Tennessee River on the south side below the mouth of Duck River

- Anthony Sharp’s 3500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #419, entered 25 Oct 1783) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- William Davidson’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1571, entered 1 Apr 1784) on the south side of Rutherford Creek of Obion River

- Jesse Steed’s 1500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #417, entered 25 Oct 1783) on the south side of Loosahatchie River

- Archibald Murphy’s North Carolina grant (warrant #435, entered 25 Oct 1783) on the Obion River and the north branches of Forked Deer River

- John Childers’ 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #435, entered 20 Feb 1784) on the south side of Tennessee River at the mouth of the third creek above the mouth of Duck River

- William Hawkins’ 3500-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #414, entered 25 Oct 1783) on the south fork of Forked Deer River

- Robert Weakley’s North Carolina grant (warrant #1787, entered 27 Apr 1784) on the north side of Obion River

- Joseph Ross’ 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1712, entered 8 May 1787) on Obion River

- Alexander & David Green’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #405, entered 25 Oct 1783) on Big Hatchie River

- M. Davidson’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #721, entered 28 Oct 1783) on Obion River

- David Hart’s 2250-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1254, entered 24 Jun 1784) on the north side of Big Hatchie River

- William Hewlett’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #463, entered 25 Oct 1783) on the north fork of Forked Deer River

- William Moore’s 1320-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #589, entered 24 Jan 1784) on Big Hatchie River

- Robertson Mumford’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1257, entered 24 Jun 1784) on the east side of Mississippi River

- William Hewlett’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #998, entered 29 Oct 1785) on the south fork of Forked Deer River

- Thomas Molhollan’s 3470-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #454, entered 25 Oct 1783) on the south side of Tennessee River, about one mile below the mouth of Duck River

- Henry Clark’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #781, entered 29 Oct 1783) on the south side of Obion River

- Adam Boyd’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1226, entered 6 Nov 1783) on the south side of Forked Deer River

- Obediah Baker’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1518, entered 20 Feb 1784) on the south side of Tennessee River

- (130) John Childers’ 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1810, entered 20 Feb 1784) on the south side of Tennessee River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1156, entered 31 Oct 1783) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- Menucan Hunt’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1756, entered 22 Apr 1784) on the second large creek that empties into Tennessee River below the mouth of Duck River

- Menucan Hunt’s 5000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1757, entered 22 Apr 1784) on the north fork of Obion River

- George Doherty’s 2000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1119, entered 3 Nov 1783) on Indian Creek

- James Davidson’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1573, entered 1 Apr 1784) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- Robert Pattan’s North Carolina grant (warrant #1569, entered 1 Apr 1784) on Rutherford Fork of Obion River

- John Windson’s 1000-acre North Carolina grant (warrant #1259, entered 24 Jun 1784) on the waters of Big Hatchie River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2348, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Obion River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2349, entered 25 May 1784) on both sides of the north fork of Obion River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2350, entered 25 May 1784) on both sides of the north fork of Obion River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2351, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of Obion River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2352, entered 25 May 1784) on both sides of Grove Creek

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2353, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of the Obion River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2354, entered 25 May 1784) on the north and south fork of Obion River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2355, entered 25 May 1784) on the south fork of Obion River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2356, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of the Obion River

- Abner Nash’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2357, entered 25 May 1784) on the north fork of the Obion River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2310, entered 25 May 1784) on Grove Creek

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2311, entered 25 May 1784) on Grove Creek

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2312, entered 25 May 1784) on Grove Creek

- (134) John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2313, entered 25 May 1784) on Reelfoot River

- John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount’s 1000–acre North Carolina grant (warrant #2314, entered 25 May 1784) on Grove Creek

134         - John Manning vs. Hosea H. League:  jurors William Brigham, Jesse Jolly, John Morgan, John Clark, Thomas Rumbley, John K. Colson, Bartlett McGregor, James Cook, Christopher Beaton, Elisha Williams, Thomas Townsend find for the plaintiff in the amount of $1

                - jurors for May term 1820:  Abram Whitehead, Isam Allsbrook, John Balan, Thomas Downs, Cullen Matheny, James Williams, William Williams, William Jones, James Vinson, Armstrong Taylor, William G. Ross, James Bird, Richard Blanton, Thomas Hollom, John Blanton, James Largent, William Walker, Cader Biggs, Drewry Andrews, David Andrews Jr., Henry L. Waller, William Bailey, William Cook, Right M. Manning, Lemuel Williams, John Atkins Jr., William Almon, Henry Cherry, Charles Summers, David Moore, John Boyd

135         - Saturday, 12 February 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, Robert Walker, Joseph Smith

                - James H. Russell vs. Thomas Wynns:  court orders commissioners to take the deposition from John Edwards of Wilson County

                - instrument of writing from John Scarborough and John Allen to James H. Russell acknowledged

136         - Cooper Allen & Co. vs. John Bailey, William Bailey & William Williams (debt):  defendants acknowledge debt of $661.835 plus $32.75 damages

                - deed from Sheriff James Mallory to George M. L. Marr for 2 tracts of 10000 acres acknowledged

                - Thomas Buckingham vs. Robert S. Coleman:  court orders commissioners to take the deposition from Thomas Buckingham Jr., James Terry, Jeremiah Stubblefield & Peter Terry of Sumner County

137         - Sheriff James Mallory reports double taxes, clerk’s fee, sheriff’s fee & printers fees on tracts of land omitted in the assessment of 1819 taxes, all of which are subject to double tax, and whose owners have no property in the county on which to levy the unpaid taxes (see list of tracts beginning p. 98 above)

161         - Monday, 1 May 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, John Davidson, William Curl, David Hogan, Robert Walker, Benjamin Kelly, Robert Lowry, John Turner

                - Gladden Gorin, Samuel Wynn, John Acree & John Studdart sworn in as Justices of the Peace

                - deed from James H. Russell to Charles Roper for 100 acres acknowledged

                - Hamlin Manly appointed guardian to Harriett Manly, infant daughter of Isaac Manly deceased

                - Court appoints Thomas W. Lewis overseer of the road from Bowling Green to Palmyra, up to the county line, with James Milam, Nathaniel Wickham & David Irwin’s hands to work under him

                - Court allows David Irwin to keep a ferry across Cumberland River opposite McCarty’s old place

162         - Court appoints James R. Randle constable in Brewer’s company, on the south side of Tennessee River

                - Court appoints Arabia Brewer constable in Capt. Bailey’s company, on the Obion River

                - Court appoints Anthony Lee constable on North Cross Creek

                - Court appoints Alsey Elkins constable in Green’s settlement on Sandy River

                - Court allows Miles Williams to keep a ferry across Tennessee River

                - deed from John Studdart, attorney for Benjamin Ragsdale, to Charles Barnes for 25 acres acknowledged

163         - Court exonerates Charles Ross from paying taxes on the stray cows he took up

                - inventory of the sale of the estate of Benjamin Estes returned by administrator George Randle

                - Court appoints James Cook overseer of the road from Philip Hornberger’s to the mill on Hurricane, as far as the Tennessee Ridge, and John Barnes, John Johnson, William Alsup, Robert Lowry, Randle Leek, Robert Jones, Robert Armour, Norman McLeod, William Brigham, David Carter, Edward Whitehead, Henry Edwards’ hands, James Brigham, Philip Hornberger’s hands, Jesse Brunson’s hands, Andrew Greer, Jesse Pickler, Enoch Fowler, Mier Fowler, Hiram Fowler, Charles Fowler, William Fowler, Adam Green, Joseph Carroll, William Taylor & Daniel Fowler to work under him

                - deed from William Travis to Samuel Yarborough for 20 acres acknowledged

164         - Court orders Thomas Gray, Crawford Bradford, Adam Foul, Thomas Hendon and James Gray to mark a road from the mouth of Sandy River to Arabia Brown’s on Bloody River

                - Court orders Abner Pearce, Thomas Deloche, Brian Byrd, James Bailey, Jack Dollason, Andrew Crissles & William Alexander to mark a road from Arabia Brown’s on Bloody River to the east fork of Obion River

                - Court orders Moses Oliver, Richard Davis, Alsey Elkins, William Elkins, Aaron Carney, James Caldwell, John Malone & Willie Mallory to mark a road from Caldwell’s Ferry to Arabia Brown’s on Bloody River

                - Court appoints John Jackson overseer of the road from the mill on Hurricane Creek to Hornberger’s, as far as the top of the Tennessee Ridge, and that John Barnes, William Alsup, Robert Lowry, Allen Carter, Abel Rains, Hugh Rains, Elisha Holyfield, Elijah Parr, Samuel Lockhart, Joseph Lockhart, William Crouse, William Gately, Lewis Jackson, William Alsup, James Nichols, Samuel Alsup, Samuel Webb, Elisha Jackson, James Chambers, Green B. Chambers work under him

165         - deed from Philip Hornberger to Jesse A. Brunson for 80 acres acknowledged

                - deed from John Studdart to Charles Summers to 185.5 acres acknowledged

                - deed of gift from Sally Davidson to William F. Faucett proven by oaths of John Davidson and Anthony Lee

                - Court allows John Turner $52 for the next year for the maintenance of Molly Ackles, a pauper

                - Moses Oliver produced a wolf scalp in Court and was allowed bounty

166         - John Studdart produced a wolf scalp in Court and was allowed bounty

                - tax list of Capt. Daniel’s company returned

                - State vs. John Robbins (bastardy):  defendant made bond for support of Elisabeth Rushing’s child

                - deed from Elias Tubbs to Gladden Gorin for 154 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Francis Smith to William Bayliss for 216 acres acknowledged

167         - Court appoints Zachariah Wyatt overseer of the road from the boat landing above the mouth of Cane Creek to intersect Hornberger’s road near the head of Hurricane Creek, with Jesse Johnson, Gideon French, Samuel Alsup, Samuel Webb, James Nichols, George Webb, William Misher, James Holloway, John Ally, Henry Cassles, Charles Summers’ hands, John Summers, Dennis Barnes, Charles Barnes, James Paskill, Joseph Burchett, John Burchett, David Brigham & hands, Mark Murphy, Isaac Lowry, Green Berry Summers, Mr. Matthews, James Rushing, William Wyatt, James Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Curtis Smith, David Hill & hands, James Holmes & hands, Nathaniel Holmes, John Rolls, David Wilson, John Jones, Henry Wynn, John Boyd, Seth Outlaw, John W. Grover, Benjamin Brewer, Henry Lankford, Wilson Brown, Thomas Harris, William Wyatt, Thomas Wyatt, Ephraim Wyatt, Levi Burcham, Edmond Holiway, John Ballor, Thomas James, Henry James, Benjamin Bell, Henry Hamel, Burwell Bell & George Bell to work under him

                - deed from David Irwin & Mary Clouse(?) to Miles Williams for 576 acres acknowledged

168         - Court appoints Horatio Humphries overseer in place of Gladden Gorin, and orders the hands of William Tubb, James Tubb, William Tubb Jr., John Webb, Ann Herndon, Younger Herndon, Stephen Thomason, William Newton, John Stewart & Gladden Gorin to work under him

                - Court appoints Thomas Davidson overseer of the road from George Boyd’s to Caldwell’s Ferry on Tennessee River, and that the hands of Robert S. Coleman, George Boyd Sr., George Boyd Jr., Thomas Buckingham, John Gardner, Frederick Turner, Walter Boswell, George Wilson, Jacob Smith, Laban Turpin, Abram Philips, John Rabourn, David Cowan, Edwin Smith, Stephen English, James English and the Upchurches, John Reeves, Alexander Brightwell, James Caldwell, Rhaford Rutland & John McFadden work under him

                - additional return of the estate of Alsey Bradford returned

                - John Bailey resigns his appointment as Register

169         - tax list of Capt. Ogwin’s Company returned

                - Court allows Ann Swor $15 for keeping Robert Swor, a pauper

                - deed from William B. Nelson to Henry Bailey for 60 acres proven by oaths of Henry R. Bailey & Nicholas Bailey

                - deed of gift from Tabitha Manly to Harriett Freeman Manly proven by oaths of David Hogan and George W. Atkins

                - deed from John Studdart to Dennis Barnes for 44 acres acknowledged

                - bill of sale from William Elliott to William Travis proven by oath of Thomas McGee

                - Court appoints Nathaniel Rogers overseer in place of Willis Whitford

170         - Court orders Mathew Morgan to hold an inquest on the body of John Hawgood

                - Thomas Haynes vs. Wells & Murphy (attachment):  defendants made bond

                - Court ordered Joseph Griffin, Armstead Taylor, William Rogers, Cullen Rogers, Joseph McClanahan, Hugh H. Sparkman, Reed Luton & their hands work under Isaac McKinney on the road on which he is overseer

171         - Tuesday, 2 May 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, Robert Walker, Joseph Smith, William Curl

                - Grand jurors:  David Moore (foreman), William Cook, Lemuel Williams, Richard Blanton, William G. Ross, Charles Summers, Cader Biggs, Henry Chambers, John Boyd, Thomas Holton, William Walker, John Atkins Jr., David Andrews Sr.

                - Court exonerates Henry L. Wall, James Williams & Thomas French from attending the rest of the term as jurors

                - deed from William Randle to William Williams for 400 acres proven by oaths of George Yarborough & James Yarborough

172         - William Haynes vs. James H. Russell (debt):  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, John Gardner, Thomas Wilson, William Taylor, John Marshall, William Ridings & Prescott Crisp find for the plaintiff in the amount of $120 plus $7.80 damages

                - Lemmy Williams vs. John Hayes:  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, John Gardner, Thomas Wilson, William Taylor, John Marshall, Charles B. Wilcox & Prescott Crisp find for the plaintiff in the amount of $138 plus costs

                - John P. Rushing & William Rushing vs. James H. Haggard & Henry Gibson (debt):  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, William Taylor, John Marshall, Prescott Crisp, Seth P’Pool, John Scarborough & Hosea H. League find for the plaintiff in the amount of $173.39

173         - Henry Clark vs. David Irwin, administrator:  case transferred to Circuit Court for trial

                - George A. Bradford vs. Thomas Roberts (debt):  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, William Taylor, John Marshall, Prescott Crisp, Seth P’Pool, John Scarborough & Hosea H. League find for the plaintiff in the amount of $195.13 plus $9.125 damages

174         - George A. Bradford vs. Thomas Roberts (debt):  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, William Taylor, John Marshall, Prescott Crisp, Seth P’Pool, John Scarborough & Hosea H. League find for the plaintiff in the amount of $170.55 plus $10.22 damages

175         - J. & W. Sutter vs. James H. Russell (debt):  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, William Taylor, John Marshall, Prescott Crisp, Seth P’Pool, John Scarborough & Hosea H. League find for the plaintiff in the amount of $112 plus $8.40 damages

                - Hosea H. League vs. Henry King (debt):  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, William Taylor, John Marshall, Prescott Crisp, Seth P’Pool, John Scarborough & John Gardner find for the plaintiff in the amount of $161.8775 plus $4.04 damages

176         - John Scruggs vs. Hosea H. League:  case continued to allow a deposition to be taken from William Dickson Horton of Davidson County

                - Thomas H. Fletcher vs. John Bailey (debt):  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, William Taylor, John Marshall, Prescott Crisp, Seth P’Pool, John Scarborough & Hosea H. League find for the plaintiff in the amount of $728.05 plus $65 damages

                - James Stewart vs. Ephraim B. Davidson (debt):  jurors James Bird, Abraham Whitehead, Armstrong Taylor, James Largent, Drury Andrews, Thomas Ward, William Taylor, John Marshall, Prescott Crisp, Seth P’Pool, John Scarborough & Hosea H. League find for the plaintiff in the amount of $1050 plus $167.75 damages

177         - Court orders Sheriff to summon the following Grand and Petit jurors for the next term of the Court:  David Wilson, Seth Outlaw, John Cathey, John Jones, Jesse A. Brunson, Walter Boswell, James Wilson, James Perkins, Joseph Lockhart, Thomas Lane, Charles Ross, David Grant, Edmond Hogan, Nathan Yarborough, David McNatt, Raford Rutland, Alexander Scarborough, Stephen English, Ewing McKinney, Cullen Brittain, Joseph Griffin, James McKinney, David Rushing, Thomas Tomlinson, Edward Collier, James Milam

                - Court orders Sheriff to summon the following as jurors for the next term of the Circuit Court:  Robert Daniel, Henry Lightfoot, Jesse Watkins, Henry Smith, Hardy B. Sills, Samuel Bell, David Brigham, Samuel Lockhart, John Lewis, Alexander Brown, James Fletcher, Cornelius Manning, Hamblin F. Manly, Joseph B. Neville, John Bird, David Irwin, Alexander Brightwell, James Caldwell, John Polk, Zadock McLester, David Gray Jr., William Elkins, Henry Pugh, William Tubbs, John Stewart & Horatio Humphreys

                - deed of gift from Mathew Morgan to James Lee for 500 acres of land proven by oaths of John Lee and Joseph Morgan

                - deed from William M. Cooley, Richard Cooley, Jonathan Cooley, George Cooley & William H. Haggard to Mathew Morgan for 500 acres proven by oaths of John Lee & William Webster

178         - Court orders Anthony Lee and John Phillips serve the next term of Court as constables, and that Nathan Skinner and Jesse Pully serve the next term of Circuit Court as constables

                - John Allen, John Lee & Abner Pearce report that they are unable to settle with William Cherry, administrator of Cornelius Cooley

179         - Wednesday, 3 May 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Robert Walker, Joseph Smith, William Curl, David Hogan

                - Isaac Williams vs. John Smith:  Justice of the Peace Ephraim B. Davidson ruled in favor of Isaac Williams against John Smith in the amount of $41.50 plus $1.75 costs; Sheriff James Mallory was unable to levy the fine on any property of Smith, and therefore levied it on Smith’s ¼ interest in a 166-acre tract on Cumberland River at the mouth of Hickman Branch, and Smith’s 1/8 interest in an adjoining 166-acre tract

180         - State vs. Henry Bailey (riot):  defendant pleads not guilty, but jury finds him guilty and fines him $20 plus costs

                - State vs. Nicholas Bailey (riot):  defendant pleads not guilty, but jury finds him guilty and fines him $1 plus costs

181         - State vs. William Bailey (affray):  defendant pleads not guilty, but jury finds him guilty and fines him $1 plus costs

                - State vs. James G. Jenkins (affray):  defendant pleads guilty, fined 50 cents plus costs

                - State vs. John Acree (not keeping ferry in good order):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $1 plus costs

182         - State vs. Henry King (affray):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $1 plus costs

                - State vs. Moses Fletcher (gaming):  defendant pleads not guilty, but jury finds him guilty, and fines him $10 plus costs, and orders him held until the fines are paid

183         - State vs. Henry King (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $5 plus costs

                - State vs. Richard Sullivan (assault & battery):  defendant pleads guilty, fined $5 plus costs

                - Grand Jury returned an indictment against Thomas Almond for petit larceny, who came into Court and pleaded not guilty; jury finds him not guilty

184         - Thursday, 4 May 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Joseph Smith, William Curl, Robert Walker

                - John Cooper vs. Ephraim B. Davidson (debt):  court disallows defendant’s demurrer

185         - State vs. John Dunn (Sei Fa):  defendant failed to appear in Court as a witness in the case of Reuben Elliott vs. William Smith

                - State vs. Thomas Lewis (assault):  jury finds defendant guilty, fines him $10 plus costs

186         - Thomas Buckingham vs. Robert S. Coleman:  jury finds for the defendant

                - Lypscomb Neville vs. King & Wimberly (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $120 plus $7.80 damages

187         - Joseph Taylor vs. Prescott Crisp:  jury finds for defendant

                - Robert Jones vs. Nathan Peeples (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $204 plus $6 damages

188         - William H. McGlaughlin vs. E. B. Davidson (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $499.58 plus $31.21 damages

                - Roberts & Talbot vs. Stokely Vinson (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $704.58 plus $42.50 damages

189         - Daniel McAlister vs. Hugh H. Sparkman (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $118.07 plus $4.25 damages

                - James Lowry vs. Martin Bingham (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $150 plus $3.00 interest

190         - Stephen Raynes vs. Martin Bingham (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $425 plus $28.58 damages

                - United States vs. James H. Russell, John Scarborough & E. B. Davidson (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $305.28 plus $16.99 interest

191         - State vs. John Pearce (bastardy):  defendant is judged to be the father of Elizabeth Ross’ child; defendant makes bond, with Joseph Morgan & Morelan Myrick as securities

192         - William Haynes vs. James Huggins & Henry Gibson (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $127.50 plus $6.815 damages

                - Thomas Washington vs. James Mallory (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $157.63 plus $9.45 damages

193         - William Carroll vs. John Bailey (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $236.25 plus $14.17 damages

194         - Sheriff James Mallory makes bond, conditional on the collection of taxes for the year 1820, with Eldridge Green, Ephraim B. Davidson, Prescott Crisp & James Caldwell his securities

195         - Court fines County Court Clerk Robert Cooper $10 for contempt, then remits the fine

196         - Friday, 5 May 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Joseph Smith, Robert Walker, William Curl, David Hogan

                - Willoughby Manning vs. Sampson Sykes:  plaintiff makes bond for his appeal

                - Stephen Rogers vs. Martin Bingham:  plaintiff makes bond for his appeal

                - John P. Erwin & Co. vs. Ephraim B. Davidson (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $1000, plus $99.46 damages

197         - W. Outlaw vs. William Taylor (appeal):  jury finds for the defendant; plaintiff enters motion for a new trial

198         - Cooper, Allen & Co. vs. John Bailey, William Bailey & William Williams (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $642.164 plus $26.06 damages

                - John Cooper vs. E. B. Davidson (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $800 plus $0.32 damages

199         - Hosea H. League vs. John Richards (appeal):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $50 plus $4.12 damages

                - Hosea H. League vs. Thomas Roberts (trespass):  case transferred to the Circuit Court for trial

                - L. & J. W. Sexton vs. Reuben Elliott (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $125 plus $14.50 damages

200         - J. & R. Poston vs. Thomas Roberts (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $148.375 plus $11.87 damages

                - P. H. Tunstall vs. King & Allen (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $168 plus $0.20 damages

201         - John Cooper vs. John Pinner (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $39 plus $0.46 damages

                - Cary Alsbrook vs. Wm. Sept Barnes (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $127.50 plus $6.815 damages

                - Ezekiel Thomas vs. William Henderson & others (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $127.50 plus $6.815 damages

202         - William Curl, Drury Bird & William M. Cooley vs. William Lyons:  plaintiffs had previously paid $513 as joint securities for Jesse Denson, former Sheriff; Court orders defendant to pay $73.285 to the plaintiffs

                - William Curl, Drury Bird & William M. Cooley vs. Nathaniel Denson:  plaintiffs had previously paid $513 as joint securities for Jesse Denson, former Sheriff; Court orders defendant to pay $73.285 to the plaintiffs

203         - William Curl, Drury Bird & William M. Cooley vs. Joseph McCarty:  plaintiffs had previously paid $513 as joint securities for Jesse Denson, former Sheriff; Court orders defendant to pay $73.285 to the plaintiffs

                - William Curl, Drury Bird & William M. Cooley vs. Martin Wells:  plaintiffs had previously paid $513 as joint securities for Jesse Denson, former Sheriff; Court orders defendant to pay $73.285 to the plaintiffs

204         - Cooper, Allen & Co. vs. George Williamson (debt):  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $137.335 plus $17.85 interest

                - James Gray vs. Ephraim Davidson:  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $80

205         - Saturday, 6 May 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Joseph Smith, David Hogan, Robert Walker, William Curl

                - On 5 March 1820, Ephraim B. Davidson ruled in favor of Bryant Oneal against James H. Russell & John Edwards in the amount of $44.85, with interest from 15 Feb 1819; the Sheriff was unable to levy the fine on property, so he levied it on 70 acres on Hickman Creek; Court orders the land to be sold

206         - H. H. League vs. Henry King:  defendant granted an appeal to the Circuit Court

                - Lypscomb Norville  vs. King & Wimberly:  defendant granted an appeal to the Circuit Court

                - P. H. Tunstall vs. King & Allen:  defendant granted an appeal to the Circuit Court

                - Commissioners appointed to divide the lands held in common between James H. Russell & the heirs of Duncan McRae returned their division to the Court

207         - Court allows John Scarborough to keep an ordinary at his house in Dover

                - Court allows Mathew Figures and Bennett Barrow to return their lands for taxation and be exonerated from paying double tax

208         - Monday, 7 August 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, William Curl, John Acree, Charles Polk, James Gray, Samuel Wynns, William Randle, Robert Lowry

                - Court allows Abner Nash to return 25 tracts of 1000 acres each for taxation and be exonerated from double tax

                - deed from Isaac Brunson to John Acree for 146 acres proven by oaths of Reed Luton & Moses Brunson

                - Court allows Edith Williams $40 for maintaining her pauper son for 1 year

209         - power of attorney from Barbara Beacham to Isaac Beacham acknowledged

                - Court binds Simeon Berry to Nathan Skinner until he reaches age 21

                - Nathan Skinner resigns his appointment as constable, and William Campbell is elected in his place

                - Court allows David Crawford to return 2000 acres for taxation and be exonerated from double tax

                - Thomas Ward elected constable

                - Court orders Thomas Davidson, Richard Davis, James Caldwell, Andrew White Davidson, Stephen English & John Malone to mark a road from the ford on the east fork of Clark’s River to Caldwell’s ferry on Tennessee River

                - James Rataree records stock mark

210         - Court orders David Hogan, Joseph Smith & William Bayliss to settle with the administrators of Alsey H. Bradford

                - Court orders James Cook, Joseph Cook, John Atkinson, Jesse Kirkendall, James Massigame, Hiram Griffith & David B. Freeman to mark a road from the north fork of Obion River to the ford on the east fork of Clark’s River

                - Court orders David Irwin’s ferry across Cumberland River be discontinued

                - Court orders Frederick Weston, Robert Daniel, Miles Williams, John Bennett, John Britton, Thomas Wynn & Elisha Askew to mark a road from the Standing Rock Road near the Tennessee River up the river through Wynnsborugh to the county line

                - Court allows the heirs of John Bond to return 363 acres and 3 black polls for taxation and be exonerated from double tax

                - Court appoints Andrew White Davidson overseer of the road from Caldwell’s ferry on Tennessee River along the new way past Davises’ to a certain point agreed on, and all the hands north of the road to the state line work under him, and the hands to the west to include the inhabitants of Bloody River to Moses Oliver’s and Richard Davis’

211         - Court appoints James Rataree overseer of the road marked from the mouth of Sandy on Tennessee River to the top of the ridge dividing between the waters of Sandy and Bloody, then the best way to a point marked and agreed on by the 3 jurors, about ¾ of a mile south of Arabia Brown’s; hands to work under him include those living in the following area:  beginning on the Tennessee River opposite Brightwell’s ferry, then west to include the waters of Eagle Creek, then south to the dividing ridge between Eagle Creek and Swamp Creek, then to the mouth of Sandy and down river to the beginning

                - Court appoints John Jones overseer of the road leading from Drury Bird’s to Dover, and orders that he clean out the part of the road leading from William Cherry’s to the court house near Dover that has been recently laid out

                - Court appoints Mark Murphy overseer of the road instead of Jesse Lankford, and that Isaac Lowry, David Brigham’s hands, William Trousdale, Charles Barnes, John Burchet, Joseph Burchet, James Pascal, Asa Pascal, Charles Summers, John Summers and Greenberry Summers

212         - Court appoints William Crouse overseer of the road from Drury Bird’s to the Eleven Mile tree, in place of William Alsup; hands to work under him include Drury Bird, Archibald Cathy, Levy Middey?, Elijah Darr, Joseph Lockhart, Samuel Lockhart, Elisha Holifield

                - Court appoints Edward Thompson overseer of a road starting from a point on the ridge between Bloody & Sandy Rivers, to intersect the marked road leading to the east fork of the Obion, to Jacob Donalson’s on the Obion; hands to work under him include those above Summers & Gowers to Samuel Talkenton’s, from Doleson’s to the Walnut Fork of the Obion, and all hands southwest of the Obion including Deloach’s hands and Isaac Walker’s hands

213         - Court appoints John Allmond overseer of a part of the county road leading from Hornberger’s to the top of the hill, beyond Allmond’s leading towards Guices Creek; hands to work under him include Andrew Greer and hands, Philip Hornberger’s hands, Jesse Brunson’s hands, Nedam Green, William Green’s Negro man, James Cox, William Cox, William Davis, Isaac Allen

                - Court appoints Davy Raynes overseer, in place of Samuel C. French, from John Jackson’s mill to David Warnock’s old place on Hurricane Creek; hands to work under him include those from Hugh Raynes’ down to March Cooper’s

                - Court appoints William Chester overseer in place of Ruben Rorie

                - Court appoints Hardy B. Sills overseer in place of John Acree, with the hands of Acree, Henry Acree and all the hands on Crockett’s Creek to work under him

214         - Court orders Robert Daniel, David Hardison, Richard Taylor, George D. Randle, Wilson Lightfoot, Aaron Pearce & William Taylor to mark a road from the main Leatherwood Road about ¼ mile below Major John Randle’s, up Leatherwood Creek to William Taylor’s on Outlaw’s old road, then with said road to Anderson Andrews’

                - Court orders the hands of Thomas Buckingham, John Gardner, George Wilson, John McFaddin, James Caldwell, Thomas Davidson, James Steel & Daniel Clements to work under Thomas Davidson on the road from George Boyd’s to Caldwells’ ferry

                - Court appoints David Steel overseer from Reddick’s ferry to the Four Mile tree; hands to work under him include those of James Mathews, Thomas Wilson, James Wilson, Jacob Rushing, David Steel, William Wyatt Jr., Henry Lankford, James Haynes, William Haynes, Thomas Haynes, David Wilson & John McRoby

                - Court appoints Zachariah Wyatt overseer of the road up Cane Creek from the Four Mile post to the Ten Mile post; hands to work under him include James Holloway, Edmon Holloway, Levi Burcham, Thomas Wyatt, Ephraim Wyatt, William Wyatt, Wilson Brewer, John Byrd, John Jones, Seth Outlaw, John Mayhew, Benjamin Brown & Curtis Smith

215         - Court appoints Gideon French overseer of the road from the Ten Mile tree to the Hornberger road; hands to work under him include Green B. Chambers, James Chambers, Henry Chambers, George Webb, John Allley, David Craig & Vinson Wyatt

                - Court appoints John Byrd overseer of the road from the Sand Lick to Winter’s ferry on the Tennessee River; hands to work under him include those on Lick Creek down to Rich’s Creek

                - Court appoints Henry Smith overseer of the road leading from Philip Hornberger’s to Elliot’s ferry; hands to work under him include Jesse Brunson, Frank Smith, Woodson Daniel, James Daniel, Daniel Fowler

                - Court appoints John Jones overseer of the road from Brigham’s ferry to the forks of the road at Nevill’s Creek, in place of John Acree, and that the hands of David Redditt, Samuel Fox & William Sills work under him

216         - Court appoints Herbert Taylor overseer in place of Hugh Gilbert

                - Court orders that John Acree’s ferry be discontinued

                - Court orders that Aaron Winter’s ferry be discontinued

                - Court appoints John James overseer of the road up Lick Creek in place of William King

                - Court appoints Gladden Gorin, James Patterson & John Brigham to examine Will Walker and his family, and report to the Court whether the family should be placed under the care of the county

                - Court appoints Elisha Jackson overseer in place of John Jackson; hands to work under him include William Gately, Levi Jackson, Will Alsup, Samuel Alsup, Samuel Webb & James Nichols

217         - Court orders Gladden Gorin, John Brigham, James Lain, Solomon Grice, Thomas Lain, Andrew Irwin, Will Pulley, Charles Summers, David Brigham, Neumon Steel & Mark Murphy to mark a road from the mouth of White Oak Creek, up the creek to Gladden Gorin’s, then towards Thomas Simmons’ place as far as the county line

                - settlement with the administrator of John Lowry returned

                - Court allows Sheriff James Mallory $14.25 for his expense of carrying a prisoner to Clarksville Jail

                - Court allows the following persons to return their lands for taxation for the present year, and to be exonerated from paying double tax:

                                - Lemuel G. Smith – 25 tracts of 1000 acres each on the Obion River, entered in the name of Abner Nash

                                - Colian Auld – 25,000 acres (1/2 interest in Abner Nash’s tracts on Obion River)

                                - Charles F. Myer – Grant #305, granted to Adrian Vandle?

- Solomon Kitt - Grants #280 and #281 for 5000 acres each

- the heirs of James Tisdale – Grants #400, #410, #413, #414, #415 on the south waters of the south fork of Forked Deer River; Grants #401, #403, #407 & #412 on the north waters of the south fork; Grant #402 on the north side of the south fork; Grant #411 – all grants for 5,000 acres each, granted by the State of North Carolina to Benjamin Smith

218         - Bill of sale from Hosea H. League to Josiah Horton acknowledged

                - deed from Hosea H. League to Alexander Brightwell for 66 2/3 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Hosea H. League to Josiah Horton for 14 town lots in Dover and 3 lots in Wynnsborough acknowledged

                - deed from Robert W. P’Pool to Hosea H. League for 262 acres acknowledged

219         - bill of sale from Prescott Crisp to John R. Acree for a Negro boy named Aron acknowledged

                - deed from William Haynes to Arthur Griffin for 314 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Sheriff James Mallory to Cullen Bayliss & James Elder for 23 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Reed Luton to John J. Acree for 1.75 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Charlton B. Davidson to John Acree for 73 acres proven

                - deed from Edward Harris to Matthew Stewart for 1000 acres, certified from Mecklenburg Co., NC, acknowledged

220         - deed from Thomas Wynns to Hosea H. League for 3 town lots in Wynnsborough acknowledged

                - deed from Thomas Wynns to Simon Daniel for 1 town lot in Wynnsborough acknowledged

                - deed from Andrew Irwin to Indimeon Brigham acknowledged

                - deed from Thomas Wynns to Robert Daniel for 1 town lot in Wynnsborough acknowledged

221         - deed from James Wyatt to Vinson Wyatt for 50 acres acknowledged

                - bill of sale from Hugh H. Sparkman to Caleb Williams for a Negro man named Bob acknowledged

                - release from Hosea H. League to R. W. P’Pool and Seth P’Pool acknowledged

                - bill of sale from William McElrath to James Milam for a Negro girl Fanny proven by oaths of Jesse Watkins & William Dowdy

                - bill of sale from Seth P’Pool to Robert W. P’Pool for various property proven by oaths of John Allen & George D. Randle

                - deed from Thomas Ferrell to Jesse Jolly for 40 acres proven by oaths of John Acree & Stokely Vinson

                - deed from Samuel Kelly to William Gunson for 50 acres acknowledged

222         - deed from Robert McCorkle to Christian Bradford for 131.25 acres proven by oaths of William Bayliss & Henry Cato

                - deed from Thomas Wynns to John Britton for 1 town lot in Wynnsborough acknowledged

                - bill of sale from William M. Cooley to William H. Haggard for a Negro girl Nancy proven by oaths of Robert Cooper & Henry King

                - bill of sale from Sally Rainey to Mark Murphy for a Negro woman Dilly proven by oaths of William Trousdale & Charity Rainey

                - deed from Isaac Brunson to John Acree for 146 acres proven by oaths of Reed Luton & Moses Brunson

                - deed from Hosea H. League to Henry L. Wall for 2 town lots in Dover acknowledged

223         - bill of sale from E. B. Davidson to William Haynes for a Negro girl named Delliler proven by oaths of David Irwin & Charles Polk

                - bill of sale from Jones and Benjamin Williams to William Haynes for Negro boy Peter proven by oath of John Allen

                - mortgage from Hosea H. League to Cullen Bayliss for Negro boy named Abram acknowledged

                - deed of gift from William Haggard to William H. Haggard for Negro boy Jacob proven by oaths of Robert Cooper & William Cherry

                - deed from James Wyatt to Vinson Wyatt for 4 acres acknowledged

                - deed from George Yarborough to William Throgmorton for 10 acres proven by oaths of James Turner & Asa Turner

224         - Tuesday, 8 August 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, Joseph Smith, William Curl, Robert Walker

                - James H. Russell vs. Thomas Wynns:  jurors Jesse A. Brunson, John James, David McNatt, Stephen English, Thomas Lane, James Milam, Walter Boswell, Joseph Lockhart, Seth Outlaw, Charles Ross, David Rushing, Joseph Morgan find for the defendant

225         - Court allows Irwin Curlee to return 1 white poll and 56 acres of land for taxation for the present year without double tax

                - Thomas Ward & William Campbell sworn in as constables

                - Ellis Ogle vs. John Richards (appeal):  jurors William Elkins, Richard Blanton, Henry Powell, Christopher Beaton, Henry Pugh, James Turpin, Casey Alsbrook, David C. Cowan, George House, Robert W. P’Pool, Reed Luton & Thomas Moody cannot reach a decision; case continued to the next day

226         - William Jones produced 3 wolf scalps in Court older than 6 months and with no witnesses; Court awards the bounty

                - John Rorie produced a wolf scalp in Court and was allowed bounty

227         - William Weaks allowed to return 83 acres, 50 acres & 10 acres of land on Dyers Creek and to be exonerated from double tax

                - deed from Thomas Boyte to Prescott Crisp for 52.5 acres acknowledged

                - bill of sale from William Elliott to William Travis for Negro man Peter proven by oath of Abner Pearce

                - Court appoints James Cook overseer of the road from Hornberger’s to the top of the ridge in the direction of Hurricane Mill; hands to work under him include Robert Armor, Robert Jones, Joseph Cowell, David Carter, Norman McLeod, Roderic McLeod, Lochlen Beaton, William Taylor, Donan Adcock, Andrew Greer, William Brigham & Abraham Whitehead

                - Elisha Hardy makes an affidavit about losing some papers

                - power of attorney from Isaac Brunson to Moses Brunson proven by oaths of Reed Luton & A. Brunson

                - deed from Elisha Hardy to John Kizer for 80 acres acknowledged

228         - deed from Absalom Fentress to Elisha Hardy for 240 acres proven by oaths of John Kizer & David Rushing

                - deed from Daniel Pegram to John Milam for 92.5 acres proven by oaths of William Ellis & John Ramsey

                - Robert Dinkins produced a wolf scalp in Court and was allowed bounty

229         - Dempsey Turner produced 4 wolf scalps in Court and was allowed bounty

                - William A. Martin is allowed to recover $5.265 from Charles B. Wilcox for not returning an execution, with interest from 6 Oct 1819

                - Wednesday, 9 August 1820 Court:  justices Joseph Smith, Robert Walker, David Hogan, Nathan Ross

230         - James Miller, Trustee, vs. Joseph Gray (appeal):  jurors Jesse A. Brunson, John James, Stephen English, James Milam, Walter Boswell, Joseph Lockhart, Seth Outlaw, Charles Ross, Joseph Morgan, William Walker, Nathan Yarborough, David Rushing find for the plaintiff in the amount of $5 plus costs

                - James Miller, Trustee, vs. Joseph Gray (appeal):  jurors Jesse A. Brunson, John James, Stephen English, James Milam, Walter Boswell, Joseph Lockhart, Seth Outlaw, Charles Ross, Joseph Morgan, William Walker, Nathan Yarborough, David Rushing find for the plaintiff in the amount of $17.50 plus costs

231         - Ellis Ogle vs. John Richards:  jury finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $15.6666 plus costs

                - State vs. William Barnes (riot):  defendant pleads guilty and is fined $25 plus costs

                - State vs. Enoch Fowler (affray):  defendant pleads not guilty; jurors George Cathey, Lewis Bonds, James Dunn, John Rabourn, Seth P’Pool, John Petty, Henry Bailey Jr., Royal Broadway, Thomas Taylor, David Scarborough, Thomas Buckingham, John Manning find the defendant guilty; defendant fined $1 plus costs

232         - John Scruggs vs. Hosea H. League:  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $85 plus costs

                - State vs. John Hoyer (Sir Fa.):  Hoyer was bondsman in a recognizance bond for the appearance of James West at the November 1819 term of Court, who failed to appear; Court orders forfeiture of the bond

233         - Court orders William M. Cooley, George Petty & William Williams to settle with the executor of the estate of John S. Venters

                - State vs. John Hoyer (Sir Fa.):  Hoyer was bondsman in a recognizance bond for the appearance of William West at the November 1819 term of Court, who failed to appear; Court orders forfeiture of the bond

                - mortgage from Hosea H. League to Ephraim B. Davidson, John Scarborough & James Mallory for town lots #91 & #92 in Dover acknowledged

                - deed from Hosea H. League to John Scarborough for 2 town lots in Dover acknowledged

234         - deed from the heirs of James Milam to Gideon Milam proven by oaths of John Hagler & Benjamin Davis

                - Thursday, 10 August 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Robert Walker, Joseph Smith, David Hogan, William Curl

                - Jesse Jackson vs. Nathan Ross (covenant):  continued

235         - Henry Bailey vs. James Turpin (assault & battery):  jurors find for the defendant; plaintiff files an appeal

                - Henry Stuart allowed to return 1000 acres on Clover Lick Creek of Obion River (Grant #0013, Warrant #2326) and 1000 acres on the Long Fork (Warrant #2328)

                - Shaw & Hamilton vs. John Turner (appeal):  Court dismisses the appeal; plaintiff appeals to the Circuit Court

236         - Hosea H. League vs. Elisha Scruggs (appeal):  jurors Nathan Yarborough, William Norred, Abraham Phillips, Mathew Myrick, John Green, Willis Whitford, James English, Allen Sexton, Mathew Manning, Thomas Townsend, Isaac H. Ward & John Blanton find for the plaintiff in the amount of $23.25 plus costs; defendant files an appeal to the Circuit Court

                - James Pryor & Henry Powell vs. Robert Walker, administrator:  plaintiffs drop their suit

237         - Samuel Vance vs. Mathew Myrick:  continued

                - Nathan Peeples vs. William H. Henderson, Ephraim B. Davidson & John Scarborough:  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $500 plus $15 damages and costs

238         - John Atkins Jr. vs. Harris & League (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $229.50 plus $10 damages and costs

                - Seth P’Pool vs. H. H. League:  case dismissed

                - William Howard vs. William Pearce:  Court continues the case to allow more evidence to be brought forth

239         - Hamilton & Shaw vs. Ephraim B. Davidson & Co.:  defendant’s demurrer overruled & case continued

                - William Yarborough vs. Lemuel Bell & George Bell (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $371 plus $11.13 damages and costs

240         - Daniel McAllister vs. H. H. Sparkman (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $150 plus $4.50 damages and costs

                - Court appoints Abner Pearce guardian of Henrietta Pearce

241         - Friday, 11 August 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Robert Walker, David Hogan, Joseph Smith

                - Dawsey P. Hudson vs. John Blanton:  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $93.62 plus costs

242         - Francis Smith vs. Sally Williams (debt):  defendant is unable to travel, and is allowed to testify to a Justice of the Peace

                - John Hoyer vs. John Cottingham:  Court dismisses the certiorari and affirms the judgment of the Justice of the Peace against the defendant

                - Cullen Bayliss vs. Thomas Roberts (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $179.45 plus $5.38 damages and costs

                - William B. Nelson vs. Thomas Wynns (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $250 plus $21.25 damages and costs

243         - Samuel Curtis vs. Francis Smith (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $700 plus $24.50 damages and costs; defendant appeals to the Circuit Court

244         - John Scruggs vs. Hosea H. League:  Court finds insufficient reason for a new trial; defendant files an appeal

                - Samuel Vance vs. James Mallory:  defendant acknowledges debt of $286 and is ordered to pay costs

                - On 9 August 1820, Justice of the Peace Joseph Gray issued a judgment in favor of Ephraim B. Davidson & Outlaw against James H. Russell & Henry King in the amount of $40.06 with interest from 10 October 1819; Constable William Cherry levied the fine against town lots #66, #67, #68 & #69 in Dover, which are ordered to be sold

245         - On 11 August 1820, Justice of the Peach Joseph Smith issued a judgment in favor of Zachariah Oneal against James H. Russell & Isaac H. Ward in the amount of $39.82, with interest from 27 February 1819; Constable William Cherry levied the find against town lots #66, #67, #68 & #69 in Dover, which are ordered to be sold

246         - Joseph McMinn, Governor, vs. Willie Mallory (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $120 with interest from 20 January 1818

                - Thomas French acknowledged his deed of gift to his grandchildren, Earl Gibson and others, for several Negroes; witness Robert Cooper said that at the time of the deed, he did not know the purpose of the gift

248         - Monday, 6 November 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, William Randle, Charles Polk, John Turner, John Acree, Robert Lowry

                - Court issues letters of administration to John Wickham for the estate of John Wickham Sr.

                - Court appoints John Graham guardian to Polly Randle, John Randle, Patsey Randle & Luckey Randle, orphan children of Henry Randle

249         - Court orders David Hogan, William Curl & John Davidson to settle with the administrator of George Oldham

                - Court appoints John Buchanan guardian to Kenneth Buchanan and Nancy Buchanan, orphan children of John Buchanan

                - Court appoints James Bowers guardian to the orphan children of Elias Watson

                - Court binds Judith King to John McCain until she reaches age 21; McCain to give her 18 months’ schooling

                - Court binds Joshua King to John Pinner until he reaches age 21; Pinner to give him 18 months’ schooling

250         - Court appoints Pryanna James guardian to John James and Susannah James, orphan children of Israel James

                - Court appoints John Ferrill commissioner pro tem to settle with collectors of public monies

                - Court appoints Robert Walker guardian to Peggy Bonds and Edith Bonds, orphan daughters of John Bonds

                - Court appoints William Boren constable in Capt. Bailey’s company on the Obion

                - Court issues letters of administration to Neil McDonald in the estate of John Buchanan

251         - Court orders Christopher Beaton, James Cook & John McMillan to lay off years’ provisions for the widow of John Buchanan

                - Jacob Hoover, Jessee Gooden & Simeon B. Clark took oath as Justices of the Peace

                - Court orders Jessee Morris, Robert Walker & Henry Pugh to settle with the administrator of Isaac Brunson

                - Arabia Brown presents 5 wolf scalps in Court and receives bounty

                - Daniel Townsend presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives bounty

                - Court orders Sheriff to summon 12 men to lay off to Pryanna James her dower out of the lands of Israel James

252         - John Barnes presents 3 wolf scalps in Court and receives bounty

                - Court issues letters of administration to Sarah Allen for the estate of John Allen

253         - deed from Henry Cato to Eli J. Stavely for 150 acres acknowledged

                - bond for deed from William McElrath to Robert McCorkle proven by oaths of Henry Cato & Jesse Watkins

                - deed from Christian Bradford & Henry Cato, administrators of Alsey H. Bradford, to Robert McCorkle for 171 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Samuel Elliott to William Webb & William Melton for 181 acres in Wilson County proven by oaths of Armstead P’Pool & Seth P’Pool

254         - deed of gift from Lemuel Bell to George Bell for 100 acres acknowledged

                - Court appoints Robert Armer overseer in place of John L. Hagler

                - Court orders Isham Sills, John Jones, Joseph B. Neville, William Sills, David Redditt, Josiah Outland & Micajah Hogan to mark a road from opposite the Ash Landing on the south side of Cumberland River to intersect the road leading from the mouth of Saline Creek to the Tennessee River

                - Court appoints James Townsend overseer in place of John Green

                - deed from Daniel Wyatt to Henry Hansel for 50 acres proven by oaths of Lemuel Bell and James Hansel

255         - Settlement with the administrator and administratrix of Alsey H. Bradford returned

                - Court appoints Asa Atkins surveyor of the road from Bradford’s ferry to Blooming Grove road in place of Zachariah Walker, with the following hands:  Maj. Peter Kendall’s hands, John Lee, Edward Eblin, Hamlin Manley’s hands, plus all the hands on Caleb Williams’ premises

                - Court appoints Adam Trout overseer in place of James Ratree on the road from the mouth of Sandy to a point agreed on by three jurors

                - Court appoints John Malone overseer of the road from Caldwell’s ferry to the ford on the east fork of Clark’s River, with all the hands of Bloody south of the state line to work under him

                - Court allows Nathan Skinner to keep a ferry across Cumberland River at the Ash Landing

                - deed from Isaac H. Lanier to David Brigham for 640 acres proven by oath of Cullen Cotten

                - deed from John Jones to Nathan Skinner for a ferry landing place proven by oaths of  Reed Luton & Clement H. Luton

256         - deed from John G. Fletcher to John Stancill for 200 acres, previously proven by oath of Nathan Stancill, proven by Robert Walker, who attested to the signature of Alexander Walker, now deceased

                - will of Polly Walker proven by oath of Clement H. Luton

                - deed from John Perry to Jacob Chester for 30 acres proven by oaths of William R. Thweatt & Levi Chester

                - deed from Needham Whitfield to Jacob Chester for 100 acres proven by oaths of William R. Thweatt & Levi Chester

                - deed from John Atkins Sr. to John Atkins Jr. for 55 acres acknowledged

                - Joshua Cates exonerated from paying taxes on 989 acres

257         - deed from Henry Atkins to John Atkins for 8 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Isaac Lanier to Burrell Lanier & Isaac H. Lanier for 640 acres proven by oath of Nelson Crosswell; Crosswell testifies that he saw Samuel Studdart sign the deed, but that Studdart has since died

                - deed from Henry Gibson to John Atkins for 60 acres proven by oaths of James Atkins & Henry Earl Gibson

                - deed from Richard Manly & John Manly to John Atkins for 30 acres acknowledged

                - Court appoints Frederick Turner overseer of the road on Panther Creek in place of James Turpin; hands to work under him include those from Boyd’s to the old mill place on Cowan’s land

                - Court allows Cave Johnson $45 for his ex officio services during the present term

258         - Court allows Robert Cooper $20 for copying and recording the tax lists

                - Court allows Richard B. Blount, agent of William G. Blount, to return the following tracts of land for taxation for the present year and be exonerated from paying double tax:

- 2000 acres on Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #1153)

- 1000 acres on the south side of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2397)

- 1000 acres on the waters of Rutherford’s fork of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #1155)

- 1000 acres on the south side of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2383)

- 1000 acres on the west side of the north fork of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2448)

- 1000 acres on the north side of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2447)

- 1000 acres on the south side of the north fork of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2468)

- 1000 acres on the north side of the north fork of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2393)

- 3000 acres on Rutherford’s fork of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #1157)

- 1000 acres on Rutherford’s fork of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #1152)

- 2000 acres on both sides of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #447)

- 5000 acres on both sides of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #1145)

- 1000 acres on the south side of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2476)

- 1000 acres on the south side of Obion River (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2473)

- half of a tract of 1000 acres on Grove Creek (entered by J. G. & T. Blount, warrant #2315)

260         - Court issues letters of administration to Keziah Scruggs and John Scruggs in the estate of Elisha Scruggs

                - Court allows Eldridge Green $39.93 for his services of carrying a prisoner to Clarksville Jail and back to Dover

                - Court appoints Thomas Wynns overseer of the road from Standing Rock Road to Leatherwood Creek Road; hands to work under him include Frederick Weston, Eli Townsend, Joseph Townsend, Tilman Sexton, Samuel Frazer, Miles Williams, John Britton & Robert Daniel

261         - Court appoints Elisha Askew overseer of the road up the river from Leatherwood Creek to the county line; hands to work under him include William Miller, Henry Miller, John Atkins, Dory Miller, John Bennett, Jordan Cole, Josiah Askew, David Wilson, John Jones, Henry Wynns, John Bird, Seth Outlaw, Benjamin Brown, I. N. Glawhorn & Thomas Harris

                - Tuesday, 7 November 1820 Court:  justices David Hogan, William Curl, Robert Walker, Joseph Smith, Nathan Ross

                - transfer of a plat and certificate of survey in the name of James Chapman for 29 acres of land, from James Mallory, Sheriff, to John Pritchett, acknowledged

262         - Grand jury drawn:  Edmond Hogan (foreman), Elijah Boyt, Axom G. Wallace, John James, William Moore, John Hogan, Elisha Williams, John Polk, Joseph Griffin, John Matheny, James Atkins, Henry Atkins & Cullen Matheny

                - bill of sale from George West to John H. Marable for Negro woman Mursie proven by oath of David Irwin

                - settlement with the executors of John S. Venters returned by George Petty, commissioner

                - sale of the estate of Polly Walker returned by Robert Walker, executor

263         - On 6 November 1820, Justice of the Peace Benjamin Kelly issued a judgment in favor of Lewis Hyer against Burwell M. Williamson and wife Evanna, Samuel Hyer, Alexander McGinty & wife Eliza and Absalom Hyer, heirs at law of Frederick Hyer, in the amount of $63.285 plus $1.75 costs; Constable Hugh McMillan levied the fine on 125 acres, which are ordered to be sold

                - Hosea H. League & Thomas Wynns confirm that they are endebted to Drewry Bird in the amount of $243.833; Bird agrees to transfer to Samuel Vance $171 of the judgment, with interest from 8 October 1819

264         - John Scarborough vs. Benjamin Edwards:  jurors William Dunbar, Lemuel Boyt, Nathan Parker, James Turner, Willis Whitford, Hugh H. Sparkman, Erwin Curlee, Jesse Jolly, Philip May, Benjamin Boyt, Thomas Lewis & Charles Matheny find for plaintiff in the amount of 1 cent plus costs

265         - Levi Wimberly vs. Hugh H. Sparkman (appeal):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $43.25

266         - Joseph Townsend vs. Thomas Ward (appeal):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $1.50 plus costs; defendant appeals to the Circuit Court

267         - On 17 July 1820, Justice of the Peace John Brigham ruled in favor of Robert Lowry against David Brigham & Isaac Lowry, in the amount of $41, with interest from 15 January 1820; Constable Nelson Crosswell  levied the fine on 100 acres on Long Branch of White Oak Creek, the property of David Brigham

                - On 19 June 1820, Justice of the Peace John Brigham ruled in favor of Abner McCarroll against John Cottingham & John Pearce in the amount of $27.375 plus $1.625 costs; Constable Nelson Crosswell levied the fine against 45 acres on Wells Creek, the property of John Pearce

268         - Guardians of Outlaw’s Heirs vs. John Manning (appeal):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $3.60 plus costs

269         - deed from Hamlin Manly to Peter Kendall for 11.5 acres acknowledged

                - bill of sale from William Haggard to Peter Kendall for a Negro man Prince proven by oaths of Asa Atkins & George Petty

                - Francis Smith vs. Sally Williams & William H. Gift (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $200 plus $6.69 damages; Sally Williams states that William H. Gift is principal on the note, and appeals to recover the $206.69 from him

270         - Richard Dorsey vs. John Lee (debt):  Robert P. Dunlap, attorney for John Lee, acknowledges the debt in the amount of $632.17 plus $23.125 damages

271         - Jesse Jackson vs. Nathan Ross (covenant):  case transferred to the Circuit Court

                - deed from John Collier to John Wickham for 108 acres proven by oath of Thomas Bayliss

                - Wednesday, 8 November 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, Robert Walker, William Curl

272         - Court orders George Petty, Joseph Smith & William Bailey to set off years’ provisions for the Widow Scruggs out of the estate of Elisha Scruggs

                - State vs. William K. Colson (affray):  defendant pleads guilty and is fined $1 plus costs

                - Samuel Vance vs. Mathew Myrick (debt):  jurors find for the defendant; plaintiff enters an appeal

273         - William Horner vs. William Pearce:  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $21 plus costs

274         - Samuel Gray vs. Hosea H. League:  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $1350.41 plus costs

                - Thomas McGee vs. John Scarborough & Robert Cooper (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $204.75 plus $3 damages

275         - State vs. Horatio Humphrey (peace warrant):  defendant bound to keep the peace for 6 months

                - State vs. Stoker Thompson (peace warrant):  defendant bound to keep the peace for 6 months

276         - State (Stephen Thomas, prosecutor) vs. S. Humphreys (peace warrant):  case dismissed

                - State vs. John Yarborough & William Yarborough (mismarking of hogs):  case dismissed

                - State vs. Lemmy Williams (peace warrant):  case dismissed

                - State vs. Wiley Sexton (bastardy):  defendant discharged as the child is dead

277         - State vs. Lawrence Lancaster (assault & battery):  case continued; defendant posts an appearance bond

                - Grand Jury returned the following true bills:  State vs. John A. Caudle (assault & battery), State vs. Henry King (assault & battery), State vs. William King (assault & battery), State vs. John Atkins (assault & battery), State vs. Joseph Martin, William Elliott, John Davidson & William Throgmorton (riot)

278         - State vs. George Weaks (peace warrant):  defendant released upon payment of costs

                - power of attorney from James Tagert, administrator of William Outlaw, to Alexander B. Outlaw proven by oaths of James Mallory & Reed Luton

                - William H. Henderson & Levi Wimberly testify that the signature of Alexander Walker on a bond given by him to James Pryor & Henry Powell for the conveyance of 2 tracts of land is Walker’s, and that Walker has died

279         - William Lyttle, assignee, vs. Ephraim B. Davidson (debt):  at the 11 August 1820 Court, a jury ruled in favor of the plaintiff in the amount of $874.50 plus $24.50 damages

280         - Thursday, 9 November 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Joseph Smith, David Hogan, Robert Walker, William Curl

                - Hiram Bradford & wife vs. John Allen ($350 damages):  jurors Elijah Boyt, Edmond Hogan, Axum G. Wallace, John James, William Moore, John Hogan, Elisha Williams, Joseph Griffin, John Matheny, James Atkins, Henry Atkins & Cullen Matheny find for the defendant

281         - Court orders Nathan Ross, Jesse Morris & John Stancill to settle with the administrator of Robert McKinney

                - Stephen Cantrell vs. Hosea H. League (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $600 plus $51 damages and costs

282         - Lewis Spece vs. Hugh H. Sparkman (debt):  case continued

                - Bufford & wife vs. Amelia Thornton (petition):  case continued, since plaintiff Patsy Bufford has died since the last term of Court

                - Thomas Ross, assignee, vs. Hugh H. Sparkman (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $145 plus $10.875 damages and costs; defendant makes an appeal

283         - Frederick H. Huling vs. Jonathan Cooley (debt):  case continued

                - Frederick H. Huling vs. William H. Haggard (debt):  case continued

                - Isaac Williams vs. John Williams (attachment):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $103.375 plus costs

284         - William Hicks vs. Abner Pearce (debt):  parties agree to settle and split court costs

                - Woolfolk & Gould vs. Russell & Howard (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $206.375 plus $12.25 damages and costs

285         - John H. Marable vs. Alexander Williams:  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $128.75 plus costs

286         - William A. Cook vs. Aaron Fletcher (attachment):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $540.60 plus costs

                - John Allen vs. William Outlaw’s heirs (attachment):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $1545 plus costs

287         - Joseph Shemwell vs. Hosea H. League (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $325 plus $18.30 damages and costs

288         - Sparkman & Luton vs. William Dean & William Thomas (covenant):  case continued

                - John Doe, lessee of Sample, vs. Richard Roe, lessee of Coluna (Ejectment):  case continued

                - George Cooley vs. Reed Luton (debt):  case continued

                - John H. Marable vs. Hugh H. Sparkman (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $125 plus $3.75 damages and costs

289         - Hosea H. League vs. Ingram Davis:  defendant failed to appear; jury issued a writ of enquiry to the plaintiff to enquire about damages at the next term

                - Stewart’s Executors vs. Levi Wimberly (debt):  defendant failed to appear; Court rules in favor of the plaintiff in the amount of $300 plus $18 damages

290         - David Irwin vs. Isaac H. Ward (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $210.90 plus $9.49 damages and costs

                - William Wallace, assignee of Crisp, vs. Thomas Wynns (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $226.50 plus $13.82 damages and costs

291         - John Scarborough vs. Henry Sparkman (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $140 plus $4.20 damages and costs

292         - Winchester & Cage vs. William Wallace (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $166.725 plus $8.60 damages and costs

293         - Messer Ward vs. Henry Cato (appeal):  case continued

                - Nancy Wyatt vs. Benjamin Beachum (appeal):  plaintiff failed to appear; Court acquits defendant and orders plaintiff to pay costs

                - William Haynes vs. John Allen & Henry King, bail for James Haggard & Henry Gibson (Sirafacias):  Haggard & Gibson failed to appear; Court rules in favor of the plaintiff in the amount of $141.875 plus $4.03 damages

                - Reece Bowers vs. Jesse A. Brunson (debt):  defendant failed to appear; Court ruled in favor of plaintiff in the amount of $366.3325 plus $10.9875 damages

294         - Hugh H. Sparkman vs. Milton H. Ingram (attachment):  Court issues writ of enquiry to the plaintiff to allow him a enquiry of his damages by a jury at next term

                - Court orders Sheriff to summon jurors for the Circuit Court to be held for Humphreys County at Dover, on the first Monday in March, 1821:  William Trousdale, Abel Rains, Charles Barnes, William Wyatt, Isaac Lowry, Henry Carel, Thomas Tomlinson, Richard Lewis, Joel Mann, Frederick Weston, Bailam Sexton, Isaac H. Ward, Hardison Daniel, David Daniel, Thomas Lightfoot, Josiah Outland, William Downs, John Jones, Thomas G. Downs, James Vinson, Simon Anderson, Drury B. Brinson, John Pritchett, Richard Taylor, William Taylor & Thomas French

295         - Court orders Sheriff to summon Grand and Petit Jurors for next term:  William Williams, Henry King, John K. Colson, Adam McGee, Thomas McGee, Wilson Randle, John Milam, William Tomlinson Sr., Anderson Andrews, Thomas Townsend, Prescott Crisp, James Barrow, Benedict Jamison, Richard Gatlin, J. B. Geurin, Andrew Collins, Joseph Taylor Jr., Nathaniel Rogers, Drury Andrews, Etheldred Folks, James King, Gideon Milam, Robert S. Coleman, William Wofford, John Manning & Hosea H. League

                - William Pearce vs. William Howard (certiorari):  defendant makes appeal to Circuit Court

                - Thomas Ross, assignee, vs. Hugh H. Sparkman (debt):  defendant makes appeal to Circuit Court

296         - Friday, 10 November 1820 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Joseph Smith, Robert Walker, William Curl, David Hogan

                - Guardian of Outlaw’s heirs vs. John Manning (appeal):  Court grants plaintiff a new trial

297         - Monday, 5 February 1821 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, Samuel Wynn, Charles Polk, Joseph Smith, John Acree, Robert Lowry, Benjamin Kelly & John Davidson

                - Court orders Nathan Ross, Jesse Morris & John Stancill to settle with the administrator of Robert McKinney

                - Court orders John Allen, John Acree, Henry Pugh, William King & James Pryor to settle with the administratrix of John Bond and divide the estate among the legatees

                - Court orders Heanly Acree’s ferry be discontinued

                - Anderson Andrews excused from the jury for the present term

                - Court orders Robert Walker, John Acree & David Redditt to settle with the administratrix of Silas Vinson

                - Court allows William Bayliss $30 for the support of Nancy Freeman for the coming year

298         - Court elects Nathan Ross, David Hogan, Gladden Gorin, William Bayliss & William Randle as a quorum jury for the present year

                - William Cherry elected constable for Capt. Bailey’s company

                - Court allows Court Clerk Robert Cooper $40 for his ex officio services for the last year

                - Court orders Charles Polk, James Caldwell & Thomas Davidson to lay off years’ provisions for Elisabeth Rataree

                - Jesse Pully elected constable in Capt. William Rushing’s company

                - George Bell elected constable

                - Nelson Crosswell appointed constable

299         - Court issues letters of administration to Thomas Gray in the estate of James Rataree

                - Court issues letters of administration to Henry King in the estate of Charles King, with Lewis Elliott & Lewis Bond his securities

                - Court issues letters of administration to Thomas Wilson in the estate of James Wilson, with John Turner & John Phillips his securities

                - inventory and account of sales of the estate of John Buchanan returned

                - George Brandon allowed to keep a ferry across Tennessee River at the Pine Bluff

                - Court orders Thomas Brigham, John Byrd, James McCulloch, Henry Vinson, James Hendon, William Christian & James Christian to mark a road from Brandon’s ferry to intersect the road from Winter’s ferry to the mouth of Saline Creek

300         - bill of sale from Prescott Crisp to Thomas McGee for a Negro woman Rachel and her child Johnson acknowledged

                - commissioners return account of years’ provisions for the widow of John Buchanan

                - inventory of the estate of Elisha Scruggs returned by the administrator

                - will of John Atkins Sr. proven by oath of Asa Atkins and William R. Atkins; George W. Atkins & James Atkins qualified as executors, with William Randle & George D. Randle as securities

                - deed from John Allen to James King for 200 acres acknowledged

                - deed of trust from William Almond to Lewis Hyer proven by oaths of John A. Caudle and Alexander F. Williams

301         - Court allows John K. Colson $70.9375 for repairing the prison and court house

                - deed from John Stancill to the Baptist Church for 2 acres proven by oaths of Henry Pugh & Samuel Ross

                - deed from Charles Pistole to John Lee for 100 acres proven by oaths of Asa Atkins & Nathaniel Abney

                - bill of sale from John Blanton to Asa Atkins for two Negro boys, Frank & Ford proven by oaths of William King & William Cherry

                - additional return of the estate of Samuel Yarborough returned by the administrator

                - Court exonerates Elijah Fletcher from paying the $2 tax on a stud horse; the tax was paid by John Manly

                - commissioners returned a settlement with the Trustee

302         - Court orders James Fletcher, Levi Wimberly, Elijah Fletcher, George Wimberly & David Grant to mark a road from Grant’s mill to the Montgomery Co. line, towards Robert Searcy’s

                - deed from Caleb Williams to James Williams for 180 acres acknowledgd

                - Court appoints James Simmons overseer in place of William James

                - commissioners return settlement with Thomas Ross, administrator of Isaac Brunson

                - Court allows William J. Lyons $26.375 for keeping James Mace, a prisoner in the Montgomery Co. jail

                - Court allows Sheriff James Mallory $35 for his ex officio services for the previous year

                - deed from Henry Pugh, attorney for Whitmill H. Pugh to William Cherry for 2 tracts of 80 acres each acknowledged

303         - deed of gift from John Atkins Sr. to James Atkins for 350 acres and several Negroes proven by oaths of Asa Atkins and William R. Atkins

                - mortgage from Alexander B. Outlaw to Henry Wynns for an undivided tract of land proven by oaths of Hardison Daniel & David Wilson

                - deed from Josiah Askew to Elisha Askew for 200 acres proven by oaths of John Linder & Jesse Linder

                - Court appoints Asa Atkins & Sarah Venters guardians to George W. Venters, Eliza L. T. Venters, William B. Venters, Archibald H. Venters, Lucinda Venters, John W. Venters & Rissanna Venters

                - bill of sale from William Howard to Briant Oneal for a Negro girl proven by oaths of John Atkins & Ann McGee

                - Court orders Gladden Gorin, James Patterson & William Tubbs to settle with the administrator of Israel James

304         - Court orders David Hogan, Joseph Smith & William Bayliss to settle with the administrator and administratrix of Alsey H. Bradford

                - Court orders Henry King, Christopher C. C. Clements & William Bayliss to settle with the executors of James Vinson

                - Court appoints Kader Biggs overseer in place of James Biggs; hands to work under him include James W. Biggs, Thomas French, C. B. Wilcox, James Reynolds Sr., James Reynolds Jr., Joseph Reynolds, James Dunn, Benjamin Dunn, Josiah Dunn, John Oliver & John McAdams

                - Court appoints Elisha Ellis overseer in place of Samuel Ross

                - Court appoints Stephen Gardner overseer in place of George Boyd

                - Drury Bird presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

305         - Wilson Lightfoot presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - George Randle presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - Purham Ezell presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

306         - Court orders those who have not entered their lands for taxation for 1820 do so immediately to avoid double tax, including:

- the heirs of Edward Harris, grant #6 on warrant #2336 for 1000 acres

- the heirs of Edward Harris, grant #4 on warrant #2311 for 1000 acres

- the heirs of Edward Harris, grant #9 on warrant #2337 for 1000 acres

- the heirs of Edward Harris, grant #7 on warrant #2327 for 1000 acres

- the heirs of Edward Harris, grant #11 on warrant #2329 for 1000 acres

- the heirs of Edward Harris, grant #15 on warrant #2373 for 1000 acres

- the heirs of Edward Harris, grant #16 on warrant #2372 for 1000 acres

- James Davidson & John Hunter, 1000 acres granted to Edward Harris on the north waters of the Obion River

- James C. Cole, 10 tracts of 1000 acres each on the waters of the Obion & Forked Deer Rivers

- the heirs of Adam Boyd, 5000 acres on Forked Deer River

                - Court appoints Randle Stone overseer of the road from the Indian Mount up the main Cross Creek to the county line, in place of William Chester

                - Reed Luton produced in Court the will of Isaac Brunson, which is contested by Moses Brunson; Court orders a jury trial

307         - Court allows Thomas Wilson, administrator, to sell the perishable property of James Wilson, deceased

                - Tuesday, 6 February 1821 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, Gladden Gorin, William Randle

                - William Cherry makes bond upon his appointment as Constable

                - On 11 December 1820, Justice of the Peace Nathan Ross ruled in favor of Winchester & Cage against Heanly Acree for the sum of $10.3425 plus 75 cents costs; Constable Eldridge Green levied the fine on a tract of land on Cumberland River where Acree lives, which is ordered to be sold

308         - On 14 December 1820, Justice of the Peace Nathan Ross ruled in favor of Winchester & Cage against Heanly Acree for the sum of $4 plus 75 cents costs; Constable Eldridge Green levied the fine on a tract of land on Cumberland River where Acree lives, which is ordered to be sold

                - On 9 December 1820, Justice of the Peace Robert Walker ruled in favor of Elizabeth Bond against Heanly Acree for the sum of $9.075 plus 75 cents costs; Constable Eldridge Green levied the fine on a tract of land on Cumberland River where Acree lives, which is ordered to be sold

                - On 28 Apr 1820, Justice of the Peace Robert Walker ruled in favor of Reed Luton against Heanly Acree for the sum of $4.20 plus 75 cents costs; Constable Eldridge Green levied the fine on a tract of land on Cumberland River where Acree lives, which is ordered to be sold

309         - William Haynes vs. John L. Hagler (damages):  jurors James Barrow, Richard Gatlin, Nathaniel Rogers, Etheldred Folks, William Wofford, Hosea H. League, Prescott Crisp, Benedict Jamison, Joseph Taylor Jr., Thomas McGee, Drury Andrews & Thomas Ross find for the plaintiff in the amount of $135 plus costs

                - Court orders John Davidson to receive the lists of taxable property for the present year

310         - Court allows John Turner $20 for keeping Molly Ackles, a pauper, up to the time of her death

                - Court elected James Miller as Trustee

                - Court elected Mathew Morgan as Coroner

                - Grand Jury selected:  Robert S. Coleman (foreman), Thomas McGee, William Williams, Benedict Jamison, Joseph Taylor Jr., Gideon Milam, Wilson Randle, Andrew Collins, John Manning, Richard Gatlin, J. B. Geurin, James King & Prescott Crisp

                - Robert Samples, lessee, vs. Robert S. Coleman (Ejectment):  jury finds defendant not guilty; plaintiff appeals to Circuit Court

                - On 23 November 1820, Justice of the Peace William Bayliss ruled in favor of John Harris, assignee of John Scarborough, against William Warden for the sum of $18.4075 plus $1 costs;  Deputy Sheriff John Bradley levied the fine on 40 acres of land adjoining Dover, which is ordered to be sold

311         - Court orders Sheriff to summon the following to serve as Jurors for the next term:  Thomas Wynns, Miles Williams, Benjamin Brown, William Greer, David Deadrick, Nathaniel Askew, Endimeon Brigham, Millington Lain, Nimian Steele, Albert Holmes, Lemuel Bell, John Stewart, Thomas Walker, Drury Brinson, James Brigham Sr., Lewis Lockhart, Abel Jackson, Caleb Williams Sr., James Dunbar, Henry Pugh, John Williams, John Lee (Dicks Fork), Edmond Hogan, William Travis, Nathaniel Abney & Dempsey Turner

                - On 10 November 1820, Justice of the Peace Robert Walker ruled in favor of Cullen Thomas against Heanly Acree, Nathan Skinner & Nathan Ross for the sum of $80, with interest from 24 November 1819, plus 75 cents costs; Constable William Campbell levied the fine on a tract of land where Acree lives, which is ordered to be sold

312         - On 10 January 1821, Justice of the Peace Nathan Ross ruled in favor of Hugh H. Sparkman against Heanly Acree for the sum of $22.1875 plus 75 cents costs; Constable William Campbell levied the fine on a tract of land where Acree lives

                - On 15 November 1820, Justice of the Peace Robert Walker ruled in favor of William Curry against Heanly Acree for the sum of $7.375, with interest from 13 May 1820; Constable William Campbell levied the fine on a tract of land where Acree lives

                - On 15 November 1820, Justice of the Peace Robert Walker ruled in favor of Elizabeth Bond against Heanly Acree for the sum of $5, with interest from 13 May 1820; Constable William Campbell levied the fine on a tract of land where Acree lives

313         - On 23 November 1820, Justice of the Peace William Bayliss ruled in favor of Ephraim B. Davidson against William Warden for the sum of $70.0625, with interest from $22 October 1820; Deputy Sheriff John Bradley levied the fine on 40 acres of land adjoining Dover, which is ordered to be sold

                - deed from John Blair to James Tanner for 224 acres proven by oaths of Francis Smith & Henry H. Smith

314         - E. B. Davidson, guardian of Outlaw’s heirs, vs. John Manning (appeal):  case continued

                - Lewis Spece vs. Hugh Sparkman (debt):  case continued

                - Bufford & wife vs. Amelia Thornton, executrix:  case transferred to Circuit Court for trial

                - Frederick W. Huling vs. Jonathan Cooley (debt):  plaintiff drops the suit, defendant agrees to pay costs

                - Frederick W. Huling vs. William H. Haggard:    plaintiff drops the suit, defendant agrees to pay costs

315         - Moses Oldham, administrator, vs. Lewis Bond (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $111.50 plus $8.80 damages; defendant appeals to the Circuit Court

                - John McClelland vs. Hosea H. League & John Criddle (debt):  defendant acknowledges $607.89 plus $69.90 damages

316         - John McClelland vs. Hosea H. League & John Criddle (debt):  defendant acknowledges $1569.07 plus $129.50 damages

317         - Wednesday, 9 February 1821 Court:  Justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, William Randle, Gladden Gorin

                - John Criddle vs. Stump & Cox, and Hosea H. League:  Court rules in favor of plaintiff in the amount of $1698.50

                - John Criddle vs. Stump & Cox, and Hosea H. League:  Court rules in favor of plaintiff in the amount of $777.79

                - State vs. James Todd (assault & battery):  defendant not to be found; State drops case

                - State vs. John Rascoe (gaming):  State drops case

                - State vs. Alexander Robertson (affray):  State drops case

318         - State vs. Edward Lyndsey (bastardy):  State drops case

                - State vs. John A. Caudle (assault & battery):  State drops case

                - State vs. Henry King (assault & battery):  State drops case

                - State vs. William King (assault & battery):  State drops case

                - State vs. John Atkins (assault & battery):  State drops case

319         - State vs. Lawrence Lancaster (assault & battery):  Jurors find defendant guilty; fined $5 plus costs

                - State vs. David Watson (peace warrant):  defendant pleads guilty to owing the State $200, with Hugh McMillan & Jacob Crossnoe owing $100 each; State drops suit on condition that defendant keeps the peace, especially with respect to the family of William Walker

320         - State vs. John McAdams (larceny):  jurors find defendant not guilty

                - State vs. Stephen Thomason (assault & battery):  defendant failed to appear; Court orders bond forfeited

321         - Cooper, Allen & Co. vs. William H. Henderson & John James (Bail for George Williamson, Sir Fa.):  Henderson & James bring Williamson into Court and discharge their securityship

                - Thursday, 8 February 1821 Court:  justices William Bayliss, Nathan Ross, William Randle, David Hogan, Gladden Gorin

                - State vs. John McAdams & James McAdams (larceny):  Court dismisses the case

                - State vs. William Walker (peace bond):  State drops suit on condition that defendant keeps the peace, especially with respect to the family of David Watson

322         - State vs. William Elliott (riot):  jurors find defendant not guilty

                - Grand Jury returned indictment against William K. Colson for assault & battery

                - State vs. George Weaks (peace warrant):  State drops suit on condition that defendant keeps the peace, especially with respect to Polly Atkins

323         - State vs. Thomas Dodd (peace warrant):  State drops suit on condition that defendant keeps the peace for 12 months, especially with respect to Polly Atkins

                - State vs. William Dodd (peace warrant):  State drops suit on condition that defendant keeps the peace, especially with respect to Polly Atkins

                - Reed Luton, executor of Isaac Brunson, vs. Moses Brunson (probate of will):  jurors find that the paper presented as the will of Isaac Brunson is not genuine; Luton ordered to pay court costs

324         - Friday, 9 February 1821 Court:  justices David Hogan, William Randle, Nathan Ross, Gladden Gorin

                - State vs. William Howard, Samuel Ladyman & Martin Howard (riot):  jurors find defendant guilty; defendant fined $51 plus costs

325         - Court orders Stephen English, John Allen & Joseph Smith to settle with Alexander Brightwell, administrator of John W. Lumpkins

                - Court orders William Curl, John Davidson & David Hogan to divide the estate of George Oldham among the heirs

                - Court appoints Thomas Wynns overseer of the road from Standing Rock to Leatherwood, with the hands of David Hardison & William Largent under him

                - Court orders Elisha Askew, surveyor of the road up the river from Leatherwood to the county line, to clear out the road, with the hands of Hurricane Creek helping him, along with William Miller, Henry Miller, John Atkins, David Miller, John Bennett, Jordan Cole, Josiah Askew, David Wilson, John Jones, Henry Wynns, John Bird, Seth Outlaw, Benjamin Brown, J. H. Gloham & Thomas Haynes

326         - Court allows $50 to William H. Henderson for bringing William Greenwood to Dover

                - Court appoints Charlotte Oldham guardian to Nancy Oldham, McNairy Oldham, John P. Oldham, George D. Oldham & Rowland P. Oldham

                - Court exonerates Samuel Kelly from paying a judgment that the county obtained against him for $20, for a stray mare taken up by Benjamin Kelly

                - Court allows $12 to Nelson Crosswell for taking prisoner James Mace to Clarksville

                - Court appoints George S. Elliott guardian to Mary Oldham

                - Court allows Ann Swor $20 for keeping Rebecca Swor for the present year

                - Court allows David Shropshire, jailer of Dickson County, $29.37 for keeping prisoner William Walker

327         - Court allows Adam Connors?, a pauper, $25, to be placed in the hands of William Randle

                - Court orders the former hands that worked under James Brigham, surveyor of the road from Hornberger’s up Wells Creek to continue to work under him and keep the road in repair

                - Court orders that Joseph Pinner and hands Isaac Garrett, Joseph Griffin, Armstead Taylor, John Dunkin, Joseph McClanahan, Reed Luton & Hugh Sparkman be added to the hands that work under Isaac McKinney, overseer of the road from Brunson’s ferry to intersect the road leading up the Saline Creek near Haywood’s quarter

                - Court allows Hugh McMillan $21.25 for taking William Walker to the Dickson County Jail and back

                - Court allows Myers & Brents to return 2 tracts of land for 1820 of 5000 acres each on Hatchie River, granted to Solomon Kitts, and 1 tract of 2000 acres granted to David Crawford on Forked Deer River, and be exonerated from double tax

                - Court appoints Henry Townsend surveyor of the road in place of Leslie Biggs

                - Administrator of John Allen returns an account of sales of the estate

                - deed from John Gray Blount, by his attorney Wilie Blount, to John L. Hagler for 1760 acres, certified from Montgomery County

328         - bill of sale from William W. Gift to Sally Williams for a Negro boy Tom proven by oaths of Lemuel Williams & Allison Williams

                - deed from James Tagert, administrator of William Outlaw, by his attorney Alexander B. Outlaw, to Isaac H. Ward acknowledged

                - will of John McMillan proven by oath of William Cormack Sr. & Rivers C. Williams; executor Hugh McMillan makes bond

                - deed from John Gray Blount, by his attorney Wilie Blount, to John L. Hagler for 300 acres proven by oath of Henry Cato

                - deed from Aaron Fletcher to Prescott Crisp for 50 acres proven by oaths of William H. Henderson & Cullen Bayliss

                - deed from Thomas Davidson to Samuel R. Davidson for 150 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Ephraim B. Davidson to William L. Lyndsey for 60 acres acknowledged

329         - bill of sale from William Worden to Amelia Thornton proven by oath of James Mallory

                - account current with the administrators of George Oldham returned

                - inventory and account of sales of the estate of John Wickham returned by administrator

                - Court allows William H. Henderson & Henry King to keep an ordinary at their house in Dover

                - Court appoints Timothy King guardian for Jacob Garrett

                - Court appoints Thomas Lewis and Benjamin Kelly inspectors at Bowling Green

                - Court appoints Nathan Ross administrator of the estate of Isaac Brunson until a decision is reached in Circuit Court regarding the contested will

                - Court issues letters of administration to Benjamin Kelly in the estate of Samuel Kelly

330         - Court appoints Hugh McMillan constable

                - Court allows Gabriel Ranson to return 2 tracts of land of 2000 and 400 acres for taxes for 1820, and to be exonerated from double tax

                - James Blackimore vs. William Townsend & Amos Milliken (debt):  defendants failed to show; Court finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $640 plus $25 damages

                - James Blackimore vs. William Townsend & Amos Milliken (debt):  defendants failed to show; Court finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $640 plus $28 damages

331         - John L. McRae vs. Jesse A. Brunson (debt):  plaintiff drops his case

                - John L. McRae vs. Jesse A. Brunson (debt):  plaintiff drops his case

                - Pryor & Powell vs. Walker’s Executors:  plaintiffs drop their case

                - Samuel Smith vs. Edwards & Charles B. Wilcox (Sir Fa.):  Henry Gibson failed to appear in Court; Court rules in favor of Smith in the amount of $274.09

332         - William Howard vs. Briant Oneal (detinue):  plaintiff drops the case

                - Lemuel Williams vs. John Hayes & Allison Williams, garnishee (attachment):  Williams acknowledges debt to Hayes in the sum of $125.08

                - John McClelland vs. John Criddle & Hosea H. League:  plaintiff agrees to suspend execution of the judgment for 12 months

333         - Cooper, Allen & Co. vs. Daniel Logan & Henry King, garnishee:  court rules in favor of plaintiff in the amount of $33.33

                - James Haggard, in right of his wife, vs. the heirs of William Outlaw (Sir Fa.):  Court rules in favor of plaintiff in the amount of $132.80 plus $18.51 damages

                - Nathan Yarborough vs. William Smith, James Smith & Prudence Smith (debt):  defendants failed to appear; Court rules in favor of plaintiff in the amount of $138 plus $5.17 damages

334         - State vs. Edward Tyler: defendant pleads guilty and is fined $5 plus costs

                - Saturday, 10 February 1821 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, Gladden Gorin, William Randle

                - J. & J. W. Litler vs. William Philips, Sheriff of Hickman County:  Philips collected an execution in favor of plaintiffs against Reuben Elliott in the sum of $139.50, but had not paid the sum over to the plaintiffs; Court orders Philips to pay over the sum to the plaintiffs, plus $6.2775 interest and $17.4375 damages

335         - State vs. James Mallory, Sheriff:  Defendant failed to bring Stephen Thomason to Court, and forfeits his appearance bond

                - Monday, 7 May 1821 Court:  justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, James Gray, Gladden Gorin, Robert Lowry, Charles Polk

                - David Brigham records his stock mark

                - William Trousdale records his stock mark

336         - Druscilla Williams (formerly Drucilla Cherry), Rebecca Cherry & Peggy Cherry choose Prescott Crisp as their guardian; Crisp makes bond with securities John Stancill and James Mallory

                - James Mallory, Sheriff, makes bond to collect state taxes in the county for the present year, with securities John Williams, Nathan Skinner & Thomas Wynns

                - James Mallory, Sheriff, makes bond to collect county taxes in the county for the present year, with securities Nathan Skinner, Prescott Crisp & John Williams

                - Court binds James Rataree, age about 15, to Stephen English until he reaches age 21; English agrees to provide one years’ schooling, and a horse worth $50 and a good new suit when Rataree reaches 21

337         - Court orders Thomas Rataree, orphan son of James Rataree, to be bound to Thomas Gray until he reaches age 21; Gray agrees to provide one years’ schooling, and a horse worth $50-$60 and a good new suit when Rataree reaches 21

                - Court orders Jacob Marberry, James Milam, James Parchment & David Erwin to lay off a road from the road leading from Bowling Green in the Guices Creek bottom by David Erwin’s mill, up the creek until it intersects the main road now leading up the creek

                - Court appoints Stephen Parker overseer in place of John Lee

                - Arabia Brown resigns his appointment as Constable

                - Court appoints Daniel Lewis overseer in place of George W. Atkins

                - Bryant Bird elected constable

338         - Court appoints Rebecca A. McKinney guardian for Isaac McKinney, Mary McKinney, Jonathan McKinney, Elisabeth McKinney & Samuel McKinney

                - Court allows Reed Luton to keep a ferry across Cumberland River at Brunsonville

                - Court orders John James, Joseph Smith & William Williams to settle with the administrator of Cornelius Cooley

                - Court orders a road to be laid out from Nathan Skinner’s ferry to intersect the road leading from Brigham’s ferry up Shelby Creek, and that the road from Brigham’s ferry to where the road leading from Skinner’s ferry may intersect the old road be discontinued, and that a road from Skinner’s ferry be laid off to intersect the road leading from the mouth of Saline Creek up the creek between Samuel Luton’s & Joseph Miller’s, leaving Luton’s to the west; roads are to be laid off by Joseph Miller, Cornelius Anderson, John Pinion, John Fletcher, Lewis Elliott, Thomas Elliott, Reed Luton & Isaac McKinney

                - Court orders Robert Walker, John A. Acree & David Redditt settle with the administrator and administratrix of Silas Vinson

339         - Court appoints Lewis Elliott guardian for Thomas Bond, Benjamin Bond & Elisabeth Bond, with securities Nathan Skinner & Lewis Bond

                - John Byrd presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - Daniel Airy presents 3 wolf scalps in Court and receives a bounty

                - account of sales of the estate of John Bond returned by the administrator

340         - Nicholas Brewer presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - William Wyatt presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - Arabia Brown presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - William Taylor presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

341         - Andrew Weaks presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - Thomas Frasher presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - Andrew Cathy presents a wolf scalp in Court and receives a bounty

                - Timothy Dalton presents 4 wolf scalps in Court and receives a bounty

342         - Allen Williams presents 2 wolf scalps in Court and receives a bounty

                - John Pearce presents 2 wolf scalps in Court and receives a bounty

                - Court orders that the road from where Brunson’s new road intersects Christer’s old road to his ferry be discontinued

                - Court appoints William James overseer of the road from Dover toward Gray’s ferry

                - Court orders that the road from Henley Acree’s ferry to where it crosses the road from the mouth of Saline Creek to Tennessee River be discontinued

343         - John Turner resigns his office as a justice of the peace

                - Court appoints John Marshall overseer in place of William Tomlinson

                - Court orders Richard Swor, Adam Fouts, John Swor, Henry Upchurch, Samuel Bilensly, David Green & Larkin Eastridge to mark a road from the mouth of Sandy to a bridge on Beaver Dam Creek, then in a direct course to where it will strike the Holly fork of Sandy

                - deed of gift from William Pugh to William Thomas & Martha Pugh for a Negro boy Mike; subscribing witness Charles King being dead, his brother William King confirms the signature

                - division of the estate of George Oldham returned by commissioners

344         - Court issues letters of administration to Prescott Crisp & Druscilla Williams in the estate of Thomas Williams

                - list of sales of the estate of James Rataree returned by the administrator

                - tax list of Capt. Skinner’s company returned by Robert Walker

                - Court appoints John Bird overseer of the new road from Brandon’s ferry on Tennessee River to intersect the road going to Christer’s ferry; hands to work under him include Richard Miles, Henry Vinson, James Hendon, James Bird, Albert Brigham, Wesley Bird & Thomas Brigham

                - inventory and account of sales of the estate of David Scarborough returned by executor Thomas Haltom

                - tax list of Capt. Lacey’s company returned by John Marberry

345         - George Weaks elected Constable in Capt. Wilcox’ company, with securities William Cherry & Richard Cooley

                - William Cormack elected Constable, with securities John Philips & Kenneth Reddick

                - last will of David Scarborough proven by oath of James Scarborough; Thomas Haltom took oath as executor

                - Court orders John Parchment, John Kizer, William Dowdy, David Irwin & _____ Walker to mark a road from William Dowdy’s towards Judge Humphreys mill on Yellow Creek, as far as the Montgomery Co. line

                - tax list of Capt. Ward’s company returned by John Davidson

346         - tax list of Capt. Wilcox’ company returned by Joseph Gray

                - tax list of Capt. James Bailey’s company returned by Simon B. Clark

                - tax list of Capt. John P. Rushing’s company returned by John R. Acree

                - tax list of Capt. Grace’s company returned by Richard Swor

                - tax list of Capt. Brewer’s company returned by John Studdart

                - inventory of the estate of John Atkins returned

                - Court orders that the road from Wynnsborough to intersect the road from Dover to Gray’s ferry be discontinued

                - account current with the administrator of the estate of John Bond returned by the commissioners

                - Court orders Nathan Ross, John Stancill & Jesse Morris to settle with the executors of Alexander Walker

347         - Court orders John Jones, David Redditt, Isham Sills, William Sills, Enos Outland, Rowland W. Wells, Micajah Hogan & Jethro Bass to mark a road from Nathan Skinner’s ferry to intersect th road from the mouth of Saline Creek to Brandon’s ferry on Tennessee River

                - settlement with the administrator of Robert McKinney returned by the commissioners

                - Court allows Sally Davidson $20 for the present year, to be dispersed by Anthony Lee as need arises

                - tax list of Capt. Jackson’s company returned by John Turner

                - deed from William Collier, by his attorney Nelson Crosswell, to Henry Cassells for 20 acres proven by oaths of Richard Crosswell & Nimrod Crosswell

                - deed from George Brandon to Thomas Elliott for 20 acres acknowledged

348         - deed from John Graham to William Brigham for 100 acres proven by oaths of Henry Edwards & James H. Brigham

                - account of sales of the estate of Samuel Kelly returned by the administrator

                - deed from Nathan Skinner to Christopher Brandon for 150 acres acknowledged

                - deed from Thomas Ross to John Williams for 150 acres acknowledged

                - deed from William Collier to Henry Cassells for 14 acres proven by oaths of Richard Croswell and Nimrod Crosswell

                - deed from Aaron Winters to Thomas Brigham for 46 acres proven by oaths of James Byrd & John Byrd

349         - settlement with the administrator of Alsey H. Bradford returned by the commissioners

                - deed from Henry Sparkman to John Williams for 60 acres proven by oaths of Robert Walker & Henry Pugh

                - deed from William Almond to James Harris for 50 acres acknowledged

                - power of attorney from John Boyd to George Boyd proven by oaths of Emanuel James & James H. Russell

                - deed from John Atkins to Henry L. Atkins for 60 acres acknowledged

                - account of sales of the estate of John Atkins returned by the administrator

350         - commissioners report having laid off years’ provisions to Elisabeth Rataree

                - Court allows John C. McLemore to return 8750 acres of land for taxation for 1820:

- 1/8 interest in John Rice’s 5000-acre grants on Big Hatchie:  #0295, #0294, #0291, #0289, #0241, #0288, #0292, #0284, #0285, #0297, #0293, #0282, #0287, #0280

- 250 acres, a ¼ interest in Edward Cox’s 1000-acre grant #0079 on Forked Deer River

- 250 acres, a ¼ interest in Joseph Ross’ 1000-acre grant #0352 on Obion River

- 660 acres, half of William Moore’s 1320-acre grant #0275 on the waters of Big Hatchie

                - Court allows Andrew Jackson to return 1000 acres, granted by North Carolina to William T. Lewis on the north fork of Forked Deer River, for taxation for the year 1820

                - Court allows James Trimble to return several tracts of land for taxation for the year 1820 and be exonerated from double tax:

- 250 acres, grant #0079 to Edward Cox on Forked Deer River

- 250 acres, part of grant #0352 to Joseph Ross on Obion River

- 8750 acres, 1/8 interest in John Rice’s 5000-acre grants on Big Hatchie:  #0295, #0294, #0291, #0289, #0241, #0288, #0292, #0284, #0285, #0297, #0293, #0282, #0287, #0280

351         - Court allows the heirs of John McCampbell to return several tracts of land for taxation for the year 1820 and be exonerated from double tax:

- 1/8 interest in John Rice’s 5000-acre grants on Big Hatchie:  #0295, #0294, #0291, #0289, #0241, #0288, #0292, #0284, #0285, #0297, #0293, #0282, #0287, #0280

- 250 acres, a ¼ interest in Edward Cox’s 1000-acre grant #0079 on Forked Deer River

- 250 acres, a ¼ interest in Joseph Ross’ 1000-acre grant #0352 on Obion River

                - Court allows the heirs of Robert Searcy, by executor Stephen Campbell, to return several tracts of land for taxation for the year 1820 and be exonerated from double tax:

- 1/8 interest in John Rice’s 5000-acre grants on Big Hatchie:  #0295, #0294, #0291, #0289, #0241, #0288, #0292, #0284, #0285, #0297, #0293, #0282, #0287, #0280

- 250 acres, a ¼ interest in Edward Cox’s 1000-acre grant #0079 on Forked Deer River

- 250 acres, a ¼ interest in Joseph Ross’ 1000-acre grant #0352 on Obion River

352         - Court finds that James C. Cole has paid taxes on the following tracts of land for 1820, and orders the Sheriff to proceed no further in selling the tracts for taxes owed:

                                - North Carolina grants #0099, #0102, #0103, #0104, #0078, #0101, #0085, #0105, #0100

353         - Tuesday, 8 May 1821 Court:  Justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, William Bayliss

                - deed from John Atkins to Timothy King for 210 acres acknowledged

                - Robert Hughes presented a license to practice law in the state, and was admitted to practice in Stewart County Court

                - On 7 March 1821, Justice of the Peace William Curl ruled in favor of John L. Hagler, assignee of Ephraim B. Davidson, assignee of William W. Outlaw, against John Richards and William Howard, in the sum of $45.04 plus $1.25 costs; Deputy Sheriff James Hogan levied the fine against 20 acres of land whereon William Howard lives

                - Grand Jury was drawn:  Henry Pugh (foreman), Edmond Hogan, Nimian Steele, Lewis Lockhart, Endimeon Brigham, Millington Lain, Benjamin Brown, James Dunbar, Dempsey Turner, Albert Holmes, John Stewart, William Travis, Thomas Walker

354         Guardian of Outlaw’s Heirs vs. John Manning (appeal):  jurors finds for the plaintiff in the amount of $20

                - Sparkman & Luton vs. William Dean (covenant):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $125

                - W. W. Cooley vs. Reed Luton (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $183.90 plus $13.79 damages

                - Messer Ward vs. Henry Cato (appeal):  jurors find for the defendant

355         - Nathan Ross, assignee, vs. William Cherry (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $416.50 plus $10.41

356         - Thomas Frasher vs. E. B. Davidson & others:  since the last term of Court, the plaintiff has died; plaintiff’s administrator, James Frasher, asks for the case to proceed, which is approved by the Court

                - William Polk vs. William McClure & John Pearce (Sir Fa.):  defendant John Pearce admits debt of $274.18

                - Wednesday, 9 May 1821 Court:  Justices Nathan Ross, David Hogan, William Bayliss

357         - Thomas Lewis vs. William Barnes, James West & William West (assault & battery):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $100

                - Henry Wall vs. Henry Cato:  defendant filed an appeal to the Circuit Court

358         - Moses Brunson vs. Bailey & Williams:  jurors unable to agree; case continued

                - Samuel Cauler, assignee, vs. James Smith & David Brigham:  jurors find the issue between Cauler & Brigham in favor of Brigham, and the issue between Cauler & Smith in favor of Cauler; Court awards $2000 damages to plaintiff

360         - John Atkins, assignee, vs. E. B. Davidson, James Mallory & Thomas Roberts (appeal):  jurors rule that defendant Davidson owes plaintiff $98.05

                - Walker’s executors vs. Pryor & Powell (debt):  jurors find in favor of the plaintiff in the amount of $400 plus $82 damages for detention of the land

361         - Elijah Lowry vs. Isaac Beacham (certiorari):  Court orders certiorari to be dismissed, and orders Beacham and his securities William Rushing & William Cormack to pay Lowry $92 plus $1.84 interest

                - Samuel Vance vs. James Mallory (debt):  defendant acknowledges debt of $374 plus $20.625 damages

                - Samuel Cauler vs. Jesse A. Brunson (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $1571.645 plus $30.43 damages

                - Reece Bowers vs. Jesse A. Brunson (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $366.3125 plus $21.08 damages

362         - Samuel Vance vs. William M. Cooley (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $171 plus $10.69 damages; defendant makes an appeal to the Circuit Court

363         - George H. Gordon vs. Henry King & John Richards:  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $395.70 plus $36.91 damages

                - Thomas Gray vs. John Allen & others (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $297.80

364         - William E. Butler, assignee, vs. John Scarborough & James Mallory:  defendants acknowledge debt in the amount of $236

                - Samuel Vance vs. Jesse A. Brunson:  defendant makes appeal to the Circuit Court

365         - Reece Bowers vs. Jesse A. Brunson (debt):  defendant makes appeal to the Circuit Court

                - Cooper, Allen & Co. vs. Henry King (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $164.89 plus $3 damages

                - State vs. George Rogers, Lewis Bonds & Hugh H. Sparkman:  defendant and his bondsmen fail to appear in Court; Court revokes recognizance bonds and order defendant and bondsmen to appear in Court

366         - State vs. Edward Lindsey (bastardy):  Court orders Lindsey to make bond to support the child

                - R. Cooper vs. Henry King & John King (debt):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $200 plus $42.50 damages

367         - (from May 1820 term):  Jesse Jackson vs. Nathan Ross:  Robert Walker proves 1 day attendance last term and 1 day this term, 4 ferriages; Willis Manning proves 1 day attendance & 2 ferriages; John Manning proves 1 day attendance last term, 1 day this term & 4 ferriages

                - (from May 1820 term):  Trustee vs. Joseph Gray:  John Hodges proves 1 day attendance & 2 ferriages across Tennessee River; David McNatt proves 1 day attendance & 2 ferriages

                - (from May 1820 term):  State vs. Thomas Almond:  James Whitsitte proves 1 day attendance this term; John L. Hagler proves 2 days attendance this term

                - (from Feb. 1821 term):  Bufford vs. Thornton, Executrix:  George Petty proves 1 day attendance

                - (from May 1821 term):  Thomas Lewis vs. Barnes, 2 others:  Philip Hornberger proves 2 days attendance; J. D. Brinson proves 2 days, James Parchment proves 2 days; Benjamin Kelly proves 3 days

368         - John Atkins, assignee, vs. E. B. Davidson, James Mallory & Thomas Roberts (appeal):  jurors find for the plaintiff in the amount of $115 plus costs

                - Thursday, 9 May 1821 Court:  Justices David Hogan, William Bayliss, William Randle, Nathan Ross

369         - Sparkman & Lawton vs. William Dean (covenant):  Court rules in favor of plaintiff in the amount of $113.875

                - Messer Ward vs. Henry Cato (appeal):  plaintiff makes appeal to the Circuit Court

                - Nathaniel Wickham vs. Thomas Almond:  plaintiff had obtained a judgment in the amount of $7.74 plus costs, which was levied by Constable Jesse Pully against 20 acres on the waters of Wells Creek, belonging to Almond

370         - Robert Dunlop vs. Charles Almond & Thomas Almond:  plaintiff had obtained a judgment in the amount of $9 plus costs, which was levied by Constable Jesse Pully against 20 acres on the waters of Wells Creek, belonging to Thomas Almond

                - will of John Randle proven by oaths of Emanuel James, George Petty & John Ferrill, plus a codicil; Wilson Randle & William Randle qualified as executors

371         - Henry King vs. William Howard:  plaintiff had obtained a judgment against defendant in the amount of $21.375, which was levied by Constable William Cherry against 20 acres whereon Howard lives

372         - Friday, 10 May 1821 Court:  Justices David Hogan, Nathan Ross, Samuel Wynns, William Randle, Charles Polk

                - Court orders Peter Kendall, John Davidson & John Marberry to make a division of the Negroes of the estate of John Randle, agreeable to the will

                - deed from Hosea H. League to Robert S. Coleman for 320 acres proven by oaths of Henry L. Wall & Eldridge Green

                - deed from James Mallory to Robert Walker for 50 acres acknowledged

                - John Scarborough allowed to keep a tavern in his house in Dover

                - Henry L. Wall allowed to keep a tavern in his house in Dover

                - Court issues letters of administration to William Bufford in the estate of his late wife Patsey Bufford

373         - Court orders Amelia Thornton to give additional security for the execution of the will of Yancey Thornton; she enters bond with securities William Cherry, James Miller & Eldridge Green

                - on motion of executrix Sarah Venters, Court orders David Hogan, Joseph Smith & John Davidson to divide the estate of John S. Venters among the legatees

                - Court orders settlement with Joseph Smith & Etheldred Folks, executors of James Vinson

                - Nathan Ross, administrator of Isaac Brunson, returned an inventory and account of sales of the estate

                - Court allows John Choate to keep a tavern at his house in Brunsonville

                - Thomas Wilson, administrator of James Wilson, returned an inventory and account of sales of the estate

374         - bill of sale from Henry Powell to Joseph Smith for Negro man John proven by oaths of William H. Henderson & Robert Dunlop

                - Court orders Sheriff to summon jurors for the next term of Court:  Thomas Wilson, David Wilson, Richard Faucet, James Hamlett, William McElrath, Lewis Hyer, Henry Wynns, Champane James, William Miller, John Pearce, John Almond, James Lowry, Thomas Wyatt, Nathaniel Scoles, Charles McHenry, Thomas Whitford, Nathaniel Parker, John Summers, James Pryor, George Boyd, William Bell Jr., William Bell Sr., John Fletcher, Christopher Brandon, John Biggs & Nathan Thomas

                - Court orders Jaby Geurin, Ephraim Gatlin & John Wofford to lay off 12 months’ provisions for Druscilla Williams out of the estate of Thomas Williams