By Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 2002



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October 1, 1876

LARRY DAVIS died five miles "in the country" from Memphis, Sept. 30, 1876 in the 24th year of his age; funeral today. [His tombstone in Calvary Cemetery, Memphis, reads: LAURENCE DAVIS Born 1847 in Co. Roscommon, Ireland Died Sept. 29, 1876.]

JOhN W. MOREHEAD, JR. married IDA B. HENRY, September 21, 1876.


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GEORGE W. FRAZAR [Frazer] died in Memphis, September 30, 1876 in the 76th year of his age; funeral today. [Buried in lot 32, Chapel Hill section, Elmwood Cemetery, with a tombstone placed years after his death, reading "George W. Frazer. Brother of Appless Ford."]

Mrs. E. M. HALL died in residence of her son, Captain M. C. HUMPHREY, St. Louis, MO., September 27, 1876 in the 69th year of her age.


October 3, 1876

FELIX H. TARBETT, late captain and brevet-major, 18th U.S. Infantry, killed as deputy U.S. marshal in Henry County, Tennessee, October 1, 1876; burial in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.

JOHN CANNAVAN died in Memphis, October 2, 1876 aged 62 years; funeral today; native of Irerland and resident of Memphis for over thirty years. [Memphis DAILY AVALANCHE, October 3, 1876 noted that he was a native of Ireland who immigrated to Canada, then to Memphis in 1843; married Mary DOYLE in 1858.]


October 4, 1876

CHARLES P. WOOLDRIDGE died in Memphis, October 3, 1876 in the 38th year of his age; funeral today.

Y. J. McDONOLD son of C. E. and Lizzie McDonold died ostensibly October 3, 1876 aged 5 years, 3 months and 21 days old; funeral today.


October 5, 1876

CHRISTIANA LANGBEIN wife of Charles Langbein died in residence of son-in-law, Charles ERCK, in Chelsea, October 4, 1876 in the 59th year of her age; funeral today.

ANNIE BURKE daughter of James and Ellen Burke died in Memphis, Oct. 4, 1876 aged 1 year; funeral today.


October 6, 1876

SUSIE MAINGAULT wife of Captain William Maingault died in Memphis, October 5, 1876 aged 17 years, 10 months and 12 days old; funeral today.

CARRIE LEE WEAVER daughter of J. B. Weaver, agent of Memphis and Little Rock Railroad, died in Memphis, October 5, 1876; burial in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

EDUARD MOLLOY married ELLA JONES, both of Memphis, in residence of bride's father, G. W. Jones, October 5, 1876.


October 7, 1876

CHARNER T. SCAIFE married LELIA HARVEY, Memphis, October 5, 1876.


October 8, 1876

Mrs. SUSAN A. HOLLAND died in Memphis, October 8, 1876 in the 52nd year of her age; funeral tomorrow. [Buried in unmarked grave, lot 80, Chapel Hill section, Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis]

JOHN PIAGGIO died in Memphis, ostensibly Oct. 7, 1876 aged 59 years, 7 months and 13 days old; funeral today.

JEREMY HAMILTON MELLARD son of James P. and Matilda Mellard died Hot Springs, Ark., Oct. 4, 1876; an infant.


October 10, 1876

Mrs. S. J. BROWN widow of R. P. Brown died in Memphis, Oct. 9, 1876 in the 44th year of her age; funeral today.

MARY WILLIAMS RIVES daughter of John G. Rives, dec., Crittenden Co., Ark., died Oct. 9, 1876 aged 11 years, 4 months; funeral today.


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CLAUDIUS A. WRIGHT only son of J. H. and Julia Wright died in Memphis, Oct. 8, 1876 aged 8 years and 3 months old; funeral today.

ANDREW LIEBEN infant son of J. W. and Annie Lieben died Oct. 9, 1876; funeral today.

WILLIAM R. GOURLEY only son of John R. (dec. )and Nellie Gourley died in Memphis, Oct. 9, 1876; funeral today.

WILLIE DONAHUE son of James B. Donahue and wife died October 9, 1876 aged 5 years, 6 months old; funeral today.

ANNIE GRIFFIN daughter of Mike Griffin and wife died Oct. 9, 1876 aged 5 years, 7 months and 10 days old; funeral today.

DUDLEY A. MORHEAD son of the late Major A. and H. B. Morhead died Chelsea, October 8, 1876 aged 21 years.

J. P. FITZGERALD, Chicago, Illinois, married JENNIE MANSFORD, in Memphis, October 9, 1876.


October 11, 1876

CORNELIUS JAMES FLYNN son of Cornelius and Catherine Flynn died October 10, 1876 aged 9 months and 9 days old; funeral today.

ORA S. GORDON wife of General George W. Gordon died in Bartlett, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1876; had been married only five weeks; died from typhoid fever; burial in Elmwood Cemetery [Her tombstone inscription, lot 177, Fowler section, Elmwood Cemetery reads: ORA PAINE, consort of Geo. W. GORDON. Born Jan. 8, 1859 Died Oct. 10, 1876.]

Colonel WALTER L. OTEY died in Arkansas, in Marianna, "which he founded", Oct. 9, 1876 in the 71st year of his age; born in Bedford Co., Virginia; received his appointment to West Point Military Academy by John Randolph; moved to Phillips Co., Ark. in mid-life where he lived; a daughter, Mrs. T. C. ANDERSON lived in Memphis.

Dr. R. B. MAURY married JENNIE daughter of William (dec.) and Mary POSTON, October 10, 1876.


October 12, 1876

LIZZIE C. MCDONNELL daughter of C. E. and Elizabeth McDonnell died in Memphis, Oct. 11, 1876 aged 6 years and 6 months old.

CHARLES P. MEISTER married CLELESTIIIE BARTON, Memphis, ostensibly October 11, 1876.

L. C. CASTLE married ALICE REDFORD, Memphis, October 11, 1876.


October 13, 1876

Mrs. ELLA GUERRANT died October 12, 1876 aged 56 years; funeral today.

N. W. VAN DEVENTER married JENNIE MARX, Memphis, in residence of Martin EYKE, Oct. 11, 1876.


October 14, 1876

M. H. METTS married EMMA HEIN, both of Memphis, in St. Mary's Cathedral, Oct. 12, 1876.

R. B. DENSON married JENNIE HILL in residence of bride's father, Dr. J. S. Hill, Moscow, Tenn., October 12, 1876.


October 15, 1876

MARIANETTE LU JOHNSON daughter of Robert and Jeanette Johnson died Oct. 14, 1876 aged 5 years old; funeral today.


October 17, 1876

ANNIE TAYLOR BICKFORD wife of William A. Bickford, Jr., daughter of Dr. ARTHUR K. TAYLOR, formerly of Memphis, died October 16, 1876; funeral today.


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THOMAS W. ADAMS died Washington Co., Miss., Oct. 9, 1876 aged 22 years.

DORA KONIG wife of Joseph L. Konig died in Memphis, Oct. 16, 1876 in the 24th year of her age; funeral today.

THOMAS BRADEN, aged 15 years, was thrown from his horse near Braden, Tenn. and killed October 15, 1876; son of J. P. Braden, founder of Braden located on the Louisville Railroad.


October 18, 1876

Mrs. MARY WINCHESTER DAVIDSON wife of E. G. Davidson died in Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 14, 1876.

CASEY MALLORY died in Natchez, Miss., Oct. 17, 1876 aged 64 years.


October 19, 1876

HATTIE HUNTER only daughter of Charles W. and Mary A. Hunter died Oct. 18, 1876 aged 2 years and 22 days old.

WILLIAM H. HOLMAN, St. Louis, MO, married SALLIE MORRISON, Covington, Tenn., in Covington, Oct. 16, 1876.


Green Watson Reed.

        Died in the residence of his father near Collierville, Shelby county, Tenn., of typhoid fever, on October 7, 1876, GREEN WATSON REED, aged 49 years, 3 months and 22 days.
        He was the son of Ira D. and Rachel Reed., and was born in Rockingham county, N.C., on the 16th day at June 1827. He professed christianity October 11, 1843 and recorded the circumstance himself in the family bible. A short time after he joined the Protestant Methodist Church, and was baptized, bi immersion, by the Elder Alson Grey. Mr. REED came to Tennessee in 1860 and lived most of the time after that date in Somerville, Fayette county. He never attached himself to and religious denomination after his removal to this State. On the 5th day of August, 1856, he was married to Miss Myra D. Gober, a most lovely and estimable lady, but she died on the 26th November, 1861, and went with the death angel to the land of the blest. Mr. REED was an earnest and devoted Christian; he loved the service of God, and was a constant attendant upon divine worship every Sabbath when his health permitted. As an evidence at his devotion to the cause of Christ, it may be mentioned that in his will he bequeathed to the Baptist Church at Collierville, five hundred dollars. He was a goad citizen and neighbor, a man of warm and generous impulses, a faithful friend and one beloved, honored and esteemed by all who knew him. Mr. REED died in the triumph of a living faith in God and a full assurance of a blessed immortality. His remains now rest peacefully in the Tabernacle Burying Ground, near Collierville.
        Collierville, Tenn., October 14, 1876.


October 20, 1876

M. A. DDIE MERRILL wife of L. B. Merrill died Oct. 19, 1876.

JAMES MARION FARROW died 10 miles south of Memphis, Oct. 18, 1876 in 48th year of his age.

Judge E. S. FISHER died in Williamson Co., Texas "a day or two since."

E. N. LANHAM married SALLIE J. RICE, Chelsea, Oct. 17, 1876.

Obituary of FRANCIS P. BLAIR, 1791-1876:

The Venerable Francis P. Blair.

        WASHINGTON, Ootober 19.—Francis P. Blair, the venerable journalist and politician, died yesterday at his residence at Silver Springs, Maryland, aged eighty-seven years.
        Mr. Blair was born at Abingdon, Washington county, Virginia, April 12, 1791. His father, James Blair, afterward attorney-general of Kentucky, removed to that State about 1800; the son was graduated at Transylvania university; studied law, but from ill health and weakness of voice never engaged in the practice; volunteered, however, as a private soldier in 1812 and marched toward the Canadian frontier but was taken sick and left on the way. Early a politician, he was a friend of Mr. Clay and supported him for the Presidency in 1824, but separated from him after he gave his vote for J. Q, Adams and entered the Adams administration; but this did not extinguish their personal friendship, which remained even after the ardent controversies in which they were subsequently engaged. Before this final separation from Mr. Clay, Mr Blair had diverged from his policy in various local questions, and still more in opposing the United States bank, and in contending for the power of the states to tax its branches When, in the first year of General Jackson'. administration, the nullification movement was developed, an article against it, written by Mr. Blair, in a newspaper in Kentucky, attracted the notice of the President, and resulted in an invitation to Mr. Blair, though he was then personally unknown to General Jackson, to remove to Washington and become the editor or a Democratic Journal to be established there. Under such auspices the Globe was commenced in November, 1830; and there soon grew up a most intimate and confidential relation between the President and the


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editor which continued until General Jackson's death. Blair retained the control of the Globe, notwithstanding the opposition of several prominent Democrats who were inclined to favor the recharteringof the United States bank, throughout General Jackson's two terms of office and subsequently, through the terms of Van Buren, of Harrison and of Tyler until the accession of Mr. Poik to the Presidency in March, 1845, who required him to sell that journal to Mr. Ritchie, on the ground that change was necessary to the harmony of the Democratic party. Mr. Polk afterward besought him to resume his position as editor, but he declined as he did the offer of the Spanish mission for himself and of another diplomatic appointment for his son. He retired to Sliver Spring, Montgomery county, Maryland, where he has sine been successfully engaged in agriculture. In the Presidential election of 1848 he withdrew from the Democratic party and supported Mr. Van Buren and the Wilmot proviso. After the repeal of the Missouri compromise, be took a prominent part in the organization of the Republican party, and in the attempt, in 1856, to elect Colonel Fremont to the Presidency. During the Lincoln campaign he was often consulted by the members of party, and during and since the war his advice was often sought, as that of one whose wisdom in politics bad been ascertained to be a reliable guaranty. Since 1865, he warmly espoused the cause of peace and good government, both his distinguished sons affording personal testimony to the fact that the party their father helped to establish had outlived its usefulness.


October 21, 1876

(1) The well-known Walnut Grove plantation, Coahoma County, Mississippi, three miles from Robinsonville Landing, consisting of 1200 cleared acres and about 1300 woodland acres was offered for sale by Justh & Company of New York.
(2) The residence, Rose Cottage, ten acres, on McLemore Avenue, Memphis, consisted of eight rooms, kitchen, servants' quarters and other improvements, belonging to the late WILLIAM B. HAMLIN was offered for sale by William Y. Hamlin.


October 22, 1876

INFANT SON of Dr. J. W. and Susan S. VANCE died October 18, 1876.


October 24, 1876

W. J. WITTER married LILLIE BACHMAN, October 23, 1876.


October 25, 1876

Mrs. MARY J. ATCHESON [wife of Joseph H. Atcheson] died in the residence of her uncle, Dan A. Johnston, Memphis, October 24, 1876 in the 29th year of her age; funeral today.

BESSIE WRIGHT daughter of Luke E. and Kate Wright died Oct. 24, 1876 aged 21 months and 20 days old; funeral today.

Mrs. SARAH DEE widow of John H. Dee died October 23, 1876. [Her tombstone in Calvary Cemetery, Memphis, gives her age as 35 years.]

Dr. WALTER WESSON married NANNIE PATTERSON, in Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Memphis, October 24, 1876. [Nannie Patterson, 1858-1929, was a daughter of Page M. Patterson, a transportation pioneer in Memphis. Dr. Wesson died of yellow fever while in Trezevant, Tenn. in September 1878. His own and Page M. Patterson's progeny are extinct, no living descendants.]

AUSTIN N. YERBY, Helena, Ark. married ADA MICHOT, Memphis, October 23, 1876.


October 26, 1876

In Shelby County, Tennessee Probate Court: G. L. DOUGLASS, administrator vs R. T. BOND & Others. JAMES REILLY, Clerk, would sell 81 acres in this cause, Nov. 11, 1876, at public auction.


October 27, 1876

Membership of "Chickasaw Guards, "military outfit, Memphis:
R. F. DUNCAN, captain
S. T. CARSON, first lieutenant
T. A. LAMB, second lieutenant
J. S. RICHARDS, second lieutenant


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RICHARD WRIGHT, orderly sergeant
A. W. JONES, acting second lieutenant
J. M. BOWEN, acting third lieutenant
S. A. PEPPER, acting fourth lieutenant
N. B. CAMP, ensign
JAMES KIRKLAND, first corporal
R. G. PILLOW, acting second corporal
F. W. SMITH, JR., third corporal

[Several of these men were among the original "Guards" organized June 31, 1874, in Memphis, "for the protection of the law-abiding citizens of Memphis." The "Guards" helped in quelling a few area disorders, participated in drill competitions. It became a prestigious club in the late 1880s and so remained for many years. See, "Military," the Memphis DAILY AVALAINCHE, July 1, 1874.]


October 28, 1876

Dr. JOSLAH WHITE died October 27, 1876 aged 48 years.

CHARLEY LEIGHTNER of New Albany, Indiana died in Memphis, Oct. 27, 1876 of yellow jaundice; funeral today.

LAURA BROWN, black, died October 27, 1876 aged 25 years; funeral today from Avery Chapel.

WILLIAM F. CARTER, Sardis, Miss., married LOLIE POITEVENT, Gainesville, October 25, 1876.


October 29, 1876

MARTIN RIORDAN father of Very Reverend M. Riordan, V.G., Memphis, died in Ireland, Sept. 29, 1876.

MICHAEL FEELY died in Shelby Co., Tenn., Oct. 27, 1876 aged 57 years; native of Meath, Ireland.


October 31, 1876

CORNELIUS ROGERS, aged 45 years, a tramp, died October 29, 1876 from sickness and exposure, Memphis.


November 1, 1876

Dr. L. W. CRAMPTON, assistant surgeon, U.S. Army, married ELLA W. THOMAS, niece of Memphian, RALPH WORMELEY, October 31, 1876, in an Episcopal service at St. Lazarus Church. The groom was a native of Maryland, an alumnus of the University of Maryland.


November 2, 1876

A disastrous fire in the business district of Grenada, Miss., on the night of October 31, 1876, created a loss of property estimated at the value of $35, 000 [a large amount for the time].


November 4, 1876

BELLE BREHEN oldest daughter of John R. and Mollie Brehen died in Memphis, November 4, 1876; funeral on November 5. [This name spelled Brehan in city directory]


November 5, 1876

ANDREW A. FLOYD died in Memphis, Nov. 3, 1876 aged 28 years.


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In Memoriam: HARRY S. CAREFOOT died August 1, 1876 aged 21 months; a poem written in his memory by ''May.

JOHN TEMPLE married LIZZIE REID, Memphis, November 2, 1876.


November 7, 1876

F. MOLITOR died Germantown, Tennessee, November 4, 1876 aged 68 years. [One wonders if this surname may have been misspelled.]

Obituary of Judge E. S. FISHER born Boyle Co., Ky., November 1815; educated at Center College; moved to Vicksburg, Miss. in 1833 where he practiced law; married in 1842; judge of the 12th Circuit of Miss., 1870-1875. Died recently.

ROBERT W. COX married EMMA DREISIGACKER, November 5, 1876.

L. H. BUCK married ALICE PARKER, November 6, 1876.

WILLIAM L. JEFFRIES married JENNIE VAUGHN, November 6, 1876.


November 8, 1876

THOMAS DIXON husband of Saccha Watson Dixon died November 7, 1876; funeral today. [Buried in unmarked grave, lot 493, Chapel Hill section, Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis. The Memphis PUBLIC LEDGER, November 7, 1876 spoke of him as Captain Dixon, "a well known Sporting man."]

BENJAMIN F. ALLEN died Hot Springs, Ark.; funeral held today.

SAMUEL LEA WILLIAMSON son of J. L. and E. J. Williamson died Nov. 6, 1876 aged 16 years.

Funeral of ANNA KENSETT daughter of Capt. John J. EDSON to be held tomorrow.

JAMES BRINKLEY, Memphis, married. CLARA FOOTE, stepdaughter of Colonel R. W. Price, in Iuka, Mississippi, November 6, 1876.

The DAILY APPEAL, a fiercely Democratic partisan newspaper, announced on this day, "The Tidal Wave . . . devoutly thankful for a Democratic victory unparalleled in the history of the Union. . . . With grateful hearts we proclaim the election of SAMUEL J. TILDEN, President of the United States. . . . "The Tilden-Hendricks Democratic ticket carried Memphis by a majority of 1055 votes and "the entire Democratic ticket is elected in this county.

The jubilation was short-lived. "on November 7, 1876, a majority of approximately 250, 000 of the voters indicated their preference for Tilden [over R. B. Hayes] and to this day it is uncertain whether this majority was do distributed as to signify election as well as preference by the people of the country. Following conflicting reports on the morning of Nov. 8, it became apparent from the returns that Tilden was assured of 184 electoral votes and Hayes of 163. The still-doubtful states or Oregon, Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida, with a total of 22 electoral votes, were claimed immediately by the Hayes managers. There ensued an invasion of the South by representatives of both parties who betook themselves to the scenes of dispute. These 'visiting statesmen' of both parties were involved in a frenzied welter of probing, cajoling, and bargaining, of plot and counterplot, and the actual circumstances which governed events must have been even more obscure at that time than they are today. The dispute was finally resolved by a creation of an Electoral Commission resulting from a compromise. Ic came about, partly through force of unforeseen circumstance, that this body had a majoirty of one in favor of the Republicans. By a strict party vote the commission declared that Hayes had carried all doubtful states. Tilden claimed his constitutional right, acquiescing in the compromise only as an escape from civil war and always maintained stoutly that he was wrongfully deprived of the presidency. "("Samuel J. Tilden, "DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY, edited by Dumaas Malone, New York, 1936, volume 18, page 540)


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November 9, 1876

FLORENCE DEPAOLI daughter of Antonio and Mary Depaoli died in Memphis, November 7, 1876 aged 4 years, 3 months and 24 days old; funeral today.


November 10, 1876

Shelby County Chancery Court: JULIA W. WOODWARD, administratrix of F. N. WOODWARD, dec. vs PHERELIUS WOODWARD& Others. It appearing in the bill of this cause that Ben and Gus. Woodward were non-residents of Tennessee; the current address of the heirs of Mary Woodward, Barbara Bruton and Ruth Capleton, were unknown; they were directed in this notice to contact Edmond A. Cole, Clerk and Master, on or before the first Monday in December 1876 to answer complainants' bill.


November 11, 1876

Obituary of LEA WILLIAMSON, recently deceased youth; by the Memphis Protestant Collegiate Institute of which he had been a member, dated in Memphis, November 6, 1876.

HENRY W. REINHART married EMELIE WOLFF, Memphis, November 9, 1876.


November 12, 1876

The Reverend GEORGE PLEDGER, Methodist preacher, Arkansas Conference, died October 27, 1876 aged 19 years, resulting from an attack upon him and another preacher a few days previously by "illicit distillers." [November 1, 1876 issue explains that Pledger was traveling in company of several preachers, returning from an event and reached Fort Douglas, Ark., on Big Piney Creek, October 25, where he was fatally shot being thought by the assassins to have been a U.S. marshal.]


November 14, 1876

Mrs. BRIDGET CONNELLY died in Memphis in residence of her daughter, Mrs. BURKE, Nov. 13, 1876; funeral today.

MrS. F. M. E. ROBINSON died at the family residence on Hernando Road, Nov. 12, 1876 in the 58th year of her age.

Obituary of BELLE GREHAN, a panegyric with no biographical details except to note that she had attended the Chelsea school.

JULUS LEVY "late" of Brownsville, Tennesee, married Mrs. HANAH GEAY, in Memphis, Nov. 12, 1876.


November 15, 1876

JERRY SULLIVAN youngest son of Jerry and Martha Sullivan died in Memphis, Nov. 7, 1876.


November 16, 1876

Major. EGGLESTON, Tipton Co., Tenn., married Mrs. M. L. SALE, Memphis, at St. Lazarus Episcopal Church, Nov. 15, 1876; couple made a "bridal trip" to New Orleans.

"Last Thursday night, November 9th, near Cuba [Shelby County], Tennessee, at the house of JOHN BECKNERS, there was a scene which created great excitement among the young people of the neighborhood. A gentleman by the name of DANIEL BLAND of that neighborhood has been preparing to move to Arkansas for the last few months. It seems from all accounts he was actuated to make this move to keep his daughter, a young lady of great attraction, from marrying a young gentleman, highly esteemed by every one that knew him, H. A. CAMPBELL. But every precaution that was taken by the 'old man' was thwarted by the shrewdness of T. M. BLAND, nephew of the young lady's father, who deserves much credit for the gallant part he took in the elopement. To carry everything out without suspicion it was given out that there would be a singing at Mr. Beckner's on Thursday night and Esquire HAMMERTREE was invited to attend for the purpose of uniting the young couple for life. When all the parties had arrived they were suddenly excited by being informed that the young lady's father was coming in great haste. In order to avoid a fuss, the party


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went as fast as they could carry them to Esquire GILES's and to add to the amusement of the scene, Esquire GILES and Esquire HAMMERTREE rode the same horse and the horse became excited and ran away. But notwithstanding the scrape everything turned out well and the young couple were married. May happiness attend them through life."


November 17, 1876

PAUL JORDAN son of G. S. and Sallie Jordan died in Memphis, Nov. 16, 1876 in the 10th year of his age; funeral today.

W. PHIPPS MILLER and EULA daughter of Major J. M. SMITH married in the First Baptist Church, Memphis, November 16, 1876.


November 18, 1876

Dr. R. G. EDWARDS, formerly of Helena, Ark., died in Memphis, November 17, 1876 aged 63 years; funeral from residence of his son-in-law, H. Gill, Memphis, today.

JAMES C. KELLY, Memphis, died in Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1876; burial in Nashville, today; had been an employee of Schwab & Company and had lived in Memphis for six years.

G. W. DAVIS married LAURA PRLCE, Memphis, November 16, 1876.

From the Milan, Tennessee EXCHANGE. Judge JOHN L. WILLIAMSON died in Milan, Nov. 14, 1876 aged 44 years; burial with honors by Odd Fellowship, Lodge 155; surviving were his widow and three children; reputedly highly esteemed person. [John Ludy Williamson, native of Rutherford Co., Tenn., moved with his family to Gibson Co., Tenn. in 1839; a lawyer; sometime Chancery Court judge and state representative in 1859-1861; alderman and city attorney of Milan, 1874-1876. (BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE TENNESSEE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, edited by R. M. McBride, Nashville, 1975, volume 1, page 803His tombstone in the Milan cemetery reads: Hon. JOHN L. WILLIAMSON Born Oct. 1, 1832 Died Nov. 14, 1876 Gentle and beloved husband. . . .]


November 19, 1876

D. M. ARHSTRONG, formerly of New Albany, Indiana, died in Memphis, November 18, 1876 aged 40 years; burial in New Albany.

Youngest Son of E. H. and D. F. CALHOUN, aged 3 years and 2 months old, died November 13, 1876.

RICHARD J. JONES, JR. married FANNY HAMILTON, in Covington, Tennessee, November 15, 1876.

JAMES D. LINDSEY, Memphis, married L. THOMAS, in St. Louis, MO, November 15, 1876.


November 21, 1876

FRANK GAILOR BURKLOW son of L. D. and M. E. Burklow died November 20, 1876 aged 2 years and 8 months old; funeral today.

Mrs. SUSAN C. wife of James H. ALLEN, daughter of Gid. B. WRAY, died in Memphis, November 19, 1876.


November 22, 1876

Mrs. MARTHA GOFF wife of A. L. Goff died in Whitehaven, Tennesee, November 21, 1876; burial in Elmwood Cemetery today.


November 23, 1876

J. D. LINNING, Jackson, Tenn., married ELLA STACY, Memphis, in St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Memphis, November 22, 1876.


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About nine o'clock at night, November 21, 1876, Colonel HOLDER's residence and several outhouses at Greenlaw Station on the Memphis-Charleston Railroad were burned; complete loss of possessions. Colonel Holder was in Arkansas and his family was on visit to Germantown. No insurance.


November 24, 1876

ROBERT HUNTINGTON PARSONS oldest son of the Rev. Charles C. and Celia G. Parsons died of scarlet fever, Memphis, November 23, 1876 aged 5 years, 5 months old; burial today.

JAMES H. O'CONNELL died in Nashville, Tenn., November 20, 1876; salesman. "May the sod rest lightly on the grave and sweet flowers wave over the tufted mound where sleeps the form of the lamented friend. "


November 25, 1876

G. F. FARROW, administrator of J. M. FARROW's estate gives public notice that claims against the estate are to be filed promptly or their claims would be barred.


November 26, 1876

JAMES E. NEIL oldest son of Robert B. and Jennie Neil died in Memphis, November 25, 1876, aged 6years, 5 months old; funeral today.

J. T. GABBERT married MILLIE MERIWETHER, near Senatobia, Miss., November 23, 1876.

AUSTIN KNIGHT, a black resident of President's Island near Memphis was found dead by gunshot in the lake there; probably died November 23, 1876 and disposed of the following day.


November 28, 1876

MAGGIE DONLON died in Memphis, November 27, 1876 aged 16 years.

M. F. STANLEY married OLIVIA JONES, both of Memphis, November 27, 1876.


November 29, 1876

FRANCIS R. VANHORN died in Memphis, Nov. 28, 1876 in his 64th year of age; funeral today.

FLORENCE GREGORY youngest daughter of J. M. and Bettie Gregory died NOv. 28, 1876; funeral today.

JOHN McSHEEHY married MARY COOPER, Memphis, November 28, 1876.


December 1, 1876

A. M. HARDIN, St. Louis, MO, married Mrs. F. B. BARTON, Memphis, November 30, 1876.


December 2, 1876

SALLIE SEDWICK LEMASTER oldest daughter of Nat F. and Olivia Rawlings Lemaster died in Memphis, December 1, 1876 aged 16 years, 5 months and 6 days old; funeral today.


December 3, 1876

ELIZA McBRIDE wife of Patrick McBride died in Memphis, Dec. 2, 1876 in the 34th year of her age; funeral today.

EDWIN RANDOLPH FRANCIS son of Edwin and Anna R. Francis died in Memphis, Dec. 2, 1876 aged 5 months, 10 days old; funeral today.

ERNEST EVANS married KATE TROUSLOW, Memphis, November 30, 1876.

Hon. V. MERIWETHER McGEHEE, prominent lawyer in Pine Bluff, Ark., supposedly died last week; his body was prepared for burial and interred in a metallic casket. After nearly 30 hours, the watchers over his body were horrified to notice the glass casing of the casket broken open and the "corpse's" head thrust through it, the same head asking, "What the devil they were trying to do"; he was recovering from this episode.


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December 5, 1876

Mrs. A. S. BROWN, aged 46 years, died White Station, Dec. 2, 1876; burial in Elmwood Cemetery.

In Memoriam: SALLIE LEMASTER died Dec. 1, 1876 aged 16 years. [Burial Dec. 2 in Elmwood]


December 6, 1876

ANN NEIL youngest daughter of R. B. and Jennie Neil died Dec. 3, 1876 aged 1 year, 2 months and 10 days old; their youngest son, ROBERT NEIL, died ostensibly Dec. 5, 1876 aged 3 years, 11 months and 15 days; his funeral today.

T. A. JOHNSON, Bardstown, Ky., married Ella W. CAPPS, Memphis, in Memphis, Dec. 5, 1876. WILLIAM MILLER, JR. married MARY RAQUET, in the residence of the groom's father, ostensibly Dec. 5, 1876.

Dr. JOHN C. THOMAS, secretary of the railroad office in Water Valley, Miss., was killed there by the freight conductor. A former resident of Shelbyville, Tenn., he was a "strict Presbyterian" and was survived by a widow and three children.


December 7, 1876

LEWELLEN STOCKS died in Memphis, Dec. 6, 1876 aged 28 years.

EMMA A. TATUM wife of P. B. Tatum died Dec. 6, 1876 aged 28 years; funeral today.

CHARlES FICKLIN married LULA YOUNG, December 6, 1876.

A. J. LYLE married Mrs. M. J. RICHARDS, Memphis, December 5, 1876.


December 8, 1876

JAMES G. SIMPSON died in Memphis, Dec. 7, 1876 in the 44th year of his age. [Resolutions of Respect for him appeared in the Dec. 9, 1876 issue, by the Howard Association of which he had been a member]


December 9, 1876

JOHN RICHARD PARKER oldest son of R. M. and Matilda Parker died Memphis, Dec. 8, 1876; funeral today.


December 10, 1876

WILLIE ALLISON only child of M. M. and Lizzie Allison died Dec. 9, 1876 aged 1 year, 8 months and 4 days old.

ROBERT McLEAN married CARRIE daughter of W. S. BRUCE, Memphis, November 29, 1876.


December 12, 1876

Captain RICHARD D. B. MILLER died in Dewitt, Ark., Nov. 21, 1876 aged 57 years.

J. C. HARRIS, formerly of Henrico Co., Va., died in Grand Junction, Tenn., Dec. 11, 1876 in the 32nd year of his age.

Funeral of HARRY B. WILSON held today; he had died at the residence of his uncle, J. P. DAWSON in Memphis.


December 13, 1876

W. B. MALLORY, administrator of FERDINAND MONTGOMERY's estate published notice that he would "take and state the final settlement" as administrator, with will/testament annexed, in his Memphis office on December 26, 1876.

BENJAMIN PEPPERLING died in Oakland, Miss., Dec. 10, 1876 in the 48th year of his age. He was a merchant; to be buried in the Jewish cemetery near Oakland. [Actually buried in B'nai Israel Cemetery, Memphis, Dec. 11, 1876 on the register of which his name is spelled PEFFERLING, aged 48 years old; died from typhoid-pneumonia]


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F. C. MARSH married MARY A. WELLS, Memphis, December 11, 1876.


December 14, 1876

JOSEPH EDINCTON was the son of John M. Edington who lived a mile from Knoxville, south of the Tennessee River; in company with other boys Joseph went to a bluff overlooking the river to look out at the frozen condition it was in; he slipped; tumbled down the bluff and was seriously injured as a result, including a crushed skull; taken home he died there that night, December 11, 1876.


December 15, 1876

DAISY G. RICHARDSON daughter of W. G. and A. Richardson died near Bond's Station [now Bartlett, Tenn.], December 13, 1876 aged 6 years, 8 months and 28 days old; funeral today.

EBB TITUS died in Truckee, California, December 12, 1876.

C. C. CRENSHAW, Glencoe, Tennessee, married ROSETTA MILLER, Memphis, Dec. 12, 1876 in the residence of her brother, Charles Miller.


December 17, 1876

W. P. MOORE, resident of Crockett County, Tenn., was sentenced to five years hard labor in the state penitentiary for "passing counterfeit money"; by the U.S. Court, Dec. 16, 1876.

JOHN H. THOMAS son of D.D. and Margaret Thomas died ostensibly December 16, 1876 aged 3 years, ll months; funeral today.


December 19, 1876

ALICE HUNTER wife of Dr. G. A. Hunter died in Mason, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1876 in the 26th year of her age.

JOSHUA M. CRAIG died in Vicksburg, Miss., Dec. 11, 1876 in the 58th year of his age; a resident of Chicot Co., Ark. the past forty years.

Mrs. NANCY ROBERTSON died in Chelsea, Dec. 17, 1876 aged 72 years, 11 months and 5 days; funeral today.

J. S. PEACOCK married MOLLIE DALTON, Memphis, December 12, 1876.


December 20, 1876

Mrs. ABBIE LAMB wife of James Lamb died in Memphis, Dec. 18, 1876.

G. FALLS died in Memphis, Dec. 19, 1876 in his 64th year of age. [Memphis PUBLIC LEDGER, December 19, 1876 states that he was in his 63rd year of age. From HISTORY OF MEMPHIS, by O. F. Vedder, Syracuse, 1888, volume 2, pages 127-128, with photograph of Falls facing page 126:

FALLS, GILBRIETH. Among those who have left a clearly defined impress of their labors upon the commercial history of Memphis, few are entitled to more of honor than Gilbreth Falls. For more than a quarter of a century he was a valued factor in the prosperity of the city, and no less respected for great business sagacity than for those personal and private virtues which are the attribute of the highest type of good citizenship. He was born in Athens, Ala., April 24, 1812, and was the only child of James and Nancy (Fisher) Falls, both of German descent. James Falls died during the infancy of his son Gilbreth, who afterwards became a member of the family of his uncle, George W. Fisher, then living at Athens, Ala. Here his boyhood days were passed until 1835, when the family removed to Somerville, Tenn. That the limited educational privileges of this period were thoroughly improved by Gilbreth Falls is evinced from the fact that while yet in his teens he taught school in Somerville and Fayette county, Tenn. His first business venture occurred in 1842, when he removed to Macon, Tenn., and established the dry goods house of Falls, Manees & Co., a business which was successfully conducted until 1846 when he settled in Memphis and became a member of the dry goods and grocery firm of Brown & McDavid.


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            In 1854 he embarked in the cotton brokerage business under the firm name of Falls & Cash. This relationship was continued with marked success until the commencement of the war, when Mr. Falls was appointed cotton appraiser, a position he held until 1864, when the firm of G. Falls & Co., cotton brokers, was formed, consisting of Gilbreth Falls and J. C. Johnson. In 1866 his son, J. N. Falls, was added to the firm, and in 1871 Mr. Johnson retired, and during the same year J. W. Falls became a partner. The firm as constituted in 1876 remained unchanged until the death of Gilbreth Falls, December 9, 1876, since which date it has been composed of his sons, J. N. and J. W. Falls, although the original firm name of G. Falls & Co. has been since retained.
            The cotton brokerage business comprised but a limited share of the enterprises toward which the active energies of Gilbreth Falls were, directed. In 1872, with Col. H. A. Montgomery and others, he organized the Mammoth Compress Company, which was afterwards merged into the Merchants' Cotton Press and Storage Company, now the largest corporation in the city. In the origin and development of the compress business of Memphis, which has been such an important element in the city's prosperity, Mr. Falls contributed valuable aid and will ever be regarded as one of its founders and most active promoters. He was the first president of the Mammoth Compress Company, and financially interested in its successor at the time of his death.
            Mr. Falls was always foremost in religious and charitable work. He united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church soon after coming to Memphis and for many years held the office of deacon, while in the Sunday-school connected with the church he was especially active and took deep interest. He was quiet and retiring in nature, had no disposition toward publicity and shrank from anything that would lead him into the public view. He excelled in those virtues which give symmetry and strength to character, and his life has left the impression of plain, unassuming, practical manhood. He was successful in business, where success means the public good and the advancement of all legitimate avenues of trade. Such men are public benefactors, and to them, the city of Memphis owes a debt of gratitude, and in no way can it be better paid than in honoring their names and memories.
            Mr. Falls was twice married; his first wife was 'Frances Manees, to whom he was married in 1840. She died August 12, 1855, having borne him four sons, J. N., member of the firm of G. Falls & Co.; Geo. A., a Confederate soldier, wounded at the battle of Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862, and died from the effects of his wounds, January 11, 1863; J. W., member of the firm of G. Falls. & Co., and F. G., drowned at the overflow of Mississippi in 1880. Mr. Falls was again married in February, 1859, to Lavonia McKinney. They had two sons, Walter, who died July 30, 1876, and Jesse G., at present engaged in the banking and brokerage business at Birmingham, Ala.


Funeral of JOHN A. GERBER son of John and Matilda Gerber held today. [City death records reveal that little John, aged 1 yr., 8 mos., died Dec. 19, 1876; diptheria.]

Mr. L. S. HILL, an old, respected man who lived four miles north of Shelby. Depot was shot and killed on December 19, 1876 by "GaIly" BOND who had been interested in Hill's daughter. After shooting her father five times, he dragged the daughter to a nearby preacher's house, demanding that she marry him; of course she refused and a posse of neighbors rode in and pursued him. Bond was 23 years old, 5'4" or 5:, 160 lbs., slightly stoop-shouldered and when he fled was wearing a black suit. He had made his escape west, towards the Mississippi River.


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December 21, 1876

Funeral of ANNIE RAY HARRIS wife of T. F. BAILEY from the family's residence on Horn Lake Road, today.

JULIA DOWNS died in Memphis, December 19, 1876 aged 50 years of age; funeral today.


December 22, 1876

Dr. W. B. MAXWELL, Nesbitt, Miss., married ZANA BROWN, Jacksonport, Ark., in that place, in the residence of W. B. Brown, December 19, 1876.


December 23, 1876

Dr. J. W. DAWSON married HATTIE SHELL, Memphis, December 21, 1876.

Obituary of WILLIAM HARRISON DANIEL, the eldest son of Harrison Daniel, Jessamine Co., Ky.; graduate of St. Mary's Roman Catholic College near Lebanon, Ky.; served in the Mexican War and in the Confederate army (wounded at Shiloh, a fractured jawbone); never married; died near Nicholasville, Ky., December 24, 1876. Brother of R. C. Daniel and Mrs. John C. Freeman, residents of Memphis.


December 24, 1876

Mrs. LIZZIE WICKS wife of Moses L. Wicks; daughter of W. J. and H. H. LITTLEJOHN died in Anaheim, California, December 22, 1876.

Burial of 1st Lieutenant JOHN A. McKINNEY, U.S. Cavalry who was killed in battle with the Indians, in Elmwood Cemetery, today.

WILLIAM J. MURRY died in Boston, Mass., Dec. 21, 1876, a recent businessman of Memphis. B. GIANOTTI married KATIE AGNEW, Memphis, December 17, 1876.

FREDERICK J. VIRGIN married K. M. WRIGHT, both of Portsmouth, England, in Mrs. Newton's residence in Chelsea [in Memphis], December 21, 1876.


December 26, 1876

OTTO CLAUSEN married MARY TAYLOR, Memphis, December 24, 1876.


December 27, 1876

MARY G. QUIGLEY only daughter of J. D. and Alice Quigley died in Memphis, Dec. 26, 1876; funeral today.


December 28, 1876

Funeral of MARGARET YERGER youngest child of E. M. (dec. )and Mary J. Yerger, today.

JOHN ENMET COCHRAN only son of John W. and Ida Cochran died in Memphis, Dec. 27, 1876; funeral today.

DANIEL DUGAN married MARY COLLINS, Memphis, December 27, 1876.

BURK SCOTT married KATE ENNIS, Memphis [December 27, 1876].


December 29, 1876

Mrs. ANNIE EMERSON died in Memphis, Dec. 28, 1876 aged 20 years; funeral today.

ALICE O'DONNELL oldest dau of Edward and Ann O'Donnell died in Memphis, Dec. 28, 1876 aged 15 years, 5 months old; funeral tomorrow.

Mrs. HARRIET S. LEDBETTER wife of John W. Ledbetter died in Pass Christian, Miss., Dec. 27, 1876.


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December 30, 1876

EVA J. DEETS daughter of John and Annie Deets died in Memphis, Dec. 29, 1876; funeral today.

Funeral of Mrs. JULIA HILL held today.


December 31, 1876

ANNIE ERSKINE wife of George Erskine died four miles from Memphis on the lower Randolph Road, Dec. 29, 1876; funeral today.

MARY LECONTE ERSKINE infant daughter of Dr. Alexander and Louisa Erskine died Dec. 30, 1876.

Mrs. ELIZABETH C. GRIDER widow of W. H. Grider died near Dickson, Alabama, Dec. 30, 1876 in the 79th year of her age; funeral held in Memphis, today.

J. A. HARTMAN, Memphis, married LINA DAUDICTEL, Louisville, Ky., in the latter city, Dec. 26, 1876.

M. S. BUCKINGHAM, Memphis, married ANNIE daughter of Theophilus NASH, dec., in New Orleans, December 28, 1876.


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