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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Volume 2, No. 42 (Thursday, March 19, 1914)

Miss Cora HOWELL of Alamo was a visitor here.

Messrs. COFFMAN, NOTGRASS, FIELDER and ROBERTSON motored to Halls Tuesday evening.

W. C. JAMES, merchant at Stokes, was in town yesterday.

The Bank of Friendship has a new window sign painted.

Advance Agent FOSTER of the Mighty Haag Circus was in the city yesterday arranging for that show to exhibit here April 8, 1914.

Three negros were arrested Sunday morning charged with throwing a piece of iron at Walter Hawkins Saturday night while he was on his way home from town. They confessed but did not give any reasons for the act. One of the negroes made bond but the Sheriff took charge of the other two.

David ROBERTSON, who has been ill of pneumonia, was able to be in town this week.

Ramey YORK of Dyersburg Sundayed in Frienday. [sp]

Alfred NEWLINS of HALLS, aged about 18 years, shot and killed Frank MOFFETT at South Fork Sunday. MOFFET was a flagman on an I.C. freight on which NEWLINS was stealing a ride and was attempting to put the boy off of the train. NEWLINS was put in jail at Dyersburg.

A large delegation headed by Esq. John CARMAN made a pleasure trip to Tigrett Sunday.

Messrs. BYARS and CHRISP, insurance men of Dyer, were in the city yesterday.

Some unknown party shot into a Birmingham & Northwestern passenger train near the depot a few days ago.

J. W. SUDBURY has purchased a pet monkey for his little son, Roy Blair.

Mrs. B. F. HALL entertained the Entrenous Book Club last Thursday. Progressive Rook was the feature of the afternoon, Mrs. Ira D. PARK winning the highest score and Miss Sue DAVIS the guest prize, and Mrs. Dr. O'NEAL the consolation. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. REAMS, Miss Cora HOWEL, Misses DAVIS and Mrs. O'NEAL.

Prof. PIGUE of the Tigrett Training School was in town Saturday.

The Maccabees have received their new regalia and will meet Monday night. Every 'Bee urged to be present.

Auditor BOONE of the Birmingham & Northwestern were here Tuesday.

Dougald VERNON, the popular merchant of Elizabeth, was in town Monday.

Prescriptions filled day or night. Our prescriptionist rooms at McCanless Hotel. Quality Drug Co.

Mr. & Mrs. J. A. STALLINGS spent Saturday night with their aunt, Mrs. STANLEY, at Maury City, also Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Carl ROBERTSON of near Maury City.

Born last week to Rev. and Mrs. C. E. NORMAN a fine girl.

Aaron SANDERS, aged and popular merchant of Sanderstown, was in town Tuesday.

Wilbur DEAN of Dyersburg visited near Tigrett Sunday.

Miss Dora BOWEN was shopping in Dyersburg Saturday.

Rev. L. A. BEDWELL was in town yesterday.

Mr. & Mrs. Jas. JONES of near Tigrett returned Sunday from a visit to Jackson.

Roy PEAL a popular young man who has been working at the B. & N. W. depot for sometime, has accepted a government position in Wisconsin. Roy is a Friendship boy and we predict that he will make good.

A. T. FERGUSON of Dyersburg has been appointed deputy revenue collector.

Luther GREGORY, the Bells photographer, was here last week making photos.

G. T. SMITH and R. E. PARKER have been making some improvements about their homes on South Main Street.

Mr. & Mrs. E. A. ROBERTSON attended quarterly conference at Palestine Monday.

J. O. CARTER was a visitor at this office Tuesday.

Mr. Wiley PARK and Misses Patti CLEMENT and Margie O'NEAL were Maury City visitors Sunday.

Mrs. J. L. STALLINGS visited in Maury City Sunday.

Wm. HALL of Lexington visited his brother, B. F. HALL, this week.

Attorney W. N. BEASLEY of Halls was the guest of T. N. LOVE and family Sunday.

Little Mary JONES entertained quite a number of her little friends at her birthday party last Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. After several games were played dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Nannie JONES, assisted by Miss Millie STALLINGS. Those present were Thomas STALLINGS, Inman THOMPSON, Lougenia YANCEY, Lurene SIMMONS, Mary Katherine COLE, Ida LOVE, Gracie THOMPSON, Lucile CHERRY, Blondell VANDIKE, Lillian HALEY, James JONES, Mary VANDIKE, Maggie Lou SUDBURY, Cordie Lee STALLINGS, Leland and Rosville POWELL, Herman STALLINGS, Sterl JONES, Katherine THOMPSON. The little folks left for home declaring it to be one of the most enjoyable afternoons they had spent in quite a while. The little hostess received quite a number of nice presents.

Mr. E. C. CRAIG and Misses Sallie WATSON, Reba SMITH, Maud REED and Altie HALL were in Tigrett Sunday afternoon.

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