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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Volume 2, No. 38 (Thursday, February 19, 1914)

Town Marshal T. E. GRIFFIN shot and killed John LOVE last Friday night. The shooting occurred in front of the business row on the west side of Main Street. LOVE lived but a few minutes after the shooting. He was a son of Mrs. Mag LOVE who lived near town. The remains were interred at Bowens chapel Saturday after funeral services conducted by Eld. Herbert SUDBURY. Mr. GRIFFIN made bond in the sum of $1,000 for his appearance before Esq. J. A. ROBERTSON on Wednesday, Feb. 18, and at that time the case was dismissed. Later in the day, Mr. GRIFFIN and son, Marvin, were arrested on a charge of murder in the first degree. They were carried to Alamo where trial will be held today.

Hon. Frank LATTA has been named as postmaster at Dyersburg to succeed John L. SINCLAIR who has had the office for many years. Tom FERGUSON, Rev. R. F. C. MOSS and others were applicants for the office. The Dyersburg postoffice was about the largest plum in this congressional district.

Jas. CROSSNOE died Tuesday morning at his home east of town after a few days' illness of pneumonia. He was 39 years of age and is survived by his aged father, Mr. Whit CROSSNOE. Deceased was well known throughout the county and had many friends. The remains were interred at Mt. Zion Tuesday afternoon after services conducted by Rev. C. E. NORMAN of Friendship.

For the purpose of electing a Mayor, and four (4) Aldermen for the town and corporation of Friendship, Tenn., as contemplated in the charter of said town and one (1) Corporation Magistrate as provided by the general law of the State, an election will be opened and held in and for the town and Corporation of Friendship, at the usual voting place on the first Thursday in March 1914; it being the 5th day of March 1914.

The following person are hereby appointed to open and hold said election: Judges: T. T. BEAVER, H. H. STALLINGS and Dr. J. B. YORK. Clerks: W. H. SUDBURY and John T. CARMAN. Officer: E. W. BOLING.

The election will open at the legal hour of 9 a.m. and close at the hour of 4 p.m. All legal, qualified voters of the corporation of Friendship entitled to vote in said election.

It is ordered that this notice be published in the Tri-County News of Friendship at least ten days before the day of the election.




Election commission for Crockett County, Tenn. This Feb. 19th, 1914.

The negro, Rueben JOHNSON, who killed City Marshal W. E. BLAKEMORE of Humboldt, was killed by Ex-Sheriff Chas. DAWSON and City Marshal Chas. MILLER in a negro restaurant near the B.&N.W. depot in Dyersburg Sunday. The officers were notified by the proprietor of the restaurant of Johnson's presence. He resisted to the last and the officers to save themselves. JOHNSON's body was carried to Humboldt and swung to a telephone pole and later buried in the potter's field. JOHNSON was a Crockett county negro and it is reported that he was hiding in the Johnson Grove community last week.

Eruiel MOORE of Crockett Mills was in town yesterday.

J. R. INGRAM was a visitor at this office Monday.

J. L. STALLINGS was in Dyersburg Sunday.

Eld. Herbert SUDBURY and sister, Miss Gladys, who are attending school at Henderson, visited homefolks here this week.

Mrs. J. W. SUDBURY visited in Bonicord Sunday.

Ashley HARWELL and Bernie SLAYTON were in Tigrett Saturday.

Sheriff Joe McLEAN of Alamo was in town Saturday.

George RICE of Tigrett was here Monday.

Johnny EDWARDS of Crockett Mills was here Monday night.

W. E. WRAY was in St. Louis this week.

Sam DEAN and others of Crockett Mills vicinity attended the show Monday night.

Eld. PHILLIPS of Maury City preached on the subject of "Let us go on unto perfection." A good crowd heard him on this interesting subject.

Geo. LEATH has been assisting Wray Bros., the hardware men, this week.

Mrs. M. V.CUDE, the milliner, has a nice new sign in front of her place of business the Grounds Gents Furnishing store on Depot Street.

J. F. AGEE visited his son, Arthur AGEE, in Memphis, last week.

Oscar SMOTHERS of Alamo went to Dyersburg Friday to take the examination for postoffice at Alamo.

Messrs. Frank CHAMBERS, Leslie SIMS, Lennie LASSITER, Mark BOWEN, W. E. VERNON, Robert GRIFFIN, Victor GROUNDS, and Miss Sallie WATSON went to Dyersburg last week to take the civil service examination for the Friendship postoffice.

The Cumberland Presbyterian Church valued at $20,000 and an $8,000 residence in Jackson were destroyed by fire Monday morning.

Jim AGEE, Sr., returned to his home in Arkansas last week after a visit to relatives here.

Ira GRIFFIN was in Dyersburg Saturday.

Miss Dora BOWEN attended a Teacher's meeting in Dyersburg Saturday.

M. E. NOTGRASS was in Tigrett Sunday.

J. P. RYAN, the "Umbrella Surgeon" was in the city again this week.

Gene BRASSFIELD of Crockett Mills attended the show in town Monday night.

Miss Bertie WATSON visited in Dyersburg Saturday.

The three-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Parrish of Bonicord, died Saturday and was buried Sunday at Miller's graveyard. Funeral services conducted by Eld. Phillps of Maury City.

Roy PEAL of Bonicord is working at the B.&N.W. depot.

Ramey YORK of Dyersburg was at home Sunday.

Miss Olive PEAL of Bonicord visited Miss Gladys SUDBURY this week.

We are informed that W. E. NICHOLS of Waldran has closed a contract for the rebuilding of the old Perry brick on Main St. which will be occupied by Maxwell Bros.

Mrs. J. L. STALLINGS was called last week to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. James RODGERS in Madill, Okla., who is quite ill.

Dr. Will THOMPSON was in Crockett Mills Tuesday.

W. W. MAXWELL and E. F. BUCKLES were in Dyersburg Tuesday.

Dr. PERRY of Mississippi was a visitor in Crockett Mills this week.

Will TWEEDY of Bonicord vicinity was in town yesterday.

Will ANDERSON of Dyersburg is a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk of Dyer County.

W. C. JAMES, merchant at Stokes, was in the city Wednesday.

Messrs. Ed NICHOLS and Sam DEAN of Crockett Mills were visitors at this office yesterday.

Dougald VERNON, merchant at Elizabeth, was a visitor at this office yesterday.

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