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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Volume 2, No. 22 (Thursday, October 23, 1913)

George COFFMAN of Memphis was a visitor here Sunday.

R. L. CONYERS, popular county court clerk, paid a visit Monday.

Mrs. Susie KING of near RoEllen is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. SUDBURY.

W. E. WRAY was in St. Louis last week buying Christmas goods for the hardware store of Wray and Sanders.

J. O. CARTER was a visitor at this office Tuesday.

Mrs. Ora ANDERSON, who has been ill for sometime, was able to be out on the street Sunday.

Charles DANIEL of Dyer County was a visitor at this office Tuesday.

Mrs. J. R. McDONALD of Alamo is quite sick this week.

Mr. W. F. WEATHERFORD was a pleasant visitor at this office Tuesday.

Section Forman EVANS has been quite sick for the past two weeks.

Mrs. Mary DAVIS, an aged and respected lady, died Monday at her home in the Bowen's Chapel vicinity.

W. W. MAXWELL was in Jackson Tuesday.

The stock barn of Dr. Will THOMPSON at Crockett Mills was destroyed by fire Monday. Origin of fire is unknown. He lost quite a lot of feed stuff.

W. H. SUDBURY was in Alamo Monday.

Wells HARRIS of the Alamo Guide was here Monday.

Robert MOORE and W. F. SIMMONS of Trenton were visitors here Sunday.

Mr. & Mrs. Euriah HARDY of Dyersburg were guests of Mayor MOORE and wife Sunday.

D. D. ROBERTSON of Brownsville was the guest of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. E. A. ROBERTSON, Sunday.

J. L. STALLINGS returned Sunday from a visit to Arkansas.

Mesdames CLARK and McCANLESS entertained the young married people with cards at Hotel McCanless on Halloween evening. Mr. & Mrs. Ira D. PARKS won highest honors. Refreshments were served.

Miss Rachel SCREWS, charming daughter of E. D. SCREWS of the Zion's Hill community, and Mr. Daniel GROGAN were united in marriage Sunday.

Miss Patti CLEMENT of the Friendship Training School is quite sick at her home near Gibson Wells.

Notice: We have purchased the undertaking business of Mr. W. H. SUDBURY and are building a new brick house on Depot Street where we will be located in about 30 days - EVANS & LASSITER.


Prof. George PIGG made a trip to Jackson Saturday.

Ernest RALPH of Dyersburg was out Sunday to see homefolks.

Miss Flossie MEREDITH of Friendship was a visitor here Sunday.

Mrs. Grover C. MALONE is visiting her father, Col. William L. MILLER, in Memphis this week.

Mr. & Mrs. H. M. COLEY were in Dyersburg first of week shopping.

C. DESHAZO and family of Elizabeth were here Sunday visiting relatives.

Mrs. Maynard MOSS visited relatives at Sanderstown last week.

Mrs. C. G. HESS visited relatives at Eaton first of week.

J. N. BAKER was in Dyersburg first of week on business.

Miss Gracie Owens of Memphis is visiting relatives here this week.

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