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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Volume 2, No. 8 (Thursday, July 10 1913)

Mr. & Mrs. J. H. LUCAS of Chestnut Bluff spent the last week with the family of Esq. Tom LOVE.

A mad dog was killed in the Agee neighborhood Sunday.

Mr. G. T. SMITH and Mrs. M. V. CUDE visited in Halls Monday.

Marvin GRIFFIN is spending the week with Victor AGEE in the country.

G. F. FALLEY of Jackson, auditor of the B&NW, was in the city Friday night.

Messr. Floyd CHANDLER and Wiley MORGAN visited friends in Maury City Wednesday night.

The little son of J. W. JONES is very sick at the home of W. H. JONES near town.

Mr. Byard DESHONG of Atlanta, Ga. visited Mr. Floyd CHANDLER last week.

Messr. Burnice BIRMINGHAM and Jack POSTON of Maury City visited friends here Saturday night.

Misses Kathleen CARTER and Ruby RIDDICK of Maury City visited Mrs. Ira CLARK Saturday night and Sunday and attended Parke Balch entertainment.

Mesdames Annie COFFMAN and E. A. ROBERSON visited in Dyersburg this week.

Miss Grace CARLTON visited in Tigrett Tuesday.

L. J. LASSITER was in town Monday.

Mr. Harvey LANGSTER of Halls was in the city Tuesday.

Mr. & Mrs. John STALLINGS and Mr. & Mrs. John McCANLESS made a flying trip to Bells Monday night.

John CLARK has decided to sell out and move to Jackson.

John Wes JONES who is ill with typhoid fever at the home of A. J. AGEE near town is reported some better.

The infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Jack AGEE is reported quite sick.

L. B. HARWELL Jr. of Arkansas has been visiting his father here.

Mrs. T. N. LOVE has returned from a visit to Trimble.


Messrs. Will RIGGINS, Leslie SIMS, Will BOWEN, Ned and Ramen YORK of Friendship were here Sunday.

Mr. Cas HESE, depot agent for the B. & N. W. at Tigrett and Miss Johnny SAIN of Eaton were united in marriage Sunday.

Morris NOTGRASS Sundayed in Dyersburg.

Uncle Jack FERGUSON of Humboldt visited in the city.

At press hour we learned of the death of Esq. J. M. COCHRAN at his home in the country this morning. He arose and fed his horse and went back into the house to lay down. Heart failure the cause of death. A more extended notice next week.

Mrs. Louisa ARNETT, aged 79 years, died Friday at her home in Frog Jump neighborhood. she was the grandmother of Mrs. W. O. CARTER of this place and leaves many friends and relatives throughout the county. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church for 65 years.

Buster MOORE and family of Midland, Ark. are visiting his mother, Mrs. W. A. MOORE of Crockett Mills. Mr. MOORE is a prominent business man of Midland and has met with great success in his adopted. This is his first visit home in four years and the many changes in old Crockett were something new to him.

Roy COFFMAN is in Memphis.

M. G. PRICE returned from Nashville Sunday.

Mrs. J. W. SUDBURY gave her Sunday school class a picnic on the river Tuesday.

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