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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Volume 2, No. 5 (Thursday, June 19, 1913)

Miss Effie BRASSFIELD attended the Teachers' Institute in Alamo this week.

Messrs. Carl CASTLEMAN and Milton CATES of Halls were here Monday.

Uncle Pony SANDERS and little grandson of Sanders were in town Monday.

Prof. Joe BEDWELL of Fruitvale were here Saturday in the interest of the Berry Growers' Association.

Dr. W. M. THOMPSON and children of Crockett Mills came down Sunday night to hear Wild Bill preach.

President MORGAN of B&NW Railroad was in our city Saturday.

Mr. & Mrs. John McCANLESS spent Saturday night in Dyersburg.

Mr. & Mrs. Ira CLARK visited in Jackson last week.

Rev. W. A. BANKS of Maury City circuit was here Sunday night to hear Wild Bill preach. Bro. BANKS was enroute from Crockett Mills where he preached Sunday.

W. C. BANCROFT of Crockett Mills was here Sunday night.

Mrs. Eva CLARK visited in Dyersburg this week.

B. F. SUDBURY and sons, Otha and Paul, went to Jackson Saturday to see Buffalo Bill's show.

Mrs. M. O. GRIMMETT went to Paris' last week to visit relatives.

H. D. HOLMES was in Dyersburg Monday.

Rev. L. A. BEDWELL is visiting in Alamo and Jackson.


John KIRBY visited his sister, Mrs. Ab SHACKLE yesterday who lives near Friendship.

Mrs. Kate SANDERS went to Jackson Saturday to visit her sister.

E. M. DUNAGAN and R. C. McCALEB went to Jackson Saturday to attend the show.

Misses Burley HENDRIXS, Nannie B. HOPKINS, Annie SANDERS and Graydon SANDERS are attending the Teachers' Institute at Alamo this week.

Mrs. L. A. BEDWELL, who has been down with rheumatism for sometimes is improving.

Mrs. Naomi MILLER of Little Rock, Ark. is the guest of relatives here.

Mrs. Rubie VINSON of Chicago is visiting at Mr. WRAY's.

Mr. & Mrs. Lee FOLLIS of near Gadsden were visitors here Sunday.

Elder PHILLIPS of Maury City preached at the Christian Church Sunday morning.

Miss Anna HESTER of Tigrett visited the family of A. A. NOEL last week.

Frank SANDLIN returned to Mounds, Ill. Wednesday after a visit to relatives near Maury City.

Mr. Roy COFFMAN, Miss Wynona CURTIS, and Mr. & Mrs. Victor GROUNDS went to the Gibson Wells Tuesday night.

Mrs. John Wes JONES, popular lady of the Chestnut Bluff community, died yesterday.

Dr. Hack STRAUGHN of Bogota was here last week.

Born Wednesday to Mr. & Mrs. Evander DODD, a fine boy.


Mrs. Newton McLEAN is visiting home folks in Milam.

John DODSON was in Memphis last week on business.

Mr. & Mrs. T. C. PEARSON spent the weekend with relatives in Humboldt.

A run-away on the public square Monday morning caused some little excitement. Alton, little son of J. L. WAINWRIGHT, was thrown from the buggy and painfully hurt.


Singing will be conducted at Miller's Chapel next Sunday afternoon by Eld. L. K. HARDING of Henning.

William Austin MILLER and family attended the birthday celebration of Uncle Foss AGEE near Maury City Sunday.

John York PATE of the Bonicord vicinity was in town last week.

Phillip E. HOLLAND of Jackson has been appointed United Consul to Basil, Switzerland at a salary of $3,500.

Miss Ruth GRIFFIN has returned from a visit to Obion County.

Miss Zelma JONES is attending the Teachers' Institute at Alamo this week.

Tom HAMILTON of Memphis was here Tuesday.

Excursion to Jackson, Saturday, June 14, Account of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Fare $1.40 for round trip from Friendship, leave Friendship 8:49 a. m., leave Jackson 6:10 p.m.

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