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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Vol. 1 No. 52 (Thursday, May 15, 1913)

City Marshal GRIFFIN arrested a negro Sunday afternoon for hopping on a train. Fine $2.50 and costs, only about $100 a mile. Boys take warning.

Milton CATES of Halls was here Friday.

Sheriff Joe McLEAN of Alamo was in the city Friday.

Dr. W. M. THOMPSON of Crockett Mills was in town Friday.

C. J. ANDERSON was in Dyersburg last week.

Mrs. H. D. HOLMES is visiting relatives near Trenton.

Miss Lida Sue SIMS is visiting relative near Dyer.

H. T. DAVIS paid us a pleasant call Saturday.

D. Wells HARRIS of the Alamo Guide was here Saturday.

Dr. J. P. SIMS was in Dyersburg Friday.

Miss Bessie PERRY of Bells visited her brother, Ben PERRY and family, last week.

Mrs. W. H. KEATHLEY of Trimble visited her father, L. B. HARWELL, last week.

Miss Myra GRIFFIN returned to her house in Hornbeak Sunday after a visit with her sister.

Sydney CARTER carried her family to Caruthersville, Mo. last week where they will reside.

A. E. BANKS and family visited relatives near Trenton Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Dona NUNN and Miss Nina NUNN of near Bonicord were in town shopping Friday.

Miss Mary Sue NANCE has returned to her home in Alamo after spending the winter in Florida.

Jessie WHITE, the popular assistant at the Friendship Pharmacy, resigned his position last week and returned to his home in Brownsville.

O. E. MEREDITH, merchant at Tigrett, was here Monday.

City Marshal GRIFFIN was in Halls Saturday.

Elder PHILLIPS of Maury City will preach at the Christian Church next Sunday at 11 a. m.

Bennett SORRELL visited in Jackson Sunday.

Mrs. Mariah KELLY, aged about 60 years, died Friday at Bruceville. Two daughters survived her. Deceased was a member of the South Fork Baptist Church and was a good Christian woman possessing many friends.

Mr. John DILAHA is building a new residence on Rocky Hill and when completed will move to town. This will be the first new residence on Rocky Hill.

Miss Sudie SIMS of Piggott, Ark. is the guest of her brother, Dr. J. P. SIMS and family.

Charles ROGERS and son, Willie, of Bonicord were in town Tuesday.

B. F. SUDBURY is attending court this week.

Ben SAXE and Will RIGGINS are the champion dollar pitchers of the town.

Marvin SUDBURY and wife of Dyer visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday.

An infant of Mr. and Mrs. SELF died Sunday and was buried Monday at Bowen's Chapel.

Mr. Henry MULDER of Mt. Vernon, Mo. visited relatives here this week.

C. H. SCALES was in Dyersburg Tuesday.

Mr. Ernest JOHNSON and Miss Harriett DODSON of Alamo were here Monday in Mr. Johnson's new car.

John STALLINGS, C. H. SCALES, City Marshal GRIFFIN, Jeff TAYLOR and others attended court in Alamo last week.

R. W. RIGGINS, assistant cashier of the Farmers and Merchants Bank found the watch lost by Miss Bertie INGRAM several days ago and immediately returned same.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed EDWARDS of Crockett Mills were in town shopping Wednesday.

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