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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Vol. 1 No. 49 (Thursday, April 24, 1913)

TAILOR died Monday at his home in Dyer County of meningitis and was buried Tuesday. He resided a few miles from this place and was well known here. Several children survive him.

John GENTRY died Saturday at his home in Dyer County a few miles from this place after a lingering illness. He was about 50 years of age and a consistent member of the Baptist church. He was a very popular man and his death is more than a matter of passing regret. Interment Sunday at the Nash family graveyard.

F. S. MOORE mad a business trip to Bells Tuesday.

Willie TRULL of near Sanders was in town Tuesday.

L. B. HARWELL was in Tigrett and Bessent City Tuesday.

Mrs. O. C. CUDE of McKenzie visited Mrs. F. S. MOORE this week.

Mr. and Mrs. V. P. GROUNDS, Miss Wyona CURTIS and R. T. COFFMAN went to Dyersburg Tuesday in Mr. Coffman's car.

John REASONS of Jackson was a visitor here Tuesday with his old time friend, Will RIGGINS.

Dr. E. P. HOPPER, H. D. HOWELL, and Jessie WHITE spent Sunday night in Jackson.

B. F. SUDBURY was in Dyersburg Wednesday.

Messrs. E. L. EVANS and Thad HALEY went to Memphis Monday.

Messrs. Almer PERRY, Noah PERRY, Willie FEWEL and several Crockett Mills people attended the show here Friday night.

Mrs. Eliza HAMLETT and Mrs. Almer PERRY of Crockett Mills returned from Nashville Monday where they were called by the illness and death of Mrs. HAMLETT's brother.

Former Secretary of State Hallum GOODLOE came down from Nashville Monday to visit relatives in Crockett.

Leslie SIMS visited friends in Henry Saturday night and Sunday.

Miss Carrie MILLER of Bonicord was in town shopping Monday.

Dave THOMPSON of Caruthersville, Mo., was here Tuesday enroute Crockett Mills where he will work for his brother, Dr. THOMPSON.

Mrs. R. E. PARKER returned Monday from a visit to Dyersburg.

J. W. SUDBURY is having some very nice "clean up" work on the west side of Main Street, painting the store front, white washing the nice shade trees, etc.

Wm. BIGGS was in town Wednesday.

Lawrence ALSOBROOK of Alamo was here Tuesday.

Messrs. J. M. NEAL and M. G. GOODWIN of Maury City spent Tuesday here arranging an agency with R. W. RIGGINS, assistant cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank to handle all kinds of fire and life insurance.

Master Wyatt SMITH has purchased a fine peanut and popcorn machine.

F. E. MENZIES, the concrete man, went to Dyer Saturday.


Fate TILLMAN, who has been confined to his bed with mumps, is able to be up. The neighbors met there on April 21 to plant his crop. There was about 13 or 14 double teams.

Mr. HOLMAN of Bells spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. John KIRBY.

Jim WATSON of near Bethesda who has been confined to his bed with something like brain trouble, is no better.

Uncle Pony SANDERS, who has been on the sick list for the last two or three weeks, is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey DUNAVAN visited Mr. Jim WATSON Sunday.

Miss Nannie WILLIAMS and Miss Nannie B. Hopkins visited relatives last week at Trenton.

Naomi SANDERS spent Sunday with Lottie HALL near Eaton.

Miss Burlie HENDRIXS went to Trenton shopping last Friday.

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