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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Vol. 1, No. 46 (Thursday, April 3, 1913)

Roy COLLINS and Jessie WHITE dined at the home of Mr. Lawrence FONES, near town, Sunday as the guest of Miss Annie and Mr. Revel FONES.

Milburn CLARK is at home from Missouri.

Misses Maud and Ethel EDWARDS of Crockett Mills were in town shopping last Friday.

A fine horse belonging to W. S. SIMMONS died Sunday; Mr. Simmons has had very bad luck in this line before.

Miss Ruby LOVE opened school last Monday at Chestnut Bluffs.

Mr. Benton E. LEGGETT and Miss Lillie CEARLEY of Dyersburg, are visiting friends and relatives in Jackson this week.

C. E. SWEATT, cashier of the Bank of Friendship, visited Kentucky last week.


To: J. H. KING E. W. BOLING vs. J. H. KING

Pending before W. C. JAMES, Justice of the Peace for Crockett County, Tennessee.

In this cause it appears by affidavit, that the defendant, J. H. KING, is justly indebted to the plaintiff and is a non resident of the state, or has absconded so that the ordinary process of law so that the ordinary attachment having been levied on his household goods, and it appearing from the return of the officer on the warrant accompanying the attachment, that the defendant is not found in this county, it is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Tri-County News, a weekly newspaper publish in the city of Friendship, Tennessee for four consecutive weeks, commending the said J. H. KING to appear before me at my office in Friendship, Tenn. on the 21st Day of April 1913 at 9 o'clock A. M., and make defense to the suit, or it will process with Ex Parte. W. C. JAMES, Justice of the Peace. This March 24, 1913.

Mrs. Will RIDDICK died Tuesday at Maury City, aged about 45 years. She was ill only a short time and death came as a great shock to many friends. She was the mother of Mrs. Ira CLARK of this place and many friends deeply sympathize with her in her loss.

Mr. Cas GREEN died Friday at Tigrett of tuberculosis. He was a former citizen of this place but has been in business in Tigrett for some time. A wife survives him. Interment at Palestine Saturday.

George GIBSON, a well known citizen of near Maury Junction, died Wednesday near Bonicord, aged about 60 years.

Mr. Thomas THURMOND of Tigrett and Miss Myrtle BLACKMON were married last Thursday night. Esq. JOHNSON officiating.

Mr. and Mrs. Clem CURTIS are the proud parents of a fine baby girl born Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed HOWELL were pleasant callers Monday afternoon at Esq. T. N. LOVE's.

Don't fail to attend the concert at Bryan Institute next Friday, April 4. Admission 10 and 15 cents, good music and a high class entertainment.

W. N. LATHAM paid us a pleasant call last Saturday.

Messrs. H. DURNAL and R. A. CARTER of Galveston, Texas have been visiting S. B. BEDWELL near town.

W. F. PARKER is suffering from a wounded foot, caused by stepping on a rusty nail.

Ewel MOORE and wife, Mrs. William NETTLES and Miss Clemmie LEATH of Crockett Mills were in town shopping Saturday.

J. W. SUDBURY and R. E. EDMONSON were Jackson visitors last week.

Dr. E. P. HOPPER spent Saturday night in Jackson.

Mrs. Ada VICKERS of Dyersburg spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dutch GRIFFIN.

The SMITH-STALLINGS automobile damage suit was compromised Monday at $150.00. A horse driven by Pressly SMITH, a young man of Dyer County, became frightened at the automobile of J. A. STALLINGS and ran away. Young SMITH was thrown from the buggy and his leg was broken. The accident happened last fall. The matter was adjusted by Esqs. W. C. JAMES, A. E. HARDISON and George WEAKLEY.

Lee THOMPSON, former well known citizen of this place, passed away Saturday at his home in Caruthersville, Mo. He is survived by three sons, one daughter, three brothers, Dr. Will of Crockett Mills, Rev. R. W. of Bells and Ed of California, one sister, Mrs. Minnie TWEEDY of near Bonicord. Mrs. TWEETY, Dr. THOMPSON and Rev. THOMPSON left Saturday night for Caruthersville to attend the funeral of their brother.

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. HENDERSON of Bells visitors near here Sunday.

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