of the


          Carroll Henderson Clark kept a diary during his service with the Confederate States of America, 16th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, Company "I" in the Civil War, June 1861-May 1865.  About 1910, he wrote a series of newspaper articles from his diary.  These articles appeared in the White County and Van Buren County newspapers.  There were thirty of the articles. 
          A descendant of Carroll Henderson Clark put the articles together in a booklet called My Grandfather's Diary of the Civil War.   In it he explains the diary was lost, but the original copy that his ancestor wrote in long-hand and turned into the papers remained.  The booklet, except for one chapter, is made up of the original long-hand copy. It is from one of these that we have been transcribing. 
          We extend our appreciation to Mr. Frank Rice, McMinnville, TN for allowing us to reproduce this historically significant material. 


 7-8-9-10 19-20-21-22
1-2  11-12-13-14  23-24-25-26  
 15-16-17-18   27-28-29-30

A correlation by Captain C.C. Brewer
of some of the activities related in the 
Diary can be found  here.
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