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Apple Dumplins

     Peel, core and slice two apples per person you're serving.  Put them (the apples, not the person) in a bowl and add some flour, cinnamon, and a little lemon juice, then toss. 
     Make one pie crust for each 2 people you're serving.  Divide each pie crust in two, and roll out thin in a circle.  Put about two apples worth in the middle of the crust, and fold up edges like a well...dumplin. Poke a couple of holes on the top. Put them (again, the dumplins, not the persons) on a cookie sheet and cook at 350 for about 40 minutes, or til the crust is browned and the apples are done.
     Serve with maple sauce (below), and vanilla ice cream.

Maple Sauce for Dumplins

1/2 cup sugar

2 tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon butter

6 drops of Maple flavoring

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

 Make this into a paste with cold water, then add hot water (about 2 cups) and stir over med/high heat til thick. This is enough for 4 dumplins.

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