Parker Family

by Jay Guy Cisco
From Historic Sumner County, Tennessee

Retyped for the page by Diane Payne and Danene Vincent

The first of the PARKER family came to America in about the second ship after the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock. Thomas PARKER espoused the cause of Roger WILLIAM and went with him to the Hartford Plantations. One of his descendants emigrated to Pennsylvania, and afterwards he, or one of his descendants, removed to Hampshire County, Virginia. From this line sprang John PARKER, the father of Nathaniel PARKER.

Nathaniel PARKER was born in Hampshire County, Virginia, about 1730. He served under Washington in his attack on the French at Fort Duquense. He also served under Captain Jack against the Indians. He was fond of adventure as were most men of his day, and wandered through the wilderness of Pennsylvania and Northwest Virginia, fearless of Indian foes. He may be classed with the "long hunters," as he spent much of his time hunting and exploring, being out often by himself for long periods of time. He made several journeys from his native State to the Cumberland country and back. While in Sumner County he spent most of his time at Greenfield. Before the Indian troubles ceased he removed his young children (his wife being dead) to Sumner County and built a house near Greenfield. That house is still standing and is occupied by Mr. Robert BRYSON. Five years after the death of Colonel Anthony BLEDSOE, Mr. PARKER married his widow, he being at the time 63 and she 60 years of age. He died in 1803 and was buried near the site of the old Morgan fort, on lands now belonging to Mr. JOHNSON.

Nathan PARKER had seven sons. The three eldest, John, Thomas, and Richard, married sisters, Misses ROGERS, members of the same family as General George Rogers CLARK. The eldest, John, never came to Tennessee. The other sons were: Nathaniel Jr., Isaac, Aaron, and Robert. >From these sons of Nathaniel PARKER have descended many prominent people of Sumner County and elsewhere. George W. PARKER was a lawyer of eminence at Gallatin. He went to Missouri, where he died. His wife was a sister of Hon. Balie PEYTON. Hon. James HEAD, former Mayor of Nashville: Dr. HEAD of Sumner County: Prof. A. J. HIBBETT of Pikeville: Hon. John H. DEWITT at Nashville lawyer, are descendants of Mr. PARKER.

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