Victoria & Adelicia Franklin - Obituary, 1846

Contributed by Lucy Dunaway Zeier

I was looking at the TN State Library & Archives digital collection for newspapers (looking for Shelbyville and/or Bedford County). In doing so, I came across an early (1846) obituary involving a Sumner County family. Knowing how difficult obituaries are to find, especially in early newspapers, I thought I would pass this on.

Source: The Weekly Nashville Union, (Nashville, TN) June 17, 1846; Issue 2, col. D (not entirely sure about column);

DIED, of inflammatory croup, at Fairview, Sumner Co., Tenn., on the 8th inst., Adelicia, second daughter of Isaac and Adelicia Franklin, aged upwards of four years. And on the 11th instant, Victoria, their eldest daughter, aged six years and about three months. Their intellectual and moral developments were remarkable for their age, and none were ever more lovely and promising. The hand of Providence in the sudden removal of the father and then the children in such quick succession, is truly mysterious. It is, however, consolatory to the surviving widow and to a large and afflicted family, that he died in the faith, and that his children are now as the angels in heaven.

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