Pension Records

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Civil War Pension
Box 35647
Cert. 237101
Anna Crawford - former widow of
William Persinger

Washington, D.C., March........



I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension NO. 191.065, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office.

It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office that William Persinger was in Co, K, 5 Regiment of Tenn Volunteers. On the Muster Rolls of Co K of that Regiment, from enrollment to June 10, 1863, he is reported present. July, Aug, Sept and Oct. 63, (4 mos. muster). Died Aug. 13, 1863. Hospital Carthage, Tenn. His name is dropped from all sub. rolls of Co. return for Aug, 1863, is not on file.

No Final Statement on file.

I am, sir, very respectfully,

Assistant Adjutant General,


The Commissioner of Pensions,
        Washington, D.C.

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Department of the Interior,
Oct. 27, 1870


You are respectfully requested to furnish official evidence of the enrollment, muster, service, duty, and cause of death of William Persinger, who was Private in Company 5th; Regiment of Tenn. Inft. Vols., reported died Aug. 18, 1863.

If the above name is not found on the rolls of said Company, will you so state, and report as to enrollment, etc., in the case of any man bearing a similar name, whom you have good reason for believing to be the soldier inquired for. When the rolls show him to have been a prisoner of war, let that fact be reported.

Please return this circular with your report,
Claim NO. 191065

Respectfully, yours.

H. Vaucseruam (spelling?)
Adjutant General U.S.A.
Room No. 18


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Washington, D.C.
Oct. 31, 1870



I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27 day of Oct. 1870, requesting a "Statement of Service" of William Persinger. The following information has been obtained from the files of this Office, and is furnished in reply to your inquiry: 191065

In the case of William Persinger there is no original Enlistment or Muster-in Roll showing him to have been enrolled or mustered into the service of the United States as an enlisted man in Company K, of the 5th Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers, on file in this Office up to date.

The Muster Rolls of Company K, of that Regiment, contain the following evidence of service; It is stated he was enrolled Aug. 1st, 1862. At Camp Morgan VA for threes years. Roll for July, and Aug, and Sept, and Oct. 1863 Reports him. Private Died Aug 13, 1863 Hospital Carthage Tenn.


I am, sir, very respectfully
Your obedient servant,

H. Martin
Assistant Adjutant General

Commissioner of Pensions
Int. Dept.


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State of Tennessee
County of Sullivan


On this the of January 1871 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the county and state aforesaid. Anna Crawford late widow of William Persinger. Who after being duly sworn according to law declares ??? he oath that she was married to William Persinger who was a private in Co. "K" 5th Regt. Tenn. Inft. on the 5th day of July 1860 and that she has no record of their marriage. The only record was
that of the County Circuit Clerk of the County aforesaid. Which were burned or destroyed during the late war. She further declares that she cannot get the certificate of any of his Officers, or the Regimental Surgeon as their residents are unknown to her, but files the affidavits of two eye witness as to her marriage and certificate of ????- T.H. Easely who was well acquainted with said Wm Persinger.

Anna Crawford

Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and date - first- above, written and on the same day personally appeared Thomas H. Easley and John N. Dolen residents of near Fall Branch as follows. ?????? they are well acquainted with Anna Crawford who has subscribed the foregoing affidavit and that they were
present in Sullivan County on the 5th day of July 1860 and witnessed the marriage of William Persinger to Anna Conkin, by one John Depew a Justice of the Peace for Sullivan County, Tennessee and that said Anna Conkin is the late widow of said William Persinger who was a Private in Co. "K" 5th Regt. Tenn. Inft. and died at Camp Carthage about the 18 day of August, 1863 of measles, they further declare that they have no interest in
the prosecution of said Anna Crawford’s claim for pension ??????.

x T.H. Easley
x J.N. Nolen

Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 16th day of January 1871 and I certify that the affiants (sic) are intitled (sic) to full credit and I have no interest in the matter whatever.

Noble M. Carr
J.P. in and for the County and State aforesaid.

State of Tennessee Jas. P. Poder Clerk of the County and of the
County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that Noble M. Carr

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is a magistrate in and for said county duly commissioned and qualified that his commission was dated on the 1st day of September 1870, and will expire on the 1st day of September 1876 and that his signature above written is ??????.

Given under my hand and official seal office in Blountville
January 18th 1871

James P. Poder, Clerk
by A. ???, Clerk











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January 18th, 1871


I hereby certify that William Persinger of Captain Ragal Company "K" of the 5th regiment of Tenn. Inft. Vols was enlisted by_____________of the_________regiment of _________at Cumberland Gap on the ______day of August 1862, to serve three years; he was born in ________in the state of Virginia is 26 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, and by occupation when enlisted farmer That while in the service of the United States, and in the line of his duty* He was taken sick of measles at Camp Carthage, Tenn. While in line of duty were he died on or about the 18th day of August 1863. I further certify that I was acquainted with said Persigner before the war and during his service saw him frekently (sic). And that I have no interest in the prosecution of the claim.

Thomas N. Easley

Late Capt. Co "B" Tenn. Vols. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of January 1871 C. Ragle, N. Carr, J.P. in and for the County of Sullivan and State of Tennessee

The Company Commander will here add a statement of all the facts known to him, concerning the cause of the death of the soldier, the time, place, manner, and all the circumstances under which it occurred.

If the facts are not known to the Company Commander, the certificate of some other commissioned officer having such knowledge, will answer.


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State of Tennessee
Count of Greene


On this the 19th day of April 1873 personally appeared before me, Alexander N. Price a Justice of the Peace in and for the County and state aforesaid, Anna Crawford late widow of William Persinger deceased, who after being duly sworn by me, deposes and says that her deceased husband William Persinger had no child or children living at the time of his death.


Anna Crawford

Sworn to subscribed before me on the day and date find above written and I certify that I have no interest in the prosecution of the claim for penision what ever.
A.H. Price
J.P. in for said County and State


State of Tenessee
Greene County

J.V.S. Malaney Clerk of the County of said County do hereby certify that A.H. Price, Esq. before whom the foregoing Afidavit was made and whose genuine offical signature appears to the same is and was at the time of taking, signing the same Justice of the Peace for said county of Green, duly elected, commissioned and
?????? according to law that all his official acts as such are entitled to full faith and credit.

Given under my hand and official seal at office in Greeneville, the 21st day of May 1873

J.S. Malaney, Clerk


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Making no charge for service unless successful, claimants are requested to postal stamps for reply and return of papers.



Must be executed before a Court of record or some officer thereof having custody of its Seal. also the Certificate of Guardianship
MUST BE sent.

STATE of Tennessee
COUNTY of Washington

On this 6th day of May, A.D. on thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight (1878), personally appeared before me S.S. Luttnell Clk Cir. Ct., the same being a court of record within and for the County and State aforesaid, Noah D. Barnes a resident of Falls Branch, County of Washigton, in the State of Tennessee aged 28
years, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension provided for by Acts of Congress for children under sixteen years of age; That he is the only legal guardian of Matison Persinger ligitimate child of William Persinger who volunteered at Cumberland Gap, KY, on of July, A.D. 1862 to serve in Co. "K" 5th Tenn. Infty, in the war of 1861-5 who died of measles at Camp Carthage near Nashville, Tenn. on the 18 August, A.D. 1863 and who bore at the time of his discharge or death the rank of Private in Co. "K", 5th Tenn. Inf. that he left a widow surviving she remarried Nov. 28, 1868 that the above named is the only surviving legitimate child of said William Persinger who was under sixteen years of age at the time of his death, of whom none have died. That said child was the issue of said soldier as
follows, the date of its birth being as hereinafter stated: Matison Persinger, of Soldier by Anna Persinger, born Nov. 16, 1862.

(note: I do not know who this Matison is. I suspect this was an attempt to make Thaddeaus legitimate. Thaddeaus was born February 1866. In the 1870 Census for Sullivan County, Thaddeaus is living with Lewis and Ann Crawford. He is listed as being four years old. Also, in the household is his half-brother, John Crawford, two years old and half-sister Lennah M. Crawford, less than a year old.)

That the father was married under the name of William Persinger to Anna Conkin, July 5, 1860 by John Deprigh,
Esq.,(this name is most likely, Depew) there being no legal barrier to such marriage; that the said

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child was not aidied or abetted the rebellion; and that a prior application has been filed by widow in 1870;

That Declarant hereby appoints, with full power of subtitutuion and revocation, GEORGE E. LEMON, of Washington, D.C., he is true and lawful Attorney, to prosecute his claim. That his Post Office is Fall Branch, Washington Co. Tennessee

N.B. Barnes

C.A. Shipley

R.N. McAdams

Acts of July 14, 1862, and March 3, 1873

Noah D. Barnes
Falls Branch, Tenn. Guard, minor child of William Persinger of Co. "K" 5 Tenn. Inf. Vols died near Nashville. Tenn, Aug.18/63 of measles, no other claim.
May 27, 1878 L. M. Taylor, Clerk
Application filed May 15, 1878
Attorney: Geo. E. Lemon, present




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Elisha Harbour
Fall Branch, Tenn
March 23, 1878


Relative to a supposed fraudelent claim for pension to be presented in favor of T. P. L. Persinger (Thaddeaus Preston, I do not know what the "L" stands for)
First Auditors Office
May 27, 1878
Respectfully referred to the Third Auditor H. K. Leaven


March 23rd 1878


Know all men by there is a conspiracy on foot to defraud the U.S. out of about 1400 dollars in favor of one Thaddaus P. L. Persinger-alias Smith a bastard. The circumstaces (sic) are this way Wm Persinger belonged to the U.S. Army and died in the early part of the year 63 leaveing (sic) a childless widow who attempted to obtain money from the U.S. and I believe succeeded and in the early part of the year 66. This child was born and she said his father’s name was Smith and in 68 she married a man by the name Lewis Crawford and I understand they are now trying to get a pension for the by on the death of her 1st husband. If my word is not good refer to Eli A. Keen, T.H. Easley, G. G. Crawford, T. J. Carr, Ellen Carr or Wm J. Conkin all at Fall Branch PO, Washington County and if you desire I can give more references these all served in the 1st, 4th and 8th Cavalry except Ellen Carr. I served in the 2nd Tenn. Infantry and we join in saying that the by boy is a bastard and his mother a strumpet. Therefore be careful how you deal with that case. Suppress my name if you can but if a disclosure is necessary, let it come.

Elisha Harbour
P.S. If this is not at the proper office please pass it to the
proper office. Your unworthy informant.


(note: Elisha Harbour, 2nd Lt. Company F 2nd TN INF. from
November 4, 1861 to August 3, 1865. He was a Mexican War


G. G. Crawford, PVT, Company B 4th TN CAV from July 18, 1862 to July 12, 1865.


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T.J. Carr PVT Company H 4th TN CAV from Sept. 8, 1862 to July 12, 1865.

William J. Conkin PVT Company B 4th TN CAV from November 14, 1861 to July 12, 1865. (William was Ann’s first cousin.)














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The marriage of William Persinger to Anna Conkin is shown by witnessess present.





The Adjutant General U.S.A. reports name on rolls as William Persinger also the rank, company, and regiment, and the dates of enrollment and death as stated on preceding page. He also reports


1st. Report of Adjutant General. 5th. Testimony of Officers.
2d. Report of Surgeon General. 6th. Testimony of FellowSoldiers.
3d. Certificate of Disability 7th. Testimony of Attending Physician.
4th. Testimony of Army Surgeon 8th. Other testimony


1. Adj. General reports no original enlistment a muster in roll on file of Company K 5th Reg, Tenn. Vol. The muster rolls of Company K of that regiment state he was enrolled August 1, 1862 at Camp Morgan, VA. for three years--Roll for July, August, September and October 1863, report him private, died August 13,
1863 at Hospital, Carthage, Tennessee.

2. Surgeon General reports "Records of Reg and Carthage Tenn are not on file.

3. None on file or called for.

4. None on file or called for.

5. testifies "He was taken sick of measles at Camp Carthage, Tenn. While in line off duty, where he died on or about the 18th  of August, 1863. (Written in the margin was: T.H. Easley Capt. Co. B, 4 Tenn Cav.)

6,7, 8. None on file or called for.

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The re-marriage of the claimant to Lewis Crawford on the 29th day of Nov. 1868, is shown by record evidence.


Clerk of Court file March 13, 1880 certifies that the marriage records of Sullivan Co. Tenn. was destroyed by fire September 22, 1863.

P.M. at Fall Branch filed December 7, 1880, states that Anna Crawford was the widow of Wm Persinger, but that the child was born 18 months after soldiers death.


Claimants affidant (sic) filed March 23, 1883 says: that there were no children living at the date of the soldier’s death


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Claimant: Anna Persinger now Crawford
P.O. Box: Blairs Gap
County: Sullivan
State: Tenn
Rate: $8.00 per month, commencing Aug 14, 1863
Soldier: Wm Persinger
Rank: Private
Regiment: 5th Tenn. Vol. Inft.
Children by former marriage: none
Children by last marriage: none


All pension to terminate Jul 1, 1865, date of commencement of
adulterous cohabitation.


Recognized Attorney: G.E. Lemon
P.O: City
Fee: $25.00
Articles filed: Nov 10, 1884


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Claimant: Anna Persinger now Crawford
P.O: Blairs Gap
County: Sullivan
State: Tenn
Soldier: Wm Persinger
Rank: Private Co. "K"
Regiment "5" Tenn. Vols. Inf.
Children by former marriage: none
Children by last marriage: none


Recognized Attorney: G. E. Lemon
P.O: Washington, D.C.
Fee: None
Articles Filed: Nov 10, 1884


Submitted for rejection July 2, 1887
Examiner: Wm H. Howe
Approved for rejection-on the ground of open and notorious
adulterous cohabitation. Other points not considered.
Act Aug 7, 1882
Legal Receiver: (unreadable)
July 9, 1887

Important Dates:
Enlisted: Aug 1, 1862
Discharged: died in service 1863
Died: August 13, 1863
Declaration filed: Oct. 19, 1870
Invalid application filed: none
Invalid last paid to: none
Claimant’s marriage to soldier: July 5, 1860
remarriage Nov 29, 1868

Introduction | Index | Pages 1-15 | Pages 16-30 | Pages 31-45 | Pages 46-62