Smith County Tennessee

Administrators Receipts

1877 – 1882

Section VI


Transcribed By Diane Surtees


Go To Section VI 1877 - 18882 Index of Names





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Wm KING Lebanon Tennessee August 1st 1877 We Samel C LUCKEY Archible KING & May (Mary) R KING herby nominate & appoint you as our Lawful to Receive and recept for any and all Moneys and property in the hands of Samuel Allison Clerk of the Smith County Court Coming to us from the Estate of our Decd Father John Luckey herby allowing Ratifying and Confirming whatsoever our Said attorney Shall Lawfully do in the premises or whatsoever May be Necessary to do or perform by Virtue of the Law Required in the premises in witness whereof we have herunto Set our hands and Seals this August 1st 1877  SC LUCKEY  A (his x mark) KING  May (Mary) KING  Witness Wm HARKREADER


State of Tennessee Wilson County….personally appeared…SC LUCKEY  Archible KING & May (Mary) R KING….and May (Mary) R KING wife of Archible KING having appeared before me privately and apart from her husband….

Witness my hand at office 1st July 1877  JF COE Clk


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JF LUCKEY & others vs SC LUCKEY & others} Received of S Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee Twenty one Dollars and 27 ¾ cents Less one Dollar and 25 cnts for Recording This Receipt in full of My Distributive Shear of the Land fund arising from the Sale of the Land Sold by an order of this Court and Distributed by Said order in the above cause  S.C LUCKEY  W. KING Atorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…W KING Attorney in fact…

This August 14th 1877  S Allison Clk


JF LUCKEY & others vs SC LUCKEY & others} Received of S Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee Twenty one Dollars and 27 ¾ Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording This Recpt in full of My Distributive Shear of the first Land note Sold under a Decree of this Court and Distributed under the Same in the above cause  Mary R and A KING  Attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…William KING as an Attorney in fact…

This August 14th 1877  S Allison Clk


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LH CARDWELLs Estate  Received of S. Allison


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J.F. LUCKY et als vs SC LUCKY et als} Received of S Allison Clerk Twenty one Dollars and 27 cents in full of My Distributive Shear of the first Land fund note arising from the Sale of the lands Sold and Distributed under an order of this Court this August 28th 1877 W.H. LUCKEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…WH LUCKY…

This August 28th 1877  S. Allison Clk


JF LUCKEY et als vs SC LUCKEY et als} Received of S Allison Clerk Twenty one Dollars and 27 ¾ cents in full of My Distributive Shear in the first Land note Sold in the above cause and Distributed under Said order this August 28th 1877  RW LUCKEY  by W.H. LUCKEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…RW LUCKEY by WH LUCKEY…

This August 28th 1877  S Allison Clk


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Lemuel H LAW (LANE) vs AH LAW (LANE) et als} Received of S Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee forty three Dollars and 37 cnts it being in full of My Distributive Shear in the lands Sold by Said Clerk belonging to the Estate of Jessee LAIN (LANE) Decast Said Lands was Bought by A.WILLIAMS & L.W. RUSSULL this March 22nd 1878  Milton LAW (LANE)


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Milton LAIN…

This March 2nd 1878   S Allison Clk


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Lemuel H LAW (LANE) vs AH LAW (LANE) et als} Recd of S Allison Clerk forty three Dollars and 37 cents it being in full of My Distributive Shear in the Lands Sold by S. Allison Clerk belong to my father Jessee LEANE (LANE) Deced Said lands was Sold under a Decree of the County Court and Distributed under Said order this June 29th 1877  Jessee LANE Jr


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Jessee Lane Jr…

Witness at office This June 29 1877   S Allison Clk


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Lemuel H LANE vs AH LANE et als} Received of S. Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee ten Dollars and 84 ¼ cents it being one fourth of My Mothers who was --- Triphena WEST Interest in Said Lands who was an heir of Jessee LANE Decd Said Lands was Sold by Said Allison Some time in the Year 1876 by an order of the Smith County Court and Distributed under Said order this June the 29th 1877  MJ MAHERY  William (his x mark) MAHERY


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…MJ MAKERY & William MALERY…

Witness at office This June 29 1877


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Lemuel H LANE vs AH LAW (LANE) et als} Received of S Allison Clerk forty three Dollars and 37 cnts in full of My Distributive Shear in Both of the land notes in the above cause on A WILLIAMS & L.W. RUSSELL Said land was Sold by an order of the County Court of Smith County and Distributed by an order of Said Court This June the 29th 1877  JA (her x mark) McDALE


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Julia A. McDALE….

This June the 29th 1877   S Allison Clerk


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Lemuel H LANE vs AH LAW (LANE) et als} Received of S Allison Clerk fifty four Dollars and 21 cents it being in full of Tobe LANE (43.37) interest in the Lands of his father Jessee LANE Decd which he conveyed to me which conveyance is Recorded in the Registers office at Carthage Smith County Said amount includes my interest in Said Lands as an heir of Triphena WEST Decd which is $10.84 ¼ Said lands was Sold by an order of the Smith County Court Tennessee and Distributed under Said order This June 29th 1877 N.J. WEST


 State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…NJ WEST…the within Rept to be his act and Deed…

Witness at office this June 29 1877  S Allison Clk


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---- C PERKINS & others vs ---- ETHRIDGE others} Received of S Allison Clerk of the County Court Thirty Seven Dollars and – cents Less 125 cnts for recording this Rept in full of My Distributive Shear in the Land that Belong to Claiborn (HULL, HALL??), Decast Sold & Distributed by an order of this Court, this August the --- August 1877  Eliza (her x mark) GREGORY Bethel Y (his x mark) GREGORY


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared….Bethel GREGORY….then came Eliza GREGORY the wife of Bethell GREGORY Sepprate and apart from her husband….

Witness at office this August 6th (?) 1877  S Allison Clk


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Thomas J OLDHAM et als vs Richard OLDHAM et als} received, September the 3rd 1877 of John P. Yelton former Clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above, Fourteen Dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of William H. PIPER, he being a grand child of George OLDHAM Deceased, arising from the sale of the land of the said George OLDHAM deceased Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  William H. (his x mark) PIPER  attest C.C. FORD


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…William H. PIPER….

Witness my hand at office, this the --- day of September 1877  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison DC.


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Thomas J. OLDHAM et als vs Richard OLDHAM et als} Received, September the 3rd 1877, of John P. Yelton, former Clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause, Fourteen Dollars, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share, of Francis COTHRAN, formerly Francis PIPER, she being a grand child of George OLDHAM Deceased, arising from the Sale of the land belonging to the said George OLDHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  Thomas  A. (his x mark) COTHRAN  attest C.C. FORD


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Thomas A. COTHRAN….


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Paid $20.00

Benjamin S. ENOCH Estate  received, September the 8th 1877 of Iverson A. ENOCH Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin S. ENOCH Deceased Thirty one Dollars and 02 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of all money and effects in his hands as such Administrator, and it being in full of my distributive Share of the personal Estate of said decedant  M. (her x mark) FULLER


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…M.A. FULLER…she executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, this the 8th day of September 1877  Samuel Allison clk  By A.A. Allison DC.


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A.W. ALLEN et als vs Henry FRANKLIN et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and Sixty five Dollars and 82 cents in of the distributive share of Henry FRANKLIN in his own right, One hundred and sixty five dollars and 82 cents in full of the distributive share of Jane SADLER by purchase and One hundred and sixty five dollars and 82 cents in full of the distributive share of L. FRANKLIN by purchase and forty four dollars and 35 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of amount allowed him by decree of the Smith County Court, it being in full of all moneys and effects in the hands of said Samuel Allison Clerk &C arising from the Sale of the lands of John FRANKLIN deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 8th day of September 1877.  Henry FRANKLIN  Received also twenty seven dollars & 69 cents amount due me in addition to above on account of mistake Oct 5th 1877  Henry FRANKLIN


State of Tennessee Smith County}   Personally appeared…Henry FRANKLIN…

Witness my hand at office, this the 8th day of Sept 1877, Samuel Allison Clerk


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Received of John JONES as Guardian for Tennessee GARRISON who is now Dead, and leaves me her Mother an heir of her Estate which is one Eighth interest in Said Estate, one hundred and nine dollars and 16 cents Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Receipt, This 10th 1877  M.L. (her x mark) GARRISON  Attest S Allison Clk


State of Tennessee Smith County}   personally appeared…M.L. GARRISON…

This September the 10th 1877  S. Allison Clk,


RH. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James TIMBERLAKE et als}Received of S Allison Clk & Commissioner of the Smith County Court fourteen dollars and 81 cents in full of my Distributive Shear in my Mothers Estate who was an heir in Jehu TIMBERLAKEs Estate and her name was Mary B COLVERT the above amount was my interest in the first land note Said land was Sold by an order of this Court & Distributed under Said order less one Dollar & 25 cents for Recording This Rept This Septer the 12th 1877  A.J. COLVERT as attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County}   personally appeared…AJ COLVERT…

This September the 12th 1877  S. Allison Clk


Jehu TIMBERLAKE Estate} Know all men by these presents that I James W COLVERT of Wayne County Tennessee have made constituted & appointed and by these presents doth make and appoint AJ COLVERT of Smith County and State aforesaid my true and Lawful Attorney for me and in my name place & Stead to Collect…


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…money or moneys from Either the Circuit or County Court Clk of Smith County Tennessee that is Due from my Grand father Estate who was Known as Jehu TIMBERLAKE and also make the Said AJ COLVERT my Lawful Attorney to Collect the money or moneys that will be Due me from Either of Said Circuit or County Clerks of Said County of Smith in the month of January 1878 Giving and Granting unto my Said Attorney full power and authority to do & perform all & Every act & Thing whatsoever Requiret & necessary to be done in & about the Collection of Said Money or Moneys as I might or Could do if Personally present herby Ratifying & Confirming all that my Said Attorneys Shall Lawfully do or Cause to be Done by virtue thereof in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this the 24th day of August 1877  JW COLVERT


State of Tennessee Wayne County}   Personally appeared…JW COLVERT…

Witness my hand at office with the Seal of office affixed This the 24th day of August 1877  John H Cole Clk


State of Tennessee Wayne County}  I TS C--- Chairman of the County Court…herby certify that John H Cole…is & was acting as County Court Clerk…

This Septr 7th 1877  TS C--- Chairman Wayne Cty CT


State of Tennessee Wayne County}  I John H Cole Clerk…herby Certify that Thomas S C---…is and was…Chairman of the County Court…

Given under my hand and Seal at office Septr 7th 1877  John W Cole Wayne County by PN Craig


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J.H. & A.R. DAVIS et als vs} Received, September the 12th 1877 of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and twenty four Dollars & 58 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of James H. DAVIS out of the funds received on the first note arising from the Sale of the lands of B.M. DAVIS Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause; my said Share being one ninth of said Estate  James H DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H DAVIS…Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of September 1877. Samuel Allison clerk By AA. Allison D.C.


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J.H. & A.R. DAVIS et als vs} Received, September the 12th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and twenty four dollars and 58 cents, Less $1.25 for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of A.R. DAVIS, out of the funds received on the first note arising from the Sale of the lands of B.M. DAVIS deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, my said share being one ninth of said Estate  AR. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…A.R. DAVIS…Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of September 1877. Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


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B.S. ENOCHs Estate} Received September the 15th 1877 of I.A. ENOCH Administrator of the Estate of B.S. ENOCH deceased, Thirty one Dollars & 02 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of W.J. ENOCH out of the personal Estate of the Said B.S. ENOCH deceased, as shown from the final Settlement with the clerk  W.J. (his x mark) ENOCH


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.J. ENOCH…Witness my hand at office, this the 15th day of September 1877. Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


B.S. ENOCHs Estate} Received September the 15th 1877 of I.A. ENOCH, Administrator of the Estate of B.S. ENOCH deceased, Thirty one dollars & 02 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of L.B. JENKINS, out of the personal estate of the Said B.S. ENOCH deceased, as shown from the final Settlement with the clerk.  JW JENKINS Attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.W. JENKINS…Witness my hand at office, this the 15th day of September 1877. Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


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B.S. ENOCKs Estate} Received, September the 15th 1877, of I.A. ENOCH Administrator of the Estate of B.S. ENOCH deceased, One Hundred and four Dollars and 68 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of David R. ENOCH out of the personal Estate of B.S. ENOCH deceased as Shown from the final Settlements with the clerk  David R. (his x mark) ENOCH


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…David R. ENOCH…Witness my hand at office, this the 15th day of September 1877.  A.A. Allison D.C.


B.S. ENOCKs Estate} Received, September the 15th 1877 of I.A. ENOCH Administrator of the Estate of B.S. ENOCH deceased, Thirty one dollars and 2 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of Mary E. GRIFFIN, out of the personal Estate of B.S. ENOCH, as shown from the final Settlement with the clerk.  John T. GRIFFIN  Mary E. GRIFFIN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John T. GRIFFIN and Mary E. GRIFFIN his wife…then came Mary E. GRIFFIN…privately and apart from her said husband…

Witness my hand at office, this the 15th day of September 1877.  A.A. Allison D.C.


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M.F.M. PASCHAL et als vs C.D. SHAW et als} Received, September the 18th 1877, of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and Eighty five dollars and 95 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of M.F.M. PASCHAL, arising from the Sale of the lands of Anderson PASCHAL deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  M.F.M. PASCHAL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…M.F.M. PASCHAL…he executed…

Witness my hand at office this the 18th day of Sept 1877.  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


M.F.M. PASCHAL et als vs C.D. SHAW et als} Received, September the 18th 1877 of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause One hundred and Eighty five dollars and 95 cents, less $1.25 for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of J.A. PASCHAL, arising from the Sale of the lands of Anderson PASCHAL deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  M.F.M. PASCHAL Atty in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…M.F.M. PASCHAL…he executed…

Witness my hand at office, this the 18th day of Sept 1877.  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


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M.F.M. PASCHAL et als vs C.D. SHAW et als} Received, September the 18th 1877 of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause one hundred and Eighty-five dollars and 95 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of Henry Lee PASCHAL, arising from the Sale of the lands of Anderson PASCHAL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  M.F.M. PASCHAL Atty in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…M.F.M. PASCHAL…he executed…

Witness my hand at office, this the 18th day of September 1877.  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


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A.W. ALLEN & others vs Henry FRANKLIN & others} Received of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner one hundred hundred and Seventyfive Dollars and five cents less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording This Recpt in full of our Distributive Shar in the above case it being the amount due us from the Sale of the Lands Sold by Said S Allison Clerk & Commissioner belong to the Estate of John FRANKLIN Decs under a Decree of this Court and Distributed by an order of Said Court This Septr The 18th 1877  A.W. ALLEN  M.A. (her x mark) ALLEN


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…A.W. ALLEN…then came M.A. ALLEN the wife of A.W. ALLEN Sepperate and apart…

This Septr the 18th 1877 S Allison Clk


A.W. ALLEN & others vs Henry FRANKLIN & others} Received of S Allison as Clerk & Commissioner of the County Court of Smith County one hundred and Seventy five Dollars and five cents less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording This Recpt in full of the amount Due us arising from the Sale of the Lands Sold by the Said Clerk belonging to the Estate of John FRANKLIN Decd by an order of the County Court of Smith County and Distributed under Said order  JM HIGH  Sally (her x mark) HIGH


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Joseph HIGH…then came Sally HIGH the wife of Joe HIGH Sepperate and apart…

This Septer the 18th 1877 S Allison Clk


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Isham BEASLEY others vs A.H.SMITH others} O Bill to Sell Land

Received of S Allison Clerk Eighteen Dollars and 92 cents Less One Dollar and Twenty five cents for Recording this Recpt it being in full of my Distributive Shear in the first Land note in the above cause. Given under my hand at office this Decr 7th 1877  Jessee (his x mark) BEASLEY  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County}  personally appeared…Jessee BEASLEY…

This Decr 7th 1877  S Allison Clk


Isham BEASLEY & others vs A.H.SMITH & others} Received of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner Eighteen Dollars and 92 cents Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Rept it being my Distributive Shear in the Last Land note in the above cause This August 8th 1878  Sally (her x mark) SMITH  F.M. SMITH  Attest S. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County}  personally appeared…Sally SMITH…

This August the 8th 1878  S Allison Clk


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B.S. ENOCH’s Estate} received, September the 21st 1877 of I.A. ENOCH, Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin S. ENOCH deceased, Thirty one dollars and 2 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive Share of F.A. WILLIAMS, out of the personal Estate of the Said B.S. ENOCH deceased, as shown from the final settlement made with the clerk  F.S. (her x mark) WILLIAMS  S.P. WILLIAMS


State of Tennessee Smith County}  personally appeared…SP WILLIAMS…then came F.S. WILLIAMS his wife Sepperate and apart…

This September the 21st 1877 S Allison Clk


Isham BEASLEY others vs A.H.SMITH others} Recd of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner Eighteen Dollars and 92 cents Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Recpt it being my Distributive Shear in the Last Land note in the above cause and in full of all moneys in his hands Said Land was Sold by an order of This Smith Cty Court and Distributed under Said order This Jany the 29th 1879 Jessee (his mark) BEASLY  Attest W. (?) GOLD


State of Tennessee personally appeared…Jessee BEASLY…

This Jany 29th 1879  S Allison Clk


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Thomas KITCHING et als vs Moses ALLEN et als} O Bill to sell Land

Received, October the 1st 1877 of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, One Hundred and Thirty seven dollars and 50 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of the heirs of William KITCHING deceased, said fund arising from the sale of the real and Personal Estate of James and Mary KITCHING deceased, and being turned over to the said S. Allison By B.f.C. Smith former clerk of the County Court and N.W. PHILIPS Administrator of James KITCHING deceased and ordered by decree of this court to be distributed  T.KITCHING Attorney in fact


State of Tennessee personally appeared…Thomas KITCHING…

Witness my hand at office this the 1st day of October 1877  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


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J.H. & A.R. DAVIS Admr et als vs John S. DAVIS & others} Received, October the 1st 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County and Commissioner in the above cause One hundred and twenty four dollars and 58 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of Fanny APPLE, out of the funds received on the first land note, arising from the sale of the lands of B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause,  Fannie APPLE  L.B. APPLE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.B. APPLE…then came Fannie APPLE wife of the said L.B. APPLE, privately and apart from her said husband…Witness my hand at office, this the 1st day of October 1877. Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


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James A. BARRETT & W.B. DENNY Extr &C vs Akillis OLIVER & others} received, October the 1st 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County and Commissioner in the above cause Five Hundred and Seventy six dollars and 56 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, the Same having been ordered by the Court to be paid over to me, and it being the funds received on the lands sold in this cause.  James A. BARRETT one Executer of Banks OLIVER Deceased


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James A. BARRETT…

Witness my hand at office, this the 1st day of October 1877  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


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The State of Texas County of Rains} Know all men by these presents, that we Thomas D. KITCHING  and William M. KITCHING and Sarah W. McMAHAN, Mary H. APPLE and Margarett B. FORTENBERRY (formerly Sarah W. Mary H. and Margarett B. KITCHING) and their husbands, J.W. McMAHAN, W.D. APPLE and O.A. FORTENBERRY of the Counties of Rains and Hunt and State aforesaid, for and in consideration of the maternal love and affection that we have and bear for our mother Charlotte KITCHING of Rains County, Texas and for the further consideration of the sum of one dollar to us in hand paid by the said Charlotte KITCHING, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents, give, grant, bargain and sell and convey to the said Charlotte KITCHING, all the right, title, claim and interest that we have in right of our father, William KITCHING deceased in and to the estate or any part thereof of our grandmother Mary KITCHING deceased, late of Smith County, Tennessee and we hereby authorize the said Charlotte KITCHING our mother as aforesaid to take charge of receive and receipt for in her own name or by her Attorney, all moneys or other effects due to us as aforesaid, in said Smith County, in the State of Tennessee, hereby relinquishing the Same to her the said Charlotte KITCHING her heirs and assigns forever. In testamony whereof we hereto set our hands, this 19th day of July A.D. 1877  Thomas D. KITCHING  W. M. KITCHING  Sarah W. McMAHAN  J.W. McMAHAN  Mary H. APPLE  W.D. APPLE  Margarett B. FORTENBERRY  O.A. FORTENBERRY


The State of Texas County of Rains} …personally appeared Thomas D. KITCHING, Wm M. KITCHING Sarah W. McMAHAN and her husband J.W. McMAHAN, Mary H. APPLE and her husband W.D. APPLE, and Margarett B. FORTENBERRY and her husband O.A. FORTENBERRY…


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…and the said Sarah W. McMAHAN, Mary H. APPLE and Margarett B. FORTENBERRY having been examined by me privately and apart from their said husbands…

To certify all of which I hereto set my hand officially, and affix my Notarial seal, this 19th day of July A.D. 1877. John R. McMAHAN Notary Public Rains County, Texas


The State of Texas County of Rains} I, Thos M Allred County Clerk…certify that John R. McMAHAN…is now and was…a Notary Public…

To certify which, Given under my hand and seal of office, in Emery Texas, this 20th day of July A.D. 1877  Thos M. Allred County Clerk Rains Co Texas


The State of Texas County of Rains} I, E.P. Kerby hereby certify that I am Judge…and that Thomas M Allred is and was…County Clerk…I also certify that John R. McMAHAN is and was…a Notary Public…This 24th day of August A.D. 1877. E.P. Kearby County Judge, Rains County Texas


A True Copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


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The State of Oregon County of Lane} Know all men by these presents that we James W. KITCHING and Elizabeth BRUDING (BREEDING) (formerly Elizabeth KITCHING) and her husband James BRUDING (BREEDING) of the County and State aforesaid, for and in consideration of the maternal love and affection that we have and bear for our mother Charlotte KITCHING of Rains County in the State of Texas and for the further consideration of one dollar to us in hand paid by said Charlotte KITCHING, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents, give, grant, bargain, sell and convey to the said Charlotte KITCHING, all the right, title, claim and interest, that we have in right of our father William KITCHING deceased, in and to the Estate or any part thereof of our grand-mother, Mary KITCHING deceased, late of Smith County, Tennessee, and we hereby authorize the said Charlotte KITCHING our mother as aforesaid, to take charge of, receive and receipt for in her own name or by her Attorney, all money or other effects due to us as aforesaid, in said Smith County in the State of Tennessee, hereby relinquishing the same to her the said Charlotte KITCHING her heirs and assigns forever. In testamony whereof we hereto set our hands this 16th day of June A.D. 1877  Elizabeth H. BRUDING (BREEDING)  J.M. BRUDING (BREEDING) J.W. KITCHING  Witness G.P. D---  J.C. Shields


State of Oregon County of Lane} Personally appeared… Elizabeth H. BRUDING (BREEDING) and James M. BRUDING (BREEDING) her husband and J.W. KITCHING…

Witness my hand and seal, this the 16th day of June 1877. George B. Dorris Notary Public


State of Oregon County of Lane} I, Joel Ware do hereby certify that I am County Clerk…that George…


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…B. Dorris is a Notary Public…

Witness my hand and the Seal of the Court affixed, this June 16th 1877. Joel Ware County Judge


State of Oregon County of Lane}I, Joshua G. Walton, County Judge…certify that Geo. B. Dorris was…Notary Public…and that Joel Ware was County Clerk…

In testamony of which I hereunto set my hand this 29 day of August A.D. 1877. Joshua J. Walton County Judge…  A true copy Attest  AA Allison Deputy Clerk of Smith County Court


The State of Texas County of Rains} Know all men by these presents that I Charlotte KITCHING of said County and State relict of William KITCHING deceased do hereby make constitute and appoint Thomas KITCHING of Smith County in the State of Tennessee my Attorney in fact, with authority for me and in my name to ask for, demand, receive and receipt for any and all moneys due to me form the Estate of my mother-inlaw, Mary KITCHING deceased, late of Smith County, Tennessee, as well as that which is due to me as transferee of my children, as that which is due to me in my own right as heir of my late husband, William KITCHING deceased, hereby giving and granting unto my said Attorney full power…


Pg 28


…and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatever requisite and necessary to be done in  and about the premises as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present; hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney shall lawfully do by virtue hereof. In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand, this 19th day of July A.D. 1877  Charlotte KITCHING


The State of Texas County of Rains} …personally appeared Charlotte KITCHING…To certify which I hereto set my hand officially and affix my Notarial seal, this 19th day of July A.D. 1877  John R. McMAHAN Notary Public


The State of Texas County of Rains} I, Thos M. Allred…certify that John R. McMAHAN…is now and was…a Notary Public…

To certify which, given under my hand and seal of office in Emery, Rains County Texas This July 20th A.D. 1877  Thos M. Allred County Clerk Rains Co Texas


The State of Texas County of Rains} I,E.P. Kearby hereby certify that I am Judge…and that Thomas M Allred is and was…County Clerk…I also certify that John R. McMAHAN is and was…a Notary Public…


Pg 29


…This 24th day of August A.D. 1877. E.P. Kearby County Judge, Rains County Texas


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


M.F.M. PASCHAL others vs C.D. SHAW others} Received of J.H. BAIRD Adm of the Estate of Anderson PASCHAL Decd nineteen Dollars and 95 cents Less one Dollar and 25 cts for Recording this Rept it being the ballance of my Distributive Shear in the personal Estate in Said Estate in the hands of Said BAIRD, this October 23rd 1877  C.D. SHAW


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…C.D. SHAW…the execution of the within Recpt to be her act…October the 23rd 1877  S Allison Clk


MFM PASCHAL others vs C.D. SHAW others} Received of J.H. BAIRD Admr of the Estate of Anderson PASCHAL Decd nineteen Dollars and 95 cents it being a ballance in full of my Distributive Shear in the personal Estate of my Said Father Decd in the hand of Said J.H. BAIRD Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Rept this October the 23rd 1877  M.F.M. PASCHAL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…M.F.M. PASCHAL...

Witness my hand at office this the 23rd day of October 1877  Samuel Allison Clerk


Pg 30


MFM PASHAL others vs CD SHAW others} Received of JH BAIRD Adm of the Estate of Anderson PASCHAL Decst one hundred & nineteen Dollars and 95 cents Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Recpt in full of My Distributive Shear in the personal Estate of My Dect Father Anderson PASCHAL Dec in the hands of JH BAIRD Admr this Octor 23 1877  J.A. PASCHAL by M.F.M. PASCHAL Atty in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…MFM PASCHAL…October the 23rd 1877  S Allison Clk


MFM PASHAL others vs CD SHAW others} Received of J.H. BAIRD Adm of the Estate of Anderson PASCHAL Decd nineteen Dollars and 95 cents Less one Dollar & 25 for Recording this Recpt it being in full of Distributive Shear of the Distributive Shear of Henry L. PASHCHAL a son of S.W. PACHASCEH Decst who Lives in the State of Georgia this October the 23rd 1877  H.L. PASCHAL  M.F.M. PASCHAL Attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…MFM PASCHAL...

This October 23rd 1877  Samuel Allison Clerk


Pg 31


MFM PASCHAL others vs CD SHAW others} Received, October the 23rd 1877 of Samuel Allison  clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause One hundred and eighty five dollars and 95 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of C.D. SHAW it being one sixth arising from the Sale of the lands of Anderson PASCHAL deceased Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, said amount being in full of all moneys coming to me from the sale of said land  C.D. SHAW


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…C.D. SHAW wife of Wm. B. SHAW, privately and apart from her said husband…

Witness my hand at office, this the 23rd day of October 1877.  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 32


M.F.M. PASCHAL et als vs CD SHAW et als} Received of S Allison  Clk & Commissioner one hundred and ten dollars & 93 cts and Six Dollars and 65 cnts interest on Said note Said note was made payable to JH BAIRD as Administrator of Anderson PASCHAL Deast by NT PASCHAL and MFM PASCHAL Said S Allison was ordered at a former Term of This Court to pay Said amount to Said J.H BAIRD as Adm out of  the funds in my hands belong to the Said NT PASCHAL out of the Land funds in his hands. This October 23rd 1877  J.H. BAIRD Adm of Anderson PASCHAL


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…J.H. BAIRD…

Witness at office this October 23rd 1877  S Allison Clk


AC PERKINS and others vs Mary ETHRIDGE others} Received of S Allison Clerk Thirty Seven Dollars 17 cents Less One Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Rept in full of my Distributive Shear in the Real Estate of the Estate of Clairber HALL Decest Said Land was Sold under a Decree of This Court and Distributed under Said order This October the 28th 1877.  Sallie (her x mark) PURKINS  Adam (his x mark) C. PURKINS  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Sallie PERKINS…Sepperately and apart from her Said husband…then came A.C. PURKINS and Both acknowledged…

This October the 28th 1877  S Allison Clk


Pg 33


Benjamin S. ENOCH’s Estate] Received, November the 1st 1877 of Iverson A. ENOCK Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin S. ENOCH deceased Thirty one dollars and 2 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive Share of Elizabeth ENOCH (She being the widow of the Said Benjamin S. ENOCH) out of the personal Estate of said decedant  Elizabeth (her x mark) ENOCK


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Elizabeth ENOCH…

Witness my hand at office, this the 1st day of November 1877  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 34


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs. Thos. O. RICHARDSON et als} Received, November the 6th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause, fifty-five dollars ands 57 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Frances J. RICHARDSON, she being the widow of John RICHARDSON deceased, it arising from the Sale of the personal estate of said John RICHARDSON deceased and turned over to said Allison Clerk by the Administrator of said Estate under the decree of the County Court in the above cause, and being ordered by said Court to be distributed according to law.  Frances J RICHARDSON By RP BROOKS Attorney


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…R.P. BROOKS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 6th day of November 1877.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 35


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos. O. RICHARDSON et als} Received, November the 6th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause, five hundred and twenty three dollars and 39 2/7 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Benjamin F. RICHARDSON, a Son of John RICHARDSON deceased, it being in full of the personal Estate of said decedant, and also in full of the funds paid in on the first land note, arising from the sale of the lands of said John RICHARDSON deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, See Minute Book No 2, Page 3 & 4. Frances J. RICHARDSON Guardian of Benjamin F. RICHARDSON By RP BROOKS: Attorney


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…R.P. BROOKS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 6th day of November 1877.  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 36


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos. O. RICHARDSON et als} Received, November the 6th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty – five dollars and 39 2/7 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of S.G.RICHARDSON, a Son of John RICHARDSON deceased, it being in full of the personal Estate of said decedant, and also in full of the fund paid in on the first note, arising from the sale of the lands of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above case, See Minute Book No 2, Pages 3 and 4. S.G. RICHARDSON By RP BROOKS Attorney


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…R.P. BROOKS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 6th day of November 1877.  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 37


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos. O. RICHARDSON et als} Received, November the 6th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County and Commissioner in the above cause, Seventy eight dollars and 39 2/7 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Jane VEACH, she being a daughter of John RICHARDSON deceased, it being in full of the personal Estate and also in full of the fund paid in on the first land note, arising from the sale of the lands of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. See Minute Book No 2, Pages 3 & 4 Jane VEACH By RP BROOKS Attorney


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.P. BROOKS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 6th day of November 1877.  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 38


SG RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O RICHARDSON et als} Received of S Allison Clek one hundred Dollars our fee Attaned us by the Court in the above Cause This Nov 7th 1877  A.A. & C. SWOPE


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…AA & C SWOPE…

This Nov 7th 1877  S Allison Clk


Pg 39


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als} O Bill to sell land

Received, November the 10th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause One Hundred and fifty-eight dollars and 39 2/7 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Cyrena CARDWELL, a daughter of John RICHARDSON deceased, of the funds paid in on the first land note, arising from the sale of the lands of the said John RICHARDSON deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith Court, in the above cause and said amount being in full of the personal Estate of said decedant, which amount is ordered by the Court to be paid over to me. See Minute Book No 2 Pages 3 and 4. Syrena CARDWELL  Isaac N (his x mark) CARDWELL  Attest S Allison Clk


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Isaac M. CARDWELL…then came Cyrina CARDWELL wife of the Said Isaac M. CARDWELL, privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, this the 10th day of November 1877.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 40


M.F.M. PASCHAL et als vs C.D. SHAW et als} O Bill to Sell Land

Received, November the 10th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and eighty five dollars and 95 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, and also Less Twenty five dollars subject to the fee of A.A. & C. SWOPE in this case, in full of the distributive share of Serena POPE daughter of Anderson PASCHAL deceased, arising from the Sale of the lands of said decedant, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  Levi BAIRD Adm of Serena POPE deceased


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Levi BAIRD…

Witness my hand at office, this the 10th day of November 1877. Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 41


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als}

Received, November the 12th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause Twenty dollars and 5 cents, Less $1.25 for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of J.W. RICHARDSON, Son of Daniel RICHARDSON deceased and Grand son of John RICHARDSON deceased, of the funds paid in on the first land note, arising from the Sale of the lands of said John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court and also in full of the personal estate of said decedant, See Minute Book No 2 Pages 3 and 4. J.W. RICHERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…J.W. RICHARDSON…

This Nov 12th 1877.  S Allison clk


Pg 42


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als}

Received November the 12th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty dollars and 15 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of L.C. RICHARDSON, E.B. RICHARDSON AND G.B. RICHARDSON, children of Daniel RICHARDSON deceased and Grand children of John RICHARDSON deceased, of the funds paid in on the first land note, arising from the Sale of the lands of the said John RICHARDSON deceased Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the personal Estate of said decedant See Minute Book Number 2 Pages 3 and 4. J.W. RICHERSON Gardion


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…J.W. RICHARDSON as Guardian…

This Nov the 12th 1877  S Allison clk


Pg 43


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als}

Received, November the 12th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty dollars and 5 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of M.C. RICHARDSON, daughter of Daniel RICHARDSON deceased and Grand daughter of John RICHARDSON deceased, of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the Sale of the lands of the said John RICHARDSON deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause and also in full of the personal Estate of said decedant, See minute Book Number 2 Pages 3 & 4. M.C. RICHERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…M.C. RICHARDSON…

Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of November 1877.  Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 44


R.W KNIGHT et als vs Heirs of John HIGH} Received November 14th 1877 of B.f.C. Smith former clerk & commissioner in the above case One Hundred & Sixty eight Dollars 98 cts less Atty fees and costs paid by BfC Smith & fee for recording this receipt of $28.25 leaving amount in cash received of $140.73 in full of the amount due R.W. KNIGHT under the decree of the County Court in this case & paid me as the Assignee of said R.W. KNIGHT by the decree of the Chancery Court of Smith County in the case of WS HOBY vs R.W. KNIGHT & others  W.S. HAILEY assignee of R.W. KNIGHT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…WS HALY…

Witness my hand at office this November 14th 1877  S Allison clk


Pg 45


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als}

Received, November the 15th 1877 of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause Twenty dollars and 5 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of  R.C. RICHARDSON, Son of Daniel RICHARDSON and grand Son of John RICHARDSON deceased, out of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the sale of the lands of the said John RICHARDSON deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause and also in full of the personal Estate of said decedant See minute Book number 2. Pages 3 and 4 RC RICHARSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Riley C. RICHARDSON…

Witness my hand at office this the 15th day of November 1877.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 46


Mulenberg County Kentucky Nov 17th 1877. I, William B. DAVIS of the County and State above named do nominate and appoint and confirm the appointment of James H. DAVIS, my true and lawful attorney to collect all moneys due me as one of the heirs of Benjamin M DAVIS, in the County of Smith, in the State of Tennessee to receive and receipt for the same, and do all thing as fully and lawfully as I could do if I was personally present, hereby confirming all and every act of my said Attorney, In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name and affixed my seal, day and date above written  W.B. DAVIS


State of Kentucky County of Muhlenberg} I, John E. Reece clerk…certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney from William B. Davis…to James H. DAVIS…was produce to me…and requested the same to be certified…

Witness my hand and seal of said Court, this the 17th day of November 1877 Jno E. Reece clk


State of Kentucky County of Muhlenberg} I, J.C. Thompson Judge…certify that John E. Reece…is clerk…and that said Reece’s Signature is genuine.

Witness my hand, this 17th day of November 1877  J.C. Thompson


State of Kentucky County of Muhlenberg} I, John E. Reece clerk…certify that J.C. Thompson is Judge…and that his signature…


Pg 47


…is genuine.

Witness my hand as clerk of said Court, this 17th day of November 1877  Jno E. Reece clerk


A true copy attest

A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk of Smith County Court Tenn


J.H. & A.R. DAVIS Admrs et als vs John S. DAVIS & others} Received, December the 12th 1877 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of the County and State aforesaid, and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and twenty four dollars and 58 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of William B. DAVIS, out of the funds received on the first land note, arising from the Sale of the lands of Benjamin M. DAVIS deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the County Court in the above cause.  James H DAVIS Atty of William B DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H DAVIS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of December 1877  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of H.P. DOWELL Administrator of Martha BAIRD Decst Sixty Three Dollars and Thirty cents in full of My Distributive Shear in the personal Estate of Martha G BAIRD Decst in the hands of Said Adm on Final Settlement This Jany 8th 1878  WF DOWELL         Attest  WA DOWELL


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…WF DOWELL…

Witness my hand at office this Jany 8th 1898   S Allison Clk


Pg 48


B.S. ENOCH’s Estate} Received December this the 29th 1877. of Iverson A. ENOCH, Administrator of the Estate of B.S. ENOCH deceased, Thirty one dollars and 2 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive Share of the Personal Estate of Said decedant  T.A. (his x mark) ENOCH  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…T.A. ENOCH…

Witness my hand at office, this the29th day of December 1877.  Samuel Allison clk


Pg 49


S.B. CHAMBERS et als v Hosey CORMON et als} Received January 14th 1878 of B.f.C. Smith former Clerk of the County Court of Smith County & commissioner in the above case Sixty five Dollars & 56 cts less fee for recording receipt and proof of heirship; in full of the amount due James W. EAKER decsd who was a son & heir of Sarah CARMON Decd who was a daughter & heir of Lithe CORMON formerly Lithe CHAMBERS said fund arrising from the sale of the real estate of William CHOMBERS & Elizabeth CHOMBERS dec sold and distributed under the decree of the county Court in the above case. The amount being paid to SB CHOMBERS Administrator of said James W EAKER decd – S.B. CHAMBERS admr James W. AKER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…S.B. CHOMBERS…

Witness my hand at office Janry 14th 1878.  S Allison Clk


Power of Attorney} Know all men by these presents; that David C SKAGGS Admr of Jas W. EAKEN Jr deceased of the Town of Clarkton, County of Dunklin, in the State of Missouri, have made, constituted and appointed and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint David HODGES his true and lawful Attorney, for him and in his name, place and stead, to collect, receive and receipt for any and all money due the late James W. EAKEN Jr. deceased, giving and granting to him, said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully, to all intents and purposes as he might or could do if personally present at the doing thereof, with full power of Substitution or revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that his Said Attorney or his Substitute, may or shall lawfully do, or cause to be done by virtue hereof…


Pg 50


…In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, this 28th day of August 1877  D.C SKAGGS Administrator of the Estate of JW. EAKER Jr deceased  Witness E --------


State of Missouri County of Dunklin} Be it remembered…personally came David C. SKAGGS Admr of J.W. EAKER deceased…

In testimony whereof, I have hereto Set my hand and affixed my official Seal, at my office in Kinnett this 28th day of August 1877. Thomas E. Baldwin


State of Missouri County of Dunklin} The undersigned deposeth and Sayeth that they were acquainted with James W. EAKER – know him to be the Son of Sarah E. EAKER, who was the daughter of Hosey M. CARMON and Letha CARMON his wife, whose maiden name was CHAMBERS and who was the daughter of Elizabeth CHAMBERS deceased, formerly of Smith County, Tennessee, that Said James W. EAKER now deceased was a half brother of Thomas J. SKAGGS, infant Son of David C. SKAGGS  D.C. SKAGGS  M.W HUBBARD

Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this 5th day of October 1877.  E.C. White, Justice of the Peace.


State of Missouri County of Dunklin} I hereby certify that E.C. White…was…a Justice of the Peace…

In testimony…


Pg 51


…whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of my Office, as clerk of the County Court, for the County aforesaid, This 6th day of November 1877. Thomas E. Baldwin Clerk  By  DC


G.W. & S.H. BRADLEY et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received January the 23rd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause, Fifty Dollars in full of amount allowed to me by order of the County Court in the above cause. See minute Book  Charles SWOPE


M.F.M. PASCHAL & others vs C.D. SHAW & others} Received, January the 26th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of the County and State aforesaid, and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty dollars in full of our fee as Solicitors for Jesse POPE and Levi BAIRD Administrator of the Estate of Serena POPE deceased, said amount being out of the distributive Share going to the heirs of said Serena POPE deceased, in this case  A.A. & C. SWOPE


Pg 52


J.H. & A.R. DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et al} Bill to Sell land

Received January the 24th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty two dollars and 29 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Robert J. KYLE grand Son of B.M. DAVIS deceased out of the funds paid in on the first land note, arising from the Sale of the lands of B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court  James H DAVIS Attorney in fact for Robert J. KYLE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H. DAVIS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 24th day of January 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 53


State of Texas Collin County} Know all men by these presents that I, George W. EASTES of Collin County Texas n—McKinney, placing full faith and confidence in Reece ENOCH and Martha ENOCH of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, do by these presents, nominate, constitute and appoint the said Reece ENOCH and Martha ENOCH my true and lawful attorney in fact, for me and in my name, to use all necessary and legal Steps and means to collect for me and receive for me and in my name, all money or other property that may be due and coming to me from the Estate of Moses EASTES Senr deceased, in the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, to make all compromises that may be necessary, to pass all necessary receipts and for the Same, and to collect, receive and receipt for all money or property of any kind or character that may be due and coming to me as an heir at law of Moses EASTES Senior or as an heir at law or as a legatee of Said party or of any one else or to collect or receive for me and receipt for Same any money property or Estate that may be due and coming to me in any capacity or manner from any Source whatever in the State of Tennessee, or do any other legal acts for me and in the premises and I hereby fully ratify and confide all my said Attorneys acts in the premises as fully and as absolutely as if done by me, in my own proper person. Witness my hand and scroll for Seal, this the 30th day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand Eight hundred and Seventy five  G.W. EASTES


State of Tennessee Wilson County} Personally appeared…George W. EASTES…

Witness my hand at office, this 1st day of December 1875  J.F. Coe clerk By Alec Britton Deputy


Pg 54


The State of Texas County of Fannin} Know all men by these presents that we William D. EASTES and Elizabeth G. EASTES both of the City of Bonham, in the County of Fannin, State of Texas, placing full faith and confidence in Reece ENOCH and Martha ENOCH of the County of Smith in the State of Tennessee, do by these presents, nominate constitute and appoint the said Reece ENOCH and Martha ENOCH our true and lawfull attorneys in fact, for us and in our names to use all necessary and legal steps and means to collect for us and receive for us and in our names all money or other property that may be due and coming to us from the Estate of Moses EASTES Senior deceased, in the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, to make all compromises that may be necessary, to pass all necessary receipts &c for the Same, and to collect, receive and receipt for all money or property of any kind or character that may be due and coming to us as heirs at law of Moses EASTES Senior or Moses EASTES Junior, or as heirs at law or legatees of said parties or of any one else, or to collect or receive for us and receipt for the same any money, property or Estate that may be due and coming to us in any capacity or manner from any Source whatever in the State of Tennessee hereby enabling them to compromise any claim or rights that we may have in said State of Tennessee or do any other legal acts for us in the premises and we hereby fully ratify and confirm all of our said Attorneys acts in the premises as fully and as absolutely as if done by us in our own proper persons Witness our hands and scrolls for seals, this the 7th day of January, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Eight  William D. EASTES  Elizabeth G. EASTES


State of Texas County of Fannin} …personally appeared…William D. EASTES and Elizabeth G. EASTES…



Pg 55


Witness my hand and seal of office, this 7th day of January A.D. 1878.  James C. Evans Notary Public Fannin County Texas


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of B.F. ATWOOD Executor of Moses EASTES Six Hundred and Forty-nine Dollars and 16 cents, in full of the amount due George W. EASTES, from the Estate of Moses, Three Hundred Dollars being a special bequest and Three hundred and Forty-nine Dollars and 16 cents being one fourth of said Estate after paying the Special bequests, This January 25th 1878  George W. EASTES by Martha ENOCH and Reece (his x mark) ENOCH Attorneys in fact  Attest T.J. EASTES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…George W. EASTES by his Attorneys Martha ENOCH and Reece ENOCH…

Witness my hand at office, this January 25th 1878  S. Allison clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Received of B.F. ATWOOD Executor of Moses EASTES Three Hundred Dollars in full of the amount due William D. EASTES and Elizabeth G. EASTES, only children of Archibald EASTES in the Estate of Moses EASTES Senr deceased, the same being a Special bequest William D. EASTES Elizabeth G. EASTES  by Reece (his x mark) ENOCH & Martha ENOCH Attorneys in fact  Attest T.J. EASTES


Pg 56


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…William D. EASTES and Elizabeth G. EASTES by their Attorneys Martha ENOCH and Recce ENOCH…

Witness my hand at office, this January 25th 1878  S. Allison clerk


A True copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Received of B.F. ATWOOD Executor of Moses EASTES Seven Hundred and Forty nine dollars and 16 cents in full of our interest in the Estate of Moses EASTES deceased Four Hundred of which is the special bequest and Three Hundred and Forty nine Dollars and 16 cents being one fourth of Said Estate after pay the Special bequests  T.J. EASTES  W.B. EASTES  J.J. EASTES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…T.J. EASTES, W.B. EASTES and J.J. EASTES…

Witness my hand at office, this the 25th day of January 1878  Samuel Allison clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy clerk


Received of B.F. ATWOOD Executor of Moses EASTES, Three Hundred Dollars in full of the Special bequest in the Estate of Moses EASTES Senr deceased, due my wards by the will of Moses EASTES, This January 25th 1878  H.D. HIGHERS guardian for Mary S. HIGHERS, Bettie F. HIGHERS, William A. HIGHERS Eliza O. HIGHERS bodily heirs of Jane HIGHERS and if there should be other children borne to Jane HIGHERS this fund…


Pg 57


…to belong eaqually to all of her children


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…H.D. HIGHERS guardian for Mary S. HIGHERS, Bettie F. HIGHERS, Wm A. HIGHERS and Eliza O. HIGHERS, heirs of Jane HIGHERS… Witness at office, this January the 25th 1878  S. Allison clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy clerk


Received of B.F. ATWOOD Executor of Moses EASTES Seven Hundred and Forty-nine Dollars and 16 cents in full of the amount due me as legatee of Moses EASTES Senr deceased, Four Hundred Dollars  being a Special bequest, and Three Hundred and Forty nine dollars and 16 cents being one fourth of Said Estate after paying Special bequests. This January 25th 1878  M.C. EASTES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…M.C. EASTES…

This January the 25th 1878  S. Allison clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Received of B.F. ATWOOD Executor of Moses EASTES Senr deceased, Eight hundred and forty-nine dollars and 16 cents in full of the amount due me from the Estate of Moses EASTES, Five Hundred Dollars being the Special bequest and Three Hundred and Forty nine dollars and 16 cents in full of one fourth of balance of said Estate after paying Special bequests. This January 25th 1878  Martha ENOCH


Pg 58


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Martha ENOCH…

This January 25th 1878  S. Allison clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Receeived of B.F. ATWOOD Executor of Moses EASTES Two Hundred Dollars in full of the amount due me as a legatee of Moses EASTES Senr deceased, the same being a Special bequest, This January 25th 1878  F.M. EASTES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…F.M. EASTES…

Witness at office, This January 25th 1878  S. Allison clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 59


Lemuel LAW et als vs A.H. LAW & others} Received, March the 5th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty three dollars and 75 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of B.W. LAW arising from the Sale of the land of Jesse LAW decd Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  B.W. LAW by Williams & Russell


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.W. RUSSELL, one of the firm of Williams & Russell…

Witness my hand at office, this the 5th day of March 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 60


T.B. FLIPPIN Admr et als vs J.L. HAZARD et als} We A.E. GARRITT, W.D. GOLD acknowledge ourselves indebted to Samuel Allison clerk of Smith County Court for the use of the parties in the above cause, in the Sum of fifty dollars, to be void on condition, the said A.E. GARRITT, who has this day drawn from the Said Samuel Allison clerk &c in said cause, pending in the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, the Sum of Twenty five dollars by order of the Smith County Court at its term 18—the Sum of Twenty five dollars, shall refund the same or such part thereof with Six per cent interest thereon as may be ordered by the Court and shall abide by and perform the order of the Court in the premises, This January 26th 1878  A.E. GARRITT  WD GOLD, security


Pg 61


Know all men by these presents that I James M. LUCKEY of Williamson County, in the State of Illinois, have made, constituted and appointed and by these presents, do make, constitute and appoint John F. LUCKEY of DeKalb County, Tennessee, my true and Lawful attorney for me, and in my name, place and Stead for the purpose of collecting any money due the Said James M. LUCKEY or coming to him from the Estate of George D. LUCKEY deceased and from the Estate of Rebecca LUCKEY, giving and granting unto my Said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present, with full power of Substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney or his substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue thereof  In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, the fifth day of January, one thousand, eight hundred and seventy eight  James M. LUCKEY  Sealed and delivered in presence of W.H. Eubanks County Clerk


State of Illinois Williamson County} …appeared James M. LUCKEY, personally known to me…

Given under my hand and Seal  W.H. Eubanks County Clerk


State of Illinois Williamson County} I George W. Young County Judge…certify that W.H. Eubanks…


Pg 62


…is and was…County Clerk…

Given under my hand, this 5th day of January A.D. 1878  Geo W. Young County Judge…


State of Illinois Williamson County} I, W.H. Eubanks clerk…certify that George W. Young…is County Judge…In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the County Court of said County at office in Marion, this 5th day of January 1878  W.H. Eubanks County Clerk


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} I, J.B. Atwell, Register…certify that the attached Power of Attorney and certificate was filed in my office…this 18th of January 1878.

J.B. Atwell, Register of said County


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk of the Smith County Court


Pg 63a


Feb 4th 1878 Samuel Allison Clk of Smith Cty Court Pay to RA BOTTS all money in your office belonging to James M. LUCKEY as he is acting for me in the Case  JF LUCKEY atty for James M LUCKEY


Pg 62a


Blank paper


Pg 63


J.F. LUCKEY et als vs S.C. LUCKEY et als} Bill for Sale of lands &C

Received, February the 4th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty one dollars and 27 ¾ cents in full of the distributive share of James M LUCKEY, of the funds received on the first note, arising from the sale of lands of George D. LUCKEY deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  James M. LUCKER By J.F. LUCKEY attorney By R.A. BUTTS per order of J.F. LUCKEY, filed


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.A. BOTTS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 4th day of February 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 64


Received, this 14th January 1878 of A.G. DUKE late Guardian of Cordelia HALEY, Fifty nine dollars and twenty two cents, in full of the amount due Cordelia HALEY, of whom I have this day been appointed guardian, and this is in full of the amount due said ward on the 10th August 1877 and the interest thereon to this date  R.H. BEASLEY Guardian of Cordelia HALEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.H. BEASLEY…

Witness my hand at office, this the 14th day of January 1878 Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 65


W.T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth OLIVER et als} Bill to Sell Land

Received, February the 11th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and the commissioner in the above cause, Twenty seven dollars and 97 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the cash fund paid into the clerks office, on the lands sold in this cause, and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  WT OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.T. OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 11th day of February 1878 Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 66


General Power of Attorney


Know all men by these presents that I, S.M. SMITH of the County of Cooke, in the State of Texas, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint, J.H. DAVIS of Smith County and State of Tennessee, my true and lawful Attorney, for me and in my name, place and stead to receive all moneys coming to me as my distributive share of my fathers Estate, namely Benjamin M. DAVIS deceased, late of Smith County, in the State of Tennessee and in my name to receipt for the same, I hereby giving and granting to him, Said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present at the doing thereof, with full power of Substitution or revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that his said Attorney, or his substitute may or shall lawfully do, or cause to be done by virtue hereof. In testamony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, this 28th day of Janry 1878  S.M. SMITH  Witness John T. DAVIS  E.A. WYATT


The State of Texas County of Cooke} …personally came S.M. SMITH…acknowledged the same to be her voluntary act and deed…

In testamony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal at my office in the town of Marysville, the day and year first above written  W.H. Wyatt notary Public


Pg 67


The State of Texas County of Cooke} I, E.D. Bunch clerk…certify that W.H. Wyatt is a…Notary Public…Witness my official signature and seal of office, at Gainsville Texas. This 28th day of January 1878.  E.D. Bunch County Clerk


The State of Texas County of Cooke} I, W.H. Hays County Judge…certify that E.D. Bunch…is and was…County Clerk…to certify which, I hereunto sign my name and affix seal of said County Court, on this the 28th day of Janry 1878.  W.H. Hays County Judge of Cooke Co Texas


I Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and perfect copy of a Power of Attorney this day presented to me by JH DAVIS, This the 12th day of February 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 68


 J.H. & A.R. DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received, February the 12th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause One Hundred and twenty four dollars and 58 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of S.M. SMITH out of the funds paid in on the first note arising from the sale of the lands of Benjamin M DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  James H DAVIS Attorney in fact for S.M. SMITH


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.H. DAVIS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of February 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 69


Know all men by these presents that we Jennie S. ESTES, Tennessee M. SARGENT, James H. EASTES, John G. EASTES and Joseph N. SARGENT hereby nominate and appoint James M. EASTES, our lawful Attorney for us and in our names to demand and receive from B.F. ATWOOD Executor of Moses EASTES, any and all moneys due us as legatees of our grand-father Moses EASTES deceased, and we hereby authorize our said attorney to execute all receipts, bonds and acquittances that may be necessary for Said purpose in our names and we hereby authorize our said attorney to employ counsel or do any other act for us and in our names that may be necessary to be done in order to enable him to collect said legacy and we hereby ratify and confirm all the acts and doings of our said Attorney in the premises as fully as if we were present and doing the Same ourselves, Given under our hands This 7th day of February 1878.  Virginia S. EASTES  Tennessee M. SARGENT  James H. EASTES  John G. EASTES  J.N. SARGENT


State of Kentucky Jefferson County} Personally appeared…the within named bargainors…and Tennessee M. SARGENT wife of the said Joseph N. SARGENT having appeared before me privately and apart from her husband…

Witness my hand and Seal as clerk of Said Court at office, this 7th day of February 1878  C.L.M. Thurston Clk Jeff Co Co Kentky


State of Kentucky Jefferson County} I, W.B. Hoke Judge…


Pg 70


…certify that C.L.M. Thurston…is and was…clerk…

Given under my hand and seal of office at office, This 8th day of February 1878  W.B. Hoke Judge Jefferson County Court


State of Kentucky Jefferson County} I, C.L.M. Thurston clerk…certify that W.B. Hoke…is and was…Judge…

Given under my hand and seal of office at office, this the 8th day of February 1878.  C.L.M. Thurston Clk Jeff Co Co Kenky


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of B.F. ATWOOD, Executor of Moses EASTES deceased, Two Hundred dollars in full of the amount due us as legatees of Moses EASTES deceased, This February 19th 1878  Virginia S. EASTES, Tennessee M. SARGENT, James H. EASTES, John G. EASTES, J.N. SARGENT by James M EASTES Attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Attorney James M. EASTES…This Feby 19th 1878  S. Allison clerk


A true copy attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 71


Know all men by these presents that I John H CARPENTER of the County of Green in the State of Arkansas have this day made constituted and appointed and Do by these presents make constitute and appoint Henry WILLIAMS of the County of Wilson and in the State of Tennessee my true and Lawful Attorney in fact for me and in my name place & Stead to demand Receive and Receipt for any and all moneys Due me from the Estate of my father Henry CARPENTER Late of Smith County Tennessee And I herby fully Ratify and Confirm all the acts of my Said Attorney Lawfully Done in my name as fully and absolutely present at the Doing of the Same and I further Empower my Said Attorney to Substitute any other person he may Select to perform the Duties and fulfill the Requirements Entrusted to him herby in case he Should be unable to perform the Same in Testimony wherof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal on this 11th day of Janry A.D. 1878  John H CARPENTER


State of Arkansas County of Green} …personally appeared John H. CARPENTER…I hereunto Set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court at office in Gainsville in Said County and State on this day and Date Last above Ritten  D.B. Warren Clk


State of Arkansas County of Green} I Littleberry L Ma—k Judge…certify that…D.B. Warren…is …clerk…Given under my hand this 11th of Jany A.D. 1878  L.L. Ma—k Judge


Pg 72


State of Arkansas County of Green} I DB Warren Clerk…certify that… Littlebry L. Mack is…Judge…My hand & Seal of Said Court this 11th day Jay AD 1878  DB Warren Clk Ct Ct


Recd of SA BAINS Eighty nine Dollars and 22 cents in full of my Interest in my fathers He—y CARPENTS interest in my Grandmothers Am. CARPENTS Estate a Rising from the Sale of Land, Sold, by the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County on the 15th day of September 1877 Given under my hand at office this Feby 27th 1878  John H CARPENTER by his Attrny in fact Henry WILLIAMS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Henry WILLIAMS…This Feby the – 1878  S Allison Clk


Pg 73


James N EATON et als vs James SYKES et als} Received March 1st 1878 of B.f.C. Smith former Clerk of the County Court of Smith County & Commissioner in the above case Fifty three Dollars & 16 cent less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of James N. EATON Decd in the estate of James and Elizabeth EATON Dec arrising from the sale of the real estate of said deceased, sold by decree of this court in the above case and paid to me under the decree of the Chancery Court of Smith County in the case of T.L. WINFREY et als vs John JONES et als  WG CROWLEY Admr


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…WG CROWLEY…

Witness my hand at office this March 1st 1878  S Allison Clk


Receive of Samuel BAINS


Pg 74


Elizabeth J. BAINS’ Estate} Received, March the 4th 1878 of J.M. FISHER Administrator of the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINS deceased, Eighty Seven dollars and 35 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of George BAINS out of the personal Estate in the hands of Said Administrator, after paying the debts filed against said Estate.  George W. BAINS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…George BAINS…Witness my hand at office, this the 4th day of March 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison DC


Elizabeth J. BAINS Estate} Received, March the 4th 1878 of J.M. FISHER Administrator of the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINS deceased, Eighty Seven dollars and 35 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of Nathan BAINS, of the personal estate of said decedant in the hands of Said Administrator, after paying the debts filed against said Estate  N.D. BAINS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Nathan BAINS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 4th day of March 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 75


Elizabeth J. BAINS Estate Received, March the 4th 1878 of J.M. FISHER Administrator of the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINS deceased, Eighty Seven dollars and 35 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of Alfred BAINS, out of the personal Estate of said decedant, in the hands of said Administrator, after paying the debts filed against said Estate  (** enclosed info is marked out: George ? BAINS Attorney in fact for Alfred BAINS) Samuel A. BAINS by attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Samuel A BAINS Attorney in fact for Alfred BAINS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 29th day of April 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A.H HALY others vs MI SCOGGINS others} Received of Samuel BAINS who was the purchesor of the Lands in the above cause Eighty Dollars & 50 cents in full of our Distributive Shear in the above Cause, Said Lands was Sold by an order of this Court and Distributed under an order of Said Court. This March 11th 1878  Mary (her x mark) HALY  A.H. HALEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…A.H. HALY…then came Mary A HALY the wife of AH HALY Sepperate and apart from her Said Husband…Witness at office this March 11th 1878  S. Allison clk


Pg 76


Wm T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. Oliver et als} Bill to Sell Land

Received, March the 13th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause One hundred Dollars less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of amount decreed to me as dower by order of the County Court out of the cash fund received in on the land Sold in this cause under the decree of the County Court in the above cause Elizabeth (her x mark) OLIVER  Attest Wm T. OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Elizabeth OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13th day of March 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 77


Wm T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. Oliver et als} Bill to Sell Land

Received, March the 13th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause One hundred and four dollars and 40 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of amount due Campbell and Mary C. OLIVER out of the cash fund paid in on the land sold in this cause, under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. Elizabeth (her x mark) OLIVER Guardian for Campbell & Mary C. OLIVER  Attest W T. OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Elizabeth OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13th day of March 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 78


Wm T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth Oliver et als} Bill to Sell Land

Received, March the 13th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause, Fifty five dollars and 94 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the amount due Campbell & Mary C. OLIVER out of the cash fund paid in on the land Sold in this cause, under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause Elizabeth (her x mark) OLIVER Guardian for Campbell & Mary C. OLIVER  Attest W. T. OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Elizabeth OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13th day of March 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 79


Wm T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. Oliver et als} Bill to Sell Land

Received, March the 13th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause fifty two dollars and 20 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the amount due me out of the cash fund paid in on the land sold in this cause under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause W. T. OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Wm T. OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13th day of March 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 80


W. H. GILL ets vs James D. GILL ets} Received of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner One Hundred and Seventy one Dollars & 45 cts Less one Dollar & 25 cents for Recording this Recpt in full of my Distributive Shear in the first Land notes of W.H. GILL JB BARBER (?) & Patrick BAILEY and the Cash fund paid in to the Clerk on day of Sale, out of the Sale of the Lands Sold as the property of James GILL Decd by an order of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Distributed by an order of Said Court Made at the March Term 1878 This March 18th 1878  Elizabeth FULLER  Thomas FULLER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Thomas FULLER and Elizabeth FULLER…then came Elizabeth FULLER the wife of Thomas FULLER Sepperately and apart…

Witness at office this March 18th 1878  S. Allison Clk


W H GILL ets vs James D GILL ets} Received of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee One Hundred and Seventy one Dollars & 48 Less one Dollar & 25 cents for Recording this Rept in full of our Distributive Shears in the first Land notes in the above cause to wit WH GILL J.B BARBER (?) & Patrick BAILEY and the ballance of the Cash fund after paying Courts and Attorneys fees on day of Sale out of the Lands Sold as the Lands of James GILL Decd by an order of this Court on 9th day of December 1876 and Distributed by an order of Said Court Made at the March Term 1878 Mary A MORRIS  TH MORRIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…T.A. MORRIS and Mary A. MORRIS…


Pg 81


…then came Mary A. MORRIS the wife of T. A. MORRIS Sepperate and apart…

Witness at office this March 18th 1878


W. H. GILL ets vs James D. GILL ets} Received of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner One Hundred and Seventy one Dollars & 48 Less one Dollar & 25 cents for Recording this Recpt in full of our Distributive Shear in the First Land notes of W.H. GILL JB BARBER & Patrick BAILY and the Remainder of the Cash fund that was left after paying Court and Attorneys fees of the Sale of the Lands Sold as the property of James GILL Dect by an order of this Court on the 9th day of December 1876 and Distributed under an order Made by Said Court at the March Term 1878 This March 18th 1878  WH GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Wm H GILL…

This March the 18th 1878  S Allison Clk


Pg 82


W. H. GILL als vs James D. GILL ets} Received of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee one Hundred and Seventy one Dollars & 43 cts Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Rept in full of our Distributive Shear in the first Land notes and the Remainder of the Cash fund Sold as the property of James GILL Decst by the Clerk on the 9th day of December 1876 by an order of this Court and Distributed under an order of Said Court Made at the March Term 1878 This March 18th 1878  Jina (her x mark) McCLANAHAN  Jas.W. McCLANAHAN  J.M. TUGGLE attest


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…the foregoing Receptor…

Witness at office This March 18th 78  S. Allison Clk


W. H. GILL ets vs James D GILL ets} Received of S Allison one Hundred & Seventy one Dollars & 43 cts in full, Less one Dollar & 25 cts for Recording this Rept Clerk & Commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee our Distributive Shears fund a Rising out of the Sale of the first Lands of WH GILL J.B. BARBER & Patrick BAILY and the Remainder of the Cash fund paid in to the Clerk on day of Sale Said Lands was Sold as the property of James GILL Dect an order of this Court on the 9th day Decr 1876 and Distributed under an order Made at the March Term 1878.  JM TUGGLE Guardian of James D. GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…the within Bargainor…


Pg 83


…This March 18th 1878  S. Allison Clk


W. H GILL als vs James D GILL ets} Received of S. Allison Clerk & Commissioner one Hundred and Seventy one Dollars & 43 Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Recpt in full of our Distributive Shear of the first Lands Notes of the Lands Sold by the Clerk on the 9th day of Decr 1876 to wit one on WH GILL & one on J.B BARBER & one on Patrick BAILY and the Ballance of the Cash fund paid in on day of Sale Said Land was Sold as the property of James GILL Decst and Distributed under an order of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee This March 18th 1878  TL JOHNSON Guardian for Margaret GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…TL JOHNSON Guardian…

March 18 1878  S. Allison Clk


W. H GILL als vs James D GILL } Recd of S Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee one Hundred and fourteen Dollars and eighty seven cents Less one Dollar & 25 cts it being two thirds of one Shear in the estate of James Gill Dect wich arises from the Estate of John T GILL Decd and I Receive it as Guardian for GW & L.J. GILL, who are heirs of the Said JT GILL Decd out of the Sale of the Lands Notes given by WH GILL and JB BARBER & Patrick BAILY and the Cash fund paid to the Clerk on day of Sale. This March 18th 1878  W.R. SHAVER Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…W.R SHAVER…

This March 18 1878  S. Allison Clk


Pg 84


W. H. GILL als vs James D. GILL ets} Recd of S. Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee fifty Six Dollars & 81 cents Less one Dollar and Twenty five cents for Recording This Rept Said amount is Due J.A. GILL my ward it being one third of one Shear and an heir of John T GILL Decd and Said fund Rising out of the Sale of Lands Sold by The Clerk belong to Estate of James GILL Dect on the 9th of Decr 1876 and Distributed under an order Made at the March Term 1978. This March the 18th 1878  John T. SHAVER Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…John T SHAVER…

This March 18th 1878  S. Allison Clk


A.C. PURKINS others vs Mary ETHRIDGE & others} Received of S. Allison Clerk & Commissioner Thirty Seven Dollars and 14 cents Less one Dollar & 25 cents for Recording This Receipt it being in full of Mary ETHRIDGEs interest in the Lands Sold by an order of This Court and Distributed under Said order Witness My hand and Seal This December 6th 1878  Rebecca D. PIPER  Attorney

Sold as the property of Clairben Dect


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Rebeca PIPER…

Witness at office this Decr the 6th 1878  S Allison Clk


Pg 85


The State of Texas Palo Pinto County} Know all men by these presents that I James M. KYLE (KYTE) of the County of Palo Pinto and State of Texas, do hereby make, constitute and appoint James H. DAVIS of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, my lawful attorney in fact who is hereby fully empowered and authorized to act in my room and Stead, to do and perform whatever is necessary in order to collect all moneys due me as my distributive Share in the Estate of Benjamin M. DAVIS, late of  the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, granting unto the Said James H. DAVIS, full power of Substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the Said Attorney, or his Substitute Shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue therein --------- the Same ---- ---- done by me being he------ and personally present. In testamony ------ I have hereunto set my name, hand and ------ This 13th day of Febry 187-   J.M. ------


The State of Texas County of Palo Pinto}…personally appeared J.M. KYLE… In testimony whereof I have hereunto signed my name and affixed the impress of my official Seal at office, in Palo Pinto, This the 13th day of Febry A.D. 1878.  Wm Mit--- clerk


The State of Texas County of Palo Pinto} I, R.J. Browning Judge…certify that Wm Mitcalf…


Pg 86


…is now and was…clerk… In testimony whereof I have hereunto signed my name and affixed the Seal of Said Court at office in Palo Pinto, This the 14th day of February A.D. 1878.  R.J. Browning Judge of the County Court of Palo Pinto County, Texas


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


J---- A.R. Davis et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Bill to Sell Land

Received, March the 18th 187- of Samuel Allison clerk of the County of ---------  State of Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty two dollars and 29 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive -------- of James M. KYLE, out of the fund paid in on the first land note in this cause, said fund arising from the Sale of the lands of B.M. DAVIS deceased sold and distributed ------ the decree of the Smith County Court ---- the above cause  James H. DAVIS atty in fact for J.M. KYLE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H. DAVIS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 18th day of March 1878 Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 87


John REEVES vs John STALLINGS} Bill to Sell Land

Carthage April 9th 1878 Received of S Allison clk My Distributive Shear in the first Land note in the Cace of John REEVES as Administrator vs John STALLINGS one hundred and Twenty five Dollars Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Recpt, the above amount in my own Rite by purchase of the Interest of Gideon BOUTTENs (BOULTENs) interest and the other half in my wifes interest to wit Francis OLIVER  Andy OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Andy OLIVER…

This April the 9th 1878 S. Allison clk


W. H. GILL others vs James D. GILL others} Recd of S. Allison Clerk Nine Dollars in full of my ward John A GILLs Distributive Shear in the first Land note on JT WHITE in the above cause This April 15th 1878  J.T. SHAVER Guardian


W H GILL & others vs James D GILL others} Recd of S. Allison Clk of Said County Court Nine Dollars Less one Dollar for Recording This Rept in full of my duties as Guardian for


Pg 88


W.N. SUITE & others, Exparte

Received, April the 22nd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, Fifteen dollars and 58 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Sarah OWEN’s heirs, of the fund received by said Allison clerk from the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINES deceased.  W.N. SUITE attorney in fact, Sarah OWEN’s heirs


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.N. SUITE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 22nd day of April 1878 Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


W.N. SUITE & others Exparte} Received, April the 22nd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, Fifteen dollars and 58 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Elizabeth OWENs heirs, of the fund received by Said Allison clerk from the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINES deceased.  W.N. SUITE attorney in fact for Elizabeth OWENs heirs


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.N. SUITE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 22nd day of April 1878 Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 89


W.N. SUITE & others Exparte) Received, April the 22nd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, Fifteen dollars and 58 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Mary A. MERCER of the fund received by said Allison clerk from the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINS deceased.  W.N. SUITE attorney in fact for Mary A. MERCER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.N. SUITE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 22nd day of April 1878 Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


W.N. SUITE & others Exparte) Received, April the 22nd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, Fifteen dollars and 58 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Rebecca F. MARLOW of the fund received by said Allison clerk from the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINES deceased.  W.N. SUITE Attorney in fact for Rebecca F. MARLOW


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.N. SUITE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 22nd day of April 1878 Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 90


W.N. SUITE & others Exparte} Received, April the 22nd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, Fifteen dollars and 58 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Margaret P. TUDOR, of the fund received by said Allison clerk from the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINES deceased.  W.N. SUITE Atty in fact for Margaret P. TUDOR


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.N. SUITE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 22nd day of April 1878. Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Wm F. LUCKEY others vs S.G. LUCKEY} Recd of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner in the case of Sale of Land, forty one Dollars and Twenty nine Dollars Less two Dollars for recording This Receipt and also Recording Bond of Guardian in full of J.W. & Flora BRIDGES minor Children of Amanda BRIDGES who was A Daughter and Heir of John & Rebecca LUCKEY Said Sum is Their Distributive Shear of Said Lands Sold under an order of Said County Court and Distributed under Said order This May The 1st 1878  W.B. BRIDGES Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…W.B. BRIDGES…

this May 1st 1878 S Allison Clerk


Pg 91


 Be it remembered that at a monthly session of the county Court at the Court house in the town of Smithsville Decalb County Tennessee on the First Monday in November 1874 it being the 2nd day of Said Month and also the 99th year of the American Independence of the United States present JT Hollis Judge presiding Court was Duly opened by prouklamation and Among other things transacted upon Motion, W.B. BRIDGES Give Bond and was Qualified as Required by Law as guardian of J.W. & Flora Jane BRIDGES with the Sum of $100 with W.W. & B EST—S his Sureties which Bond was Examined and Approved in open court & order to be Recorded Nov 2nd 1874  WD Cas--- D Clerk of Decalb County Court


We acknowledged Indebted to BJ Vaden Chairman of Smith County Court and his Successor in office in the Sum of one hundred to be void if HL DOUGLASS who has this day Received from DP & John HALE Executors of Richard HODGES Dec the Sum of Thirty three Dollars his Shear of the personal Estate of Richard F HODGES Heirs who are believed to be Dead now if Said Heirs Ever appear and Demand of Said Executors Said Share we will pay over and Refund Said amount against Said Executors which may herafter be Sued for and Recovered or otherwise Duly made to appear This September 17 1874  HL DOUGLASS Thos P LIGON  JW LIGON  TI (TJ) LIGON


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…above named bondsmen…

This The 17th of September 1878  S Allison clk


Pg 92


Know all men by these presents that I Allen C. DENHAM of the County of Monroe and State of Kentucky do hereby appoint, constitute and make John H. DENHAM of Macon County, Tennessee, my true and lawful agent and attorney in fact, for me and in my name, place and Stead to ask, demand, Sue for, recover, collect and receive all Such Sums of money, debts, dues, legacies, bequeaths, interests, dividens, and demands, whatever now or shall hereafter become due, owing, payable or belonging to me, and have and use and take all lawfull ways and means, in my name otherwise for the recovery of any and all monies, legacies, demands, or bequests coming or belonging to me from my Mothers Estate, to wit, the Estate of Martha DENHAM deceased, late of Jackson County, Tennessee, and for that purpose to sign in my name and as my act and deed, Such deeds execute, Seal deliver and acknowledge Such deeds covenants and indentures as may be necessary in obtaining for me my part, Share or portion of Said Estate and to receive and receipt for any and all moneys therefor that may be due and owing or to become due and owing to me therefrom and to sell any interest in such Estate belonging to me and execute good and Sufficient deeds therefore. Hereby ratifying and confirming whatsoever my Said agent and Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done in the premises.

Witness my hand and Seal, This 13th day of April 1878  Allen C. DENHAM


State of Kentucky County of Monroe}I, J.H. Vandiver clerk…certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney form Allen C. DENHAM to John H. DENHAM was…acknowledged before me by the Said Allen C. DENAHM…

Given under my hand and Seal at office, this the 13th day of April 1878. Jno H. Vandivoer clerk Monroe County Court


A true copy Attest  AA Allison D.C.


Pg 93


WH GILL others vs James D GILL others} Received of S Allison, Clerk, Eighteen Dollars and 75 cents Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording this Rept it being in full of my wards Interest in the first Land note on Gege T WHITE Given to Said Clerk for the intet of Said heirs to witt G.W. GILL & L.J. GILL minor heirs of J.T. GILL Decst     W.R. SHAVER Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared… W.R. SHAVER as guardian…

This May 6th 1878  S Allison Clk


Pg 94


A.H. HALEY & others vs M.J. SCOGGINS & others} Received, May the 6th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, by Samuel BAINES who was the purchaser of the lands sold in this cause, Ninety Eight Dollars & 50 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive Share of E.J. HALEY, arising from the Sale of the lands of Ann CARPENTER deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  E.F. (E.J.) HALEY  T.J. HALEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.S. HALEY and his wife E.J. HALEY…then came E.J. HALEY wife of the said J.S. HALEY, privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, this the 5th day of May 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk  By A.A. Allison clerk


Pg 95


W.F. LUCKEY et als vs S.C. LUCKEY et als} Received, May the 7th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty Dollars and 72 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of W.F. LUCKEY, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the land sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  W.H. LUCKEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.H. LUCKEY…

Witness my hand at office, this the 7th day of May 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk  By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 96


J.F. LUCKEY & others vs S.C. LUCKEY & others} Received, May the 9th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause Twenty Dollars and 72 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of S.C. LUCKEY of the funds arising from the sale of the Lands Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  Willie KING atty


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Willie KING…

Witness my hand at office, this the 9th day of May 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk  By A.A. Allison D.C.


J.F. LUCKEY & others vs S.C. LUCKEY & others} Received May the 9th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause Twenty dollars and 72 cts Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive Shares of Mary & A. KING of the fund arising from the sale of the land sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  Willie KING atty


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Willie KING…

Witness my hand at office, this the 9th day of May 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk  By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 97


J.F. LUCKEY & others vs S.C. LUCKEY & others} Received, May the 9th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause Twenty Dollars and 72 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of S.C. LUCKEY of the funds arising from the sale of the Lands Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  Willie KING atty


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Willie KING…

Witness my hand at office, this the 9th day of May 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk  By A.A. Allison D.C


Pg 98


State of Tennessee Smith County} Know all men by these presents, that we E.G. MERCER and wife Mary Ann MERCER of the County of Muhlenberg and State of Kentucky have made and constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint W.N. SUITE of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, our true and lawful attorney for us, and in our own names, place and stead to sell and convey by deed in fee simple all our interest in the Estate of John SUITE deceased whether real or personal of Said County of Smith and State of Tennessee, or to receive and receipt for any moneys that may be derived from the Sale of Said Estate, giving and granting to our said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever required and necessary to be done in and about the premises as we might or would do if personally present, with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that our Said attorney or his substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this 1st of Nov 1873  E.G. MERCER  Mary A. MERCER

Signed & sealed after being --------- as above


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…E.G. MERCER and wife Mary A. MERCER…and also personally appeared Mary A. MERCER…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office Nov 1st 1873  B.f.C. Smith clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 99


I, A.J. JERNIGAN, Administrator of N.T. PASCHAL deceased, hereby authorize and empower N.C. CARNAHAN to collect any and all money or effects due or coming to the Estate of N.T. PASCHAL deceased, in the hands of the clerk of the Smith County Court, in the State of Tennessee or in the hands of any one else in Said County and State and I authorize and empower him to receipt for the Same, and I fully authorize him the said CARNAHAN to do any and all acts in and about the premises necessary to carry out this intent of this instrument.

Given under my hand this the 6th May 1878 A.J. JERNIGAN Admr of N.T. PASCHAL dec’d


State of Tennessee Carmon County} Personally appeared…A.J. JERNIGAN Admr of N.T. PASCHAL deceased… Witness my hand at office, this 6th day of May 1878.  D.B. VANCE clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 100


M.F.M. PASCHAL et als Vs C.D. SHAW et als} Received, May the 20th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause, Sixty- eight dollars and 37 cents in full of balance due the Estate of N.T. PASCHAL deceased, arising from the Sale of the lands of Anderson PASCHAL deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  N.C. CARNAHAN Atty in fact for A.J. JIRNIGON admn of N.T. PASCHAL dec’d


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…N.C. CARNAHAN…

Witness my hand at office, this the 20th day of May 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 101


J.F. LUCKEY & others vs S.C. LUCKEY & others} Received, May the 24th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause, Twenty Dollars and 72 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the balance of the distributive Share of John F. LUCKEY, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  John F. LUCKEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared… John F. LUCKEY…

Witness my hand at office, this the 24th day of May 1878  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 102


John F. LUCKEY & others vs S.C. LUCKEY & others} Received, May the 24th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty Dollars and 72 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the balance of the distributive share of James M. LUCKEY, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands in this cause Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  J. F. LUCKEY atty for J.M. LUCKEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared… J. F. LUCKEY atty in fact for James M. LUCKEY…

Witness my hand at office, this the 24th day of May 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 103


State of Texas County of Palo Pinto} Know all men by these presents that I J.M. KYLE of the County of Palo Pinto and State of Texas, do hereby and by these presents for value received on this 13th day of Febry, Eighteen hundred and Seventy-eight, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto John S. DAVIS of the County of Denton and State of Texas all the right, title and interest I may or can have in the Estate of Benjamin M. DAVIS, late of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee. In testamony whereof I hereunto set my hand and Seal, this 13th day of Febry 1878  J.M. KYLE  In presence of


The State of Texas County of Palo Pinto} …personally appeared J.M. KYLE…he had Signed…In testamony whereof I have hereunto signed my name, and affixed the impress of my official Seal at office in Palo Pinto, this the 13th day of Febry A.D. 1878  Wm Metcalf clerk


The State of Texas County of Palo Pinto} I, R.J. Browning, Judge…certify that Wm Metcalf,…is now and was at the time of signing the Same the clerk of the County Court…In testamony whereof I have hereunto signed my name, and affixed the Seal of said Court at office in Palo Pinto, This the 14th day of February A.D. 1878  R.J. Browning, Judge of the County Court of Palo Pinto County Texas


Pg 104


State of California Sutter County} Know all men by these presents that I, Alfred L. BAINS do hereby nominate and appoint Samuel A. BAINS of Carthage, Smith County, Tennessee my Attorney in fact, to demand and receive for me and in my name from J.M. FISHER Admr &C of my mother’s Estate (E.J. BAINS) of Smith County, Tennessee or Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court of Said County and State, or any other person having any effects due me from any Source, whether it be my distributive Share from my mother’s Estate or arising from some other Source, and for this purpose to execute all necessary receipts, bonds and acquittances for me and in my name. I do further empower my said Attorney to Sue for and recover the Same, or any part thereof and compromise any suits, or debts due me as aforesaid, and for that purpose to employ such counsel or other aid as he may need, and to do all other things necessary to accomplish the objects of this power, at my expense and charge, and I do hereby ratify and confirm all the lawful acts and doings of my said Attorney in the premises as fully as if I were present and doing the same myself.

In testamony whereof, I hereto set my hand and Seal, this eight day of April A.D. 1878  Alfred L. BAINS

The name Geo W. BAINS in the 6th line from the top of the first page hereof erased and the name Samuel A. BAINS inserted before signing, in our presence W.H. LEE, W.H. PHILLIPS & L. DOUGLAS


State of California Sutter County} Personally appeared…Alfred L. BAINS…

Witness my hand and seal of office, this the Eight day of April 1878  W.H. LEE Notary Public Sutter County California


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 105


State of Tennessee} Be it remembered that at a County Court begun and held for the County of Cannon at the Court House, in the Town of Woodberry, On the 1st Monday and 2nd day of July A.D. 1877 and 101st year of our Independence Present the Hon. C.B. Odom Judge &c J.D. McKnight, Josephus Finley, A.G. Brandon, J.Y. Nichols, M.C. Neeley J.A. Gooding, A.H. T. Haley, J.M. McMahon, T.B. Bresard, T.M. Keele, J.H. Freeman, J.B. Hankins, W.B. Stone, R.S. Spedell, J.T. Bell, E.m. Patterson, Wm Grizzle, Josiah Hollandsworth J.S. McKnight, A.J. Jernigan, J.R. Nnox, J.L. Cawthon, and S.A. Swope Esqr, when the following proceedings were had viz,


A.J. JERNIGAN Admr of N.T. PASCHAL deceased} On motion it is ordered by the Court that A.J. JERNIGAN be and he is hereby appointed Admr of the Estate of N.T. PASCHAL decd, who together with his securities, T.E. PRATER and N.C. CARNAHAN entered into bond, in the penalty of twelve hundred dollars, conditional and payable as the law directs which bond was acknowledged by the obligors, approved and ordered to be made of record, whereupon said Admnr was duly qualified and Letters of Administration issued per order of the Court.


State of Tennessee Cannon County} We, A.J. JERNIGAN, T.E. PRATER and N.C. CARNAHAN, are bound to the State of Tennessee in the penalty of twelve hundred dollars. Witness our hands and Seals, this 2nd day of July A.D. 1877. The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the above bound A.J. JERNIGAN has been appointed Admr of the Estate of N.T. PASCHAL deceased, Now, if the said A.J. JERNIGAN shall well and truly as such Admr perform all the duties which are or may be required by law, this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue.  A.J. JERNIGAN  T.E. PRATER  N.C. CARNAHAN


Pg 106


State of Tennessee Cannon County}To A.J. JERNIGAN, a citizen of Cannon County, whereas it appears to the Court now in session that N.T. PASCHAL has died, leaving no will, and the Court being Satisfied as to your claim to the Administration, and you having given bond and qualified as directed by law, and the Court having ordered that Letters of Administration be issued to you,

 These are, therefore, to authorize and empower you the Said A.J. JERNIGAN to take unto your possession and control all the goods, chattels, claims and papers of the Said intestate and return a true and perfect inventory thereof to our next County Court, or within ninety days from the date hereof, to collect and pay all debts and to do and transact all duties in relation to said Estate which lawfully devolve on you as Administrator and after having Settled up said Estate, to deliver the residue thereof to those who have a right thereto by law herein fail not, Witness D.B. Vance clerk of said Court at office, this 2nd day of July 1877 and 101st year of American Independence  D.B. Vance clerk


State of Tennessee Cannon County}I, D.B. Vance clerk…certify that the foregoing is a true copy…A.J. JERNIGAN is the legal Admr of N.T. PASCHAL dec’d…Given under my hand and official Seal at office in Woodbury, This Janry 21st 1878  D.B. Vance clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 107


Know all men by these presents that I, Robert F. HAILEY of the State of Texas, Falls County, hereby nominate and appoint and by these presents, do constitute A.A. ALLISON of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, my true and lawful Attorney in fact for me and in my name from the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County or any other person having possession of the Same or liable therefore, any and all moneys due me from the Estate of my Grand-father, Josiah BAIRD deceased, late of said County of Smith and State of Tennessee, and all necessary Receipts, Bonds and Acquittances for me and in my name to execute for and about the same. I do further authorize and empower my Said Attorney to Sue for and receive the Same or any part thereof, and for that purpose to employ Such counsel or other aid as he may need at my cost and expense; and to do all other things lawful and necessary to accomplish the objects of this power; and I do hereby ratify and confirm all the lawful acts and doings of my Said Attorney, in the premises, as fully as if I were present and doing the same myself. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal on this the 16th day of March A.D. 1878. R.F. HAILY  Attest  A.W. FOSTER  Don M. JACKSON


State of Texas Falls County} …R.F. HAILY, personally known to me, personally appeared before me…A.W. FOSTER and D.M. JACKSON also personally appeared…they are acquainted with the foregoing grantor, Robt F. HAILY…

Witness my hand and official Seal, this 16th day of March A.D. 1878.  Jesse Scruggs Clk D.C.F.C.


Pg 108


State of Texas Falls County} I, E.C. Stuart, presiding Judge…certify that the signature…is and was…clerk…. Witness my hand and Seal at office, this 16th day of March 1878  E.C. Stuart County Judge, Falls County Texas


State of Texas Falls County} I, M.H. Curry, clerk…certify that E.C. Stuart…is and was…Judge…. Witness my hand and official Seal at office in Martin, this March 16th 1878  M.H. Curry C.C.C.F.C.


A true copy Attest  Samuel Allison clerk


G & SH CARDWELL ets vs Elizabeth B HUFFINES ets} Received of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner in Said Cause, Seventy four Dollars, by an order of this Court made this day Less One Dollar & 25 cents for Recording of this Recpt The above amount is a part of the Land funds in said Cause This June the 11th 1878 to be amounted for an final Settlement   WC CARDWELL


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…WC CARDWELL…

This June The 11th 1878  S. Allison Clk


Pg 109


Josiah BAIRD Senr Estate} Received July the 8th 1878 of Jesse H. BAIRD Administrator Debonis Non of the Estate of Josiah BAIRD senr deceased, Sixtyeight dollars and 81 cents in full of the distributive share of Robert F. HAILEY grandson of the said Josiah BAIRD senr deceased, arising from the Sale of the personal property of said decedant, and less $1.25 fee for recording this recipt.  A.A. ALLISON Atty in fact for Robt F. HAILEY  Attest ----- McMillire  W.D. GOLD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…A.A. ALLISON…

Witness my hand at office this the 8th day of July 1878  S. Allison Clk


Marlin Texas June 17th 1878 A.A. Allison Esq Dear Sir Yours of the Bet Received your can send the money by check or registered letter either Sent as soon as you can and ----- &c W.A. HAILEY  P.S. Write particulars about the others. W.A.H.


Pg 110


John D.ENOCH et als Exparte} Received July the 12th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above case, One hundred and fifty seven dollars, the amount paid in on the first land note in this cause, which amount was ordered by the County Court to be paid over to me by said clerk at the July term thereof 1878  G.W. BRITTLE Admr of John ENOCK


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…B.W. BRITTLE…

Witness my hand at office this the 12th day of July 1878  Samuel Allison Clk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 111


L.D. GRISHAM’s Estate} Received July the 16th 1878 of B.F.C. Smith former clerk and commissioner of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, Seven dollars and 7 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Allen C. DENHAM who was a son of Martha DENHAM deceased and who was a daughter and heir of said L.D. GRISHAM deceased  J.H. DENHAM Atty in fact for Allen C. DENHAM


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.H. DENHAM…

Witness my hand at office, this the 16th day of July 1878  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 112


The State of Alabama Lauderdale County} Know all men by these presents, that we John T. LEHMAN and Lucy P. LEHMAN his wife of the town of Florence, county of Lauderdale and State of Alabama have this day, and by these presents do hereby appoint, make and constitute James B JEFFREYS of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee our attorney in fact, to manage, control and settle by suit or compromise, all interest that we have or may have in and to the Estate of Keran H. HAYNES deceased late of said County of Smith in the State of Tennessee and said James B. JEFFREYS is hereby as fully authorized to do and perform all such actions as are necessary or proper for the collection and settlement of said claims, as if we were present in person to do the same, and we do hereby ratify and approve all his acts in the premises.  Given under our hands and seals at Florence Ala. This the 7th day of May 1878  John T. LEHMAN  Lucy P. LEHMAN


The State of Alabama Lauderdale County} Personally appeared…John T. LEHMAN… And Lucy P. LEHMAN wife of the said John T. LEHMAN,…privately and apart from her said husband…Given under my hand and seal notorial this the 7th day of May A.D. 1878  William B. Taylor Notary Public


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison


Pg 113


Isham BEASLY et als vs A.H. SMITH et als} Received July the 22nd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Eighteen dollars and seventy cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands of Sallie BEASLY dec’d sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  Calvin BEASLY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Calvin BEASLEY…

Witness my hand at office, This the 22nd day of July 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 114


Know all men by these presents that we John WORD and wife Penelope P. WORD of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, do by these presents nominate, constitute and appoint William BRIDGES of like residence our true and lawful attorney in fact to collect and receipt for our pro rata of the funds derived from the sale of the real Estate of John STEVENS deceased sold by the clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, in the case of W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs James M CONDITT et als which pro rata is to be made out of the part of the proceeds of said real estate which is due the 12 day of October 1878 and only said part and we hereby authorize and empower our said attorney to execute all receipts and acquittances for us and in our name in as full and ample a manner as if we were present and doing the same ourselves This 27th day of July 1878  John B. WARD  Penelope P. WARD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John B. WORD and his wife Penelope P. WARD…then came Penelope P. WARD…privately and apart from her said husband…

Witness my hand at office, this the 27th day of July 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 115


W.S. CHAMBERS & wife vs B.F. CALHOUN et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Two hundred and eighty five dollars, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to Hardy CALHOUN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 7th of August 1878  Ellen L. CHAMBERS  W.S. CHAMBERS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Ellen CHAMBERS…Sepperate and apart from her Said husband this August 7th 1878  S. Allison clk


Pg 116


Isham BEASLEY et als vs A.H. SMITH et als} Received, August the 13th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Eighteen dollars and Seventy cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to Sallie BEASLEY deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause.  Noel (his x mark) REED  Amanda (her x mark) REED  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Noel REED and his wife Amanda REED…then came Amanda REED…privately and apart from her said husband…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13th day of August 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 117


Isham BEASLEY et als vs A.H. SMITH et als} Received, August 13th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Eighteen dollars and Seventy cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to Sallie BEASLEY deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  John GREGORY  J.N. (her x mark) GREGORY


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…John GREGORY & JN GREGORY…

This August 13 1878  S Allison clk


Pg 118


M. LANCASTER et als vs J.C. COWAN et als} Received, August the 13th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the Sum of thirty dollars, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to Ira B. COWAN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. Pleasant COWEN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Pleasant COWAN…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13th day of August 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Recd of Samuel Allison clk & commissioner of the Estate of BM DAVIS Decst one hundred and Two Dollars & 55 cts Less $1.25 for recording this receipt it being amount from Second payment on land Sold by order of Smith County Court. This 12th day of Sept 1878  James H DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…James H DAVIS…

This Septr 12th 1878  S Allison clk


Pg 119


Recd of Samuel Allison clk & commissioner for the heirs of BM DAVIS Decst one hundred and two Dollars & 55 cents Less $1.25 for recording this receipt it being the amount coming to me as Attorney for Jehu S DAVIS from Second payment on land Sold by order of Smith County Court This 12th Sept 1878  James H DAVIS atto for J.S. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…James H DAVIS…

This Septr 12 1878  S Allison clk


Recd of Samuel Allison clk & commissioner for the Estate of BM DAVIS Decst one hundred and Two Dollars & 55 cts Less $1.25 for recording this receipt it being the amount coming to me as Attorney for Susan M SMITH from Second paymt on land Sold by order of Smith County Court This 12th Sept 1878  James H DAVIS Att for SM SMITH


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…James H DAVIS…

This Septr 12 1878  S Allison clk


$51.27 ½  Recd of Samuel Allison clk & commissioner for the Est of BM DAVIS Decst fifty one Dollars & 27 ½  cents Less $1.25 for recording this receipt it being the amount coming to me as Attorney for Jas M HIGH from Second payment on land Sold by order of Smith County Court This 12th Sept 1878  James H DAVIS Att for JM KILE


Pg 120


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…James H DAVIS…

This Septr 12 1878  S Allison clk


$51.27 ½  Red of Samuel Allison clk & commissioner for the Estate of BM DAVIS Decst fifty one Dollars & 27 ½  cents Less $1.25 for recording this receipt it being the amount comming to me from Second payment on land Sold by order of Smith County Court as Attorney for Robt J HIGH This 12th Day of Sept 1878  James H DAVIS Atto for Robert J KILE


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…James H DAVIS…

Septr 12 1878  S Allison clk


$102.55 Rd of Samuel Allison clk & commissioner one hundred and Two Dollars and 55 cts Less $1.25 for recording this receipt it being the amount comming to me from Second payment on land Sold by order of Smith County Court This 12th Sept 1878  James H DAVIS atto for W.B. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…James H DAVIS as Attorney for WB DAVIS…This Septr 12th 1878  S Allison clk


Pg 121


$ 102.55 Recd of Samuel Allison clk & commissioner of the Est of BM DAVIS Decst one hundred and Two Dollars and 55 cts Less $1.25 for recording this receipt it being the amount comming to me on second payment on land Sold by order of Smith County Court This 12th Sept 1878  A.R. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…A.R. DAVIS…

This Septr 12th 1878  S Allison clk


$ 51.27 ½  Recd of Samuel Allison clk & commissioner for the Estate of BM DAVIS Decst fifty one Dollars and 27 cts Less $1.25 for recording this receipt it being the amount comming to me as Atto for Susan A. JOHNSON, Mary F. JOHNSON and Linney J JAMES from Second payment on land sold by order of Smith County Court This 12th Sept 1878  A.R. DAVIS Atto for Susan A JOHNSON & Mary F JOHNSON Linny J JOHNSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…A.R. DAVIS…

This Septr 12th 1878  S Allison clk


Received of S. Allison Clerk & Commissioner one hundred and two Dollar & 55 cts Less one Dollar and 25 cents for Recording This Recpt it being part of the Last Land note, of the Estate of Benjamin DAVIS Estate Said Land was Sold by an order of the Smith County Court and Distributed under Said order This September 12th 1878  Fannie APPLE  L.B. APPLE


Pg 122


William S. CHAMBERS et als vs Benjamin F. CALHOUN et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County and commissioner in the above cause, Two Hundred and Thirty one Dollars and Sixty three cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Benjamin F. CALHOUN, out of the funds paid in on the first notes, arising from the Sale of the lands of Hardie CALHOUN Deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. September the 17th 1878.  B.F. CALHOUN by A.E. GARRETT, Attorney for B.F. CALHOUN


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…A.E. GARRETT…

This Septr 17th 1878  S Allison Clk


Mr. A.E. GARRETT Attorney at law Carthage Tennessee you are hereby authorized to draw from the County Court Clerk of Smith County, all of our Shares as Heirs & distributes of the Estate of Hardie CALHOUN Deceased, & Receipt for the same in our names, & to do all other acts and things necessary to the winding up and Settling our Shares in Said Estate & we further authorize you as our Said Attorney to pay out Said funds or Send the Same to us according to the orders you have heretofore received if not changed or revoked by us before the Same is done, & we here…  **(on a paper added to page – paper folded up at bottom to fit)


Pg 123


William S. CHAMBERS et als vs Benjamin F. CALHOUN et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County and commissioner in the above cause, Two Hundred and eighty three  dollars and 63 cents, Less $1.25 for recording this receipt in part full of the distributive share of Althea V.  CALHOUN, out of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the Sale of the lands of Hardie CALHOUN Deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, September the 17th 1878.  Aleatha V. CALHOUN by A.E. GARRETT her Attorney for her


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…A.E. GARRETT…

Witness my hand at office, this the 5th day  of October 1878  S Allison Clerk


Pg 124


A.H. HALEY et als vs M.J. SCOGGINS et als} O. Bill to Sell Land

Received, September the 18th 2878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County and commissioner in the above cause, by the hands of Samuel BAINES the purchaser of the lands in this cause, Ninety eight Dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive of S. ROWLAND out of the funds arising from the sale of the Lands of Ann CARPENTER deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. Surrina ROWLAND  Martin ROWLAND


State of Tennessee Smith County} …then came S. ROWLAND wife of the said M. ROWLAND…privately and apart…

Witness my hands at office, this the 18th day of September 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 125


William S. CHAMBERS et als vs Benjamin F. CALHOUN et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and thirty four dollars and Sixty cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of Robert K. and Hardie B. HAYNIE minor children of Mary A. HAYNIE who was a daughter of Hardie CALHOUN deceased,  out of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the sale of the lands of Hardie CALHOUN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, September the 19th 1878.  John A FITE Guardian for Robert K & Hardy B CALHOUN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John A FITE guardian for Robert K & Hardie B Haynie…

Witness my hand at office, this the 19th day of September 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 126


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als } Bill to sell land

Received, October the 3rd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, one hundred and forty --- dollars 59 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of S.G. RICHARDSON, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of John RICHARDSON dec’d sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  SG RICHARDSON By RP BROOKS Atty


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…SG RICHARDSON by RP BROOKS Attorny…this October 3rd 1878  S. Allison Clk


Pg 127


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als } Bill to Sell Land

Received, October the 3rd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause one hundred and forty six dollars 59 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Jane VEACH out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  Jane Veach By RP BROOKS Atty


Pg 128


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als } Bill to Sell Land

Received, October the 3rd 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause One hundred and forty six dollars 59 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Benjamin F. RICHARDSON out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause  FJ RITCHARSON Guardian of Benjamin F. RICHARDSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…FJ RICHARDSON as Guardian for BF RICHARDSON…the within Rept to be her act…this October the 3rd 1878.  S. Allison Clk


Pg 129


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als } Bill to Sell Land

Received, October the 8th 1878 of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause One hundred and forty six dollars and 59 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share  Cyrina CARDWELL out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of John RICHARDSON deceased Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause.  Cyrina CARDWELL Isaac (his x mark) N. CARDWELL


State of Tennessee Smith County} …then came Cyrina CARDWELL wife of the said Isaac M. CARDWELL, privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, this the 8th day of  October 1878.


Pg 130


S.G. RICHARDSON ets vs Thos O. RICHARDSON ets} Received of S Allison clerk & commissioner Eighteen Dollars and 31 cnts Less 125 cnts for Recording this Recpt it being in full of my Distributive Shear in the Last Land note Sold as the property of John RICHARDSON Dec by an order of the Smith County Court and Distributed under Said order October 9th 1878  J.N. FORD  Bell FORD


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…JN FORD and Bell FORD…

This Octr 9th 1878.  S Allison clerk


S.G. RICHARDSON ets vs Thos O. RICHARDSON ets} Received of S. Allison Clerk & Commissioner Eighteen Dollars & 31 cnts Less 125 cnts for Recording this Recpt it being in full of My Interest in the Last Land note Sold as the property of John RICHARDSON by an order of the Smith County Court & Distributed under Said order this October the 9th 1878  Mollie RICHERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Mollie RICHARDSON…

This October 9th 1878.  S Allison clerk


Pg 131


S.G. RICHARDSON ets vs Thos O. RICHARDSON ets } Received of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner fifty four Dollars and 96 cnts Less $125 cts for Recording this Recpt it being one eight part of the Last Land note out of the Sale of the Land Sold of John RICHARDSON Decst under a Decree of the Smith County Court and Distributed under Said order The Said ---- of minors of Caroline RICHARDSON  L.C. RICHERSON  G.B. RICHERSON  Eli RICHERSON By J.N. FORD Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…L.C. RICHARDSON G.B. RICHARDSON Eli RICHARDSON by their Guardian J.N. FORD…

This October 9th 1878  S Allison clerk


Settlement of John H. NEWBILL & Thomas NIXON of all the matters of the estate of John S. ROBERTS deceased, made this April 28th 1874. John H. NEWBILL has paid to said NIXON the entire amount of his land notes executed for the land of the estate of J.S. ROBERTS Sr.  deceased and also the amount due from said NEWBILL to his ward as Guardian of Martha & John S. ROBERTS, and the said NIXON has paid & settled with the said NEWBILL the amount of his note executed to said NEWBILL for the said ROBERTS land & the said NIXON has paid to Martha E. ROBERTS in the Chancery Court the entire amount due her from said NEWBILL as her guardian and also the amount due her from the land fund as shown in the decrees of the County & Chancery Courts, he having received the same of the said NEWBILL.


Pg 132


W.N. SUITE & others Exparte} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee Fifteen dollars and fifty eight cents ($15.58) Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of Haywood and Emma MOORE minor children of Lavinia MOORE deceased who was a daughter of John SUITE deceased, out of the funds arising from a Judgment against the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINS deceased paid over in this cause. This the 11th day of October 1878  WM (W) MOORE Guardian of Haywood & Emma MOORE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…MOORE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 11th day of October 1878.  S. Allison clerk


Pg 133


**(these names could be either LOW, or LAW – according to interpretation of writing)

We L.H. LOW, W.W. LOW & wife Mary H. LOW, William C. LOW and wife M.V. LOW do hereby nominate and appoint Jesse LOW of Smith County Tennessee, my attorney in fact to demand and receive for us from the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, or any other person having in possession or liable for the same a distributive share which has descended to us from one Jesse LOW, now deceased, late of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, and all necessary receipts bonds and acquittances for us and in our names to execute for the same. We do further empower our said Attorney to sue for and receive the same or any part thereof, whether the same be real or personal Estate and for that purpose to make and employ one or more Attorneys under him and to do all other acts ands things necessary to accomplish the object of this power at our expense and charge And we do hereby ratify and confirm all the lawful acting and doing of our said Attorney in the premises as fully as if we were present and doing the same ourselves This October 29th 1877  L.H. LOW  William W. LOW  Wm. C. LOW  Mary H. LOW  Minerva V. LOW  Witness  L.J. LOW  M.G. BARNETT


State of Tennessee Gibson County} Personally appeared…L.H. LOW, William W. LOW and W.C. LOW and Mary H. LOW and Minerva V. LOW…and Mary H. LOW, Minerva V. LOW, wives of said William W. LOW & Wm. C. LOW…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This 21st day of Sept 1878  M.C. Holmes clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 134


Lemuel H. LOW (LAW) vs A.H. LOW (LAW) et als} O. Bill to Sell Land

Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Forty three dollars and 37 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Lemuel H. LOW (LAW) out of the funds arising from the Sale of the Lands of Jesse LOW (LAW) deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 12th day of October 1878  Jessee LOW (LAW) Atty for Lemuel H. LOW (LAW)


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Jessee LOW (LAW) as Attorney for Lemuel LOW (LAW)… This October the 12th 1878  S. Allison clk


Pg 135


Lemuel H. LOW (LAW) vs A.H. LOW (LAW) et als} O. Bill to Sell Land

Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Ten dollars and 84 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Mary H. LOW (LAW) and W.W. LOW (LAW) her husband out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jesse LOW (LAW) deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 12th day of October 1878  Jessee LOW (LAW) Atty in fact for M.H. & W.W. LOW (LAW)


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Jessee LOW (LAW) as Attorney in fact for M.H. & W.W. LOW (LAW)… This October 12th 1878  S. Allison clk


Pg 136


Lemuel H. LOW (LAW) vs A.H. LOW (LAW) et als} O. Bill to Sell Land

Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause Ten Dollars and 84 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of W.C. LOW (LAW) and his wife M.V. LOW (LAW) out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of Jesse LOW (LAW) deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 12th day of October 1878.  Jessee LOW (LAW) Atty in fact for W.C. & M.V. LOW (LAW)


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Jessee LOW (LAW)…

This October 12th 1878  S. Allison clk


Pg 137


J.H. & A.R. DAVIS Admr &c vs John S. DAVIS & others} Bill to Sell Land

Received of Samuel Allison clk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty two dollars and 29 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of Susan A. JOHNSON, Mary F. JOHNSON and Linnie J. JAMES, children of A.N. DAVIS deceased who was a son of B.M. DAVIS deceased out of the funds paid in on the first note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the first note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the said B.M. DAVIS decd Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 12th day of October 1878  A.R. DAVIS Atty in fact for Susan A. & Mary F. JOHNSON and Linnie J. JAMES


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…A.R. DAVIS…

This October the 12th 1878  S. Allison clk


Pg 138


W.N. SUITE and others Exparte} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, Fifteen dollars and fifty eight cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Demsey SUITE, who was a son of John SUITE deceased, out of the funds received on a Judgment against the Estate of Elizabeth J. BAINS deceased said share being sold to the Rome Lodge by the said Demsey SUITE, and being ordered by the Court to be paid over to me This the 15th day of October 1878  J.R. HIBBITT Secy of Martin Lodge No 141.


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.R. HIBBITT…

Witness my hand at office this the 15th day of October 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 139


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause, Twenty three dollars and 81 cents, Less $1.25 fee for record this receipt, in full of the distributive share of R.C. RICHARDSON  grandson of John RICHARDSON deceased, arising from the sale of the lands of said John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 15th day of October 1878  R.C. RICHERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…R.C. RICHARDSON…

This Octr the 15th 1878  S Allison clk


Pg 140


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty three dollars, Less $1.25 for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share if Maggie GILL, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands of James GILL deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 4th day of November 1878  T.L. JOHNSON Guardian of Maggie GILL  T.L. JOHNSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…T.L. JOHNSON…

Witness my hand at office, this the 4th day of November 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 141


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty three dollars less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of James D. GILL out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands of James GILL deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 4th day of November 1878  J.M. TUGGLE Guardian of James D. GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.M. TUGGLE guardian &c…

Witness my hand at office, this the 4th day of November 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 142


W.S. CHAMBERS & wife Ellen vs Benjamin F. CALHOUN et als} I hereby transfer and convey to Ellen L. CHAMBERS, to her sole and separate use free from the claims of her present or future husband, as part payment on her interest in two certain tracts of land lying in Caldwell County and State of Kentucky, which I have this day purchased from her and her said husband, the sum of two hundred and seventy dollars ($270.00) due me from my father’s Estate in the above case, in the Court Court of Smith County, Tennessee, Given under my hand, This the 5th day of November 1878. Alethia V CALHOUN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Alethia V. CALHOUN…

Witness my hand at office, this the 5th day of November 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 143


W.S. CHAMBERS & wife Ellen vs Benjamin F. CALHOUN & others} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt balance in full of the distributive share of Alethia V. CALHOUN, out of the funds paid in on the first notes arising the sale of the lands belonging to Hardy CALHOUN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 5th day of November 1878. Alethia V CALHOUN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Alethia V. CALHOUN…

Witness my hand at office, this the 5th day of November 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 144


Blank Page


Pg 145


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs James M. CONDITT et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause, Two hundred and Nineteen dollars and twenty two cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in --- payment of the distributive share of  BRADFORD, out of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the Sale of the lands of John STEVENS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 14th day of November 1878. Mildred C. BRADFORD  D.M. BRADFORD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…D.M. BRADFORD and wife BRADFORD…

Witness my hand at office, this the 14th day of November 1878.  S Allison clk


Pg 146


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos. O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, twenty three dollars and 81 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive of J.W. RICHARDSON out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 11th day of November 1878  R.C. RICHARDSON Attorney  $150 cents for Recording Power of Attorney


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…R.C. RICHARDSON…

This Nov 11th 1878  S. Allison clk


W.G. BRANSFORD others vs James M. CONDITT others} Receive of S Allison Clerk & Commissioner Two Hundred and Twenty three Dollars and 23 cents Less $1.25 for Recording this Receipt in being the Distributive Shear of the cash fund on hand and also the amount paid in on the First Land notes in Said Cause Sold & Distributed by an order of this This Nov 22th 1878. Wm BRIGGS attorney


Pg 147


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs J.M. CONDITT et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County and Commissioner in the above cause, Two hundred and Nineteen dollars and twenty two cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of  Fannie BRANSFORD, out of the paid in on the first notes, arising from the sale of the lands of John STEVENS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 12th day of November 1878. W.G. BRANSFORD  Fannie BRANSFORD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.G. BRANSFORD and his Fannie BRANSFORD…the came Fannie BRANSFORD wife of the said W.G. BRANSFORD, privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of November 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 148


State of Kansas County of Butler} Know all men by these presents that we Jesse C. JOHNSTON and wife, Susan A. JOHNSTON, Alpheus A. JOHNSTON and wife Mary F. JOHNSTON, David P. JAMES and wife Linnie J. JAMES of the County of Butler and State of Kansas, have constituted, ordained and made, and in our stead and place put and by these presents do constitute ordain and make and in our stead and place put A.R. DAVIS of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, to be our true, sufficient and lawful Attorney, for us and in our name, place and stead and to our use to ask, demand, recoors and receive of and from all and every person or persons whomsoever the same shall or may concern all and singular sums of money and effects which may be due and coming to us and each of us from the Estate of Grandfather, Benjamin M. DAVIS deceased, late of said County of Smith and State of Tennessee arising from the Estate, both real and personal of said B.M. DAVIS deceased, which may be in the hands of the Administrator of said Estate, or in the hands or under the control of the Clerk of any Court of record in any County in said State of Tennessee, hereby giving and granting unto our said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as we the constituents might or could do, if personally present and doing the same ourselves, with full power of substitution and revocation at pleasure, Also to employ one or more Attorneys and bring suit for us and in our name for the recovery of any money or effects, which may be due and coming to us from the said Estate of B.M. DAVIS deceased, and to do and things necessary and proper to be done in and  about the premises and to, for us and in our names, places and steads execute all proper and necessary receipts and acquittances and to do all things necessary by virtue of these presents.

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals on this the 22nd day of July 1878.  J.C. JOHNSTON  Susan A. JOHNSTON  A.A. JOHNSTON  Mary F. JOHNSTON  David P. JAMES  Linnie J. JAMES


Pg 149


State of Kansas County of Butler} Personally appeared…Jesse C. JOHNSTON and wife Susan A. JOHNSTON, Alpheus A. JOHNSTON and wife Mary F. JOHNSTON and David P. JAMES and wife Linnie J. JAMES…And Susan A. JOHNSTON wife of Jesse C. JOHNSTON, Mary F. JOHNSTON wife of Alpheus A. JOHNSTON and Linnie J. JAMES wife of David P. JAMES, each…privately and apart from their said husbands…

Witness S.E. Black Ex officio Clerk of said Probate Court at office in Eldorado Kansas, This August 17th 1878  S.E. Black Judge and Ex officio Probate Clerk


State of Kansas County of Butler}I, Vincent Brown, Clerk…certify that S.E. Black…is and was…Judge of the Probate Court…Ex officio the legal Clerk…

Witness my hand and official seal at office in Eldorado, State of Kansas, County of Butler This August 17th 1878  Vincent Brown County Clerk in and for Butler County State of Kansas


Pg 150


State of Kansas County of Butler} Personally appeared…Susan A. JOHNSTON, Mary F. JOHNSTON and Linnie JAMES, and made an oath in due form that each of them are the daughter of A.N. DAVIS deceased, that said A.N. DAVIS was the son of Benjamin M. DAVIS who died in Smith County, Tennessee, as they are informed and believe that their father A.N. DAVIS died without a will leaving affiants and the following brothers and sisters, children of said A.N. DAVIS deceased, as the only children and heirs at law of said A.N. DAVIS, to wit B.A. DAVIS, Ann E. CORNELL and Samuel G. DAVIS, that all of said children are living, and that the said B.A. DAVIS, Samuel G. DAVIS and Ann E, CORNELL are minor heirs of the said A.N. DAVIS deceased  Susan A. JOHNSTON  Mary F. JOHNSTON  Linnie J. JAMES


State of Kansas County of Butler} Be it remembered that on this 22nd day of July 1878. came Susan A. JOHNSTON, Mary F. JOHNSTON and Linnie J. JAMES of lawful age and being by me duly sworn depose and say that the matters and things set forth in the above and foregoing affidavit are true and correct in each item.    S.E. Black Clerk and Judge of the Probate Court in and for Butler County Kansas


State of Kansas County of Butler} Personally appeared…Jesse C. JOHNSTON and wife Susan A. JOHNSTON, Alpheus A. JOHNSTON and wife Mary F. JOHNSTON and David P. JAMES and wife Linnie J. JAMES…And also Susan A. JOHNSTON wife of Jesse C. JOHNSTON, Mary F. JOHNSTON wife of Alpheus A. JOHNSTON and Linnie J. JAMES wife of David P. JAMES, each…privately and apart from their said husbands…


Pg 151


Witness S.E. Black Clerk of said Court at office in Eldorado Kan, this the 22nd day of July 1878  S.E. Black Probate Judge


State of Kansas County of Butler} I, S.E. Black Judge…certify that Vincent Brown…is and was…clerk

Witness S.E. Black Judge and presiding justice of said Court at office in Eldorado, This the 22nd day of July 1878  S.E. Black Probate Judge


State of Kansas County of Butler} I, Vincent Brown, Clerk…certify that S.E. Black…is and was…Judge

Witness my hand and official seal at office in Eldorado This the 22nd day of July 1878   Vincent Brown County Clerk Butler County Kansas


A true Copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Clerk fee $2.50 paid


Pg 152


Power of Attorney

State of Texas County of Denton} Know all men by these presents that I R.J. KYLE have made, constituted and appointed and by these presents do make constitute and appoint James H. DAVIS my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name place and stead, to ask for, demand, receive and receipt for the part of the Benjamin M. DAVIS Estate, which is due me, which consists in money, the said Benjamin DAVIS deceased when alive, resided in the County of Smith in the State of Tennessee, giving and granting unto my said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as full to all intents and purposes, as I myself might or could do if personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney or his substitute shall lawfully do by virtue hereof. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand, this the 20th day of December 1877   R.J. KYLE


The State of Texas Denton County}…personally came Robert J. KYLE…

In testimony whereof, I hereby sign my name at office in Little Elm, this the 20th day of December A.D. 1877   George L. Bulton J.P. and Ex officio Notary Public


A true Copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Clerk fee $1.25 paid


Pg 153


John D. ENOCKS others vs Expartae} Received of S. Allison clerk by the hands of Harry D HIGHS fifty five Dollars which is in full Consideration of my Interest in the Land notes of the Land Sold By S Allison Clk in the above cause the Smith County Court and Distributed under Said order I sold my interest to The Said HIGHS for Said amount for which he has paid me the Same This Nov 16th 1878   Attest S. Allison Clk   John (his x mark) D. ENOCKS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…John D. ENOCK…

This Nov the 16th 1878   S Allison Clk


Pg 154


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause Seventeen dollars and 72 cents, Less $1.25 for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of James H. DAVIS out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS Deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 25th day of November 1878.  James H. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H. DAVIS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 25th day of November 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 155


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Seventeen dollars and 72 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of John S. DAVIS, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 25th day of November 1878.  James H. DAVIS atty for John S. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H. DAVIS Attorney in fact for John S. DAVIS… Witness my hand at office, this the 25th day of November 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 156


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Fifty five dollars and 72 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of Wm. B. DAVIS out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause this the 25th day of November 1878.  James H. DAVIS atty for WB DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H. DAVIS Attorney in fact for William B. DAVIS… Witness my hand at office, this the 25th day of November 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 157


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Seven dollars and 72 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of Susan M. SMITH out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith Court in the above cause, this the 25th day of November 1878.  James H. DAVIS atty for Susan M. SMITH


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H. DAVIS Attorney in fact for Susan M. SMITH… Witness my hand at office, this the 25th day of November 1878.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 158


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, five dollars and 86 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of J.M. KYLE out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 25th day of November 1878.  James H. DAVIS atty for JM KILLE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H. DAVIS Attorney in fact for J.M. KYLE… Witness my hand at office, this the 25th day of November 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 159


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, five dollars and 86. Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of R.J. KYLE, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 25th day of November 1878.  James H. DAVIS Atty for RJ KYLE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H. DAVIS, Attorney in fact for R.J. KYLE… Witness my hand at office, this the 25th day of November 1878.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 160


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, five dollars and 72 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of Fannie APPLE out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS Deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 25th day of November 1878.  Fannie APPLE By LB. APPLE husband  L.B. APPLE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.B. APPLE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 25th day of November 1878  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 161


State of Kentucky Muhlenburg County Court  August 27th 1869

On motion of Mc J. DAVIS, it is ordered that he be and is hereby appointed guardian to Britton A. Ann Eliza and Samuel G. Davis, Infant orphans of A. N. DAVIS dec’d who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law and executed bond with W.B. DAVIS and Samuel E. SMITH as his sureties who are approved by the Court.


State of Kentucky Muhlenburg County} I, Jno E. Reno clerk…certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the order of this Court appointing Mc J. DAVIS guardian to Britton A. DAVIS, Ann Eliza DAVIS and Samuel G. DAVIS and that the said McJ DAVIS is still the guardian to Britton A. DAVIS and Samuel G. DAVIS In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this 21st day of November 1878  Jno E. Reno clerk Muhlenburg County Court


I, J.C. Thompson Judge…certify that Jno E. Reno…is Clerk of the County Court…

Given under my hand, this 21 day of November 1878  J.C.Thompson Judge C.C.


I Jno E. Reno clerk…certify that Hon J.C. Thompson…is…the Judge of the County Court…

Witness my hand, this the 21st day of November 1878  nJno E. Reno clerk


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk

Clerk fee $1.50


Pg 162


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS Admr &c et als vs John S. DAVIS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause, thirty nine dollars and 14 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of B.A. DAVIS, a grandson of B.M. DAVIS deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of the said B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 5th day of December 1878.  Mc J. DAVIS Guardian for B.A. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Mc J. DAVIS guardian for B.A. DAVIS… Witness my hand at office, this the 5th day of December 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 163


J.H. & A.R. DAVIS Admr &c et als vs John S. DAVIS and others} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, thirty nine dollars and 14 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of S.G. DAVIS a grandson of B.M. DAVIS deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of the said B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 5th day of December 1878.  Mc J. DAVIS Guardian for S.G. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Mc J. DAVIS guardian for S.G. DAVIS… Witness my hand at office, this the 5th day of December 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 164


J.H. & A.R.DAVIS Admr &c et als vs John S. DAVIS and others} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Two hundred and thirty dollars and 85 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Mack J. DAVIS out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 5th day of December 1878.  Mc J. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Mc J. DAVIS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 5th day of December 1878.  Samuel Allison clerk


J.H. & A.R. DAVIS others vs John S. DAVIS others} Received of S Allison Clerk & commissioner Thirty Eight Dollars and 44 cents Less one Dollar and Twenty five cents for Recording this Recpt in full of Anne E. CORNUTT formerly Anne E DAVIS But now Anne CORNETT and Grand Daughter of Benjamin M. DAVIS and Daughter of Arthur N. DAVIS in full of our Distributive Shear in the Lands funds Sold by me as the property of Said B.M. DAVIS Sold by an order of this Court and Distributed under Said order This Janury the 22nd 1979  A.R. DAVIS Attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…A.R.DAVIS…

This Janry the 22nd 1879  S Allison Clk


Pg 165


Know all men by these presents, that Mary Ann ETHRIDGE of the County of Pope and State of Illinois Allen Springs Post Office, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint Rebecca PIPER of Smith County, Tennessee her true and lawful Attorney for her and in her name, place and stead to receive and collect thirty five and 90/100 Dollars from the County Court of Smith County Tennessee now remaining in his hands due me from the Estate of Claiborne HALL deceased giving and granting unto her Said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as she might or could do if personally present, with full power of Substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that her said Attorney or her Substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 4th day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight Signed, Sealed and Delivered  Mary Ann ETHRIDGE in presence of W.R. COX  R.J. DIXON


State of Illinois Pope County} …appeared Mary Ann ETHRIDGE…

Given under my hand and Seal Henry D. Baker County Clerk


State of Illinois Pope County} I, William V. Eldridge County Judge…certify that Henry D. Baker…is now and was…


Pg 166


…Witness my hand, this the 12th day of October 1878 William V. Eldridge County Judge


State of Illinois Pope County} I, Henry D. Baker Clerk…certify that William Eldridge…is now and was…Judge… Witness my hand and seal at office, This 12th day of October 1878  Henry D. Baker County Clerk


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 167


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause One Hundred and Seventy three dollars and 84 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Louis OAKLEY out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 23 day of December 1878  M--- OAKLEY  LJ OAKLEY


Pg 168


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause One Hundred and Seventy one Dollars and 43 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Louisa OAKLEY out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 23 day of December 1878  M--- OAKLEY  L.J OAKLEY


Pg 169


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and fifty Dollars and 34 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of Sarah M. GILL out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23 day of December 1878  TL JOHNSON Guardian SM GILL


Pg 170


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and fifty Dollars and 34 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of James D. GILL out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of 1878  J.M. TUGGLE Guardian for J.D. GILL


Pg 171


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and Seventy three Dollars and 34 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Irena McCLANAHAN out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 23 day of December 1878  Jas W. McCLANAHAN


Pg 172


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and Seventy three Dollars and 34 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Mary A. MORRIS out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23 day of December 1878  T.A. MORRIS


Pg 173


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, One Hundred and Seventy three Dollars and 34 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of Elizabeth FULLER out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 1st day of February 1879  Thomas FULLER


State of Tennessee Smith County}  personally appeared…Thomas FULLER…

This Feby 1st 1879  S Allison Clk by A.A. Allison D C


W.H. GILL others vs James D. GILL others} Recd of S Allison Clk & Commissioner one hundred and Seventy three Dollars and 34 cents Less one Dollar & 25 cents for Recording this Rept This Recpt is in part payment of the Distributive Shear of Wm H. GILL arising from the Sale of the Lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL dect Sold under an order of the Smith County Court in the above Cause. This The 8th day of Feby 1879.  WH GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County}  personally appeared…WH GILL…

This Feby 8th 1879  S Allison Clk


Pg 174


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Ninety Seven dollars and 6 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive shares of George W. GILL and Josephine GILL, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 6th day of January 1879  W.R. SHAVER Guardian


Pg 175


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, Forty eight Dollars and 53 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of Johnie A. GILL out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 23 day of December 1878  John T SHAVER Guardian for John A. GILL


Pg 176


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs J.H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty (looks as if the twenty has been crossed out) seven (may have a”teen” added here) dollars and Sixty cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of Thomas H. TIMBERLAKE out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause January the 2nd 1879  J.P. BURFORD Assignee of Thomas H. TIMBERLAKE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.P. BURFORD…

Witness my hand at office, this the 2nd day of January 1879.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 177


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs J.H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty (looks as if the twenty has been crossed out) seven (may have a”teen” added here) dollars and sixty cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of A.B. TIMBERLAKE, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, January the 2nd 1879  J.P. BURFORD R.H. TIMBERLAKE Assignee of A.B. TIMBERLAKE By Admr of R.H. TIMBERLAKE Dec’d


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.P. BURFORD…

Witness my hand at office, this the 2nd day of January 1879.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 178


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs J.H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, four dollars and forty cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of R.H. TIMBERLAKE out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause January the 2nd 1879.  J.P. BURFORD Admr of R.H. TIMBERLAKE Dec’d


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.P. BURFORD…

Witness my hand at office, this the 2nd day of January 1879.  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


$58.50  Received of Wm. H. WILSON Admr of the Estate of Samuel C. BRIDGEWATERS dec’d, fifty eight 50/100 Dollars, our fee for filing bill in the Chancery Court at Hartsville by W.H. WILSON Admr &c vs John BRIDGEWATERS et als, and advise in matters connected with the said estate, Jan 9th 1877 TARVIS & GOLLADAY Solrs


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Cleerk


Pg 179


$40.00  Received of Wm H.WILSON as Administrator of the Estate of Samuel C. BRIDGEWATERS dec’d, forty dollars in full of fees due me for Services rendered as his Attorney at law & Solicitor in the cases of S.C. BRIDGEWATER & others against J.M. RICHMOND and others, and of J.M. RICHMOND and others against said BRIDGEWATERS and others, lately determined in the Supreme Court at Nashville Tenn originally brought in the Chancery Court at Carthage, Tenn. This June 9th 1877  W.H. DeWITT


A true copy attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


$1.50 Received of W.H. WILSON as Admr of the Estate of Samuel C. BRIDGEWATER dec’d, by the hands of W.H. DeWITT his Solicitor &c, One dollar and 50 cents, my fee as clerk of the County Court of Smith County for the official transcript of the record of said County Court showing when the administration was entered into, and also when the suggestion of Insolvency was made, to be used in behalf of the estate in the Supreme Court, in the Suit of said BRIDGEWATER et als v J.M. RICHMOND et als & said RICHMOND then by cross bill. Feb 24th 1877.  S.Allison clk


A true copy attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 180


S.G. RICHARDSON others vs Thomas A RICHARDSON others} Received of S, Allison Clerk & Commissioner Twenty three Dollars 19 Less 125 cents for Recording this Recpt in full of        interest in the Last Land note in Said Cause Sold under a Decree of the Smith County and paid over to Caroline RICHARDSON by an order of of this Court it being Maggie C------ Inst in Said Estate or tract of Land  Witness at office this Janry 2?th 1879  Caroline RITCHERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County}  personally appeared…Caroline RICHARDSON…

This Janry 24 1879  S. Allison Clk


Pg 181


W.S. CHAMBERS et als vs Benjamin F. CALHOUN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk and commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, One hundred and one dollars and Twenty five cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Benjamin F. CALHOUN out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Hardy CALHOUN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 16th day of March 1879.  A.E. GARRETT Attorney in fact – LAW


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…A.E. GARRETT…

Witness my hand at office, this the 16th day of March 1879.  A.A. Allison, D.C.


Pg 182


R.A. BRIDGEWATER’s Estate} Received of Thomas J SEAY Administrator of the Estate of R.A. BRIDGEWATER deceased Eight Hundred and Seventy dollars and one cent, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of all money and effects in his hands as such Administrator as shown from the final Settlement made by him with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, on the 12th day of February 1879. This the 13th day of March 1879.  A.M. BRIDGEWATEER Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Ann M. BRIDGEWATER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13th day of March 1879.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 183


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, Twenty nine dollars and 62 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Martha Jane STANTON formerly STEWART out of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 24th March 1879.  Wm GWALTNEY Atty in fact for Martha J STANTON and James STANTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…William GWALTNEY Attorney in fact for Martha J STANTON and James STANTON…

Witness my hand at office, this the 24th day of March 1879  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 184


The State of Texas County of Eastland} Know all men by these presents: that we James STANTON and Martha Jane STANTON (wife of the said James STANTON, but formerly Martha Jane STUART a daughter of John R. STUART and Martha B. STUART) both of the said County of Eastland do hereby make, constitute and appoint William GWALTNEY of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, our Attorney in fact, with authority for us and in our names to ask for, demand, sue for and receive all or any debts or debt, claims or demands whatever, due to us either Jointly or severally and especially do we authorize our said Attorney in fact to demand and receive from any person or persons, and from the officers of any Court or Courts any and all moneys and property that the said Martha Jane STANTON or her legal representative is entitled to receive as an heir if Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased and of Martha B. STUART deceased, and in our names to institute such actions or legal proceedings as may be necessary for the recovery of the same, and for us and in our names to execute and deliver proper acquittances and receipts for such sums of money and any property that may be so collected by him, and to do all things in the premises necessary to the execution of the power herein granted, that we ourselves could lawfully do, we hereby ratifying and confirming all such lawful acts as our said attorney may do or perform in the premises. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals using scrolls for seals, this the 19th day of February A.D. 1879  James STANTON  Martha Jane STANTON


The State of Texas County of Eastland} … personally appeared James STANTON and his wife, Martha Jane STANTON, who was formerly Martha Jane STUART…and the said Martha Jane STANTON being examined by me privately and apart…


Pg 185


To all of which I hereby certify by setting my hand officially with the seal of my office, done at the town of Eastland, this the 19th day of February A.D. 1879 Ike P. Swick Clerk County Court, E.C.T.


The State of Texas County of Eastland} I, J.T. Hammons County Judge…certify that Ike P. Schwick…is the…County Clerk…said certificate is in due form of law

Witness my official Signature and the seal of Eastland Co Court, this the 10th day of March A.D. 1879  J.T. Hommons County Judge E.C.T.


The State of Texas County of Eastland} I, Ike P. Schwick County Clerk…certify that J.T. Hammons…was…County Judge…

Witness my official signature and seal of office, this the 10th day of March A.D. 1879  Ike P. Schwick Clerk County Court, E.C.T.


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 186


The State of Texas Denton County} Know all men by these presents that I, John S. DAVIS of said County, do hereby make, constitute and appoint James H DAVIS of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, my lawful Attorney with authority for me and in my place and stead to receive all moneys coming to me as my distributive share of my fathers Estate (viz Benjamin M. DAVIS deceased) late of Smith County in the State of Tennessee, and in my name to receipt for the same. I hereby giving and granting unto him the said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do (as heir at law) if personally present, with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney or his substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue thereof. In testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this eighth day of December A.D. 1877  John S. DAVIS


The State of Texas Denton County} …personally came John S, DAVIS…

In testamony whereof I hereby sign my name at office, in Little Elm, this the eighth day of December A.D. 1877.  George L. Button J.P. and Ex-Officio Notary Public


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.   fee $1.25


Pg 187


Know all men by these presents, that we W.C. CORNETT and wife Ann E. CORNETT of the County of Muhlenburg and State of Kentucky, hereby make, constitute and appoint A.R. DAVIS of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, our true and lawful Attorney for us and in our names, place and stead to collect any and all monies due us from the Estate of Benjamin DAVIS Dec’d granting unto said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform each and every thing necessary and proper to be done in the performance of his duty as fully as we might or could do if personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all the lawful of our said Attorney done under and by virtue hereof

Witness our hand and seals, this 2nd day of January 1879.  Wm C. CORNETT  Ann E. CORNETT


State of Kentucky County of Muhlenburg}…personally came W.C. CORNETT and wife Ann E. CORNETT…

In Testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office, the day and year above written  Jno E. Reece clk


State of Kentucky Muhlenburg County} I, J.C. Thompson Judge…certify that Jno E. Reece…is now County Court Clerk and was at the date thereof…

Given under my hand, this 2nd day of January 1879  J.C. Thompson Judge C.C.


Pg 188


State of Kentucky Muhlenburg County} I, Jno E. Reece clerk…certify that the foregoing certificate of J.C. Thompson Judge…

Given under my hand this 2nd day of January 1879.  Jno E. Reece clerk


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.   Clerk fee $1.50


The State of Texas County of Palo Pinto} Know all men by these presents, that I, Robert J. KYLE of the County and State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of forty four dollars to me in hand paid by J.T. DAVIS of the County of Cook in the State of Texas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained sold and delivered unto the said J.T. DAVIS all my right, title and interest in and to the Estate of Benjamin DAVIS deceased of Smith County Tennessee, said interest being derived from my mother, Sarah KYLE, formerly Sarah DAVIS daughter of the said Benjamin DAVIS deceased, who is now also deceased, to have and to hold unto him the said J.T. DAVIS, his heirs and assigns forever, and I do hereby bind myself, my heirs and legal representatives, to warrant and forever defend the title to the same, against the claims of every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by, through or under me.

Witness my hand, this the   day of August, A.D. 1878.  R.J. KYLE  Witness  W.W. KYLE  T.S. SMITH


The State of Texas County of Palo Pinto} Before me…


Pg 189


…personally appeared W.W. KYLE…a subscribing witness…at the request of R.J. KYLE…

Given under my hand and seal, this 27th day of August A.D. 1878  W. Metcalf clerk By Jas E. Beamans Depty


The State of Texas County of Palo Pinto} This is to certify that Wm Metcalf…is…County Clerk…

Given under my official signature and seal of the County Court of said County, this the 27th day of August 1878  R.J. Browning County Judge P.P.C. Texas


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk  Clerk fee $1.50


Pg 190


Wm T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and one dollars and 57 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the amount decreed me as Dower out of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Luther OLIVER deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 31st day of March 1879.  Elizabeth (her x mark) OLIVER   W.T. OLIVER


Pg 191


Wm T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Two hundred and three dollars and 14 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of Campbell and Mary C. OLIVER, out of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Luther OLIVER deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 31st day of March 1879.  Elizabeth (her x mark) OLIVER   W.T. OLIVER


Pg 192


William T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Seven hundred and Eleven dollars and 88 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of Campbell and Mary C. OLIVER, out of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 31st day of March 1879.  Elizabeth (her x mark) OLIVER   W.T. OLIVER


Pg 193


William T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause, Three hundred and fifty five dollars and 94 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of William T. OLIVER, out of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 31st day of March 1879.   W.T. OLIVER


Lemuel H. LAW (LANE) vs A.N. LAW (LANE)} Received of S Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee ten Dollars and 84 ¼ cents it being in full of our Distributive Shear as an heir of Trithena WEST who was an heir of Jessee LANE (LAW) Decact of the Lands Sold by Said Allison Clerk in 1876 to Anderson WILLIAMS & L.W. RUSSELL

This June the 27th 1877


Pg 194


William T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and one dollars and 57 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of William OLIVER out of the funds paid in on the first land note, arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Luther OLIVER deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 31st day of March 1879.  W.T. OLIVER


Pg 195


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Forty seven dollars and 76 cents, Less $1.25 for recording this receipt a balance in full of the distributive share of Thomas H. TIMBERLAKE out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 2nd day of April 1879.   J.P. BURFORD Assignee of Thomas H. TIMBERLAKE


Pg 196


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Forty seven dollars and 76 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of A.B. TIMBERLAKE out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 2nd day of April 1879.   R.H. TIMBERLAKE Assignee of A.B. TIMBERLAKE By J.P. BURFORD Admr of R. H. TIMBERLAKE decd


Pg 197


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Eleven dollars and 94 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt a balance in full of the distributive share of R.H. TIMBERLAKE out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 2nd day of April 1879.   J.P. BURFORD Admr of R.H. TIMBERLAKE dec’d


Pg 198


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty five dollars and 36 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt a balance in full of Wm F. GRAHAM out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 2nd day of April 1879.   Jno CONDITT Assignee of Wm F. GRAHAM


Pg 199


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty five dollars and 3 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of James H. TIMBERLAKE out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands, belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 7th day of April 1879.   L.(T) B. LEE Guardian for James H. TIMBERLAKE


Pg 200


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Sixteen dollars and 34 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of James W. COLBERT out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 8th day of April 1879.   A.J. COLVERT atty in fact for James W COLBERT


Pg 201


Isham BEASLEY et als vs A.H. SMITH et als}   Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, thirty three dollars and 64 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Isham BEASLEY out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Sallie BEASLEY deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8th day of April 1879.  Isham (his x mark) BEASLEY  Attest A.A. Allison


Pg 202


Isham BEASLEY et als vs A.H. SMITH et als}   Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, thirty three dollars and 64 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Franky REED out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Sallie BEASLEY deceased Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8th day of April 1879  Isham (his x mark) BEASLEY Assignee of Franky REED  Attest A.A. Allison


Pg 203


Received of J.H. CULBREATH my guardian one hundred and fifty three dollars & 33 1/3 /100 dollars on final Settlement in full of my share of the Estate of my Grandfather H. OVERBY which went into the hands of my said guardian, This 1st day of February 1879  J.D. CULBREATH


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.D. CULBREATH…acknowledged that he executed the foregoing receipt…

Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of April 1879 A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of J.H. CULBREATH my regular guardian, one hundred and fifty three  & 33 1/3 /100 dollars on final Settlement in full of my share of the Estate of my Grand-father, H. OVERBY, which went into the hands of my said guardian, This 1st day of Oct 1878  R.A. CULBREATH


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.A. CULBREATH…acknowledged that he executed the foregoing receipt…

Witness my hand at office this the 12th day of April 1879 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 204


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause Sixty five dollars and 36 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 19th day of April 1879  Lou F. BOULTON  J.D. BOULTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared… Lou F. BOULTON and J.D. BOULTON

This 19th day of April 1879 S. ALLISON Clk


Pg 205


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, thirty dollars and 70 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Cerina SLOAN out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 21st day of April 1879.  Jeremiah BAY Attorney in fact for Cerina SLOAN By Geo. G. HAILE Attorney


Pg 206


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, thirty dollars and 70 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Mary A. K------R out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 21st day of April 1879.  Jeremiah RAY Attorney in fact for Mary A K------R By Geo. G. HAILE Atty.


Pg 207


S.G. RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, thirty dollars and 70 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Sampson RICHARDSON out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 21st day of April 1879.  Jeremiah RAY Attorney in fact for Sampson RIC --R By Geo. G. HAILE Atty.


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…George G. HAILE Attorney for Jeremiah RAY who is the Attorney in fact for Sampson RICHARDSON…

Witness my hand at office, this the 21st day of April 1879  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg  208


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs Jas H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty five dollars and 36 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Sarah J. TIMBERLAKE, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause, This the 21st day of April 1879  Sallie J. TIMBERLAKE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Sallie J. TIMBERLAKE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 21st day of April 1879  Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 209


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs Jas H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty five dollars and 36 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of F.P. TIMBERLAKE out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 21st day of April 1879  F.P. TIMBERLAKE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…F.P. TIMBERLAKE…acknowledged that he executed the foregoing receipt…

Witness my hand at office, this the 21st day of April 1879.  Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 210


R.H. TIMBERLAKE others vs James H. TIMBERLAKE others} Received of S Allison Clerk & commissioner Sixty five Dollars and 36 cents Less one Dollar and 25 cnts in full of my Distributive Shear of the Last Land note arising from the Lands Sold as the Lands of the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE Decest Sold on a Decree of this Court and Distributed under Said Decree This April the 28 1879  Bettie H. TIMBERLAKE


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Bettie H. TIMBERLAKE…

This April 28th 1879  S. Allison Clk


Pg 211


W.T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Seven hundred and Eleven dollars and 88 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD and Mary L. HOUSE (?), formerly Mary L. CRUTCHFIELD, out of the funds paid in on the first note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 7th day of May 1879  TL JOHNSON


Pg 212


I William B CONDETT of the County of Co--- and State of Texas do herby nominate and appoint Samuel BEASLY of Smith County Tennessee State My Attorney in fact to Demand and Receive for me from John P. Yelton former Clerk and Commissioner of the Smith County Court Samuel Allison the present Clerk of Said County and from W.W. & H.B. VADEN Executors of B.J. VADENs Dect who was the Administrator of Loderick VADEN Dect or from Any other persons having possession of or Liable for the Same or any part thereof a Distributive Shear which has Disended to me from Loderick VADEN Decst Late of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee The Same being the one fifth part Due by Decent to one Rebecca CONDETT Dec who was a Daughter of Said Loderick VADEN Dec and the Mother of the undersigned William B. CONDETT Said ------ is from the Sale of the Lands My Grandfather Loderick VADEN Deced in the Smith County Court and from the personal Estate in the hands of the Administrator BJ VADEN and all necessary Receipts bonds and acquittances for me and in my name to Execute for and about the Same and I do further Empower My Said Attorney to Sue for and receive the Same or any part thereof Whether the Same be Personal or real Estate or proceeds arising from the Sale of Either or Both or moneys or ------ -- ----  and Effects of Every Description and for that purpose to make and Employ one or more Attorneys under him and to do all other acts and things to accomplish the objects of this power at my Expense and Charge and I do herby Ratify and Confirm all the Lawful actings and Doings of My Said Attorney in the premises as fully as if I had Done the Same My Self This The 18th day of March 1879  WB CONDETT   Attest


State of Texas Car--- County} personally appeared…William B CONDETT…

Witness My hand and official Seal at office this 18th day of March 1879  LM Allen Clerk of the County Court Co--- Co Texas


Pg 213


State of Texas C---- County} S.B. Roby Judge…certify that whose Genuine Signature appears…is and was…Clerk…in Testimony whereof I hereunto Set my hand and Seal This March 18th 1879 SB Roby Judge of C----- County Texas


State of Texas Ca--- County} I LW Allin Clerk…Certify that SB Roby…is and was…Judge…

Witness my hand at office this 18th day of March 1879  LM Allin Clerk of C.C.C.C.


Pg 214


BJ VADEN admr vs Jessee HUGHES & others} Received of John P Yelton former clerk of the County Court of Smith County thirty Six dollars & eighty three cents in full of my distributive Share in Said Yeltons hands as Such Clerk as child & heir of Rebecca CONDETT deceased who was a daughter of Loderwick VADEN deceased the Same arising from the Sale of the lands of Lodervick VADEN deceased under decrees of the Smith County Court & going to my Mother Rebecca CONDETT as distribute & heir of Said L VADEN & She having died before receiveing the same – leaving me as one of her six surviving children & grandchild of the Said VADEN This the 13th day of May 1879  WB CONDITT by AH BEASLEY Atty in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…SH BEASLEY…

Witness my hand at office this May 13th 1879  S Allison Clk


Pg 215


 Know all men by these presents, that we John WARD and wife Penelope P. WARD of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, have this day bargained and sold and do by these presents transfer and convey to Lewis ALLISON of said County our entire interest in the funds to be paid in on the last land notes, arising from the Sale of the lands of John STEVENS deceased, Sold under the decree of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, in the case of W.G. BRANSFORD & others against James M. CONDETT & others, on the 12th day of October 1877 and said land notes will be due on the 12th day of October 1879 our said interest being one sixth of said Estate, and will be about two hundred and thirty five dollars and 90 cents, this transfer is made in consideration of a certain lot or parcel of land that we have this day bought from the said Lewis ALLISON, for which we are to pay him one hundred and fourteen dollars and 10 cents in addition to our interest in said land fund, and have this day executed to him our Joint note for the same, and we do further covenant with the said Lewis ALLISON that we have not sold, transferred or conveyed our said interest to any one else, and we hereby authorize and empower him, the said Lewis ALLISON to draw our said interest from Samuel Allison the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and execute a receipt to him for the same, which shall be as binding on us when done as if we were personally present and do the same ourselves

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this the 21st day of October 1878   John B. WARD  Penelope P. WARD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John B. WARD and his wife Penelope P. WARD…then came Penelope P. WARD…privately and apart…


Pg 216


… Witness my hand at office, this the 21st day of October 1879  A.A. Allison Dept Clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Josiah B. DENTON’s Estate} Received of J.H. HARPER Administrator of the Estate of Josiah B. DENTON deceased One Hundred and ninety six dollars and 57 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of all moneys in his hands due and owing to said Estate, as shown from the final Settlement this day made by said Administrator with the Clerk of the Smith County Court, This the 7th day of June 1879  John HARPER guardian for Mary DENTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John HARPER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 7th day of June 1879  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 217


M. LANCASTER et als vs J.C. COWAN et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause forty nine dollars and 47 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of John COWAN of out the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Ira B. COWAN deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 7th day of June 1879  John COWAN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John COWAN…

This June 7th 1879  S Allison Clk


Pg 218


I, W.P.C. BREWER of the State of Kentucky, County of Crittenden, do hereby nominate and appoint E.W. TURNER of the State of Tennessee, County of Smith, my Attorney in fact to demand and receive for me from one Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee or any other person having possession of, or liable for the same, a distributive share which has descended to me from one Mary BREWER now deceased, late of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee (She being my grand-mother) and all necessary receipts, bonds and acquittances for me and in my name to execute for and about the same. I do further empower my said Attorney to sue for and recover the same or any part thereof, whether the same be real or personal estate and for that purpose to do all other acts and things necessary to accomplish the objects of this power at my expense and charge And I do hereby ratify and confirm all the lawful actings and doings of my said Attorney in the premises, as fully as if I were present and doing the same myself. This the 2nd day of June 1879   W.P.C. BREWER


State of Kentucky Crittenden County} Personally appeared…W.P.C. BREWER… Witness my hand and official signature at office This the 2nd day of June 1879  D. Woods Clerk Crittenden County Court\


State of Kentucky Crittenden County} I, R.A. Dowell, Judge…certify that D. Woods… is and was… Clerk… In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand This the 2nd day of June 1879  R.A. Dowell, P.J.C.C.C.


Pg. 219


State of Kentucky Crittenden County} I, D. Woods Clerk…certify that R.A. Dowell… is and was…Judge… In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of my Court at office, This the 2nd day of June 1879  D. Woods Clerk Crittenden Co Court


State of Tennessee Crittenden County} Personally appeared…Mary BUTLER and made oath in due form of law that she is acquainted with W.P.C. BREWER, the make of the within power of Attorney, know that he is a grand child and heir of Mary BREWER deceased and the only child of Daniel M. BREWER deceased, who was a son of the said Mary BREWER deceased, late of Smith County Tennessee, that he is the identical person therein presented and that he is twenty one years of age.  Mary (her x mark) BREWER  Sworn to and Subscribed before me, this the 3rd day of June 1879  D. Woods Clerk of Crittenden County Court            fee $1.75


A true copy attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 220


John REEVES Admr &c vs John STALLINGS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, one hundred and twenty seven dollars and 14 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of George H. BOULTON out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Martha BOULTON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the County Court in the above cause the same being ordered to be paid over to us by a decree of said Court, we being purchasers of the same. This the 10th day of June 1879  John REEVES  Nancy C. BOULTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John REEVES and Nancy C. BOULTON… Witness my hand at office, This the 10th day of June 1879  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 221


John REEVES Admr &c vs John STALLINGS and others} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, one hundred and twenty seven dollars and 14 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of John D. BOULTON out of the fund arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Martha BOULTON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause the same being ordered to be paid over to us by a decree of said Court, we being purchasers of the same This the 10th day of June 1879  John REEVES  Nancy C. BOULTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John REEVES and Nancy C. BOULTON… Witness my hand at office, this the 10th day of June 1879  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 222


John REEVES Admr &c vs John STALLINGS & others} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, one hundred and twenty seven dollars and 14 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of E.E. MCDONALD out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Martha BOULTON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause, the same being ordered to be paid over to us by a decree of said Court, we being the purchasers of the same, This the 10th day of June 1879  John REEVES  Nancy C BOULTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John REEVES and Nancy C. BOULTON… Witness my hand at office, This the 10th day of June 1879.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 223


John REEVES Admr &c vs John STALLINGS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, one hundred and twenty seven dollars and 14 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Martha J. REEVES, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Martha BOULTON deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 17th day of June 1879  John REEVES  Martha J REEVES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John REEVES and his wife, Martha J. REEVES… then came Martha J. REEVES wife of the said  John REEVES, privately and apart…

Witness our hands at office, this the 17th day of June 1879  Samuel Allison Clerk


Pg 224


Mary BREWER’s Estate} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, one hundred and forty dollars and 48 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of all moneys or effects in his hands and due W.P.C. BREWER, arising the personal Estate of Mary BREWER deceased, the same being turned over to the said Samuel Allison clk under an order of the Smith County Court, by W.J. ROSE Administrator of the Estate of said Mary BREWER deceased, and the same being ordered to be paid over to me by order of said Court, This the 12th day of June 1879  WPC BREWER by EW TURNER atty in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…E.W. Turner attorney in fact for W.P.C. BREWER… Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of June 1879  Samuel Allison Clerk


Pg 225


G.W. & S.H. CARDWELL Admr &C vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison clk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, two hun dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause cause, it being the same two hundred dollars which G.W. & S. H. CARDWELL gave as refunding bond to the said Allison, conditioned that I would receipt him for the same, which is done and said bind is now void. This the 3rd day of July 1879  E. KITTRELL


Pg 226


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs J.H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, thirty two dollars and 68 cents in full of the distributive share of Martha Jane STANTON formerly Martha Jane STEWART, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, This the 7th day of July 1879  Wm GWALTNEY Atty in fact for Martha J. STANTON


Pg 227


W.S. CHAMBERS & wife vs B.F. CALHOUN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and Eighty five dollars and 12 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, balance in full of the distributive share of Benjamin F. CALHOUN out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Hardie CALHOUN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 10th July 1879  B.F. CALHOUN By His Attorney At law & in fact AE GARRETT


Pg 228


W.S. CHAMBERS et als vs B.F. CALHOUN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Two hundred and fifty three dollars and 2 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of Ellen CHAMBERS out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Hardie CALHOUN deceased, and also two hundred and seventy dollars a balance in full of the distributive share of Aletha V. CALHOUN out of the funds arising from the sale of said lands, I being the assignee of said Aletha V. CALHOUN. See Page 142 of this Book Said fund being ordered to be distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This July 12th 1879  Ellen L. CHAMBERS  WS CHAMBERS


July 17th 1879  State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared… W.S. CHAMBERS and his wife Ellen L. CHAMBERS… then came Ellen L. CHAMBERS, wife of the said W.S. CHAMBERS, privately and apart… Witness my hand at office, this the 17th day of July 1879  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 229


Thomas KITCHINGS et als vs Moses ALLEN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Nine dollars and 16 2/3 cents in full of the distributive share of Franklin ALLEN out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James and Mary KITCHINGS deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, This the day of August 1879  M.F. ALLEN


Pg 230


J.H. and A.R. DAVIS et als vs John S. DAVIS & others} Received from Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause fifty nine dollars and 72 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of A.R. DAVIS out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of B.M. DAVIS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, See Minute Book No 2 Page 244.  This the 26th day of August 1879  A.R. DAVIS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared… A.R. DAVIS… acknowledged that he executed the foregoing …

Witness my hand at office, this the 26th day of August 1879  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 231


John REEVES Admr &C & others vs John STALLINGS & others} Received of S. Allison Clerk & Commissioner of the Smith County Court one hundred and twenty seven dollars & fourteen cents The distributive  Share of Sarah D. TURNER arising from the Sale of the lands in the above cause belonging to the heirs of James BOULTON Senr deceased it being that part of the lands covered by the dower of Martha BOULTON widow of the Said James BOULTON Said Share or interest having been heretofore ordered to be paid to me for my wife Sarah D. to be applied to her benefit by former decree of the Court in the above cause. This the 5th day of September 1879  E.W. TURNER for his wife Sarah D. TURNER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…E.W. TURNER…Witness S. Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County at office this the 5th day of September 1879   S Allison clk


Pg 232


Abner RICHARDSON power of Attorney To Isaac M CARDWELL

Know all men by these presence that I Abner RICHARDSON of the town Morton County (of Putman has been marked out) of Punam and State Indiana have made Constituted and appointed and by these presence do Make Constitute and appoint Isaac M CARDWELL of the Town of Carthage and County of Smith State of Tennessee My true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name place and Stead to Collect and Attend to all Business for me Concerning The Estate of John RICHARDSON Giving and Granting unto My Said Attorney full Power and authority to do and perform all and Every act and thing whatsoever Requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises as fully to all intents and purposes as might or Could do if personally present with full power of Substitution and Confirming all that my Said Attorney or his Substition Shall Lawfully do or Cause to be Done by Virtue thereof in witness Thereof I hereunto Set my hand and Seal This 27th day of October 1877  Abner RICHARDSON


State of Indiana County of Putnam}…came Abner RICHARDSON… John R Gordon Notary Publick


State of Tennessee Smith County} I S Allison Clerk of the County Court do herby Certify That The above is a true Copy This Septr the 9th 1879  S Allison Clk


Pg 233


John REEVES Admr &C & et als vs John STALLINGS & wife et als} 128.05   Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Sixty four dollars and sixty four cents in full of the distributive share of Francis OLIVER, and sixty four dollars and sixty four cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive  share of Gideon BOULTON, purchased by Andy OLIVER, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Martha BOULTON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and I Francis OLIVER endorse the receipt executed by my husband on Page 87 of this book, for a portion of my distributive share in this cause. This the 11th day of September 1879   Fannie OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…Fannie OLIVER…

This September 11th 1879   S. ALLISON Clk


Pg 234


H.C. DENTON et als v James C. DENTON et als} Received of B.F.C. Smith former Clerk and commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee One hundred and seventy three dollars and 5 cents, a balance in full of the distributive share of Josiah B. DENTON deceased ordered to be turned over to me by order of the Smith County Court in the above cause, See Minute Book No 2 Page 407 September 12th 1879  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


H.C. DENTON et als vs J.C. DENTON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, One hundred and Seventy three dollars and 5 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt and less 50 cents for two orders made in this cause in full of the amount turned over by B.f.C. Smith former clerk and commissioner of the Smith County Court, See receipt above and ordered to be turned over to the said J. HARPER, by order of this Court, See Minute Book No 2= 1879. Page  Sept 17th 1879.  John HARPER Gar for Mary DENTON


Pg 235


W.S. CHAMBERS and wife vs Benjamin F. CALHOUN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Two hundred and seventy seven dollars and seventy six and one half cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of Lemuel B. and Dovina HAYNIE grandchildren of Hardy CALHOUN deceased, out of the fund arising from the sale of the land belonging to the estate of said Hardy CALHOUN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and the same is ordered to be paid over to me by order of the County Court at its September term 1879. See minute Book No 2 Page     This the 15th day of September 1879  AE GARRETT Attorney for g.t. Pe--- guardian for Lemuel B. & Dovina HAYNIE


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…A.E. GARRETT Guardian for Lemuel B. & Dovina HAYNIE Grand Children of Hardy CALHOUN Decast…

This September 15th 1879  S Allison Clk


Pg 236


Received of Wm B. WHITLY Administrator DeBonis Non of the Estate of Charles McGEE deceased, fourteen dollars and forty cents, less one dollar and 25 cents for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share in the Personal estate of the said Charles McGEE deceased, This the 25th Sept 1875  F.M. ORANGE  Martha (her x mark) ORANGE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…F.M. ORANGE and Martha ORANGE…and Martha ORANGE wife of the said F.M. ORANGE, having appeared before me privately and apart…

Witness Samuel Allison clerk of said Court, at office, This 19th day of September 1879  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest   A.A. Allison


Received of Wm B. WHITLY as Administrator of the John McGEE deceased, One hundred and ninety seven dollars and one cent in full of our distributive share in his hands as such, arising from the Personal Estate of said deceased, on final Settlement This the 28th of February 1876  F.M. ORANGE  Martha (her x mark) ORANGE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…F.M. ORANGE and Martha ORANGE…and Martha ORANGE wife of the said F.M. ORANGE having appeared before me, privately and apart…


Pg 237


…Witness, Samuel Allison clerk of said Court at office, This 19th day of September 1879.  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest   A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of C.C. FORD Three Hundred & Thirty & 40/100 Dollars in part due from him as my guardian This July the 23rd 1879 Geo. H. THACKSTON  Fannie B THACKSTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…G.W. THACKSTEN…then came Fannie B THACKSTEN wife of G.W. THACKSTEN sepperate and apart…

This September The 10th 1879  S. Allison Clk


Pg 238


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs James M CONDITT et als} Bill to Sell land

Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause One hundred and Seventy nine dollars and 78 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Mildred C. BRADFORD out of the fund arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John STEVENS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 13th day of October 1879  D.M. BRADFORD   M.C. BRADFORD


Pg 239


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs James M CONDITT et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Four hundred and Eighty nine dollars and 94 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in of the distributive Share of G.W. STEVENS, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John STEVENS deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 13th day of October 1879   G.W. STEVENS


State of Tennessee Smith County} personally appeared…G.W. STEPHENS…

This October 13th 1879  S. Allison Clk


Pg 240


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs James M CONDITT et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Four hundred and eighty nine dollars and 94 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in of the distributive share of George STEVENS, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John STEVENS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 13th day of October 1879   G.M. STEVENS                                                  


Pg 241


S.G.RICHARDSON et als vs T.O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, one hundred and forty one dollars and 46 cents a balance in full of the distributive share of Thos O. RICHARDSON, having heretofore received Ninety five dollars, on the 10th day of March 1879. Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and the same being ordered to be turned over to me by order of the Chancery Court of Smith County Tennessee in the case of S.F. MURRY against Oliver RICHARDSON. This the 15th day of October 1879.  W.D. GOLD C. & M.


Pg 242


Hiram F. INGRAM et als vs John WADE and others} Received of John P. Yelton former Clerk and Commissioner of the Smith County Court Eight dollars and 10 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Leroy WADE, son of David WADE and grandson of William WADE deceased, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of the said William WADE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, December 2nd 1879. LeR WADE  Attest WD ARMISTEAD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Leroy WADE….

Witness my hand at office, this the 2nd day of December 1879.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Hiram F. INGRAM et als vs John WADE & others} Received of John P. Yelton former Clerk & Commissioner of the Smith County Court & Successor to E.W. Turner in said office Eight dollars and 10 cents Less one dollar & twenty five cents for recording this receipt in full of my distributive Share arising from the Sale of the lands in the above cause in the Smith County Court under decree of Said Court This May 2nd 1882  Bransford WADE  Test  E.W. Turner H.R. WADE


Pg 243


Thomas KITCHING et als vs ALLEN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee Nine dollars and 16 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Frank ALLEN out of the funds arising from the Estate of Mary & Thomas KITCHING deceased December 5th 1879  M.F. ALLEN


Pg 244


S.G.RICHARDSON et als vs Thos. O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, twenty Seven dollars and 90 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Amos RICHARDSON, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands of John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8th day of December 1879  Jeremiah RAY Attorney in fact for Amos RICHARDSON


Pg 245


S.G.RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, twenty Seven dollars and 90 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive of Eliza J. REAVIRS formerly Eliza J. RICHARDSON, daughter of George W. RICHARDSON, and grand-daughter of John RICHARDSON deceased, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of the said John RICHARDSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8th day of December 1879.  Jeremiah RAY Attorney in fact for Eliza J. BEAVERS & husband


Pg 246


S.G.RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Twenty seven dollars and 91 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive of Ida RICHARDSON, daughter of James G. RICHARDSON deceased who was a son of George W. RICHARDSON deceased, and grandson of John RICHARDSON deceased, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of the said John RICHARDSON deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8th day of December 1879  Jeremiah RAY Attorney in fact for Philip G. DEWOODY guardian for Ida RICHARDSON


Pg 247


S.G.RICHARDSON et als vs Thos O. RICHARDSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and thirty nine dollars and 55 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of George W. RICHARDSON, Eunice J. RICHARDSON Daniel J. RICHARDSON, Buella RICHARDSON and Isaac M RICHARDSON minor children of George W. RICHARDSON deceased who was a son of John RICHARDSON deceased, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of the said John RICHARDSON deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8th day of December 1879.  Jeremiah RAY Attorney in fact for Henry W. GREEN guardian for the above named minors


Pg 248


Americus J. GRISHAM et als vs J.M. DUNHAM et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, $Nine dollars and 24 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of J.H. DUNHAM, ALLEN C. DUNHAM and Cary DUNHAM children of Martha DUNHAM deceased, who was a daughter of L.D. GRISHAM deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the estate of the said L.D. GRISHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8th day of December 1879  J.H. DENHAM in his own right and as Attorney in fact for Allen C. & Cary DUNHAM


Pg 249


Americus J. GRISHAM et als vs J.M. DUNHAM et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Six dollars and 16 ½  cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share Americus J. GRISHAM, son of Americus GRISHAM deceased and grandson of L.D. GRISHAM deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of the said L.D. GRISHAM deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 12th day of December 1879  AJ GRISSAM


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Americus J. GRISHAM…

Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of December 1879.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 250


State of Tennessee Henderson County} We, Brunett L. HARMAN and her husband Adam W. HARMAN of the County and State aforesaid, being and constituting one heir at law and distribute of Mrs Keron PAYNE, late of Smith County in said State, now deceased, do hereby nominate, appoint and make J.W. Banks JEFFREYS our lawful agent and attorney in fact, for us and in our names, to sell, convey and make title to all and whatever undivided right, share, claim and interest which the said Brunett L. HARMAN has or may have in and to the land and real estate of her late mother, the said Keron HAYNIE deceased, in said County of Smith.

The consideration and moving cause of this power and authority being a desire to sell on the part of said Brunett L. HARMAN, and not expecting, intending or wishing to change her residence or live on said land, or claim a homestead therein, it not being capable and of sufficient quantity for division and partition among and between the heirs of said deceased, so as to make all of them a suitable and comfortable home; and she hereby waives and relinquishes all right and claim to any homestead on said land

The said Adam W. HARMAN Joins in this power and authority to signify his assent to Sale of the interest of his wife, the said Brunett L. in said land; and hereby waives and disclaims any and all marital right and interest if any acquired, or hereafter to be acquired by him in and to said land.

We hereby sanction, ratify and confirm the actions and doings of the said J.W. Banks JEFFREYS in the premises in as full and ample manner as if we were present doing and transacting the same in our own names and persons, February 24th 1879  Brunett L. HARMAN  A.W. HARMAN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Adam W. HARMAN…And Brunett L. HARMAN, wife of the said A.W. HARMAN…privately and apart from her husband…Witness, C.R. Scott Clerk of said Court at office, This 24th day of Febry 1879. C.R. Scott Clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 251


The State of Arkansas County of Nevada} Know all men by these presents that we Henry W. GREEN as guardian for George W. RICHARDSON, Eunice J. RICHARDSON, Daniel J. RICHARDSON, Buella RICHARDSON and Isaac M. RICHARDSON, minor heirs of George W. RICHARDSON deceased, and Phillip G. DEWOODY as guardian for Ida RICHARDSON, minor heir of James G. RICHARDSON all of Nevada County, Arkansas, have made, constituted and appointed and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint Jeremiah RAY of the County of Jackson, in the State of Tennessee, our true and lawful Attorney for us and in our name, place and stead to ask, demand, levy, require, recover, sue for and receive and receipt for all such sums of money or property, real or personal, chattels or chores in action or anything whatever that may be coming to our said wards, or either of them as heirs at law and distributes of the late John RICHARDSON in right of their deceased father, George W. RICHARDSON deceased, and his son, James G. RICHARDSON deceased, or from, the estate of said John RICHARDSON or his executors or administrators, or that may be coming to said wards jointly or severally from said estate, giving and granting unto our said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as we might or could do, if personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all that our said Attorney may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.

In testimony whereof we have hereto set our hands and affixed our seals, this the 29th day of July A.D. 1879.  H.W. GREEN  P.G. DEWOODY


State of Arkansas County of Nevada}…personally appeared…Henry W. GREEN and Phillip G. DEWOODY guardians as aforesaid… In testimony, I hereunto set my hand and official seal at my office in Prescott Arkansas this the 29th day of July A.D. 1879  W.R. White Clerk By E.E. White D.C.


State of Arkansas Nevada County} I, William H. Prescott Judge…


Pg 252


…certify that William White…is now and was at the time of signing the same Clerk…

In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official signature, This October 18th 1879  W.H. Prescott County Judge



The State of Arkansas} To all to whom these presents shall come – greeting Know me, that, whereas Henry W. GREEN has on this day by the Court of Probate in and for the said County of Nevada been appointed guardian for George W., Eunice J., Daniel J., Buella and Isaac M. RICHARDSON a minor, under the age 21 years, by his entering into bond to said minors, in the sum of five hundred dollars (500$), and whereas the said Henry W. GREEN has this day filed his bond in such sum to said minors, which said bond stands approved by the Court Now, therefore, He, the said Henry W. GREEN is hereby authorized and empowered to collect and receive all moneys, property and effects that now are or hereafter may become, due to said ward, and in general to do and perform all and singular the duties devolving upon him as such guardian, by law, or that may be enjoined upon him by the lawful order, sentence or decree of any Court having Jurisdiction

In testimony whereof, I, William R. White Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex-officio Clerk of the Court of Probate, in and for the County of Nevada aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court, at office, this 29th day of July A.D. 1879  WR White Clerk By E.E. White D.C.


The State of Arkansas} To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Know me, that, whereas, Phillip G. DEWOODY was on the 30th day of April A.D. 1879 by the Court of Probate, in and for the said County of Nevada been appointed guardian for Ida RICHARDSON, a minor, under the age of 21 years, by his entering into bond to said minor, in the sum of One thousand dollars (1000$) And, whereas the said Phillip G. DEWOODY has this day filed his bond in such sum, to said minor which said bond stands approved by the Court. Now therefore He, the said Phillip G. DEWOODY is hereby authorized and empowered to collect and receive all moneys, property and effects that now…


Pg 253


…are, or hereafter may become due to said ward, and in general to do and perform all and singular the duties devolving upon him as such guardian, by law, or that may be enjoined upon him by the lawful order, sentence or decree of any Court having competent Jurisdiction. In testimony whereof, I, William R. White Clerk of the Circuit Court and Ex-officio Clerk of the Court of Probate in and for the County Nevada aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at office, this 29th day of July A.D. 1879.  WR White Clerk By E.E. White D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


The State of Arkansas County of Nevada} Know all men by these presents that we John A. BEAVERS and Eliza J. BEAVERS ( formerly RICHARDSON) of the County of Nevada and State of Arkansas, have made, constituted and appointed and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint Jeremiah RAY of the State of Tennessee, our true and lawful Attorney for us and in our name, place and stead, to ask, demand, levy, require, recover, sue for and receive and receipt for all such sums of money or property real or personal, chattels or chores in action, or anything whatever that may be coming to said Eliza J. BEAVERS as daughter and heir and distributee of the late George W. RICHARDSON deceased or from the Estate of said George W. RICHARDSON or his Executors or Administrators, or that may be coming to said John A. BEAVERS as husband of the said Eliza J. BEAVERS (formerly RICHARDSON) or to them Jointly or severally from said estate, or to the said Eliza J. BEAVERS as grand daughter and heir at law and distributee of the late William RICHARDSON deceased, or from the estate of said William RICHARDSON or his executors or administrators, or that may be coming to said John A. BEAVERS as husband of the said Eliza J. BEAVERS, or to them Jointly or severally from said estate, giving and granting unto our said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as we could or might do if personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all that our said Attorney may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.

In testimony whereof we have hereto set our hands and seals, this the 22nd day of October A.D. 1879.  J.A. BEAVERS  Eliza J. BEAVERS


Pg 254




State of Arkansas County of Nevada}…personally appeared…John A. BEAVERS and Eliza J. BEAVERS… And the said Eliza J. BEAVERS…separate and apart from her said husband… In testamony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at my office in the City of Prescott Arkansas, this 22nd day of October A.D. 1879.  W.R. White Clerk


State of Arkansas Nevada County} I, William H. Prescott Judge…certify that William R. White…is now and was at the time of signing the Same Circuit Clerk… Witness my hand and official signature, This November 15th 1879. W.H. Prescott County Judge


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


The State of Arkansas County of Nevada} Know all men by these presents, that I, Amos RICHARDSON of the County of Nevada and State of Arkansas, have made, constituted and appointed and by these presents, do make, constitute and appoint Jeremiah RAY of Jackson County in the State of Tennessee, my true and lawful Attorney and hereby authorize him in my name and stead, to receive and receipt for all moneys that may be due me as one of the legatees of the Estate of John RICHARDSON deceased late of said Jackson…


Pg 255


…County Tennessee, giving and granting unto him my said Attorney, full power and authority to do and perform for me every and all acts requisite or necessary in and about the premises, as fully and to all intents and purposes as I myself could do if I was personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney shall do by virtue whereof. Witness my hand and seal the 2nd day of July A.D. 1879.  Amos RICHARDSON                        Attest Chris C. McROE


State of Arkansas County of Nevada}…personally appeared…Amos RICHARDSON… In testamony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said Court, this the 2nd day of July A.D. 1879.  W.R. White Clerk Nevada County Arkansas


State of Arkansas Nevada County} I, William H. Prescott Judge…certify that William R. White…is now and was at the time of signing the same Clerk… In witness whereof, I hereunto affix my official signature at Prescott, Nevada County, Arkansas, October 18th 1879. W.H. Prescott County Judge


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 256


Americus J. GRISHAM et als vs J.M. DUNHAM et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Six dollars and 16 cents, less $1.25 for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Isaac GRISHAM, son of Americus GRISHAM deceased and grandson of L.D. GRISHAM deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of said L.D. GRISHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 20th day of December 1879.  Isaac (his x mark) GRISHAM  Attest Charles SWOPE  M STARR


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Isaac GRISHAM…

Witness my hand at office, this the 20th day of December 1879  A.A. Allison Depty Clk


Pg 257


W.T. OLIVER and others vs M.C. OLIVER and others} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, three hundred and fifty nine dollars and 57 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive shares of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD and Mary L. HOUSE formerly Mary L. CRUTCHFIELD minor children of William CRUTCHFIELD deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 22 day of December 1879.  TL JOHNSON Guardian


Pg 258


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs James M. CONDETT et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, twenty one and 74 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of Penelope P. WARD, daughter of John STEVEN deceased, out of the funds arising from the payment of the first notes given for the lands belonging to the estate of John STEVENS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 24th day of December 1879.  Wm BRIDGES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Wm BRIDGES…

Witness my hand at office, this the 24th day of December 1879  A.A. Allison DC


Pg 259


Americus J. GRISHAM et als vs J.M. DUNHAM et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, two dollars and 5 ½ cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of James GREGORY, Son of Matilda GREGORY deceased, who was a daughter of L.D. GRISHAM deceased out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of the said L.D. GRISHAM deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 31st day of December 1879.  James H GREGORY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James H GREGORY…

Witness my hand at office, this the 31st day of December 1879.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 260


Americus J. GRISHAM et als vs J.M. DUNHAM et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, two dollars and 5 ½ cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Alexander J. GREGORY, out of the fund arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of the said L.D. GRISHAM deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 9th day of January 1880.  A.J. GREGORY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…A.J. GREGORY…

Witness my hand at office, this the 9th day of January 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 261


John L. HICKMAN et als vs Malissa HICKMAN etals} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, Thirty one dollars Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share out of the funds turned over to the said Allison by B.f.C. Smith former clerk of said Court and Special commissioner in the above cause, arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Stepin HICKMAN Senr deceased by order of the County Court in the above cause, This the 7th day of June 1880  S.(N) HICKMAN


Pg 262


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs J.M. CONDETT et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, two hundred and thirty nine dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt and $1.85 for recording deed, in full of the distributive share of Penelope P. WARD, out of the funds paid in on the last land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John STEVENS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 13th day of February 1880.  Lewis (his x mark) ALLISON assignee of J.B. and Penelope P. WARD  Attest A.A. Allison    T.P. BRIDGES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Lewis ALLISON…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13th day of February 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 263


William T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause One hundred dollars and 30 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the amount set apart by decree of the County Court to Elizabeth OLIVER, as dower out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Luther OLIVER deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 15 day of February 1880.  Elizabeth OLIVER   Attest


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Elizabeth OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 13 day of February 1880


Pg 264


 William T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred dollars and 30 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of William T. OLIVER out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Luther OLIVER deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 13 day of February 1880.  W.T.  OLIVER


Pg 265


William T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison clk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred dollars and 30 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Mary C. OLIVER out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Luther OLIVER deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the day of February 1880.  Elizabeth OLIVER


Pg 266


William T. OLIVER et als vs Mary C. OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred dollars and 30 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Campbell OLIVER, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Luther OLIVER deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 13 day of February 1880.   Elizabeth OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Elizabeth OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 8th day of April 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 267


William T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Three hundred and fifty three dollars and 77 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Mary C. OLIVER, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 13th day of February 1880.  Elizabeth OLIVER


Pg 268


William T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause Three hundred and fifty three dollars and 77 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Campbell OLIVER, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 13th day of February 1880.  Elizabeth OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Elizabeth OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 8th day of April 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 269


William T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth OLIVER et als} Received Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Three hundred and fifty three dollars and 77 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of William T. OLIVER, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 13 day of February 1880.  W.T. OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.T. OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 8th day of April 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 270


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs J.H. TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, thirty one dollars and 15 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of L.D. COLBERT, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 28th day of February 1880.  L.D. COLBERT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.D. COLBERT…he executed…

Witness my hand at office, this the 28th day of February 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 271


John L. HICKMAN et als vs Malissa HICKMAN et als} Received February 27th 1880 of B.f.C. Smith former clerk of Smith County Court and special commissioner in the case of John L. HICKMAN et als vs Malissa HICKMAN et al, one hundred and fifty nine dollars and 30 cents, in which is included a note on T.J. and J.B. FISHER, balance due thirty five dollars and 71 cents and in cash One hundred and twenty three dollars and 59 cents, the same being in full of all moneys in the hands of said special commissioner, B.f.C. Smith as per decree of County Court at the January term 1880. see Minute Book No 2 Page 570 S. Allison Clk


Pg 272


Isaac J. CONGO et als vs Moses BILLOR et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, fourteen dollars and 60 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Charles BELLAR out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of Elizabeth BELLAR deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 1st day of March 1880.  Johnathan BELLAR assignee of Charles BELLAR deceased


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Jonathan BELLAR…

Witness my hand at office, this the 1st day of March 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 273


William T. OLIVER et als vs Elizabeth OLIVER et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Three hundred and forty seven dollars and 97 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD and Mary L. HOUSE, formerly Mary L. CRUTCHFIELD minor children of William CRUTCHFIELD deceased out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Campbell CRUTCHFIELD deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 9th day of March 1880.  T.L. JOHNSON Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…T.L. JOHNSON guardian &C…

Witness my hand at office, this the 9th day of March 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 274


State of Arkansas Randolph County} Know all men by these presents that I, Susan HALL, of Randolph County in the State of Arkansas, have this day made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents make, constitute and appoint A.A. ALLISON of Smith County, Tennessee my true and lawful Attorney in fact for me and in my name, place and stead, to ask for, demand, receive and receipt for any and all moneys and effects that may be due and owing to me from the Estate of Claiborne HALL deceased, late of Smith County, Tennessee, who was my father, hereby giving and granting unto my said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if I were personally present and doing the same myself, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. To all of which I have hereunto set my hand and seal, using a scroll for my seal. This the 8th day of January 1880  Susan (her x mark) HALL   Attest T.S. SIMINGTON


State of Arkansas Randolph County} Personally appeared…Susan HALL…

Witness my hand and official seal of office, This the 8th day of January, 1880.  J. Schoonner Clerk


State of Arkansas Randolph County} I, S.J. Johnson, Judge…certify that Jacob Schoonner…is now and was…


Pg 275


…at the time of signing…Clerk… Given under my hand and official seal of office this the 8th day of January 1880  S.J. Johnson Judge


State of Arkansas Randolph County} I, J Schooner Clerk…certify that S.J. Johnson…is now and was at the date of signing…Judge… Given under my hand and official seal of office This the 8th day of January 1880 J. Schoonner Clerk


A true copy   Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 276


Tempa COATS} Received of B.A. JAMES one of the securities of John SIMPSON Administrator of the Estate of Tempa COATS deceased, the sum of four dollars and 27 ½ cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of James BROWN out of the personal Estate of said deceased, This the 5th day of April 1880   J.E. BROWN


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…J.E. BROWN…

Witness my hand at office this the 5th day of April 1880   A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 277


Thomas SANDERSON Admr&C vs Martha JENKINS & others} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Three hundred and ninety two dollars and 88 cents in full of the amount due me as shown from the Settlement on file in this cause, and ordered to be turned over to me by order of the Smith County Court in the above cause, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt This the 6th day of May 1880  Thomas SANDERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…Thomas SANDERSON…

Witness my hand at office, This the 6th day of May 1880   A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 278


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased, the sum of Seventy six dollars and 50 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the personal estate of said decedant, as shown from the final Settlement made by said J.H. BAIRD Executor &c with the Clerk of the County Court, which Settlement is approved by the Court, This the 10 day of May 1880  James M. (his x mark) PARRIS  Attest B.f.C. Smith


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…James M PARRIS…

This May 10th 1880  S. Allison Clk


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased the sum of Seventy six dollars and 50 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the personal estate of said decedant, as shown from the final Settlement, made by said J.H. BAIRD Executor &c with the Clerk of the County Court which Settlement is approved by the Court, This the 10 day of May 1880  W.M. PARIS


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…WM PARRIS…

This May the 10th 1880  S. Allison Clk


Pg 279


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased, the sum of Seventy six dollars and 50 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this Receipt, in full of my (our) distributive share of the personal estate of said decedant, as shown from the final Settlement made by J.H. BAIRD Executor &c with the Clerk of the County Court which Settlement is approved by the Court, This 10th day of May 1880  P.J. BAKER  Judy Lee (her x mark) BAKER


Pg 280


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased, the sum of Seventy six dollars and 50 cents. Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the personal estate of said decedant, as shown from the final Settlement made by J.H. BAIRD Executor &c with the Clerk of the County Court, which Settlement is approved by the Court, This the 10 day of May 1880  Simeon JONES  Mary JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…Simeon JONES and his wife Mary JONES…then came Mary JONES…privately and apart from her said husband

Witness my hand at office, This the 17th day of May 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Recd of J.H. BAIRD Executor of Said Estate fifteen Dollars and 50 cents Less 125 cts for Recording this Receipt in full of my Distributive Shear of Said Estate as Shown Made by J.H. BEARD Executor with the Clerk which Settlement was approved by the Court May 1?th 1880  Mary (her x mark) Elizabeth BEARD  W.M. BAIRD


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…Mary Elizabeth BEARD and WM BARD

Witness to all This ------ 25 1880   S. Allison Clk


Pg 281


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased, the sum of Fifty one dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of John M MOSS and Robert L. MOSS out of the personal estate of said decedant, as shown from the final Settlement of said J.H. BAIRD Executor &c with the Clerk of the County Court, which Settlement is approved by the Court This the 10 day of May 1880  JG MOSS


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…JG MOSS…

This May 10th 1880  S. Allison Clk


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased the sum of fifteen dollars and 30 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the personal estate of said decedant as shown from the final Settlement made by said J.H. BAIRD, Executor &c with the Clerk of the County Court, which Settlement is approved by the Court This the 10 day of May 1880 W.D. (his x mark) JAMES


State of Tennessee Smith County}  personally appeared…William JAMES…

This May 10th 1880  S. Allison Clk


Pg 282


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased, the sum of fifteen dollars and 30 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of our distributive share of the personal estate of said decedant, as shown from the final Settlement made by said J.H. BAIRD Executor &c with the Clerk of the County Court, which Settlement is approved by the Court, This the 10 day of May 1880  Lucy (her x mark) AGEE  HG (his x mark) AGEE  Attest S. Allison Clk (last names very hard to read – may be wrong)


Pg 283


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased, the sum of fifteen dollars and 30 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of our distributive share of the personal estate of said decedant, as shown from the final Settlement made by J.H. BAIRD Executor &c with the Clerk of the County Court, which Settlement is approved by the Court, This the 10 day of May 1880  Sarah (her x mark) Isabell  Logan THOMAS


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…Logan THOMAS and his wife Sarah Isabella THOMAS…then came Sarah Isabella THOMAS…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, this the 10th day of May 1880   A.A. Allison DC


Pg 284


Thomas SANDERSON Admr&C vs Martha JENKINS & others} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of two hundred and one dollars and 25 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, funds in the above cause ordered to be turned over to me by order of the Smith County Court in the above cause, See minute Book No 2 Page 639. This the 17th day of May 1880  Thomas SANDERSON Admr of Jefferson JENKINS


State of Tennessee Smith County}  Personally appeared…Thomas SANDERSON…

Witness my hand at office, this the 11th day of May 1880   A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 285


John PREWITT et als vs Mary BOWER et als} O Bill to sell land

Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and Six dollars and 80 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive shares of John PREWETT and Fannie PREWETT arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PREWETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause June 7th 1880 Wm OAKLEY Guardian for John and Fannie PREWETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…William OAKLEY…

Witness my hand at office, this the 7th day of June 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 286


H.J. PERKINS Admr &c vs L.A. ROBINSON and others} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause Three hundred and Seventeen dollars and 37 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, the same having been turned over to me by order of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This June 28th 1880  HJ PERKINS Adm of William ROBINSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally qappeared…H.J. PERKINS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 28th day of june 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 287


John L. HICKMAN et als vs Malissa HICKMAN et als}  Received of Samuel Allison Clerk and Commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, Thirty one dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Malissa Jane COGGINS formerly Malissa Jane HICKMAN, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Stephen HICKMAN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court and said fund having been turned over to said Allison by B.f.C. Smith former clerk of the Smith County Court, under an order of said Court This the 12th day of July 1880  Malissa Jane (her x mark) SCOGGINS  Attest J.C. APPLE


Pg 288


John L. HICKMAN et als vs Malissa Jane HICKMAN et als}  Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, the sum of thirty one dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive of W.W. HICKMAN out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Stephen HICKMAN deceased, Sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, the same having been turned over by B.f.C. Smith former Clerk of this Court to the said Allison, by an order of this Court This the 15th day of July 1880  W.W. HICKMAN


Pg 289


John D. ENOCH et als Exparte} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of one hundred and sixty five dollars and 47 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of John ENOCH Sr. deceased sold and distributed in the above cause, under a decree of the Smith County Court This the 14th day of August 1880  James C. MIDETT   ---de-et G MIDETT


Pg 290


John D. ENOCH et als Exparte} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and five dollars and 47 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of James ENOCH deceased out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John ENOCH Sr. deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 14th day of August 1880   John HARPER Admr of James ENOCH deceased


Pg 291


John ENOCH et als Exparte} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of one hundred and five dollars and 47 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John ENOCH Sr. deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 14th day of August 1880  G.W. (his x mark) WILLIAMS  D.P. (her x mark) WILLIAMS


Pg 292


John D. ENOCH et als Exparte} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of one hundred and five dollars and 47 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John ENOCH Sr. deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 14th day of August 1880   James DAWSON  E.F. (her x mark) DAWSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James DAWSON and wife E.F. DAWSON…then came E.F. DAWSON…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, this the 14th day of August 1880   A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 293


Blank Page


Pg 294


A.H. HALEY et als vs M.J. SCOGGINS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of ninety eight dollars and 50 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Ann CARPENTER deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 30th day of August 1880   D.J. CARDWELL  Martha (her x mark) CARDWELL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…D.J. CARDWELL and his wife Martha CARDWELL…then came, Martha CARDWELL…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, this the 30th day of August 1880   Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 295


W.S. CHAMBERS et als vs Benj F. CALHOUN et als}  Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and Forty three dollars and 18 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of Robert K. HAYNIE and Hardie B. HAYNIE, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Hardy CALHOUN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 7th day of Sept 1880   John A. FITE Guardian for Robert K HAYNIE & Hardie B. HAYNIE


Pg 296


John D. ENOCH et als Exparte} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of one hundred and five dollars and 47 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of Andrew J. HARPER, Joseph T. HARPER, John HARPER, B.W. HARPER, Lucy J. HARPER, Marshall W. HARPER, Luvada HARPER and L.B. HARPER out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John ENOCH deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and ordered to be paid over to me as their father, see Minute Book for 1880, Page    ,  This September 7th 1880  John HARPER


Pg 297


Lucy P. WILKERSON’s Estate} Received of J.H. BAIRD Executor of the Estate of Lucy P. WILKERSON deceased the sum of Seventy six dollars and 50 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share out of the personal Estate of said decedant, as shown from the final Settlement, made by J.H. BAIRD Executor &c with the clerk of the County Court, which Settlement is approved by the Court, This the 22nd day of Sept 1880  Gilly Francis (her x mark) PARIS  Attest  Levi BAIRD  Wm M. BAIRD


State of Tennessee Smith County}  personally appeared…Levi BAIRD and Wm. M. BAIRD the subscribing witnesses…

This Septr     1880   S. Allison Clk


Pg 298


Joe E. Foust Admr &c et als vs William McCLANAHAN et als} Received of John P. Yelton former Clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause the sum of Twenty four dollars and 64 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of Terrisse STINSON, Sarah E. BUTRAM and William B. CARMON, Grandchildren and Mariah E. FREEMAN great grand child of William CARMON deceased, arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of the said William CARMON deceased, Sold after the death of Sallie CARMON, the widow of said William CARMON deceased, under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 27th day of September 1880  William B CARMAN  William B. CARMAN  Atty in fact for Asa STINSON  Terrissee STINSON  Smith A. FREEMAN  Mariah E. FREEMAN  Bishop BUTRAM  Sarah E. BUTRAM


Pg 299


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received  of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of forty nine dollars, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share out of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John BALLARD deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, this the 11th day of October 1880  James (his x mark) BALLARD   Test  J.C. APPLE


Pg 300


Lycurgus HOUSE vs John BARBEE} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Thirty two dollars and eighty three cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of John B. HOUSE, out of the funds arising from the rent of the lands belonging to the estate of G.W. HOUSE deceased, rented and ordered to be distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 12th day  of October 1880 John D. HOUSE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John B. HOUSE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of October 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 301



Lycurgus HOUSE vs John BARBEE} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty two dollars and eighty three cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Winfield S. HOUSE out of the funds arising from the rent of the lands belonging to the Estate of G.W. HOUSE deceased rented and ordered to be distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 12th day  of October 1880 John JOHNSON Guardian for Winfield S. HOUSE By T.J. FISHER Atty


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…T.J. FISHER Sr. Atty for John JOHNSON guardian for Winfield S. HOUSE…

Witness my hand at office, this the 12th day of October 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 302


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of forty nine dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land notes, arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John BALLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 15th day  of October 1880 George (his x mark) SMALLING   Fannie (her x mark) SMALLING


Pg 303


Blank Page


Pg 304


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk and Commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee forty nine dollars Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt and less $1.25 fee for recording a Power of Attorney, in full of the distributive share of Aletha RIGSBY out of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John BALLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 22nd day  of November 1880 George (his x mark) SMALLING Attorney in fact for Aletha RIGSBY and husband Wright RIGSBY  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…George SMALLING…

Witness my hand at office, This the 22 day of November 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


J.W. HUGHES Admr et als vs Isaac GRISHAM et als} Received of B.f.C. SMITH former clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of four dollars and 71 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the Estate of L.D. GRISHAM deceased, according to the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, See Minute Book J. Page 629. This the 3rd day of September 1881 Laura (her x mark) GREGORY  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Laura GREGORY…

Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of September 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison


Pg 305


Thomas OLDHAM et als vs Richard OLDHAM et als} Received of John P. Yelton former Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, and commissioner in the above cause the sum of fourteen dollars and 6 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of George OLDHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 28th day of March 1881 W.D. (his x mark) TONEY  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.D. TONEY…

Witness my hand at office, This the 28 day of March 1881  Samuel Allison clerk

A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 306


Mr. B.f.C. Smith sir you will please to pay to Lon JENKINS four dollars and ten cents, that you have in your hands coming from John RUSSELs estate due me, and this my order, shall be your receipt for the same. This the 10th day of November 1881  Martha (her x mark) JENKINS  Test James H. SMITH Witness Norman JENKINS  A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of B.f.C. Smith former Clerk of the Smith County Court four dollars and 10 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the amount going to Martha JENKINS out of the funds belonging to the Estate of John RUSSELL deceased This the 22nd day of November 1880  Leon JENKINS


Pg 307


Blank Page


Pg 308


Anderson PASCHAL’s Estate} Received of Jeremiah H. BAIRD Administrator of the Estate of Anderson PASCHAL deceased the sum of Eighteen dollars and 25 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of S.M. POPE deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the personal estate of said decedent as shown from the final Settlement made by the said J.H. BAIRD Admr &c with the clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, This the 25th day of September 1880  Levi BAIRD Admr of S. M. POPE Deced


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Levi BAIRD Administrator of the Estate of S.M. POPE deceased…

Witness my hand at office, this the 27th day of November 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Know all men by these presence, that we James M. DRAPER and wife Priscilla of the State of Kentucky have this day bargained and sold, and do hereby convey to M.L. WRIGHT of the State of Tenn, Trousdale Co. for the sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars to us in hand paid, all the interest we may now have in the Estate of Mrs. Nancy TURNER, now in the hands of John R.WRIGHT as Executor, who is hereby authorized to pay the same to the said M.L. WRIGHT. Given under our hands, the 16th day of April 1879. J.M. DRAPER  P.H. DRAPER


State of Kentucky County of Union} …personally appeared J.M. DRAPER and P.H. DRAPER his wife…and P.H. DRAPER wife of the said J.M. DRAPER…privately and apart…


Pg 309


…In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Morganfield, the day and year above mentioned  Gip Taylor Clerk Union County Court


State of Kentucky County of Union} I, James W. Marshall Presiding Judge…certify that Gip Taylor…is now Clerk…and was at the date thereof…Given under my hand…This 16 day of April 1879.  J.W. Marshall Judge


State of Tennessee Trousdale County} I Jno D. Stalkes Register…certify that this instrument with certificate is registered in Book B. page 389 Trousdale County records and noted in Note Book B page 36. This April 22nd 1879 at 3 oclock P.M. Jno D Stalkes Register By A.Y. Stalkes Dep. Reg.


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Nancy TURNER ‘s Estate} Received of John R. WRIGHT Executor of the Estate of Nancy TURNER deceased, the sum of $168.00 less $1.25 the balance in full of the amount going to Mrs P.DRAPER out of the funds arising from the personal estate of Nancy TURNER deceased as shown from the final Settlement made by John R. WRIGHT as Executor of the Estate of said Nancy TURNER deceased with the the clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, This November the 27th 1880  M.L. WRIGHT Asignee of P. DRAPER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…M.L.WRIGHT…he executed the foregoing receipt… Witness my hand at office, this the 27th day of November 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 310


Nancy TURNER ‘s Estate} Received of John R. WRIGHT, Executor of the Estate of Nancy TURNER deceased, the sum of four hundred and eighty seven dollars and 54 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share in said Estate, as shown from the final Settlement made by the said John R. WRIGHT, with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, on the 25th day of November 1880 this receipt covers or includes the receipts filed by said Executor in said Settlement for parts of my distributive share, This Novr the 27th 1880  M.L. WRIGHT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…M.L.WRIGHT…he executed the foregoing receipt… Witness my hand at office this the 27th day of November 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Nancy TURNER ‘s Estate} Received of John R. WRIGHT, Executor of the Estate of Nancy TURNER deceased, the sum of four hundred and eighty seven dollars and 54 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share in said Estate, as shown from the final Settlement made by the said John R. WRIGHT, with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, on the 25th day of November 1880 this receipt covers or includes the receipts filed by said Executor in said Settlement for parts of my distributive share. This the 27th day of Nov 1880  Harriet LOWE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Harriet LOWE, wife of Pink LOWE, privately and apart… Witness my hand at office, this the 27th day of November 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.

A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 311


Nancy TURNER ‘s Estate} Received of John R. WRIGHT, Executor of the Estate of Nancy TURNER deceased, the sum of four hundred and eighty seven dollars and 54 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share in said Estate as shown from the final Settlement made by the said John R. WRIGHT with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee on the 25th day of November 1880. This receipt covers or includes the receipts filed by said Executor in said Settlement for parts of my distributive share, This the 27th day of November 1880  Eliza JENKINS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Eliza JENKINS, wife of Wilson JENKINS, privately and apart… Witness my hand at office, this the 27th day of November 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.

A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Nancy TURNER ‘s Estate} Received of John R. WRIGHT, Executor of the Estate of Nancy TURNER deceased, the sum of four hundred and eighty seven dollars and 54 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share in said Estate, as shown from the final Settlement made by the said John R. WRIGHT, with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, on the 25th day of November 1880 this receipt covers or includes the receipts filed by said Executor in said Settlement, for parts of my distributive share. This the 27 day of November 1880  Jos WRIGHT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Jos WRIGHT…he executed the foregoing receipt… Witness my hand at office this the 27th day of November 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.

A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 312


Nancy TURNER ‘s Estate} Received of John R. WRIGHT Executor of the Estate of Nancy TURNER deceased, the sum of four hundred and eighty seven dollars and 54 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share in said Estate, as shown from the final Settlement made by the said J.R. WRIGHT with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, on the 25th day of November 1880. this receipt covers or includes the receipts filed by said Executor in said Settlement, for parts of my distributive share, This the 27th day of Novr 1880  N. Sydney DYER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…N. Sydney DYER…she executed the foregoing receipt…Witness my hand at office this the 27 day of November 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.

A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Nancy TURNER ‘s Estate} Received of John R. WRIGHT Executor of the Estate of Nancy TURNER deceased, the sum of four hundred and eighty seven dollars and 54 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share in said Estate, as shown from the final Settlement made by the said John R. WRIGHT with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, on the 25 day of November 1880 this receipt covers or includes the receipts filed by said Executor in said Estate for parts of my distributive share, This the 27 day of Nov 1880  Rom C. WRIGHT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Rom C. WRIGHT…he executed the foregoing receipt… Witness my hand at office, this the 27th day of November 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.

A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 313


Isham BEASLEY et als vs A.H. SMITH et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk and commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee Thirty three dollars and 36 cents, less 1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Sallie BEASLEY deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 6th day of December 1880  Mahala (her x mark) SMITH


Pg 314


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs J.M. CONDITT et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of four hundred and eighty nine dollars and 94 cents, Less $1.21 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John STEVINS deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 14th day of December 1880.  Emma STEVENS  Witness J.C. APPLE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Emma STEVENS…

Witness my hand at office, this the 14 day of December 1880  Samuel Allison Clerk


Pg 315


 W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety one dollars and 19 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the sale of the lands belonging to said Estate, Sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of Said Court, and ordered to be paid out by said Court. This the 23rd day of December 1880.  W.H. GILL


Pg 316


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety one dollars and 19 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the sale of the lands belonging to said Estate sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of Said Court and ordered to be paid out by said Court. This the 23 day of December 1880.  T.A. MORRIS


Pg 317


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety one dollars and 19 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the sale of the lands belonging to said Estate sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of said Court in the above cause, and ordered to be paid out by said Court. This the 23rd day of December 1880.  William OAKLEY  Louiza OAKLEY


Pg 318


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause the sum of Ninety one dollars and 19 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the sale of the lands belonging to said Estate Sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of said Court in the above cause, and ordered to be paid out by said Court. This the 23 day of December 1880.  Thomas FULLER  Elisabeth FULLER  (Elis----t FULLER)


Pg 319


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause Ninety one dollars and 19 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the sale of the lands belonging to said Estate, sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of said Court in said cause, and ordered to be paid out by said Court. This the 23rd day of December 1880 T.L. JOHNSON


Pg 320


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Ninety one dollars and 19 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to said Estate, sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of said Court in said cause, and ordered to be paid out by said Court. This the 23rd day of December 1880.  (no signatures)


Pg 321


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Ninety one dollars and 19 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to said Estate sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of said Court in said cause, and ordered to be paid out by said Court. This the 23rd day of Febry 1881  J.M. TUGGLE Guardian for J.D. GILL


Pg 322


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause Thirty dollars and 40 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to said Estate, sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of said Court in said cause and ordered to be paid out by said Court. This the 23rd day of December 1880  W.R. SHAVER Guardian for G.W. GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.R. SHAVER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received this the 23rd day of November 1880 of D.J. SHEPHERD Administrator of the Estate of Henry STROTHER deceased, my late husband, One hundred and seventy one dollars and 45 cents in full of balance due me in final Settlement of said Estate  Mary Ann STROTHER  Attest J.D. BEASLEY  W.E. BEASLEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.D. BEASLEY and W.E. BEASLEY subscribing witnesses…personally acquainted with Mary Ann STROTHER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 2 day of August 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 323


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause Thirty dollars and 40 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to said Estate sold on the 9th day of December 1876. under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to said Estate sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of said Court in said cause, and ordered to be paid out by said Court, This the 23rd day of December 1880  Wm ODUM  Jodie ODUM


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…William ODOM and his wife Jodie ODOM…then came Jodie ODOM…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 324


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause, Thirty dollars and 40 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold on the 9th day of December 1876 under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and also in full of the cash fund arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to said Estate, sold on the 18th day of November 1880 under the decree of said Court in said cause and ordered to be paid out by said Court, this the 23rd day of December 1880.  John T SHAVER Guardian for Johnie A. GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John T. SHAVER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 325


For the consideration of Seventy five dollars to me in hand paid I have this day bargained and sold and hereby transfer and convey to Samuel DENNY all my right to a certain amount of Seventy five $75 dollars, willed to me by the will of my father, Wiley DENNY to make me equal with his other children in amounts which have been advanced to them as shown by said will, and I hereby warrant the wright, title to said interest or legacy so willed to me to the said Samuel DENNY and his heirs and assigns forever In testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal on this the 16th day of November 1880.  Ann (her x mark) CLARIDA  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Ann CLARIDA…

Witness my hand at office this the 17th day of November 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.

A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 326


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and eleven dollars and twenty five cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of Lucy PRUETT deceased out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 15th day of February 1881  J.H. ALLEN Assignee of Lucy PRUETT dec’d


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.H. ALLEN…Witness my hand at office, This the 15th day of February 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 327


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als } Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and four dollars and 75 5/11 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of H.C. PRUETT out of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, this the 17th day of February 1881  H.C. PRUETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…H.C. PRUETT…Witness my hand at office, This the 17th day of February 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 326a


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of S. Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and Eleven dollars and twenty five cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of Darthula H. ALLEN, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 16th day of February 1881  D.H. ALLEN  J.H. ALLEN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.H. ALLEN and wife D.H. ALLEN…then came D.H. ALLEN…privately and apart…


Pg 327a


Blank Page


Pg 328


State of Kentucky Simpson County} Know all men by these presents that we Joseph H. GREGORY and wife Sallie GREGORY of the County and State aforesaid, have this day made, constituted and appointed and do by these presents make, constitute and appoint Laton F. WILLIAMS of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, our true and lawful attorney in fact for us and in our name place and stead, to ask for, demand receive and receipt for all moneys and effects or other things in the hands of B.f.C. Smith former Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, or in the hands of any other person or persons that may be coming to us from the Estates of James MATHERSON deceased and Leonard MATHERSON deceased, the said Sallie GREGORY being a Sister and heir of the said James and Leonard MATHERSON deceased, they having died without issue, and we do hereby ratify and confirm any and all the legal acts and doings of our said attorney done in the premises as fully and for all intents and purposes as if we were personally present and doing the same ourselves, and we do further authorize and our said attorney to demand and sue for if necessary and recover whatever may be coming to us from said Estates of James and Leonard MATHERSON deceased, and for this purpose we hereby authorize him to employ such aid or counsel as he may deem necessary at our expense and charge, I witness whereof we do hereunto set our hands and seals, This the 1st day of December 1880.  James H. (his x mark) GREGORY  Sallie (her x mark) GREGORY Attest 1. C. MATHERSON  2. J.G. SMITH


State of Kentucky Simpson County} Personally appeared…Joseph H. GREGORY and his wife Sallie GREGORY…then came Sallie GREGORY wife of the said Joseph H. GREGORY separately and apart…Witness my hand and seal of office at office, in Franklin This the 1st day of December 1880  A.P. Hammond clerk\


State of Kentucky Simpson County} I, Ira J. Bogan Judge…certify that A.P.Hammond…


Pg 329


…is now and was at the time of signing…Clerk…Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 1st day of December 1880  I.J. Bogan Judge


State of Kentucky Simpson County} I, A.P. Hammond Clerk…certify that I.J. Bogan…is now and was at the time of signing…Judge…Given under my hand and seal of office, This the 1st day of December 1880   A.P. Hammond Clerk


State of Kentucky Simpson County}Personally appeared…C.MATHERSON and J.C. SMITH…they are personally acquainted with Sallie GREGORY wife of Joseph H. GREGORY…and that she is the identical person she presents herself to be, to wit the sister of James and Leonard MATHERSON deceased…  J.C. SMITH  C. MATHERSON               Sworn to and Subscribed before me, This the 1st day of December 1880  A.P. Hammond Clerk Simpson County Court


A true copy A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Received of B.f.C. Smith former clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, Seven dollars and 69 ½ cents in full of the distributive share of Sallie GREGORY out of the personal estate of James MATHERSON deceased and Eight dollars and 2 2/3 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of said Sallie GREGORYs share out of the personal estate of Leonard MATHERSON deceased, as appears from the final Settlements of said Estates, This the 21st day of February 1881  L.F. WILLIAMS Attorney in fact of Joseph H. and Sallie GREGORY


State of Tennessee S


Pg 330


V.A. GIBBS and others vs J.C. GIBBS and others}Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Six dollars and 70 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Susan CAWLEY out of the cash fund paid in on the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 21st day of February 1881  Susan F. CAWLY  J.C. (his x mark) COWLY Attest S Allison Clk


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.C. CAWLEY and his wife Susan F. CAWLEY…then came Susan F. CAWLEY…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, this the 21st day of February 1881  Samuel Allison clerk


Pg 331


Lycurgus HOUSE vs John BARBEE} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk and commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee the sum of Thirty two dollars and 83 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Lycurgus HOUSE out of the funds arising from the rent of the lands belonging to the Estate of G.W. HOUSE deceased rented and ordered to be distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 25th day of February 1881  Lycurgus HOUSE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Lycurgus HOUSE…

Witness my hand at office, This the 25 day of January 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 332


Paid Received of J.B. HALL administrator of Susan WILSON Two hundred forty eight Dollars and 17 1/3 cent being the amount due to Bettie WILSON, J--- WILSON Thomas WILSON William WILSON I---- WILSON & ------ WILSON each one sixth of said fund as shown by my settlement made 20 February 1881  John A. FITE Guardian  of Bettie WILSON J---- WILSON  Thomas WILSON  William WILSON ----- WILSON & -----WILSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John A. FITE…

Witness my hand at office, This the 20th day of January 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


William McCLELLAN et als vs Wade KEMP and others} Received of B.f.C. Smith former Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Ten Dollars and 55 cents, less 40 cents tax and $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the real estate belonging to the Estates of William and Nancy THOMAS deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 5th day of August 1881  Maggie THOMAS  Witness W.W. FORD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Maggie THOMAS…

Witness my hand at office, This the 5th day of August 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 333


Blank Page


Pg 334


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and four dollars and 75 5/11 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This 23rd day of March 1881  Mary (her x mark) BOMAR


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Mary BOMER…

Witness my hand at office, this the 23rd day of March 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 335


James MARKS Estate} Received of Jacob THOMASON Administrator of the Estate of James MARKS deceased, the sum of fifty dollars and twenty eight cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the personal estate of the said James MARKS deceased as appears from the final Settlement made by the said Jacob THOMASON, Administrator &c on the 11th day of March 1881 with the clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee. This the 6th day of April 1881  E.M. CUBBINS Martha CUBBINS


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} Personally appeared…E.M. CUBBINS and Martha CUBBINS…and Martha CUBBUNS wife of the said E.M. CUBBINS…privately and apart…

Witness my hand and Seal at office. This 7 day of April 1881 D.W. Dingis N.P.


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


James MARKS Estate} Received of Jacob THOMASON Administrator of the Estate of James MARKS deceased, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars and 84 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the personal Estate of the said James MARKS deceased as appears from the final Settlement made by the said Jacob THOMASON Administrator &c on the 11 day of March 1881, with the clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee. This the 16th day of April 1881  Sarah (her x mark) TRACY


I acknowledge that my wife Sarah TRACY has received the above sum and I am willing for her to receive and receipt for it. This April16th 1881  David B. TRACY


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} Personally appeared…David B. TRACY and Sarah TRACY…and Sarah TRACY wife of the said David B. TRACY…privately and apart…


Pg 336


…Witness my hand and seal at office, This 16th day of April 1881 D.W. Dingis N.P.


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


James MARKS Estate} Received of Jacob THOMASON Administrator of the Estate of James MARKS deceased, the sum of One hundred and fifty dollars and 84 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the personal estate of the said James MARKS deceased, as appears from the final Settlement, made by the said Jacob THOMASON Administrator &c on the 11 day of March 1881 with the clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee. This the 16 day of April 1881  Eliza (her x mark) BELL  Allen (his x mark) BELL  Attest J.A. DONNELL


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} Personally appeared…Allen BELL and Eliza BELL…and Eliza BELL wife of the said Allen BELL…privately and apart…

Witness my hand and seal at office This 16 day of April 1881 D.W. Dingis N.P.


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


James MARKS Estate} Received of Jacob THOMASON Administrator of the Estate of James MARKS deceased, the sum of One hundred and fifty dollars and 84 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the personal estate of the said James MARKS deceased, as appears from the final Settlement, made by the said Jacob THOMASON Administrator &c, with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, on the 11th day of March 1881. This the 14th day of April 1881  E.J. MAHOLLAND


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} Personally appeared…E.J. MAHOLLAND…


Pg 337


…she executed the above receipt…

Witness my hand and seal, This the 14 day of April 1881 D.W. Dingis Notary Public


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


James MARKS Estate} Received of Jacob THOMASON Administrator of the Estate of James MARKS deceased, the sum of fifty dollars and 28 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the personal Estate of the said James MARKS deceased, as appears from the final Settlement made by the said Jacob THOMASON, Administrator &c on the 11th day of March 1881 with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, This the 6th day of April 1881  G.W. MARKS


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} Personally appeared…G.W.MARKS…he executed the above receipt…

Witness my hand, seal This April 6th 1881 D.W. Dingis N.P.


A true copy Attest A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 338


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause the sum of Fifty two dollars and 37 ½  cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 11th day of May 1881  James T. PRUETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James T. PRUETT…

Witness my hand at office, this the 11th day of May 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 339


State of Tennessee County of Obion} Know all men by these presents that I, Clarkey STOVALL hereby nominate and appoint James BAKER of Smith County Tennessee my true and lawful Attorney in fact with full power and authority to receive and receipt for any and all moneys that is now or may be hereafter due me from my mother Mary ROYSTER’s Estate under the compromise entered into between the said James BAKER myself and C.E. & I.E. ROYSTER, I further authorize my said attorney to sign my name and do all other acts and things necessary and proper for the purpose of collecting and transmiting to me all money that may be due me in any manner from said Estate and I hereby ratify and confirm all acts and things done my said attorney as fully as if I was present and doing the same myself. Given under my hand this the 22 day of July 1879.  Clarkey STOVALL  B.M. STOVALL


State of Tennessee Obion County} Personally appeared…B.W. STOVALL and Clarkey STOVALL…and Clarkey STOVALL wife of the said B.W. STOVALL…privately and apart…

Witness W.S. Scott clerk of said Court, at office, this 16th day of September 1879.  W.S. Scott Clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received, Carthage Tennessee, this the 21st day of March 1881 of I.E. ROYSTER and Charles ROYSTER, Executors of the Estate of Mary ROYSTER deceased, fifty dollars in full of the amount due Clarkey STOVALL by virtue of a compromise entered into heretofor and ratified and confirmed by the County Court of Smith County  Tennessee, at the May term 1879 and I acknowledge the receipt of said amount fifty dollars in full of all my interest in the estate of said Mary ROYSTER deceased, both real and personal or right thereto in law or equity. This March the 21st 1881. Clarkey STOVALL B.W. STOVALL By James BAKER Attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James BAKER…


Pg 338a


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, fifty dollars and 20 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share out of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John BALLARD deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This June the 7th 1880  Henry SMALLING  Poly (her x mark) SMALLING  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Henry SMALLING and his wife Polly SMALLING…then…


Pg 339a


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Fifty dollars and 20 cents Less $ one dollar and 25 cts fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive out of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John BALLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This June 7th 1880  Eliza (her x mark) BALLARD  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Eliza BALLARD…


Pg 338b


…came Polly SMALLING…separately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 7th day of June 1880 A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 339b


Witness my hand at office, This the 7th day of June 1880 A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 340


…Witness my hand at office, this the 21st day of March 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 341


 M. LANCASTER et als vs J.C. COWAN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause Two hundred and Eleven Dollars and 64 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Ira B. COWAN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause: And this receipt covers and includes a transfer of one hundred and fifty dollars which I gave to M. LANCASTER. This the 4 day of June 1881  William COWAN


Pg 342


John L. HICKMAN et als vs Malissa HICKMAN} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner thirty one dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of John L. HICKMAN deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Stephen HICKMAN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 7th day of June 1881  W.W. HICKMAN Admr of John L. HICKMAN


Pg 343


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk and Commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee Eight hundred dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause, This the 13th day of July 1881  S.S. CARDWELL


Pg 344


Know all men by these presents that we W.A. NICHOLS and wife Sarah Elizabeth NICHOLS, formerly Sarah Elizabeth PRUETT of the County of Crittenden and State of Kentucky, have this day made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents, make, constitute and appoint Henry C. PRUETT of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee our true and lawful attorney in fact for us and in our name place and stead to collect, demand and receive from Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, or any other person or persons having possession of the same, all money and effects and other property that may be due and owing to the said Sarah Elizabeth NICHOLS from her father and mother, Joshua and Nancy PRUETT deceased Estates, arising from the sale of real and personal estates of said decedants and we do further authorize and empower our said attorney in fact to demand, sue for and receive and receipt for the same, and employ such counsel and aid as may be necessary in and above the premises, hereby ratifying and confirming all the legal actings and doings of our said Attorney in the premises, and which shall be as legal and binding on us when done as if we were personally present and doing the same ourselves. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands. This the 9th day of June 1881  W.A. (his x mark) NICHOLS  Sarah E. NICHOLS  Witness


State of Kentucky County of Crittenden} Personally appeared…W.A.NICHOLS and wife Sarah Elizabeth NICHOLS…then came Sarah Elizabeth NICHOLS…separate and apart from her said husband…Witness my hand and seal of office, This the 9th day of June 1881  D. Woods Clerk Crittenden County Court


State of Kentucky County of Crittenden} I, R.A. Dowell, Judge…certify that D. Woods…is now and was at the date of the same…clerk…


Pg 345


…Given under my hand and seal of office, This the 10 day of June 1881  R.A. Dowell Judge


State of Kentucky  County of Crittenden} I, D. Woods Clerk…certify that R.A. Dowell…is now and was at the date of the same…Judge…

Given under my hand and seal of office, This the 10th day of June 1881  D. Woods Clerk Crittenden County Court


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, One hundred and four dollars and 75 5/11 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Sarah Elizabeth NICHOLS, formerly Sarah Elizabeth PRUETT, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the County Court in the above cause, This the 14th day of July 1881.  Henry C. PRUETT Attorney in fact for Sarah E. NICHOLS & husband W.A. NICHOLS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Henry C. PRUETT…

Witness my hand st office, This the 14th day of July 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 346



G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety Seven Dollars and 50 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, in the above cause, This the 14 day of July 1881  R.V. CARDWELL Eliza Virginia (her x mark) CARDWELL  Attest Charles SWOPE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Robert V. CARDWELL and his wife Eliza V. CARDWELL…then came Eliza V. CARDWELL…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 14 day of July 1881


Pg 347


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee, This the 14th day of July 1881  J.W. RITCHARDSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.W. RICHARDSON…

Witness my hand at office, This the 14th day of July 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of our distributive share, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 16th day of July 1881  D.S. HUFHINES  F.A. HUFHINES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…D.S. HUFFHINES and his wife F.A. HUFFHINES…then came F.A. HUFFHINES…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 16th day of July 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 348


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of ten dollars less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of our distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 19th day of July 1881  E.J. MASSY   T. MASSEY  Attest  W.H. AUST


Pg 349


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Twenty two dollars and 50 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 26th day of July 1881  W.H. CARDELL (CARDWELL)


Pg 350


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County, Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of our distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 30th day of July 1881  W.F. KITTRELL  A.E. KITTRELL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.F. KITTRELL and his wife A.E. KITTRELL…then came A.E. KITTRELL…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 30th day of July 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 351


W.G. BRANSFORD et als vs James M. CONDITT et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, Ninety dollars and 94 cts Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands of John STEVENS deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 24th day of August 1881  M.C. BRADFORD  D.M. BRADFORD


Pg 352


J.J. ASKEW Admr et als vs James WATERMAN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Seventy Six dollars and 58 3/5 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 25th day of August 1881  N.J. ASHLEY  P.P. ASHLEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…N.J. ASHLEY and his wife, P.P. ASHLEY…then came P.P. ASHLEY…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 25th day of August 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 353


J.J. ASKEW Admr et als vs James WATERMAN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Seventy Six dollars and 58 ¾ cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 25th day of August 1881  Mary (her x mark) PARKER




State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Mary PARKER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 25th day of August 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg  354


J.J. ASKEW Admr et als vs James WATERMAN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, Twenty five dollars and 52 cts Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 27th day of August 1881  J.J. ASKEW


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared….J.J. ASKEW…

Witness my hand at office, This the 27th day of August 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 355


Americus GRISHAM et als vs J.M. DUNHAM et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, two dollars and five cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.D. GRISHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 3rd day of September 1881  Laura (her x mark) GREGORY  Attest  A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared….Laura GREGORY…

Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of September 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of F.M. GOLD Admr of T.H. GOLD (decd) $49.81), forty Nine and 81/100 Dollars, in full of my distributive share in the estate of said T.H. GOLD deceased, I being a son of Martha DILLARD who was a sister of said decedent. This Nov 14th 1881  E.H. (his x mark) DILLARD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared….E.H. DILLARD…he executed the foregoing…Witness my hand at office, This the 14th day of November 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 356


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, Eleven dollars and 25 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Leonard H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 22 day of September 1881  Robert B. (his x mark) CARDWELL  Attest  A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Robert B. CARDWELL…

Witness my hand at office, This the 22 day of September 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of fifty dollars and 92 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share, in the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of John BALLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 11 day of October 1881  James (his x mark) BALLARD  Attest  H.J. PERKINS


Pg 357


H.J. PERKINS Admr et als vs L.A. ROBINSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and Ninety eight dollars and 90 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of William ROBINSON deceased, sold under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, and ordered to be turned over to me by said Court,  October the 11th 1881  H.J. PERKINS


Pg 358


John PRUETT et als vs Mary BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, Fifty two dollars and 37 ½ cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, and $1.50 fee for recording Power of Attorney, in part payment of the distributive share of Mary Jane OLIVER, formerly, Mary Jane PRUETT, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 17th day of October 1881  Thos. ARRINGTON Atty in fact for Mary Jane & L.L. OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Thomas ARRINGTON Attorney in fact for Mary Jane OLIVER and L.L. OLIVER…

Witness my hand at office This the 17th day of October 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Know all men by these presents that we Mary Jane OLIVER and husband, L.L. OLIVER of the County of Hickman and State of Kentucky, hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Thomas ARRINGTON of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, our true and lawful attorney in fact, for us and in our name, place and stead, to sue for if necessary and collect and receipt for any and all sums of money that may be due us in the estate of Joshua PRUETT, and any and all other sources and to sign our names to all receipts, bonds &c that may become necessary to carry out the purposes of this Power of Attorney: and we hereby ratify and confirm all the acts and doings of our said Attorney as fully as if we were present doing the same ourselves. In testimony whereof we have hereunto signed our names. This the 11 day of October 1881.  Mary Jane (her x mark) OLIVER  L.L. OLIVER


I, S.R. Taylor Clerk…certify that Mary Jane OLIVER…was by me examined privately and apart…


Pg 359


…This the 11th of October 1881. Given under my hand and seal  S.R. Taylor Clerk


State of Kentucky County of Hickman} I, Gid J. Binford, presiding Judge…certify that S.R. Taylor…is genuine…Given under my hand, This 11th of October 1881  Gid J. Binford P.J. H.C.C.


State of Kentucky County of Hickman} I, S.R. Taylor clerk…certify that Gid J. Binford…was… duly qualified and elected…Given under my hand and seal, This 11 of October 1881  S.R. Taylor Clerk


Fee $1.50 Paid  A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 360


John A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of two hundred and forty nine dollars and 9 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 17th day of October 1881  J.A. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.A. JONES…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 17th day of October 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


John A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of two hundred and forty nine dollars and 9 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 17 day of October 1881 W.T. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.T. JONES…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 17 day of October 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 361


V.A GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and fifty one dollars and twenty five cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause, This the 21st day of October 1881 Susan T.CAWLEY  J.C. (his x mark) CAWLEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.C. CAWLEY AND WIFE Susan T. CAWLEY…then came, Susan T.CAWLEY…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 21st day of October 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 362


Isham G. KITTRELL et als vs Clio C. COOPER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and Seventy Seven dollars and 25 cents, Less one dollar and 25 cents fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of our distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Edwin KITTRELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 22 day of November 1881.  H.M. HALE Attorney in fact & Trustee for James D. and Fannie BENNETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…H.M. HALE…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 22ay of November 1881.


Pg 363


B.A. JAMES Admr et als vs William BAKER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause the sum of Thirteen dollars and 5 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Thomas P. COCKERHAM deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the County Court in the above cause, This the 19 day of December 1881 Jesse BAIRD


Pg 364


B.A. JAMES Admr et als vs William DRAPER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirteen dollars and 5 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of our distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Thomas P. COCKERHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 19th day of December 1881 Sarah E. GWALTNEY


Pg 365


B.A. JAMES Admr et als vs William BAKER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirteen dollars and 5 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Thomas P. COCKERHAM deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 19 day of December 1881 Mary I –T---


Pg 366


John A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of five hundred and one dollars and 59 cents cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 19th day of December 1881. E.J. WALKER By J.A. WALKER Atorney in fact J.A. WALKER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.A. WALKER…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 19 day of December 1881.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Know all men by these presents, that I, Eliza J. WALKER have made constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint James A. WALKER my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name place and stead, to sign my name to a receipt to receive my distributive share of moneys now due me at clerks office in Smith County Tenn, as heir of Isaac JONES dec’d, in giving and granting unto my said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney or his lawful substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 10th day of December 1881  E.J. WALKER


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} Personally appeared…E.J. WALKER…the wife of James A. WALKER…she executed the same…Witness my hand and official seal at office…


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 367


John A. JONES Admr et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of five hundred and one dollars and 59 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 19th day of December 1881 H.H. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…H.H. JONES…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 19 day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 368


John A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of two hundred and fifty two dollars and 50 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 19th day of December 1881.  W.T. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.T. JONES…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 19th day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


John A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of two hundred and fifty two dollars and 50 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 19 day of December 1881 J.A. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.A. JONES…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 19 day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 369


V.A GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Five hundred and Sixty two dollars and 78 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 26th day of December 1881 A.L.(his x mark) GIBBS  Attest A.-. GARRETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…A.L. GIBBS…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 26th day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


V.A GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Five hundred and Sixty two dollars and 78 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 26th day of December 1881. J.C. GIBBS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.C. GIBBS…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 26th day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 370


V.A GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of five hundred and Sixty two dollars and 78 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 26th day of December 1881. L.H. GIBBS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.H. GIBBS…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 26th day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


V.A GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Five hundred and Sixty two dollars and 78 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 26 day of December 1881.  V.A. GIBBS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…V.A. GIBBS…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 26 day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 371


V.A GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Five hundred and Sicty two dollars and 78 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 26th day of December 1881 J.S. GIBBS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.S. GIBBS…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 26th day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


V.A GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Five hundred and Sixty two dollars and 78 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Martha CAWLEY, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 26th day of December 1881 J.C. GIBBS  L.H. GIBBS  A.L. (his x mark) GIBBS  V.A. GIBBS  J.S. GIBBS  (Assignees)  Attest A.E. GARRETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.C. GIBBS, A.L. GIBBS, L.H. GIBBS, V.A. GIBBS and J.S. GIBBS, assignees of Martha CAWLEY and husband…

Witness my hand at office, This the 26th day of December 1881  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 372


Josiah BAIRD Sr Estate            Received of Jessee H. BAIRD Administrator DeBonis Non of the Estate of Josiah BAIRD Sr deceased the Sum of Sixty Seven dollars and 45 cents. Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Edgar B. HAILEY, Alice ROBERTS, Charlie HAILEY and Ida HOWELL great grandchildren of the said Josiah BAIRD Sr deceased, out of the personal Estate of said decedant, This the 27th day of December 1881.  A.A. Allison Atty in fact for Edgar B. HAILEY Alice ROBERTS Charlie HAILEY and Ida HOWELL & husband


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…A.A. Allison…Witness my hand, This the 3rd day of January 1882  Chairman


State of Texas County of Falls} Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority E. HAILEY and E.W. LOFTIN to me well known and upon their oath say that they are well acquainted with Alice ROBERTS formerly HAILEY, Ida HOWELL formerly HAILEY, Edgar B. HAILEY and Charley HAILEY, and know them to be the identical persons they claim to be and that they are the children of Tom HAILEY deceased and that he was the Son of Mrs Nancy HAILEY (nee Nancy BAIRD) now deceased, from Smith Counmty Tennessee, and that Tom HAILEY died leaving 4 children, names and ages as follows Edgar B. HAILEY age 24 yrs, Alice ROBERTS nee HAILEY 20 yrs, Charley HAILEY 22 yrs and Ida HOWELL nee HAILEY 18 yrs. Signed E. HAILEY  E.W. LOFTIN

Sworn to and Subscribed before me, this October 15th 1881

Given under my hand and seal of office this Oct 15th 1881  J.W. Wilkins C.C.C.F.Co.  per C.H. Bartlett Deputy


State of Texas Falls County} Know all men by these presents that we, Alice ROBERTS wife of Ruebin ROBERTS deceased, Ida HOWELL Joined by her husband, M.W. HOWELL, Edgar HAILEY amd Charley HOWELL adult (illegible) of Falls County in the…


Pg 373


…State of Texas, have this day made, constituted and appointed and by these presents make, constitute and appoint A.A. Allison of Smith County Tennessee our true and lawful Attorney in fact for us and in our names and stead to demand and ask for receive and receipt for any and all moneys and effects that may be due and coming to us from our Great grandfather, Josiah BAIRDs Estate, who died a citizen of Smith County Tennessee, and we authorize our said Attorney in fact to demand, sue for and receive the same from any person having possession of our said interest in said Estate of Josiah BAIRD deceased and to employ such aid or counsel in the premises as may be necessary to carry out this Power of Attorney at our expense and charge and anything that our said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done in the premises shall be as binding on us and each of us as if we were personally present and doing the same ourselves. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands. This the 15 day of October 1881. Alice ROBERTS  M.W. HARWELL  Ida HARWELL  Charlie HAILEY  E.B. HAILEY


State of Texas Falls County} Personally appeared…Mrs Alice ROBERTS wife of Ruebin ROBERTS deceased, Mrs Ida HARWELL and husband M.W. HARWELL, Edgar HAILEY and Charley HAILEY all except M.W. HARWELL, the children of Thomas HAILEY deceased, and over the age of twenty one years or emancipated by marriage…and the said Ida HARWELL…examined by me, privately and apart…

Witness my hand and seal of office. This the 15th day of October 1881  J.W.Watkins C.C.C.F.Co. per C.H. Bartlett Deputy


The State of Texas Falls County} I, E.C. Stuart Judge…certify that J.W. Watkins…


Pg 374


…is now and was at the time of signing…Clerk… Given under my hand and seal of office, This the 15 day of October 1881. E.C. Stuart County Judge Falls County Texas


The State of Texas Falls County} I, J.W. Watkins Clerk…certify that…E.C. Stuart…is now and was at the time of signing…Judge… Given under my hand and seal of office, This the 15 day of October 1881. J.W.Watkins C.C.C.F.Co. per C.H. Bartlett Deputy


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


H.J. PERKINS Admr et als vs L.A. Robinson et als} received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause the sum of one hundred and thirty five dollars and 75 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of William ROBINSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, January the 3rd 1882  John L. ROBINSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John L.ROBINSON…

Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of January 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 375


V.A GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and Eighty two dollars and 42 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the amount Ordered to be turned over to me, by the County Court, to pay on debts against the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, I being the Administrator of said Estate, and said funds arising from the Sale of the lands sold in this cause See Order on Minute Book No 3, Page  Made at January Term 1882 of the County Court, This the 4th day of January 1882 J.C. GIBBS admr of the Estate of John GIBBS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.C. GIBBS…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 4th day of January 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 376


H.J. PERKINS Admr et als vs L.A. ROBINSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ten dollars and 75 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of William ROBINSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, See Minute Book No 3 Page   This the 4 day of January 1882  R.L. ROBINSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.L. ROBINSON…he executed the foregoing… Witness my hand at office, This the 4th day of January 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


This deed of conveyance is intended to show that I John PRUETT have this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer and convey to Lewis L. ALLEN and his heirs, for the consideration of one hundred and eighty three dollars and forty five cents ($183.45) to him paid all of my undivided interest in the landed estate of Joshua PRUETT dec’d or One 11th part of the same. In Tennessee County of Smith and District No 18. and bounded as follows, on the North by W.S. NEALs tract of land, on the West by the lands of J.L. PRUETT’s heirs, on the South by the lands of William EVERETT, on the East by the lands of G.R. BRADFORD W.B. JENKINS and G. MOON, containing 118 ½ acres more or less. I do hereby convey and deliver to the said Lewis L.ALLEN all of my undivided interest in the above described tract of land, and bind myself, my heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the title of said land forever This 1st day of September 1879.  John PRUETT  Attest  JOHN C. MORE, O.B.J. ENOCH


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John C. MOORE and O.B.J. ENOCH…said that they are acquainted with John PRUETT…he acknowledged the same in their presence… Witness my hand at office, This the 5 day of September 1879  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 377


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Two hundred and five dollars and 9 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of our distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 10th day of January 1882  Lewis L. ALLEN  Nancy J.ALLEN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Lewis L.ALLEN and his wife Nancy J. ALLEN…then came Nancy J.ALLEN…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 10 day of January 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 378


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause the sum of Two hundred and five dollars and 9 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of John PRUETT, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 10th day of January 1882  Lewis L. ALLEN assignee for John PRUETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Lewis L.ALLEN…

Witness my hand at office, This the 10 day of January 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 379


Received of James W. DENNY Administrator of the Estate of Wiley DENNY deceased, the sum of thirteen dollars and 4 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the amount due me from the said James W. DENNY as such Administrator, as shown from the final Settlement made by him with the clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, This the 18th day of November 1880.  Ann CLARIDA By S. DENNY assignee  Attest


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…S. DENNY…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 18th day of November 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Received of Sarah H. PORTER of Smith County Tennessee, my Attorney in fact, twenty one dollars and seventy two cents less costs and expenses &c it being in full of my legacy and distributive share bequeathed to me by the last will and testament of my father Calvert PORTER deceased, late of Smith County Tennessee, the same having been received by my Attorney in fact from E.S. PORTER Executor &C, on final Settlement of said Estate. This 8 day of March 1878.  Thos C. PORTER


State of Illinois Mas—County} Personally appeared…Thomas C. PORTER… In testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Seal at office. This 8 day of March 1878  John F. McCartney Notary Public


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 380


Know all men by these presents that we Asa STINSON and wife Terrissa STINSON, who was a grand daughter of Sallie CARMAN deceased, and Bishop BUTRAM and wife Sarah E. BUTRAM, who was a grand daughter of Sallie CARMAN deceased and Smith A. FREEMAN and wife, Mariah E. FREEMAN, who was a daughter of D.E. CARMAN, he being a grand son of Sallie CARMAN deceased, all of Macon County Tennessee, do hereby nominate and appoint W.B. CARMAN of the same place our attorney in fact to demand, receive for us and in our name from John P. Yelton, or any other person having possession or liable for the same, a distributive share qwhich may be due us out of the Estate of Sallie CARMAN deceased, late of the County of Smith, State of Tennessee, and all necessary receipts, bonds and acquittances for us and in our name, to execute for and about the same. We do further empower our said attorney to sue for and receive the same, or any part thereof and for that purpose to employ such counsel or other aid as he may need, and to all other things necessary to accomplish the objects of this Power at our expense and charge. We do hereby ratify and confirm all the lawful acts and doings of our said attorney in the premises as fully as if we were present and doing the same ourselves.  In testamony whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals on this 5th day of April 1880.  Asa STINSON  Terrissa (her x mark) STINSON  Smith A. FREEMAN  Mariah E. FREEMAN  Bishop (his x mark) BUTRAM  Sarah E. (her x mark) BUTRAM


State of Tennessee Macon County} Personally appeared…Asa STINSON, Smith A. FREEMAN and Bishop BUTRAM…and Terrissa STINSON, Mariah E. FREEMAN and Sarah E. BUTRAM wives of Asa STINSON, Smith A. FREEMAN and Bishop BUTRAM having appeared before me privately and apart…Terrissa STINSON, Mariah E. FREEMAN and Sarah E. BUTRAM…acknowledged the execution of the foregoing…


Pg 381


Witness Thos J. Gregory clerk of said Court, at office, This 24 day of April 1880  Thos J. Gregory clerk


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Know all men by these presents that I Thomas C. PORTER of the City of Metropolis, in the County of Moss—and State of Illinois, have made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents make, constitute and appoint Mrs Sarah H. PORTER of Smith County in the State of Tennessee, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead to receive for me and in my name all moneys, shares of any Estate or estates due to me in the distribution thereof and which is cast upon me by the laws of the State of Tennessee, and to settle all matters of every kind and nature in which I am  interested and collect all moneys due to me, coming from any source what ever, and to Settle all matters in which I am interested which require Settlement and to sign my name to all private or public papers to which my signature is by law required, and to represent me in any and all Courts where I may have or where I now have business of any kind and to fully represent me in all matters as fully to all intents and purposes as I myself can or could do if personally present, giving and granting unto my said attorney full power and lawful authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and  purposes as I might or could do if personally present, with full power to substitute any person and make such appointment at her pleasure, hereby ratifying all that my said attorney or such substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.  In witness whereof I have hereunto west my hand and seal, This eighth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventy eight  Signed, sealed and delivered  Thomas C. PORTER  in presence of


State of Illinois Massae County} …Thomas C. PORTER…personally appeared…


Pg 382


…In testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal. The 8 day of January A.D. 1878.  John F. McCartney Notary Public


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk and Commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, the sum of fifty dollars and 30 cents, less $1.25 for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John BALLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 28th day of August 1880  Henry SMALLING  Polly (her x mark) SMALLING  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Henry SMALLING and his wife Polly SMALLING…then came Polly SMALLING…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 28 day of August 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of fifty dollars and thirty cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the my distributive share out of the funds paid in on the last land notes…


Pg 383


…arising from the sale of the lands belonging to John BALLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 14 day of August 1880.  George (his x mark) SMALLING  Fannie (her x mark) SMALLING  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…George SMALLING and his wife Fannie SMALLING…then came Fannie SMALLING…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 14 day of August 1880.  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS & wife} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of fifty dollars and thirty cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Eliza BALLARD out of the fund arising from the sale of the land belonging to the Estate of John BALLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 27 day of July 1880.  Eliza (her x mark) BALLARD  Attest A.A. Allison


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Eliza BALLARD…

Witness my hand at office, This the 27 day of July 1880  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 384


John L. PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty four dollars and 91 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 15 day of March 1881.  H.J. BRADFORD  Attest Thomas FULLER  J.C. MOORE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Thomas FULLER and J.C. MOORE…they are personally acquainted with H.J. BRADFORD…she executed said receipt…

Witness my hand at office, This the 28 day of March 1881 Samuel Allison clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


John L. PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty four dollars and 91 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the fund paid in on the first land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause This the 15 day of March 1881.  S.A.F. (his x mark) BRADFORD  Attest Thomas FULLER  J.C. MOORE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…


Pg 385


…Thomas FULLER and J.C. MOORE…they are personally acquainted with S.A.F. BRADFORD…she executed the foregoing receipt…

Witness my hand at office, This the 28th day of March 1881 Samuel Allison Clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


John L. PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty four dollars and 91 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 15 day of March 1881.  D.L. BRADFORD  Attest Thomas FULLER  J.C. MOORE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Thomas FULLER and J.C. MOORE…they are personally acquainted with D.L. BRADFORD…she executed said receipt…

Witness my hand at office, This the 28th day of March 1881 Samuel Allison clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


V.A. GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of five hundred and sixty two dollars and 78 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from…


Pg 386


…the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 26 day of December 1881  M.E. GIBBS  Attest J.S. GIBBS  H.C. GIBBS  J.C. GIBBS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.S. GIBBS AND J.C. GIBBS…they are personally acquainted with M.E. GIBBS…she executed said receipt…

Witness my hand at office, This the 2 day of January 1882 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty one dollars and 65 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881.  Wm ODUM  Jodie ODUM


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…William ODUM and his wife L.J. ODUM…then came L.J. ODUM…privately and apart…


Pg 387


…Witness my hand at office This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty one dollars and 65 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23 day of December 1881.  J.B. WHITLEY  J.A. WHITLEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Joe B.WHITLEY and his wife Johnie A. WHITLEY…then came Johnie A. WHITLEY…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty one dollars and 65 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL…


Pg 388


…deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881.  G.W. GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…G.W. GILL…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety four dollars and 95 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, and also Ninety one dollars, in full of our distributive share of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881.  J.W. McCLANAHAN  Irena McCLANAHAN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James W. McCLANAHAN and his wife Irena McCLANAHAN…then came, Irena McCLANAHAN…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 389


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety four dollars and 95 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881.  W.H. GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.H. Gill…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety four dollars and 95 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Sarah M. GILL, out of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881  T.L. JOHNSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…T.L. JOHNSON guardian for Sarah M. GILL…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 390


John T. SHAVER et als vs Philip W. HARSH et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Twenty seven dollars and 17 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first note arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Nancy J. NEWBY deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881.  M.E.GILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…M.E. GILL…she executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


John T. SHAVER et als vs Philip W. HARSH et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Twenty seven dollars and 17 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Nancy J. NEWBY deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881  J.R. NEWBY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.R. NEWBY…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 391


John T. SHAVER et als vs Philip W. HARSH et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the Sum of fifty seven dollars and eighty one cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the amount of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Nancy J. NEWBY deceased, ordered to be paid over to me as Administrator of said Estate, to pay outstanding debts against said Estate. See Minute Book No 3. This the 7th day of December 1881.  John T. SHAVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John T.SHAVER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


John T. SHAVER et als vs Philip W. HARSH et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause the Sum of Twenty seven dollars and 17 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the funds paid in on the first note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Nancy J. NEWBY deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881.  H.C. BRIDGES  H.A. BRIDGES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…H.C. BRIDGES and wife Hittie A. BRIDGES…then came Hittie A. BRIDGES…privately and apart…


Pg 392


Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


John T. SHAVER et als vs Philip W. HARSH et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Twenty seven dollars and 17 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Nancy J. NEWBY deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881. John T. SHAVER  Sarah F. SHAVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John T. SHAVER and his wife Sarah F. SHAVER…then came Sarah F. SHAVER…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars and 34 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of…


Pg 393


…the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 24th day of January 1882  Henry C. PRUETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Henry C. PRUETT…

Witness my hand at office, This the 24 day of January 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars and 34 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of Sarah E. NICHOLS, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 24 day of January 1882  Henry C. PRUETT Atty in fact for Sarah E. NICHOLS and husband


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Henry C. PRUETT Attorney in fact…

Witness my hand at office, This the 24th day of January 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety three dollars and 84 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of Lucy PRUETT, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the…


Pg 394


…Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 24th day of January 1882  J.H. ALLEN  Assignee of Lucy PRUETT deceased


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.H. ALLEN Assignee…he executed the foregoing…  Witness my hand at office, This the 24th day of January 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


John T. SHAVER et als vs Philip W. HARSH et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Twenty seven dollars and 17 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Nancy J. NEWBY deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 23rd day of December 1881. Lon C. SHAVER  W.R. SHAVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.R. SHAVER and his wife Lon C. SHAVER…then came Lon C. SHAVER…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 23rd day of December 1881 A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Pg 395


Received of J.M. YOUNG Administrator of the Estate of W.H. ROBERTS deceased, fifty three dollars and twenty three cents ($53.23) in full of the distributive share of Willie H. ROBERTS, child of William T. ROBERTS deceased, one of the heirs at law of the said W.H. ROBERTS. This 4 day of May 1880.  Johnson (his x mark) BEASLEY Guardian of Willie H. ROBERTS  Witness  William S. HAILEY  L.S. HALLIBURTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…William S. HAILEY and L.S. HALLIBURTON subscribing witnesses…they are acquainted with Johnson BEASLEY…

Witness my hand at office, This 1st day of August 1880  Samuel Allison Clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Received of J.M. YOUNG Administrator of the Estate of W.H. ROBERTS deceased, the sum of fifty three dollars and twenty three cents ($53.23) in full of my distributive share as one of the children and  heirs at law of the said William H. ROBERTS deceased, in said Estate. This 2nd day of August 1880.  A.S. LOCK  J.M. LOCK  L.S. HALLIBURTON  C.J. WITT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.S. HALLIBURTON and C.J. WITT subscribing witnesses…they are acquainted with A.S. LOCK and J.M. LOCK…

Witness my hand at office, This 2 day of August 1880  Samuel Allison Clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


Received of J.M. YOUNG Administrator of the Estate of W.H. ROBERTS deceased, the sum of fifty three dollars and twenty three…


Pg 396


…cents ($53.23) in full of my distributive share as one of the children and heirs at law of the said William H. ROBERTS deceased in said Estate. This 2 day of August 1880.  M.D. YOUNG  M.K. (her x mark) YOUNG   L.S. HALLIBURTON  C.J. WITT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.S. HALLIBURTON and C.J. WITT subscribing witnesses…they are acquainted with M.D. YOUNG and M.K. YOUNG…

Witness my hand at office, This 2 day of August 1880  Samuel Allison Clerk


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison Deputy Clerk


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Fifty dollars and 17 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of the distributive share of Mary Jane OLIVER, formerly Mary Jane PRUETT, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 30th day of January 1882  Thomas ARRINGTON Attorney in fact for Mary Jane OLIVER & L.L. OLIVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Thomas ARRINGTON…

Witness my hand at office, This the 30th day of January 1882 A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 397


John A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Eighty three dollars and 3 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the funds paid in on the first note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 3rd day of February 1882. R.F. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.F. JONES…he executed the foregoing

Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of February 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


John A. Jones et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Eighty three dollars and 3 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds paid in on the first note arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 3rd day of February 1882. W.W. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.W. JONES…he executed the foregoing

Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of February 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 398


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of M.E. BROWN formerly M.E. RICHARDSON, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Leonard H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 3rd day of February 1882. T.J. BROWN Guardian for M.E. BROWN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…T.J. BROWN…he executed the foregoing

Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of February 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


State of Tennessee Jackson County} To T.J. BROWN, a citizen of Jackson County: Whereas it appearing to the County Court of said County that M.E. BROWN is a minor, and the Court being satisfied as to your right to the Guardianship of said Minor, and you having given bond and qualified according to law, and the Court having ordered that Letters of Guardianship be issued to you. You are therefore authorized to take into your possession, for the use and benefit of said ward, the profits of the lands, tenements and hereditaments belonging to her, and also the goods, chattels and other personal estate of the said ward; to bring such suits or actions in relation thereto as may be deemed necessary; to return to the next Court after the date hereof, a statement on oath of all the estate which shall have come into your hands or possession; to exhibit annually an account of the profits and disbursements thereof: to return a new list of the estate of said ward two years from the date hereof: and to renew your bond as such, and to faithfully perform all the duties required of you by law in relation to said Guardianship, and upon the arrival of full age, or sooner, if required to make final Settlement thereof to pay and deliver to the person lawfully authorized to receive the same, the residue of said estate, including the profits arising therefrom. Herein fail not. Witness T.H. Butler clerk of said Court at office This 2 day of Janry 1882 and the 106 year of American Independence  T.H. Butler clerk By G.G. Butler D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 399


H.J. PERKINS &c et als vs L.A. ROBINSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty five dollars and 75 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of William ROBINSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause. See Minute Book No 3 Page 465. This the 3rd day of February 1882  S.W. ROBINSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…S.W. ROBINSON…he executed the foregoing… Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of January 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


B.A. JAMES Admr et als vs William BAKER et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One dollar and 59 ¾ cents in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Thomas P. COCKERHAM deceased, sold and distributed, under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause, This the 31st day of March 1881  J.B. BAKER


Pg 400


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause the sum of Ninety three dollars and 84 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, a balance in full of our distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause, This the 6th day of February 1882  J.H. ALLEN  D.H. ALLEN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.H. ALLEN and wife, D.H. ALLEN…then came D.H. ALLEN…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 6th day of February 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


The State of Texas County of Eastland} Know all men by these presents that we, Frank JORDAN and Savannah S. JORDAN wife of said Frank JORDAN, both citizens of said County of Eastland and State of Texas reposing full faith and confidence in William GWALTNEY of the County of Smith in the State of Tennessee, have made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents make, constitute and appoint said William GWALTNEY our true and lawful attorney in fact with authority for us and in our names to ask for, demand, sue for, receipt for and receive all money and property of every kind whatsoever that the said Savannah S. JORDAN owns or is entitled to as an heir of John TIMBERLAKE deceased, late of said County of Smith, State of Tennessee, and as one of the surviving children of Martha B. TIMBERLAKE, afterwards wife of John R. STUART of said County and now de…


Pg 401


…ceased, I the said Savannah S. JORDAN, formerly Savannah S. STUART being one of the two surviving heirs of Martha B. TIMBERLAKE deceased and said John R. STUART, We do hereby authorize our said attorney in fact to receipt for and give proper acquittances for any and all money or other property that he may receive for us, and if necessary to institute any suit, in any Court in the State of Tennessee, that to our said attorney may seem fit and proper for the collection of any of our said money or property. We hereby ratifying and confirming all things whatsoever that our attorney may do in the premises Witness our hands and seals using scrolls for seals, This 31st Decr A.D. 1881.  Frank JORDAN  S.S. JORDAN


The State of Texas County of Eastland} …personally appeared Frank JORDAN and Savannah S. JORDAN formerly Savannah S. STUART, a daughter of John R. STUART, now wife of Frank JORDAN…and…Savannah S. JORDAN…privately and apart…

Witness my official signature and official seal, done at in Eastland County Texas, This the 31st day of December A.D. 1881  G.W. Graves J.P. and Notary Public E.C. Texas


R.H. TIMBERLAKE et als vs James TIMBERLAKE et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Sixty two dollars and 30 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Savannah S. JORDAN formerly Savannah S. STUART, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jehu TIMBERLAKE deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 11th day of February 1882  WM GWALTNEY Attorney in fact for Savannah S. & Frank JORDAN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Wm GWALTNEY Attorney in fact…

Witness my hand at office, This the 11th day of February 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 402


M.P. MANN’s Estate} Received of Robert A. MANN Administrator of the Estate of M.P. MANN deceased, the sum of Three hundred and three dollars and 94 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of all moneys and effects in his hands as such Administrator and due me from him as shown from the final Settlement made by him with the clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee This the 13th day of February 1882  Emma MANN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Emma W. MANN…

Witness my hand at office, This the 13th day of February 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars and 34 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, it being a balance in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 15th day of February 1882. Mary R. (her x mark) BOMER  Attest E.W. Turner


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Mary R. BOMER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 15th day of February 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 403


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty three dollars and 44 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, it being a balance in full of our distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 20th day of February 1882  J.B. BRADLEY  D.L.(her x mark)BRADLEY  Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.B. BRADLEY and wife D.L. BRADLEY…then came D.L. BRADLEY…privately and apart…

Witness my hand at office, This the 20th day of February 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 404


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Fifty dollars and 30 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, it being a balance in full of the distributive share of Aletha B. RIGSBY, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John BALLARD deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 27th day of February 1882  Wright RIGSBY Admr of Aletha B. RIGSBY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Wright RIGSBY…

Witness my hand at office, This the 27th day of February 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Allen NEWBILL et als vs Thomas NEWBILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Three hundred and five dollars and 59 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of Thomas, Robert, George and Elizabeth NEWBILL, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands of George W. NEWBILL deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, it beiug Seventy six dollars and 39 ¾ cents each This the 2nd day of March 1882  W.M. JOHNSON Guardian &c


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.M. JOHNSON guardian &c…

Witness my hand at office, This the 2nd day of March 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 405


Allen NEWBILL et als vs Thomas NEWBILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Three hundred and five dollars and 59 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive shares of John, Bettie, C. Burley, James and B. DEADMAN, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of George W. NEWBILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, it being fifty dollars and 93 1/6 cents each This the 2nd day of March 1882  W.M. JOHNSON Guardian &c


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.M. JOHNSON guardian &c…

Witness my hand at office, This the 2nd day of March 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Allen NEWBILL et als vs Thomas NEWBILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Three hundred and five dollars and 59 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of George W. NEWBILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 2nd day of March 1882  G.W NEWBILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…G.W. NEWBILL…he executed the foregoing… Witness my hand at office, This the 2nd day of March  1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 406


Allen NEWBILL et als vs Thomas NEWBILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause the sum of Three hundred and five dollars and 59 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of George W. NEWBILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 2nd day of March 1882.  Allen NEWBILL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Allen NEWBILL…

Witness my hand at office, This the 2nd day of March 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Allen NEWBILL et als vs Thomas NEWBILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Three hundred and five dollars and 59 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of our distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of George W. NEWBILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 2nd day of March 1882  P.A. HALL  Martha HALL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…P.A. HALL and wife Martha HALL…then came Martha HALL…privately and apart…


Pg 407


Witness my hand at office, This the 2nd day of March 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


J.A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Eighty four dollars and 16 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, it being a balance in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 2nd day of March 1882  W.W. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.W. JONES…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 2nd day of March 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 408


J.A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Eighty four dollars and 16 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt it being a balance in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 2nd day of March 1882  R.F. JONES


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.F. JONES…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 2nd day of March 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


J.A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and sixty seven dollars and 19 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of James JONES, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 2nd day of March 1882  R.F. JONES Guard


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.F. JONES guardian &c…he executed the foregoing…  Witness my hand at office, This the 2nd day of March 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 409


W.H. GILL et als vs James D. GILL et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety four dollars and 95 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of James D. GILL, out of the funds paid in on the first notes arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James GILL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 2nd day of January 1882  J.M. TUGGLE guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.M. TUGGLE guardian for James D. GILL…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 2 day of January 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


State of Tennessee Gibson County} I, J.T. PRUETT of the County and State aforesaid do hereby nominate and appoint A.A. Allison of Smith County Tennessee, my attorney in fact to demand and receive from Samuel Allison County Court Clerk of the said County of Smith, the balance of my distributive share of the estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased and to receipt said Clerk in full for the same; And I do hereby ratify and confirm all the lawful acts and doings of the said A.A. Allison in pursuance of the Power and authority hereby communicated as fully as I were to do them myself. This   dayof March 1882  J.T. PRUETT


State of Tennessee Gibson County} Personally appeared…J.T. PRUETT…he executed the same…

Witness M.C. Holmes Clerk & at office in Trenton. This 6 day of March 1882  M.C. Holmes Clerk


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 410


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Fifty dollars and 17 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, it being a balance in full of the distributive share of J.T. PRUETT out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 16th day of March 1882  A.A Allison Attorney in fact for J.T. PRUETT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…A.A. Allison…he executed the foregoing… Witness my hand at office, This the  day of  1882  J.C. Apple


Know all men by these presents that Aletha RIGSBY and Wright RIGSBY, her husband, of New Madrid of the County of New Madrid and State of Missouri, have made, constituted and appointed George SMALLING of Smith County Tennessee, our true and lawful attorney for us and in our names, places and stead to collect and receive from the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County and receipt him for the same, any and all moneys that may be due us from the Estate of John BALLARD deceased, giving and granting to our said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever required and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully as if we were personally present ourselves, in every respect to all intents and purposes and with full power of substitution and revocation hereby ratifying and confirming all that our said attorney or his substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue thereof. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, This 15 day of November 1880.  Aletha B. RIGSBY  Wright RIGSBY


State of Missouri County of New Madrid}


Pg 411


…personally came Aletha B. RIGSBY and Wright RIGSBY, her husband…and the said Aletha B. RIGSBY…separate and apart…

In testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office, in New Madrid, the day and year first above written. I was qualified 26th April 1878 My term expires 22nd April 1882. Henry C. Riley Notary Public


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


B.A. JAMES et als vs William BAKER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Eleven dollars and 18 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the land belonging to the Estate of Thomas P. COCKERHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 27th day of March 1882  J.B. POTTER  M. POTTER


Pg 412


B.A. JAMES Admr et als vs William BAKER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Eleven dollars and 18 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Thomas P. COCKERHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 28th day of March 1882  William M. (his x mark) BAKER   Attest W.R. PERKINS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…William BAKER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 28 day of March 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 413


John A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Two hundred and forty-nine  dollars and 9 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part of the distributive shares of Octavius JONES, Othuel JONES, Adella JONES and Arabella JONES minor children of Wiley JONES deceased, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 3rd day of April 1882  W.J. JONES Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.J. JONES guardian…he executed the foregoing…  Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of April 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Thomas KITCHING et als vs Moses ALLEN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of twenty two dollars, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of Robert BOYED, Fannie BOYED, Mattie BOYED and Olla BOYED out of the funds arising from the sale of the real and personal estate of James and Mary KITCHINGS deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 5th day of April 1882  Moses ALLEN Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Moses ALLEN guardian…

Witness my hand at office, This the 5 day of April 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


 Pg 414


James MARKS Estate} Received of Jacob THOMASON Administrator of James MARKS deceased, the sum of fifty dollars and twenty eight cents, less one dollar and twenty cents fee for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share of the personal estate of the said James MARKS deceased as appears from the final Settlement made by the said Jacob THOMASON Administrator on the 11th day of March 1881 with the Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee. This Decr 7th 1881  J.A. MARKS


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} Personally appeared…J.A. MARKS…he executed the within…

Witness my hand and seal, This the 7th day of December 1881  D.W. D---ges N.P.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


V.A. GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of twenty nine dollars and 64 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, it being a balance in full of the distributive share of Susan T. CAWLEY out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 8th day of April 1882  J.S. GIBBS Attorney in fact for Susan T. CAWLEY & husband


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.S. GIBBS…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 8 day of April 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 415


The State of Texas Fannin County} Know all men by these presents that we J.C. CAWLEY and S.T. CAWLEY his wife of Fannin County, State of Texas do hereby make, constitute and appoint Josiah GIBBS of Smith County Tennessee, our Attorney in fact with authority for us and in our names to ask for, demand, sue for and receive all or any debts, claims or demands whatever, whether on bonds, notes bills of exchange, open accounts or otherwise due and owing to us by any person or persons whatever, whether on bonds, notes, bills of exchange, open accounts or otherwise due and owing to us by any person or persons whatever, and in our name to institute such actions or legal proceedings as may be necessary for the recovery of the same and for us and in our names to execute and deliver proper acquittances and receipts for such sums of money as may be so collected by him and further to compound or to compromise such claims and generally to do such other things in the premises as we ourselves might lawfully do, hereby ratifying and confirming all such lawful acts as our said attorney may do or perform in the premises.  In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands This the 2nd day of February 1882.  J.C. CAWLEY  Susan CAWLEY


The State of Texas County of Fannin}…personally appeared…J.C. CAWLEY and Susan CAWLEY his wife…and the said Susan CAWLEY…privately and apart…  In testimony whereof I hereunto sign my name and affix the impress of my official seal, at my office in Dodd City on the 8 day of March 1882.  H.H. McClendin J.P. and Ex Officio Notary Public Fannin County Texas


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 416


V.A. GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and eighty seven dollars and 60 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt it being in full of the distributive share of William GASS out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8 day of April 1882  Guardian  L.H. GIBBS guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.H. GIBBS…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 8th day of April 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


John PRUETT et als vs Mary R. BOMER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety eight dollars and 29 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, it being a balance in full of the distributive shares of John and Fannie PRUETT out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Joshua PRUETT deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 10 day of April 1882.  Wm. OAKLEY guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Wm. OAKLEY guardian…

Witness my hand at office, This the 10 day of April 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 417


$189.67. Received of R.J. DAVIS Ex of David DAVIS decd, One hundred and eighty nine 67/100 in full of my share or portion as heir in the Estate of the aforesaid David DAVIS, This March 21st 1882  W.W. NEWBY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.W. NEWBY…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 21st day of March 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy  Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


$523.45 Received of R.J. DAVIS Ex of David DAVIS decd, five hundred and twenty three 45/100 Dollars in full of Ella NEWBYs share or portion as heir in the Estate of the aforesaid David DAVIS, This March 21st 1882  W.W. NEWBY guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.W. NEWBY…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This the 21st day of March 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy  Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} Be it remembered that at a quarterly session of the County Court…on the 1st Monday in April that being the 4th day of said month in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty one…


Pg 418


…Proclimation being made Court was opened in due form of law, when the following proceedings were had, viz.  R.F. JONES Guardian vs James JONES} Bond

On motion, this day came R.F. JONES into open Court and moved the Court to be appointed guardian to James JONES, a minor orphan, The Court being satrisfied of his right, the said R.F. JONES entered into bond in the penal sum of twelve hundred dollars, conditioned as the law directs with William VICK and C.W.L. HALE his securities, which bond was acknowledged and approved in open Court and ordered recorded.


State of Tennessee, Know all men by these presents that we R.F. JONES Wm VICK and C.W.L. HALE, all of DeKalb County, in the State of Tennessee, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee in the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars, to be paid to the said State in trust for the benefit of the child hereafter named, committed to the tuition of the said R.F. JONES, to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, Jointly and severally firmly by these presents, Sealed with our sealsand dated the 4th day of April 1881. The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas the above bounden R.F. JONES is constituted and appointed guardian to James JONES, a minor orphan, Now if the said R.F. JONES shall faithfully execute his guardianship by securing and improving all the Estate of the said James JONES, that shall come into his possession for the benefit of the said James JONES until he shall arrive at full age or be sooner thereto required, and then render a plain and true account of his guardianship, on oath before the Justices of our said Court, and deliver up, pay to or possess the said James JONES of all such estate or estates as he ought to be possessed of or to such other person as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force & virtue.  R.F. JONES  Wm VICK  C.W.L. HALE


Acknowledged and approved in open Court and ordered to be recorded, April 4th 1881.  W.T. Robinson Judge;


Pg 419


State of Tennessee DeKalb County} I, Y.P. Lee Clerk…certify that the within is full, true and perfect copy…  Witness Y.P. Lee clk and official Seal at office in Smithville, Feby 8th 1882  Y.P. Lee Clk


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


$90.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d Ninety dollars and 73 cents, less $1,25 for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share as heir at law, in said Estate. This 17th July 1878  W.P. GLOVER  Celia GLOVER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.P. GLOVER and his wife, Celia GLOVER…and Celia GLOVER…privately and apart…

Witness Samuel Allison Clerk of said Court at office, This 17 day of July 1878 Samuel Allison Clerk By  A.A. Allison D.C.     A true copy  Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


$90.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d Ninety dollars and 73 cents, less $1,25 for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share as heir at law, in said Estate. This 17th July 1878  F. WARREN  Virginia WARREN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…F. WARREN and his wife, Virginia WARREN…and Virginia WARREN…privately and apart…


Pg 420


Witness Samuel Allison Clerk of said Court at office, This 17 day of July 1878 Samuel Allison Clerk By  A.A. Allison D.C.     A true copy  Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


$102.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d One hundred and two dollars and 73 cents, less one dollar and 25 cents for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share as heirs at law in said Estate, This 17th July 1878  D.M. (his x mark) APPLE  Eliza A. APPLE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…D.M. APPLE and his wife, Eliza A. APPLE…and Eliza A. APPLE…privately and apart…

Witness Samuel Allison clerk of said Court at office, This 17 day of July 1878 Samuel Allison Clerk By  A.A. Allison D.C.     A true copy  Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


$202.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d Two hundred and two dollars and 73 cents, less $1,25 for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share as heir at law in said Estate, This 17th of July 1878  L.C. (his x mark) BOULTON  A.L. BOULTON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.C. BOULTON and his wife, A.L. BOULTON…and A.L. BOULTON…privately and apart…

Witness Samuel Allison Clerk of said Court at office This 17 day of July 1878 Samuel Allison Clerk By  A.A. Allison D.C.     A true copy  Attest A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 421


$90.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d Ninety dollars and 73 cents, less $1.25 for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share as heir at law in said Estate. This 17th of July 1878  Pendleton (his x mark) HUFF  Mary (her x mark) HUFF


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Pendleton HUFF and his wife Mary HUFF…and Mary HUFF…privately and apart…

Witness Samuel Allison clerk of said Court at office, This 17th day of July 1878  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


$90.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d Ninety dollars and 73 cents less $1.25 for recording receipt in full of my distributive share as heir at law in said Estate, This 17th of July 1878  Martha SADLER


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Martha SADLER…

Witness my hand at office, This 17 day of July 1878  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


$102.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d One hundred and two dollars and 73 cents, less $1.25 for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share as heir at law in said Estate, This 17th of July 1878.  H.C. ELROD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…H.C. ELROD…he executed the foregoing..,.


Pg 422


Witness my hand at office, This 17 day of July 1878


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


$90.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Admr of Ephraim ELROD dec’d Ninety dollars and 73 cents, less One dollar and 25 cents for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of John ELROD as heir at law in the Estate of the said Ephraim ELROD dec’d, I having bought said distributive share. This 19th July 1878  W.E. ELROD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.E. ELROD…

Witness my hand at office, This 19 day of July 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


$119.63 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d, One hundred and nineteen dollars and 63 cents, less $1.25 for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share as heir at law in said Estate. This 17th of July 1878  Nancy (her x mark) ELROD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Nancy ELROD…

Witness my hand at office. This 17 day of July 1878  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


$102.73. Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d One hundred and two dollars and 73 cents, less One dollar and 25 cents for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share as heir at law in said Estate, This 17th of July 1878.  W.E. ELROD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.E. ELROD…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This 17 day of July 1878  Samuel Allison Clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 423


$215.73 Received of J.C. APPLE Administrator of Ephraim ELROD dec’d Two hundred and fifteen dollars and 73 cents, less $1.25 for recording this receipt, in full of my distributive share as heir at law in said Estate, This 17th July 1878.  R.A. ELROD


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…R.A. ELROD…he executed the foregoing…

Witness my hand at office, This 17th day of July 1878  Samuel Allison clerk By A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 424


W.F. WYATT et als vs John L. DILLARD et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of fourteen dollars and 22 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive shares of James L. DILLARD, John L. DILLARD, Mary ROBERTS and husband James ROBERTS, and Jane CHATMAN and Husband Nicholas CHATMAN, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of George R. DILLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 1st day of May 1882.  James L. DILLARD  John L. DILLARD  Nancy DILLARD  James ROBERTS  Mary J ROBERTS  Mary Jane CHATMAN  N.L. CHATMAN  The last six By James L. DILLARD Attorney in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…James L. DILLARD…

Witness my hand at office, This the 1st day of May 1882  A.A. Allison D.C.


The State of Texas Fannon County} Know all men by these presents that we James ROBERTS and Mary J. ROBERTS of Fannon County, State of Texas, do hereby make, constitute and appoint James L. DILLARD of Smith County Tennessee, our Attorney in fact with authority for us and in our names to ask for, demand, sue for and receive all or any debt or debts, claims or demands whatever, whether on Bonds, notes, Bills of Exchange, open accounts or otherwise due and owing to us by any person or persons whatever and in our names to institute such actions or legal proceedings as may be necessary for the recovery of the same, and for us and in our names to execute and deliver proper acquittances and receipts for such sums of money as may…


Pg 424a


J.J. ASKEW Admr et als vs James WATERMAN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Twenty five dollars and 52 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the funds paid in on the first land note arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, in the above cause, This the 2nd day of September 1881.  Mary H SHOEMAK (her x mark)  Landy SHOEMAKE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Landy SHOEMAKE and his wife, Mary SHOEMAKE…then came Mary SHOEMAKE…separate and apart…

Witness my hand at office. This the 2nd day of September 1881.  S. Allison Clk


Pg 425


…be so collected by him and further to compound or to compromise such claims and generally to do such other things in the premises as we might lawfully do, hereby ratifying and confirming all such lawful acts as our said Attorney may do or perform in the premises. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands. This the 19th day of April 1882  James ROBERTS  Mary J. ROBERTS


The State of Texas Fannon County} …personally appeared James ROBERTS and Mary J. ROBERTS… and the said Mary J. ROBERTS the wife of James ROBERTS…privately and apart…

Given under my hand and seal of office on the 19 day of April 1882  H.H. McClenden J.P. and Ex Officio Notary Public F.C. Texas


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


The State of Texas Fannon County} Know all men by these presents, that we, J.L. DILLARD and Nancy DILLARD of said County and State, do hereby constitute and appoint James L. DILLARD of Smith County Tennessee, our lawful Attorney, with authority for us and in our names to sell a certain tract of land lying in Smith County Tennessee, near Chestnut Mound, it being the place where Geo. R. DILLARD owned and lived on up to the time of his death, and to demand possession of the same and if necessary to institute such suit or suits as to my said Attorney shall seem proper for the recovery of said possession of said tract of land, and to employ counsel to prosecute the same, and to sell and do all such other acts and other things as to my said Attorney may seem necessary in the premises, hereby ratifying whatever may be lawfully done in the premises by our said attorney  In testimony whereof we have signed our names. This 16th day of January A.D. 1880  John L. DILLARD  NANCY (her x mark) DILLARD


Pg 425a


Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee the sum of six dollars and 87 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the amount turned over to him by J.E. ROYSTER my former guardian, as shown from the final Settlement made by him with the Clerk of the County Court, This the 7th day of August 1882.  Henry (his x mark) HARRISON  Attest C.C. ROYSTER


State ofTennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Henry HARRISON…

Witness my hand at office, This the 7th day of August 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 426


The State of Texas Fannin County} …personally appeared John L. DILLARD and Nancy DILLARD…

In testimony, I hereunto sign my name and affix the impress of my official seal, at Dodd City Fannin County Texas, on the 16th day of January A.D. 1880. H.H. McClendon J.P. and Ex officio Notary Public, Fannin County Texas


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


The State of Texas Fannin County} Know all men by these presents that we Nicholas L. CHAPMAN  and Mary Jane CHAPMAN his wife of said County and State, do hereby choose, constitute and appoint James L. DILLARD of Smith County Tennessee, our Attorney in fact for us and in our names to bargain sell and convey to any person or persons, and for any sum of money or consideration as to him may seem most to our advantage, any lands lying in Smith County Tennessee, to receive the consideration of which the sale of said land may be sold, and for the same to execute in our names proper receipts and acquittances, and to make and execute to the purchaser such assurance of title to said lands with such conveyance and warranty as to my said attorney may seem proper, whose acts in the premises we hereby ratify and for us and in our names to ask for, demand, sue for and receive all or any debts, claims or demands whatever whether in bonds, notes, Bills of Exchange, open accounts or otherwise due and owing to us by any person whatsoever and in our names to institute such action or legal proceedings as may be necessary for the recovery of the same and for us and in our names to execute and deliver proper acquittances and receipts for such sums of money as may be so collected by him, and further to compromise such claims and generally to do such other things in the premises as we ourselves might lawfully do. Hereby ratifying and confirming all such lawful acts as our said attorney may do…


Pg 427


…or perform in the premises.  In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands. This the 3rd day of February A.D. 1880.  N.L. CHAPMAN  Mary Jane CHAPMAN


The State of Texas Fannin County} …personally came N.L. CHAPMAN and Mary Jane CHAPMAN his wife…and the said Mary Jane CHAPMAN…privately and apart…

Witness my hand and seal of office, This 3rd day of February A.D. 1880. H.H. McClendon J.P. and Ex Officio Notary Public, Fannin County Texas


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 428


J.J. ASKEW Admr et als vs James WATERMAN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Thirty eight dollars and 29 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive shares of Charles SANDERSON and Laura SANDERSON out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 3rd day of May 1882.  J.L. WASHBURN Atty in fact for F.N. WILSON Guardian of Charles & Laura SANDERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Jas. L. WASHBURN…

Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of May 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Know all men by these presents that I, Frank N. WILSON guardian for Charles and Laura SANDERSON of Crittenden County Kentucky, do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint J.L. WASHBURN of Smith County, State of Tennessee, my true lawful agent and attorney in fact, for me in my name and stead to receive and receipt for any and all moneys due my wards from the Estate of Mrs. SANDERSON, or elsewhere or from any other Source in the State of Tennessee, and he is hereby fully authorized to make collections from any and all persons in said State, who are indebted to my said wards and receipt them in my name and stead for any sum of money that he may collect, hereby ratifying every thing that my said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done, touching or concerning the premises. Witness my hand, This the 26th day of April 1882.  F.N. WILSON Gdn for Charles and Laura SANDERSON


State of Kentucky County of Crittenden} I, D.Woods, Clerk…certify that the foregoing Poweer of Attorney…was this day proclaimed to me…by F.N. WILSON guardian for…


Pg 429


…Charles and Laura SANDERSON…

Witness my hand and official Seal of said Court, This the 26th day of April 1882 D.Woods Clerk Crittenden Co. Court


State of Kentucky County of Crittenden} I, R.A. Dowell presiding Judge…certify that D. Woods…is the…clerk… Witness my hand as Judge of said Court, This the 26th day of April 1882  R.A. Dowell, P.J.C.C.C.


State of Kentucky County of Crittenden} I, D.Woods, Clerk…certify that R.A. Dowell…is and was at the time of signing…presiding Judge… Witness my hand and seal of office, This the 26 day of April 1882.  D. Woods Clk


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 430


V.A. GIBBS et als vs J.C. GIBBS et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred and eighty seven dollars and 60 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of the distributive share of Josiah GASS out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of John GIBBS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 4th day of May 1882.  H.D. GASS Guardian for Josiah GASS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…H.D. GASS…

Witness my hand at office, This the 4th day of May 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of C.W. WEST Administrator of the Estate of H.G. HUDDLESTON ($337.60) Three Hundred and thirty seven dollars and sixty cents 1/5 of said sum is received as my individual interest in said fund due to me as widow of the said H.G. HUDDLESTON and the remainder or four fifths (4/5) of said fund received by me in accordance with the order of the County Court at its June Term 1882, for the use and benefit of my four children and heirs at law of the said H.G. HUDDLESTON deceased, namely, Laura L. HUDDLESTON, Ella N. HUDDLESTON, Jesse E. HUDDLESTON and Robert C. HUDDLESTON. This the 1st day of July 1882. Sarah E. HUDDLESTON  Witness E.J. YEOMAN  L.F. WILLIAMS


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…E.J. YEOMAN on the 3rd day of July, and L.F. WILLIAMS on the 11 day of July, Subscribing witnesses…acquainted with Sarah E. HUDDLESTON…

Witness my hand at office this the 11 day of July 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 431


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars and 85 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 6th day of May 1882.  Robert B. (his x mark) CARDWELL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Robert B.CARDWELL…

Witness my hand at office, This the 6 day of May 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of C.W. WEST Administrator of the Estate of Berry WEST deceased, (59.28 in full of our distributive share of the personal effects of said Estate, it being one eleventh part of said Estate, the undersigned, Louiza J. KNIGHT being of eleven (11) children and heirs at law of the said Berry WEST $27.27 cts of this amount was paid on the 15 day of September 1879. also $46.09 paid to Montague KNIGHT as assignee for John A. ANDERSON and wife Lucy F. ANDERSON: the said Lucy F. being one of Eleven (11) children and heirs at law of the said Berry WEST. $27.27 of this amount was paid on the 15 day of September 1879, making in all ($105.32) one hundred and five dollars and thirty two cents, less (1.25) one dollar and twenty five cents for recording this receipt. The above named $46.09 cts is the full amount due the said John A. And Lucy F. ANDERSON of the effects arising from that part of the estate, known and distinguished by the heirs as land notes and does not embrace the amount arising from the property sold by the Administrator. This the 30th day of March 1882.  Louisa J. (her x mark) KNIGHT  M. KNIGHT  M. KNIGHT assignee for John A. & Lucy F. ANDERSON  Witnessed by R.R. WEST  D.O. HALEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…D.O. HALEY and R.R. WEST, Subscribing witnesses…acquainted with M. KNIGHT and his wife Louisa KNIGHT…

Witness my hand at office, This the 3rd day of April 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 432


Mr Samuel Allison Clerk of Smith County Court, Tenn.  I hereby constitute J.C. APPLE my true and lawful attorney in fact, to receive the amount due to me as heir at law etc, from you as clerk and comr in the case of W.F. WYATT et als vs James L. DILLARD et als, and authority is hereby given to said J.C. APPLE to sign any receipt that is necessary for me to sign as heir at law in the Estate of G.R. DILLARD dec’d and to acknowledge the same, and the same to be as binding on me as if I were personally present and performing the same, This 6th day of May 1882.  Geo W. THACKSTON  Witness F.M. ELROD


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


W.F. WYATT et als vs Jas L. DILLARD et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, The sum of four dollars and 74 cents Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of Geo W. THACKSTON out of the funds arising from the Sale of the land belonging to the Estate of G.R. DILLARD deceased sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 8th day of May 1882.  Geo W. THACKSTON By J.C. APPLE Atty in fact


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.C. APPLE…

Witness my hand at office, This the 8th day of May 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 433


Isham G. KITTRELL et als vs Clio C. COOPER et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioneer in the above cause, the sum of two hundred and two dollars and 27 (2) cents, Less $1.25 for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of Clio C. COOPER out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Edwin KITTRELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 5 day of June 1882  Frank COOPER


W.F. WYATT et als vs Jas L. DILLARD et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, and commissioneer in the above cause, the sum of four dollars and 74 cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of G.R. DILLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 3rd day of July 1882  W.F. WYATT


Pg 434


Received of C.W. WEST as Administrator of the Estate of Berry WEST deceased ($59.25) fifty nine dollars and twenty three cents, in full of our distributive share of the personal property of said Estate, it being one eleventh part of said Estate, the undersigned Aletha KNIGHT being one of eleven children and heirs at law of the said Berry WEST, $27.27 of this amount was paid on the 15 day of September 1879 (59.23) fifty nine dollars and twenty three cents paid to William KNIGHT as assignee for Isaac G. WEST one of eleven (11) children and heirs at law of the said Berry WEST deceased $27.27 of this amount was paid on the 15 day of September 1879, also (46.09) forty six dollars and nine cents paid to William KNIGHT as assignee for Thomas J. SAMPSON and wife Mary S. SAMPSON, the said Mary S. being one of eleven (11) children and heirs at law of said Berry WEST, $27.27 of this amount was paid on the 15 day os September 1879, making in all ($164.55) One hundred and sixty four dollars and fifty five cents less ($1.25) one dollar and twenty five cents for recording this receipt: the above named $46.09 is the full amount due the said Thomas J. and Mary S. SAMPSON of the effects arising from that part of the Estate known and distinguished by the heirs as land notes and does not embrace the amount arising from the property sold by the Administrator. This the  day of May 1882  Aletha E. (her x mark) KNIGHT  William (his x mark) KNIGHT  William (his x mark) KNIGHT assignee for Isaac G. WEST  William (his x mark) KNIGHT assignee for T.J. and Mary S. SAMPSON  Witnessed by L.J. KNIGHT  R.C. KNIGHT


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…William KNIGHT…

Witness my hand at office, This June 16th 1882  E.W. Turner D.C. Clerk


H.J. PERKINS Admr et als vs L.A. ROBINSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and Commissioneer in the above cause, the sum of fifteen dollars and 75 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the land belonging to the Estate of William…


Pg 435


…ROBINSON deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 28 day of June 1882  L.J. CARDWELL  Susan F. CARDWELL


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…L.J. CARDWELL and wife Susan F. CARDWELL…

Witness my hand and Notarial seal at office, the 1st day July 1882  B.A. James Notary Public


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of J.J. ASKEW Administrator of the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, one hundred and two dollars and 53 cents, less one dollar and 50 cents for taking and recording this receipt in full of our distributive share of the personal property of said Estate. This the 24 day of July 1882.  L.A. SHOEMAKE  Mary M. (her x mark) SHOEMAKE  Attest B.A. James


State of Tennessee Smith County}…personally came…L.A. SHOEMAKE and wife Mary M. SHOEMAKE…

Witness my hand and Notarial seal at office, the 24th day July 1882  B.A. James Notary Public


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of J.J. ASKEW Administrator of the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, Three hundred and seven dollars and sixty five cents, Less one dollars and 75 cents for taking and recording this receipt in full of our distributive share of the personal estate of the said Mary SANDERSON deceased, This the 22 day of July 1882.  N.J. ASHLEY  P.P. ASHLEY


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally came…N.J. ASHLEY and wife P.P. ASHLEY…

Witness my hand and Notarial seal at office the 24 day July 1882  B.A. James Notary Public


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 436


Received of J.J. ASKEW Administrator of the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, One hundred and two dollars and 55 cents, less one dollar and 50 cents for taking and recording this receipt, in full of our distributive share of the personal property of said estate. This July 24th 1882.  J.B. HUNTER  Liza (her x mark) HUNTER Attest L.A. SHOEMAKE


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally came…J.B. HUNTER and wife Liza HUNTER…

Witness my hand and Notarial seal at office the 24 of July 1882.  B.A. James Notary Public


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Received of J.J. ASKEW Administrator of the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, Seventy six dollars and 90 cents, less one dollar and Seventy five cents to pay for taking and recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the personal estate of said Mary SANDERSON deceased. This the 22 day of July 1882.  Liza SANDERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County}…personally came…Eliza SANDERSON…

Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at office, the 22nd 1882.  B.A. James Notary Public for Smith County


A true copy Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 437


G.W. and S.H. CARDWELL et als vs Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of the County and State aforesaid, and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of One hundred dollars, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in part payment of the distributive share of Elizabeth B. HUFFHINES deceased, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of L.H. CARDWELL deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause,  This the 14th day of August 1882  He. HUFHINE Admr of E.B. HUFHINE


Pg 438


John L. HICKMAN et als vs Malissa J. HICKMAN et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of the Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Fifteen dollars and 50 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of the distributive share of John HICKMAN, out of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the estate of Stephen HICKMAN deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause,  This the 15 day of August 1882  John P. CARTER attorney in fact for John HICKMAN


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…John P. CARTER…

Witness my hand at office, This the 15th day of August 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


State of Tennessee County of Wright} Personally appeared…John HICKMAN, late of Smith County, Who, being duly Sworn says that he is the Son of Haywood HICKMAN, late of Smith County, Tennessee by his wife Elizabeth HICKMAN: That the said Haywood HICKMAN was the legitimate Son of Stephen HICKMAN, dec’d: late of Said County of Smith & state of Tennessee, The affiant further States upon oath that he has not Sold or transfered his interest in the Estate of the Said Haywood HICKMAN.  John (his x) HICKMAN  Attest  James FOREST  Harry YOUNG

  Also appeared Ellis BROWN and Martha BARNETT, who being duly Sworn, State that they have been personally acquainted with John HICKMAN the above named affiant, Since the date of his birth, and that the facts above Set forth are Substantially true to the best of their knowledge and belief.  Ellis A. BROWN  Martha (her x) BARNETT  Attest  James FOREST  Harry YOUNG

Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this 10th day of June 1882  T.J. Montgumerie Clk. Cir. Court


Pg 439


General Power of Attorney} Know all men by these presents, that I John HICKMAN of the County of Wright in the State of Missouri, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint John P. CARTER of Smith County, Tennessee, my true & lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and Stead to collect, receipt for and transmit to me all moneys due me as an heir at law of Haywood HICKMAN, decd, late of Said County of Smith and State of Tennessee – giving and granting to my Said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present at the doing thereof with full power of Substitution or revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my Said attorney or his Substitute may or lawfully do, or cause to be done, by virtue hereof. In testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, this 8th day of August 1882  John (his x) HICKMAN  Witnesses  L.J. Montgumerie  J.P. Raney


State of Missouri County of Wright}…personally came John HICKMAN…

In testimony whereof I have here to Set my hand and affixed my official Seal at my office in Hartville, Mo. the day and year above written.  James FOREST County Clerk


State of Missouri County of Wright} I, John Prock, presiding Justice of the County Court…certify that James Forest…is at this time Clerk… Given under my hand, at Hartville, Mo. this 8th  day of August 1882. John Prock, Presiding Justice of the County Court of Wright Co. Mo.


State of Tennessee Smith County} I, James Forest, Clerk…for the County of Wright…certify that John Prock…is at this time Presiding Justice…


Pg 440


… Witness my hand and official Seal, at office in Hartville, Mo. this 8th day of August 1882.  James Forest County Clk


B.A. JAMES Admr &c vs William BAKER et als} Received of  Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of thirty three dollars and 56 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Thomas P. COCKERHAM deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This the 24th day of August 1882.  J.H. BAIRD  M.J. (his x mark) BAIRD


Pg 441


John A. JONES et als vs James JONES et als} Received of Samuel Allison Clerk of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of two hundred and fifty two dollars and fifty two cents, Less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, it being a balance in full of the distributive shares of Octavi JONES, O.C. JONES, Adella JONES and Arabella JONES, out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of Isaac JONES deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 28th day of August 1882.  W.J. JONES Guardian


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…W.J. JONES…he executed the foregoing…  Witness my hand at office, This the 28th day of August 1882.  A.A. Allison D.C.


Mary SANDERSON’s Estate} Received of J.J. ASKEW Administrator of the Estate of Mary SANDERSON deceased, the sum of One hundred and fifty three dollars and 80 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in full of all moneys arising fromn the sale of the personal Estate of the said Mary SANDERSON deceased, going to Laura and Charles SANDERSON, This the 4th day of August 1882.  J.L. WASHBURN Atty in fact for L. & C. SANDERSON


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…J.L. WASHBURN…he executed the foregoing… Witness my hand at office, This the 4th day of August 1882. A.A. Allison D.C.


A true copy  Attest  A.A. Allison D.C.


Pg 442


Bart WARFORD et als vs Sam WILLIAMS et als} Received of Samuel Allison former clerk and commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety nine dollars and 61 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of the distributive share of Roxey DRIVER out of the funds arising from the sale of the lands of Ja-- MANNERS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court, This Sept 18th 1882..  Roxey DRIVER  By T.J. FISHER atty in fact


Pg 443

Bart WARFORD et als vs Sam WILLIAMS et als} Received of Samuel Allison former Clerk of the Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause, the sum of Ninety nine dollars and 61 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of our distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James MANNERS Sr deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 20 day of September 1882.  P.H. HEFLEN  M.J. HELFEN


Bart WARFORD et als vs Saml WILLIAMS et als} Received of Saml Allison former Clerk of Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause the Sum of Ninety nine dollars and 61 cents less $1.25 fee for recording This receipt in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of James MANNERS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause This 25th day of September 1882.  Francis (his x mark) MANNERS  Attest Jno B. Jordan


Pg 444


Bart WARFORD et als v Sam WILLIAMS et als} Received of Saml Allison former Clerk of Smith County Court and Commissioner in the above cause the Sum of Ninety nine and 61/100 Dollars less $1.25 for recording This receipt in part payment of my distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of James MANNERS deceased Sold and distributed under decree of the Smith County Court This Sept 25th  1882  Horace (his x mark) MANNERS  Attest Jno B. Jordan


Bart WARFORD et als v Sam WILLIAMS et als} Received of Samuel Allison former Clerk of Smith County Court and commissioner in the above cause Ninety nine and 61/100 Dollars less $1.25 for recording This receipt in part of our distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the estate of of James MANNERS deceased, Sold and distributed under decree of the Smith County Court This Sept 28th 1882..  Bartly WARFORD  Elizabeth (her x mark) WARFORD  Attest Jno B. Jordan


State of Tennessee Smith County} Personally appeared…Bartley WARFORD and Elizabeth WARFORD…And Elizabeth WARFORD wife of the said Bartley WARFORD…privately and apart…

Witness Jno B. Jordan Clerk of said Court at office This 28th day of Sept 1882.  Jno B Jordan  Clerk.


Pg 445


James BALLARD et als vs William WOODS et als} Received of Samuel Allison former Clerk and Commissioner of the Smith County Court the sum of ninety nine dollars and 30 cents, less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt in full of my distributive share of the funds arising from the Sale of the lands belonging to James BALLARD deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause. This the 29 day of September 1882.  Allen (his x mark) BALLARD  Attest Jno B. Jordan


H.J. PERKINS et als vs L.A. ROBINSON et als} Received of Samuel Allison former Clerk and Commissioner of Smith County Court Fifty Dollars & 75 cts less one dollar and 25 cents for recording this receipt in full of my distributive Share of the estate of Wm M ROBINSON in his hands as Clerk & comr aforesaid. This Sept 30th 1882.  L.B. ROBINSON


Pg 446


Bart WARFORD et als vs Sam WILLIAMS et als} Received of Samuel Allison former clerk and commissioner of the County Court of Smith County Tennessee, the sum of Ninety nine dollars and 61 cents less $1.25 fee for recording this receipt, in part payment of our distributive share of the funds arising from the sale of the lands belonging to the Estate of James MANNERS deceased, sold and distributed under the decree of the Smith County Court in the above cause, This the 2nd day of October 1882.  Sam (his x mark) WILLIAMS  Fannie (her x mark) WILLIAMS  Attest J.H. BAIRD


Pg 447


W.F. WYATT et als vs J.L. DILLARD et als} Received of Samuel Allison former clerk and commissioner of the Smith County Court the sum of two dollars and 37 cents, in full of the distributive share of L.A. SHOEMAKE, out of the funds arising from the sale of the land sold in the above cause, This October the 2nd 1882.  J.L. DILLARD