Drury Warren Pension Application

Drury Warren Application for Revoluntionary War Pension, August 13, 1832
Pension #S3455
Transcribed byJerry Wilson
© 2008

State of Tennessee
Robertson County
         This thirteenth day of August 1832 Drury Warren a resident of Robertson County in said State personally appeared before the County Court of Robertson now in session aged seventy six years, being first duly sworn according to law, doth upon his oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832.
         That he entered the service of the United States he states that he was (inserted, born & ____ by _____) called into service and enlisted for 8 months then (____) of months & was furloughed 6 (______) (___) afterward discharged by (____) in Lunenburg County Virginia under John Glin major, Samuel Garland Capt, (_____) Garland Lieutenant, and marched some time in March in the year 1775 first marched to old Jamestown on James River and thence to (Burrills) Ferry on James River and their (station). Some time as to the precise time I can’t say but thence marched to New Castle on Penumkey River and was station there for some time and then furloughed to return home and stand in readiness to take up the (___) of march whenever called(inserted, I was discharged (___) (___) honorable and thence (____) (______) (________) Col Tucker, Major Co____, Capt. Cowden in all my services my claims is but for seven months, tho I served more but am not able to have much as it was not my lot to be in battle, he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever for pensions or (_________) except the present one and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state or of any, only on that of the agency of the State ----
Sworn and subscribed the day year affixed.
Drury Warren

Test. W. Seal Clk.

         Mr. Thomas Gunn, Clergyman residing in the County and State aforesaid Rich’d Jones residing in the same County hereby certify that they are well acquainted with Drury Warren who has subscribed and swore to the above declaration that we believe him to be 76 years of age that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we are of that opinion.
Sworn to and Subscribed
the day and year aforesaid
Thomas Gunn, MG

Rich'd Jones

Test; W. Seal clk

Drury Warren Revolutionary War Pension Application #S3455

State of Tennessee
Robertson County
         This day being the 6th day of February 1833 came Drury Warren a citizen of the County and State aforesaid before me John Hutchison a Justice of the peace for the County aforesaid who being duly sworn according to law make the following additional declaration in order to obtain a pension under the Act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832 which is to be appended to his original declaration made in open County who state that he knows of no living witness within his procurement by which he can prove his service neither has he any documentary evidence of his service that he is now able to produce, he state he was born in December 26th, 1756, this statement is from the statement of his parents who kept a record of his age but they having been dead for many years & he having taken no certificate therefore only knows this as their verbal say so, General Wayne, General Demarecy and General Steuben he thinks were regular officers’ and many other (____) officers the names of which this applicant cannot now recollect from old age & bodily infirmity he states he never received any written discharge as he now recollects. The applicant states that there now lives in the neighborhood where he now resides Rich’d Jones Esq., James Sawyer Esq., James Jones, John Balden, William Shaw, and many others were it necessary to enumerate them who can testify as to the character of this applicant for veracity and their belief of his services as a soldier in the Revolution.
Drury Warren

Sworn to & subscribed
Before the day & year aforesaid

John Hutchison

State of Tennessee
Robertson County
         I William Seal Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarters Sessions for the County aforesaid do hereby certify that John Hutchison Esq., whose name stands told to the forgoing additional declaration is a Justice of the Peace for said County duly (_______) and qualified as such, that full faith and entitles sought to be due to his attestations as such & that his signature is genuine.
         In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Court in Springfield at office the 6th day of February 1833.

W. Seal

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