A. F. Barry

A. F. Barry

From Goodspeed's History of Tennessee

Retyped for the page by Diane Payne

A. F. Barry was born in Robertson County August 6, 1834, and is the ninth of ten children born to his parents. Mr. Asa Barry, the father, was a native of Virginia, born in 1787, and was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died in 1870. Mrs. Barry was the daughter of John Conner, of Irish descent.

The subject of this sketch was married to Miss Mary E. Jones, daughter of William and Susan J. (Harris) Jones. To Mr. and Mrs. Barry were born six children: Alonzo, Melissa J., Alfred W., John T., Alice and Sarah L.

Mrs. Barry died April 6, 1874, of consumption, and in 1876 Mr. Barry married for his second wife Miss M. E. Jones, sister of the first wife. After his first marriage he moved around for some time, but at last located on the farm where he now lives, on 100 acres of cultivated land. He is an honest, upright man, and is respected by all. He is a Mason, and he and his family belong to the Baptist Church.

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