Major Gregory to George Barbee

State of Tennessee to George Barbee
Source: Robertson County Tennessee Deed Book N, pgs 74-75.
Transcribed by Sharon Smith
© 2009

July 16, 1816
State of Tennessee to George BARBEE
The State of Tennessee No. 9472
         pg 74) To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting:Know ye that by virtue of part of certificate No. 2062 dated the second day of March 1815 issued by the register of West Tennessee to Major GREGORY and entered on the second day of March 1815 by No. 14635. There is granted by the said State of Tennessee unto George BARBEE ___of the said Major GREGORY a certain tract or parcel of land containing four hundred and ninety three acres by survey bearing date the third day of August 1815 lying in Robertson County in the first District on the waters of Red River and bounded as follows, to wit, Beginning at a stake the Southeast corner of John HOLLAND's fifty acre tract running West with his line two hundred and ninety five poles to a stump and post oak said HOLLAND's corner, thence South with his line twelve poles to the corner post oak then West thirty poles to pointers on said BARBEE's line thence South with his line sixty nine poles to a post oak and black jack in RUMINER's line, thence East with said line thirty poles to the corner post oak thence South with his line 120 poles to the corner hickory thence West with his other line 30 poles to a hickory HAMPTON's corner, thence South with his line 112 poles to a black jack ROSES corner, thence East with his line 120 poles to a stake in HOGUE's line, thence North with his line
         pg 75) 92 poles to the corner black oak thence East with his other line 205 poles to a stake in SMITH HAMPTON's line, thence North with his other line 220 poles to the beginning with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said George BARBEE and his heirs forever. In witness whereof Joseph McMINN Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the great seal of the State to be affixed at Knoxville on the sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen and of the Independence of the United States the forty first.
By the Governor Jos. McMINN
Wm Alexander, secretary

George BARBEE is entitled to the within mentioned tract of land.

D. McGAVOCH, Register of West Tennessee

Recorded in the Registers office of West Tennessee May 16, 1817

State of Tennessee Robertson County - October 23rd, 1817
Received forty nine cents and three mills the State tax on the grant let it be registered.


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