Vaught Family Bible

Vaught family Bible.
(This bible was in the possession of George W. Vaught's son, George Vaught)
Transcribed by Jerry Wilson
© 2009

There are only 4 pages, they appear to have been removed & photographed from the Bible and they are in poor condition with several holes.

Page 1,
Franklin and F. A. Vaught was married Jan the 5 in the year of our Lord (hole in page) (m. 1871)

Page 2,
Franklin was born Dec 23 in year 1844
Frances Adline Hudnall Vaught was born Jan the 23rd 1847
Louzetta Vaught was born Jan the 20 1883
Effie Mathis born 27 July 1879 (note: it should be 1899)
Robert H. Vaught was Born Nov the 25th 1871
Emma I. Vaught was Born Novenber the 8th 1873
Egbert Vaught was Born March the 20th 1875
Thomas Hendricks Vaught was born March the 21st 1875 (in a circle pointing to this entry was "Uncle Bud")
Henry Newten Vaught was born March the 16th 1877
(hand written across the bottom of this page)
This Bible was sent to Ky. Bedy. Library by Mrs. George Vaught of Quality, Ky. (in Butler Co)

Page 3,
Jefferson Davis Vaught was born March the 11th 1861
(erased entry on this line) was born July the 12, 1889. Written below this entry is the name Georgia Vaught. The following note is pointing to the erasure. I know my dad changed his name and July 12, 1889 was his birthday. (This note was written by his son George Vaught.)

Typed across the bottom of this page;
This is from the Vaught Family Bible, which was in the possession of George W. Vaught's son George Vaught.

Page 4,
Thos. T. Beasley dide the (__) day of April 1864M
George E. Vaught died Oct 18, 1964
R. H. Vaught died Nov. the 6, 1872
Lura Vaught died August the 25th 1882
Bell Vaught died August the 27, 1882
Phebe Vaught Died Nov. the 4, 1884
Louis Vaught died October the 4, 1888
Aveo Mathis died March 26, 1896

(note by Jerry Wilson. Phoebe Payne d/o John and Elizabeth Payne married James Vaught c. 1829. The Vaught family was constantly on the move. Living at times in Sumner and Robertson County and Allen, Logan and lastly Butler Co. Ky. Several of children, one daughter Lucy married Jacob Crabtree, another daughter Elizabeth married Richard Leonard, son Larkin married Mary Ann Durham, settled in Robertson County. Phoebe and her husband James died and are buried in Sandy Creek cemetery, Butler County, Ky.)

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