Tennessee Records Repository

Decatur Co. TN


Chapter XIV

From Lillye Younger, The History of Decatur County Past and Present (Southhaven, MS: Carter Printing Company, 1978).
Special thanks to Constance Collett for permission to make these web pages.

In Memory of Lillye Washburn Younger 1912-1998.

Thanks to www.tnyesterday.com for contributing this transcription.

A Decatur Countian Centenarian was Mrs. Maggie Baugus Powers, born April 23, 1866 in Perry County near Lobelville, the daughter of George and Emily Baugus. She was one of 13 children, six boys and seven girls.

At the time of her death in April of 1966 her survivors included two brothers, Tom Baugus of Holladay and Arthur Baugus of Decaturville and two sisters, Mrs. Lena Jordan of Parsons and Mrs. Mattie Thomas of Houston, Texas.

The family moved to Decatur County in 1890 into a large two-story 12 room house. The house was built on their 800 acres of land near Jeanette and extended to the Tennessee river.

She recalled one of the favorite pastimes was gathering around the old organ and singing until midnight. She played the organ and her sister, Mrs. Lena Jordan played the guitar. With the brothers and sisters helping out the singing was worth listening to. They sang mostly religious songs.

 She was a member of the Church of Christ for around 80 years. Her father built the first Church of Christ in that section, which was located in a hollow near the homeplace.

She married Walsh Powers, who was an attorney, practicing at Decaturville. She attributed her long life to being raised on sweet milk and cornbread, mixed with plenty of hard work.

She was buried in the Jeanette Cemetery.