GEORGE, Joseph (1896)

Maryville Shooting Affray

A fatal shooting affray occurred at Maryville last evening among some negroes in which Joseph GEORGE was killed and John MCCLURE was probably fatally injured. The deed was done by Wallace BARGER who, in trying to kill John MCCLURE, accidentally shot Joe GEORGE in the eye. George was not instantly killed but died some four hours after the wound.

The trouble arose about the wife of BARGER who has recently applied for divorce from him. Last evening about six o’clock, BARGER saw MCCLURE talking to his wife near the entrance of Joseph GEORGE’s store. BARGER at once opened fire on MCCLURE, who took refuge in the store. BARGER, however, followed him in and did not stop shooting until he had emptied his 38-calibre pistol of five shots. It was found after the affray that GEORGE, the owner of the store, had been shot in the eye and MCCLURE in the back and left leg. GEORGE never regained consciousness after being shot and it was thought last night that MCCLURE would not recover.

BARGER was arrested soon after the scrap and placed in jail. The colored people of the little town were wild with excitement and huddled in groups on the street corners until a late hour. GEORGE and MCCLURE were both industrious and good citizens.

Source: Daily Journal and Daily Tribune of Knoxville, TN – 6 Dec 1896